Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 572: The three heart-breaking words of the old man

This group of government officials was carefully selected by Sun Lie last night, and their execution ability was extremely strong. In a short time, more than 80 people were arrested by them from all over the city, boo!

The wolf-like government officials kicked one of them from behind. These big shots who used to be aloof all knelt down in front of Lin Su at the same time.

Their faces were truly bloodless until this moment.

Because they know that things today are completely different from the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday, they were transferred to other posts at best, and Lin Su had no right to do anything to them (except for scolding Lin Su, which was called insulting the superior officer), but today, Lin Su had the ironclad proof that they violated the national law.

No matter how hard the person is, he will become soft...

You guys do this, haha, I am happy to see the results! A smile appeared on Lin Su's face: Do you know why? I am a little worried. In the future, I will be transferred from Nanshan, and you will make a comeback. If you are willing to I want to eliminate hidden dangers, but I have no excuse. But today you lifted a stone and buried yourselves. It's good. It's a heartache for me!

As soon as these words came out, a bunch of people below almost vomited blood.

Yes, they were just transferred by Lin Su.

It's not that he was removed from office.

They actually have a great chance of making a comeback in the future. As soon as Lin Su is transferred away, their hard days will be over.

They just didn't want to wait any longer, so they planned this case of forced eviction.

Who would have thought that this step would play right into Lin Su's heart.

He moved the regulations of the national law to the outside world, and the careers of these 48 officials were truly ended.

Their officials are really exempted.

Moreover, their imprisonment is inevitable.

At this moment, a voice came from the crowd: Master Fu, don't you know that you are violating the official regulations if you say something that would kill your colleagues in public?

The crowd suddenly parted, and an old man walked out of the crowd. Although he was dressed in civilian clothes, he had a stern demeanor, like a court official.

Your Excellency is... Lin Su stared at this person.

I'm the former Minister of Civil Service, Li Chaoyun! the old man said proudly.

He was once the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is an official position of the third rank.

He also has a seat in front of the magistrate, let alone a small magistrate?

But Lin Su didn't show the slightest awe, and said calmly: It turns out to be the predecessor. The old gentleman came here with such a swagger, I thought he was the current one!

What do you mean, Mr. Lin?

It means that since you have become an official, you are just an ordinary citizen. Don't use your official behavior to increase your presence in front of this government!

Li Chaoyun's face turned blue and his lips trembled. Countless people behind him could hardly believe their ears.

Li Chaoyun was once the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and almost everyone in the Zhongzhou officialdom was mentioned by him. Countless officials came to his home to pay New Year's greetings every year, and no official had ever dared to speak harshly in front of him.

Instead of looking at the past relationship, we have to look at the current situation.

He, Li Chaoyun, also has someone in the court.

And no one knows whether he will use it again in the future.

Lin Su added: In addition, I have to tell you that you are wrong in citing the official regulations to counter this government. What we said was to 'eliminate hidden dangers', but we did not say that they would die! Moreover, , From today on, they are not even officials, so what qualifications do they have to be colleagues in this government?

Li Chaoyun was speechless.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that his intention to eliminate hidden dangers is to kill people, but he did not say it clearly.

He is right about colleagues. The so-called colleagues are colleagues. They have to work together to be called colleagues. These people will not even be able to keep their positions in the future, so how can they be colleagues?

In a word, two loopholes, no one would be able to notice one of them, but Lin Su could catch both of them.

This person's words are as sharp as the rumors say...

Li Chaoyun was not an easy person, so he changed the subject: Master Lin, everyone gathered in the government office today just because the Yanghu waterway was cut off. I really want to know how you want to solve this problem involving 5 million people. Problems in life?

What do you think? Lin Su replied with two words.

The black lines that had finally been suppressed on Li Chaoyun's face flowed across the face again.

Lin Su looked away from his face, ignored him, turned around and ordered: Captain Sun!


Give those outside the venue half an hour. Those who do not leave the venue will be arrested and interrogated one by one to see who else has not been dug out. This matter is related to national law and should not be taken carelessly.


Lin Su turned around and returned home.

Not even a quarter of an hour after he entered the mansion, all the tens of thousands of people outside the mansion dispersed.

Back in the backyard, a cup of tea was handed over to her. Lin Su raised her head and met Yuan Ji's eyes: Can the issue of public opinion, a headache for all governments, really be handled like yours?

Do you know what the root cause of officials' fear of public opinion is?

Official documents!

Not bad. It seems that if you sleep with me, your understanding will rise sharply. Officials are afraid of public opinion because they are afraid of damaging their reputation. What should I, a troublemaker, be afraid of? My official reputation has long been worthless, okay?

Yuan Ji held his side for a long time before finally letting go: I really don't know if I can endure 22 days without starting a war with you.

What type of war? Lin Su became interested: Does the one on the bed count?

Bang! The slap finally fell, accurately landing on Lin Su's shoulder...

Lin Su ran away...

Arriving at the periphery: Li San!

Li San came out of nowhere: Sir!

Lin Su's voice penetrated into Li San's ears, and Li San was stunned...

do you understand?


Go out and do it!


No one knows what Li San was sent out to do.

Even Yuan Ji didn't know that she was also very interested. She completely ignored the fact that she was teased when she asked a question, but she couldn't help but come over and ask...

What do you arrange for your long-term attendant to do when they go out?

Lin Su smiled: Kiss me!

Yuan Ji resisted him for a long time, but still closed her eyes, fully demonstrating her attitude, even if it was teasing, I would not take the initiative...

My dear husband, take one step at a time and look at it three times. There is a mystery at every step. In ten days at most, you will know that my sending Li San out today is the most wonderful part of Nanshan's plan!

What part? I've already satisfied your unreasonable demands and you didn't even tell me. Do you want me to continue to satisfy you next time? Yuan Ji quit.

Okay, I will only tell you one person. After Lin Su said these words, Yuan Ji's eyes suddenly opened, and her beautiful eyes shone.

At the city gate, tens of thousands of people left Nanshan City, confused, frustrated, and even angry.

They are confused because they don’t know where Nanshan will go next.

Frustrated because they didn't get what they wanted today.

Angry because they were all deceived. It was not the prefect who deceived them, but their clan elders...

But there was one person who was traveling in the opposite direction to theirs.

This is a village girl with thin yellow hair, a flat figure, and large pores. She wears the most ordinary cloth shoes on her feet, and the cloth shoes are still stained with yellow mud.

All signs show that this is a refugee who has traveled a long way to Nanshan City.

It is very dangerous for a refugee girl to walk long distances. She will encounter robbers, hooligans, officers and soldiers who are more like robbers than robbers, and all kinds of gentlemen who are more like hooligans than hooligans.

Fortunately, her appearance gave her a relatively safe guarantee...

The following time was an intense and turbulent transition period in Nanshan Mansion.

There are constant replacements in every house, department, and county.

All I borrowed were Lin Su’s techniques.

Anyone who the chief officer dislikes will have to leave immediately. No matter who is behind you, no matter how many lines are laid below you, if you and the chief officer are not of the same mind, you have to leave.

It doesn’t mean that you will be directly removed from your official position. It means that you will be asked to step aside and find a job to stay there. Political affairs will have nothing to do with you.

Such an official position is very interesting, and the dozens of officials Lin Suxin mentioned are working enthusiastically.

However, it is different among the people.

The people are anxious.

Because of water.

There has been no water in the Nanhu waterway for many days. King Lu Yang already knew that the Nanshan magistrate was challenging him in public and acted extremely decisively. Let's see who can survive who?

He is also very determined.

At the beginning, the people still had a little hope, because waterways are different from ordinary resources. Luhu water flows down from the upper reaches of the Lujiang River. If it accumulates too much, there must be a place to drain it out. Otherwise, Luhu Lake will not be able to contain it no matter how big it is. , when the time comes, King Lu Yang will be washed away by the water even if he doesn't open the gate.

Everyone feels that the problem will always be solved in the end.

Either King Lu Yang can't stand it.

Or the Luhu embankment cannot hold it.

However, a piece of news came that completely devastated the people.

There are two gaps in Luhu.

The dam here is sealed, and the water flows out from another gap. That gap is separated from Nanshan by a mountain, and there is a deserted valley in the middle. The white water flows meaninglessly from the deserted and deserted valley into Dongting Lake.

King Lu Yang built a manor on the other side of the gap. It was originally called Jinyuan, but now Jinyuan has changed its name to Shuixie Villa. Why? A new wonder has been added to this villa: a wide and boundless waterfall flying down from a high mountain.

This waterfall is formed by the water of Luhu Lake.

King Lu Yang was very happy to invite celebrities from all walks of life to visit and play in his Waterside Villa every day. There was even a poet who had just written a golden poem. Two sentences in it said: The Waterside Tower is three hundred feet high, and the blue waves fall nine times. .”

The blue waves in this area are the water of Luhu!

The source of life for the five million people in Nanshan Mansion has become the landscape of a manor in Prince Luyang's Mansion.

This leisurely attitude reveals a decisive attitude.

What King Lu Yang told the world is: You, Lin Su, are tough, but I, King Lu Yang, am not tough?

If you don’t use money to buy water, I would rather turn all the Luhu water into a free landscape than give you a drop!

This confrontation will be long-lasting.

The water shortage in Nanshan Prefecture cannot be solved overnight.

How can the people of Nanshan withstand it?

Three days passed.

Nanshan City panicked.

Five days have passed.

Seven counties panicked.

Especially the landowners who have a lot of real estate on hand are like cats scratching their heads.

You must know that land annexation has been very serious in Da Cang counties for thousands of years. The land in almost every county is controlled by a few or dozens of large landowners. Almost all of the wealth of these people is land. Once there is a long-term water shortage, The land value will be greatly reduced.

Chen Jiahe of Nanzhang County is such a big landowner.

He owns 1,120 acres of good paddy fields, which are all the accumulation of eight generations of his ancestors. He relies on the income from renting land from hundreds of tenant farmers, and has also trained his two sons to be scholars.

At first, he didn't care.

The magistrate of Nanshan fought with King Lu Yang? Haha, it's just an egg hitting a stone. In a few days, the prefect will be replaced, and everything will return to the original state, without any impact on him.

However, he was better informed. As soon as he contacted the capital, he suddenly found that things were different from what he expected.

This prefect is the famous Qinglian First Grandmaster in Da Cang official circles and literary circles. He is an unprecedented troublemaker in the officialdom. Even today, His Majesty wants to get rid of him but cannot get him. At least four or five second-grade officials have died under him. …

As soon as these past legendary experiences came out, he suddenly discovered that this prefect was different from ordinary prefects.

He is not an egg!

He may compete with King Lu Yang for a long time!

God testifies, this long-term struggle is the most fatal!

Because both sides have to be tough during the confrontation, the Luhu waterway will dry up for a long time!

The water shortage in Nanshan will not happen overnight, but will be long-term...

If a paddy field is often cut off from water, what kind of paddy field is it?

At this moment, the housekeeper came to report: A boss from Zhongzhou came to collect the land. It was said that Ding Laosi from Hexi had just sold all his 300 acres of paddy fields and moved his family to Zhongzhou.

Chen Jiahe's heart trembled. He was not a fool. He knew what it meant for the landlord to sell his land, which meant that it was difficult to make a living in this place.

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