Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 590 Essential Techniques for Elevating the People

The man in green opened his mouth silently, Oh my god, that Elder Jia from the Holy Family of Nongsheng!

She once went to visit her husband.

This is the one who lived for a while in Haining River Beach near the Great Smoky Mountains.

He is a member of the literary world!

Such a figure is a top figure. When I wish His Majesty the New Year, His Majesty has to say that he cannot bear it. He actually appears at the Lin family's house on the fifth day of the first lunar month!

Although Sister Chen and Cui Ying didn't know who was coming, they knew it was unusual from their husband's expression, so they quickly prepared tea.

Elder Jia smiled and said, Mr. Lin, I'm here today to pay New Year's greetings to the old lady.

You really want to pay New Year's greetings? Don't you mean anything else? Lin Su smiled half-heartedly.

Elder Jia glared at him: Mr. Lin, what do you mean? I'm here on the fifth day of the first lunar month. What can I do if I don't pay New Year's greetings? Can I still collect debts? Do you think I am an ignorant three-year-old child?

Lin Su was dumbfounded. Isn't it obvious that you are collecting debts?

You don't speak out about debt collection, but you have to let me do it, and you use this as an excuse to lecture me!

Old man, you are really awesome!

Lin Su nodded: I originally thought about giving you the gift I promised you today, but you are right. There has always been a folk custom of not asking for debts at the beginning of the first month, and it is not easy to break this rule. Come, drink tea. ... Let’s talk about the gift another day.”

Elder Jia’s eyes are so bulging...

He took the tea and took a sip, as if he was planning to say something. After thinking about it, he took another sip of tea...

Young Master Lin... cough... Elder Jia really couldn't help it anymore. He drank tea twice and rubbed his hands twice before finally speaking: I wonder what gifts Mr. Lin has prepared...

Still can't help but want to collect this debt? Lin Su said.

Elder Jia said seriously: What are you talking about, Third Young Master?! Can debts be the same as gifts? I can't do anything about collecting debts at the beginning of the first month, but it is the right time to receive gifts at the beginning of the first month...

Lin Su slapped her on the forehead: I've convinced you, this is all right... Come on, come to my study!

Elder Jia followed up diligently.

Sister Chen and Cui Ying of the West Courtyard looked at each other in confusion: Who is this? You seem to have a very unusual friendship with your husband.

Lu Yi said: I don't know if my relationship with my husband is normal, but he is definitely extraordinary... He is the top elder of the Nongsheng Holy Family, the Sanwu Elder!

ah? The top elder of the Holy Family?


The two women were instantly excited.

There are many thousand-year-old families in the world, and there are countless high-profile families in the world, but which family can get the top elders of the Holy Family to visit them for New Year greetings? Who can afford it?

When he arrived at the study, Lin Su stood on the desk and thought for a moment...

Elder Jia's face glowed: Do you want to give me a farming poem? Or a farming strategy?

Those were the two things he could think of.

Lin Su's poems are famous all over the world. Any poem he writes is a cultural treasure passed down from word to mouth.

Lin Su's policy theory is actually a legend in the literary world.

His On the Four Kingdoms in the Provincial Examination benefited from the pressure of Zhang Xu and others. It was made public to the world at that time and became the pinnacle of policy essays. Although the policy essays of the General Examination and the Palace Examination have not been circulated, there is vague news. These two articles His policy theory was better than The Theory of Four Kingdoms, and everyone was convinced, because he finally unified the three elements into one, winning the Hui Yuan and the number one scholar. If the policy theory was not good, he would not be able to achieve the three elements into one.

Policy theory embodies the thoughts of governing the country and is more practical than poetry.

Therefore, the more senior a person is, the more interested they are in strategy theory.

But different people have different focuses on game theory.

People from the Holy Family of Farmers hope to see strategies for farming, and today, they may be able to see it.

This is Elder Jia’s expectation.

Lin Su shook his head: What I want to give you is not poetry or policy, but a monograph on agriculture.

Elder Jia was shocked: A monograph on agriculture? Is the Third Young Master joking? You are not from a farmer's family...

Above the holy way, hundreds of ways walk together. I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome if a monograph comes out. However, farming is a civil matter, and people's livelihood in the world is declining, so there is no time to delay... Lin Su seemed to be answering his words, but also seemed to be Said to himself: Let's go, I will write this monograph, let it go in the wind or rain!

Hand up, pen down!

The precious pen fell on the gold paper and wrote four characters: Essential Techniques for Qi Min.

People's livelihood is the foundation of the country, and agriculture is the foundation of the people. It is said that the country is based on the people, and the people take food as their first priority. The agricultural affairs of the world include planting, raising, seedlings, and crops, including irrigation, cultivation, cultivation, The way to increase the number was turned into a book called Essential Techniques for Elevating the People, with a total of ten volumes and ninety-two chapters...

Under his pen, golden light flowed like water, and the preface to Essential Art for Elevating the People flowed through him in a moment. Elder Jia next to him was so shocked that he could hardly believe his eyes.

Are you responsible for all the farm work in the world?

Ninety-two chapters in ten volumes?

is it possible?

This is absolutely impossible!

He is not a farmer, how can he know about farming? Even if you know about farming, you can't go too deep into it. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to read ten volumes at a time?

However, as the golden words from Lin Su's pen flowed out, Elder Jia's heart was pounding...

The first piece of paper with more than a thousand words appeared in the blink of an eye. As soon as Elder Jia got it in his hand, his mentality that had been practiced for nearly a hundred years suddenly collapsed!

The farming things he wrote were unparalleled in accuracy, his breeding methods were unparalleled, his grafting skills were incredible, and his judgments about the four seasons, changes in weather, and the correspondence between crops were even better than his meticulous study of numbers. Farm elders who have been farming for ten years are more sophisticated...

Just this piece of paper is the kind of wonderful essay that farmers dream of!

There are more than a dozen gold papers like this on the table, and Lin Su is still not finished...

Elder Jia looked at the sky and the people in front of him. He had no idea where he was...

In the west courtyard, the three girls were also distracted. After learning that the person coming was a top figure, the three girls were nervous and excited at the same time. As the little daughters-in-law of their husband-in-law, the three girls knew how difficult it was for him to have enemies all over the world. , there are only a handful of people who can help him, and the Holy Family of Nongsheng can obviously help him. This top elder comes to visit, the opportunity is great, how to find a way to leave a good impression on others, it is the responsibility of the young daughter-in-law. Responsibility.

I'm going to serve tea to my husband! Green Yi picked up the tea cup.

Cui Ying jumped up with a cry: Sister in green, you haven't understood the situation. My husband is visiting guests...

Lu Yi swallowed speechlessly: Oh my God, the word serving tea is completely ruined now. What I'm talking about is serving serious tea!

Cui Ying thought wrongly, shook her face, felt embarrassed, and wanted to crawl into the cracks of the ground...

Sister Chen stopped her: Don't go!

Lu Yi was slightly startled...


Luyi's eyes narrowed, and he was surprised to see the golden light in the study like ocean waves, layer upon layer...

My husband and the elder should be discussing Taoism in the study. The golden light is all over the sky. They should be high-level scholars. It is not appropriate to disturb them.

Lu Yi was startled: Yes! I was negligent, Sister Chen. Let's go outside and watch the door to prevent anyone from coming in...

Lin Su was so selfless when he wrote that he didn't even notice that the study had changed.

Essentials of Qi Min is an all-encompassing peasant manual in traditional Chinese culture. The full text is divided into ten volumes and ninety-two chapters, with a total word count of 110,000. Even if it is written in the original text, it is a unique book, but Lin Su did not write exactly according to the original text. He corrected the errors that were verified by later generations, and added more advanced seedling and breeding techniques in later generations. Although it was not specific, once the profound theory was integrated, he This masterpiece is a step further than the original work.

As he advanced step by step, the tip of his pen quietly changed its appearance. It seemed to turn into a paintbrush, emitting colorful light, and then seemed to turn into a plow, opening up a new world in the vast world...

Elder Jia put down the second page of paper, his eyes filled with disbelief...

He cast his gaze on Lin Su's pen tip, and his eyes suddenly opened wide. Oh my god, what did he see?

A ball of flame appeared in Lin Su's pen, the fire of Qinglian!

Behind Lin Su, the shadow of a tall building loomed!

The green lotus fire in the pen is behind the three-story building!

This is the characteristic of the birth of the book!

Temple Book!

There are scriptures and canons in the temple. The scriptures are written by saints and the canons are written by Wenxiong!

It is called the Bible.

The classic is called a treasure!

The scriptures capture the thoughts of saints and bring together images from hundreds of schools of thought.

The Holy Book of the Temple is the lifelong pursuit of all literary practitioners. Who, including Elder Jia himself, and even the elders of the Temple, would not want to leave behind a book?

But who can?

But now, Lin Su's Essential Art of Qi Min has not yet been completed, and it has already taken on the characteristics of a treasure book.

Today, must we witness a once-in-a-lifetime event?

In his excited and surprised eyes, Lin Su wrote the last stroke.

Essentials for Elevating the People is officially on stage!

The green lotus fire he wrote suddenly opened up, completely encompassing the entire study. With a soft sound, a hundred pieces of precious paper were combined into one book.

The pages of the book opened silently, causing thousands of ripples, and a lotus platform appeared in the void.

Elder Jia's mind is filled with questions...

The door to the Book of Treasures has really been opened, and all of this is a signal for the Book of Books to come out. However, there is one difference. In the past, when the Book of Books came out, the heavens shook, and the Book of Books swept across the sky, with thousands of scenes, and millions of people admired it. But today, it is just the study that shakes, and the void becomes a book. Not to mention the strange visions of heaven and earth, even outside the study there was nothing unusual.

Does the temple recognize this book?

If he admits it, why not give him the opportunity to be respected by all people?

If you don't recognize it, everything in front of you is clearly a vision of the treasure book.

On the lotus platform, a person suddenly appeared. He was dressed in black and had hair as black as ink. The lotus platform floated towards him. Both Lin Su and Elder Jia could see his face clearly. This person looked to be only twenty years old and quite handsome, but he His eyes are as if they have experienced the craze of eternity, and their demeanor is so refined that it is absolutely extraordinary...

The young man in black opened his mouth and his voice was as loud as a giant bell. He nailed each word into the text of Lin Su and Elder Jia: Essential Art of Elevating the People is broad, profound, all-inclusive, and is of great agricultural value in farming. It is regarded as a holy book. Palace treasure book!

Lin Su's whole body was shaken...

Naturally, he also knows how important the Temple Collection is, which is only one step behind Bibles such as Lun Yu and Tao Te Ching.

The book Essential Techniques for Elevating the People he wrote has reached the sky in one step!

Elder Jia's heart skipped a beat. He grabbed Lin Su suddenly and bowed deeply: Disciple Jia Wuyu, have you met the special envoy? Even if the person in front of him looks like a young man, since he has spoken, he must be a senior member of the temple, and he He must not be a young man.

Lin Su felt the strength of his arm and bowed: Disciple Lin Su, thank you for your compliments!

The young man in black smiled and said: You thank me, but I have to thank you. The book Essential Art for Elevating the People has been written, which will benefit all generations. According to the holy law, anyone who writes the book will be regarded as the 'permanent practitioner' of the temple! Congratulations to Lin Su, you are already a 'permanent' member of the temple!

He raised his hand, and a silver token that was neither gold nor wood flew towards Lin Su.

Lin Su took it. The sign in front of him read Temple on the front and Chanxing on the back!

His heartbeat quickened...

He knows what it means to stay in the temple!

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