Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 592 The Lin family’s problem is not making money but how to spend it

Xiaoxue smiled beside her: Madam, the third young master really has no intention of starting a family, so don't force him. Otherwise, he will keep coming home from now on, and you will lose sleep again.

I don't know this truth. It's just that I didn't even have time to tell him what the princess said...

What she was talking about was what Princess Hongying mentioned to her in a vague way.

Princess Hongying's sister, Princess Hongye, intends to have a kiss with the Lin family.

She also wanted to ask Lin Su's opinion, but Lin Su ran away...

Xiaoxue is analyzing next to her...

Madam, as for the Third Young Master, I think the biggest trouble may be the status. The girls and ladies in the west courtyard also see it. The Third Young Master loves him like a treasure. How can he be willing to get a rich lady? What about the pressure on their heads? Therefore, I think that if Princess Hongye is willing to be an equal wife like these girls, things will be easy to handle. If she has to be the only real wife, I think it will be a big deal...

Being an equal wife? Madam shook her head slowly: The ritual system of Da Cang means that one wife has multiple concubines. Although there is an occasional saying of 'equal wife' among the people, it is not an elegant one after all. He is a master of Qinglian and a dignified magistrate. , how can it violate etiquette?

Xiaoxue smiled: Madam, do you think the Third Young Master is a person who cares about etiquette? I guess, in the future, his women may be all kinds of people, including those who have lost their country, those who are in distress, rich ladies, princes and princesses, royal princesses, etc. A maid, a maid, or even Xiao Tao are possible, and what's more, even a demon is possible, but the only thing that is impossible is: the only real wife!

After speaking for a long time, Mother Lin was not shocked at all.

But in the next house, a woman who was pulling the beads on the abacus suddenly raised her head...

Xiao Tao!

A wish that Xiao Tao had held firmly in her heart for a long time bubbled up again...

Lin Su arrived at the south courtyard and met his eldest brother.

Lin Zheng plans to go to the border on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. I am afraid that he will not be able to return until Princess Hongying is in labor.

Therefore, Lin Su had to say goodbye to his eldest brother.

Lin Su handed his eldest brother a box. The box was opened, and inside was... a banknote!

Lin Zheng's eyes widened: Third brother, what is this...

Brother, I know you have the gift and don't need money. However, some of your soldiers died in the battle. Even if the court's pension is in place, it will only be a mere ten taels of silver, which is difficult to support the whole family. What's more, the pension will never be enough! You can use these three hundred thousand taels of silver at your own discretion.

Three hundred thousand taels?

Lin Zheng's hands trembled.

As far as he is concerned, he does not need money.

He was in Xueyuguan, and all his food and clothing expenses were military rations and military supplies.

There is no place to spend money.

With his wife in the Lin family, he doesn't have to worry about the Lin family's food and clothing expenses.

However, he has been leading the army for many years, and he has seen many comrades who have died in battle, and the tragedies of human death and family separation. Although the imperial court has a pension system of ten taels of silver for those killed in battle, has it ever been fulfilled?

As a general, his greatest wish is to allow his comrades who died in battle to have peace of mind.

However, no one can do it!

But now, the third brother's shot is only 300,000 taels, and the soldiers of Xueyuguan are only 100,000. Even if half of them die in the battle, it will still be enough to provide compensation (bah, it's just even, not a curse)...

He knew even more that with these three hundred thousand taels of silver in hand, he, Lin Zheng, would truly become the commander-in-chief supported by a hundred thousand troops!

Think about it, which soldier would not support a commander who can solve their worries?

Third brother, is this what you want me to do?

Keep the 100,000-strong army of Blood Rain Guan firmly in your own hands?

Thoughts instantly flowed through Lin Zheng's brain, and he slowly raised his head: Third brother, eldest brother has heard that the harvest in the house last year was not particularly large, so you spend three hundred thousand taels...

Lin Su smiled: Last year's harvest was indeed less than the year before, but brother, do you know why it was less?

Lin Zheng shook his head: How do I know this? I don't understand business matters.

Last year's income decreased slightly. The fundamental reason is that I took away two million taels in advance! In addition to the three hundred thousand taels, I bought nearly two million taels of land in Nanshan Mansion, so the Lin family's real income last year , is no less than the year before, and has even increased a lot... Don't worry, the Lin family's problem has never been making money, but how to spend it! Spending money is a real university question!

Lin Su rose from the sky and shot towards the capital.

It is three thousand miles in the sky and can be reached in one day.

Lin Su swept across the sky, and stood outside the door of Green Willow Villa just as the beautiful setting sun slid down Jiugong Mountain.

Today is the seventh day of the first lunar month.

The gatekeeper was replaced by another one, named Lao Xu.

Old Xu didn't know Lin Su, but he knew Lin Su. As soon as Lin Su arrived, Old Xu almost jumped up and said: Master Lin, I have auspicious New Year, when will you come to Beijing?

Lin Su casually handed over a small bag: I just arrived. Old man, I wish you a happy new year! This small gift is for you to wish you a happy new year.

Lao Xu's face was completely blooming. Sure enough, his colleagues were right. Being a doorkeeper of Green Willow Villa during the holidays will bring unexpected rewards. If the third young master happens to come to pay New Year greetings when you are on duty, you Just sent it.

As soon as he got this bag, he knew that he was really lucky.

She happily took Lin Su to the main building.

On the main building, Zhang Juzheng actually saw Lin Su very early.

He even saw the genuine surprise on Lao Xu's face. Seeing this, he actually felt a little uncomfortable. He asked the shadow next to him: I am overjoyed at the ceremony. My dignified bachelor's concierge, How can you be so insulting to gentle people?

Shadow smiled: Those who are rude but not rude can be rewarded, sir. They don't accept all gifts. Only Mr. Lin's gifts can they accept with peace of mind.

Why can he accept his gifts with peace of mind? Zhang Juzheng puffed his beard and glared: What kind of harm has this kid done to Green Willow Villa? Tell them... forget it, this kid has already entered the door...

Lin Su entered Zhang Juzheng's study and saw Comrade Lao Zhang sitting on the Grand Master in the study, looking northwest...

Old man, I wish you a happy new year.

Zhang Juzheng glanced at him: Haining's rules are quite unique. You must pay New Year's greetings to your seniors at night.

Old man, you have to understand me. I took off from Haining very early in the morning. After an incomparably long journey of thousands of miles, I still couldn't catch the sun's tail when I arrived in the capital. Oh, by the way, I spent a lot of time preparing gifts for you. It takes a long time. The key is that these aged wines are packed in jars one after another. Packing hundreds of jars at a time is very time-consuming...

Zhang Juzheng's face relaxed a little...

In addition, I always choose blue and white porcelain. The blue and white porcelain given to you must be first-class...

Zhang Juzheng was completely overwhelmed: You kid! You are playing this trick with me. Do you think I really care about your wine and porcelain? Sit down!

Lin Su sat down.

The tea is ready for you! I made it myself! Zhang Juzheng pointed to a cup of tea close to Lin Su.

Lin Su was a little surprised: Old man, are you making tea for me with your own hands? This courtesy of Corporal Xian makes me a little nervous. Isn't it an excessive request?

Zhang Juzheng said: You understand it wrong. This cup of tea just tells you that I am very pleased with what you did in Nanshan. Even if you were not a human being in the early days, you did a good job this time! Very good !”

Does the old man think what I did in Nanshan is good? Lin Su was surprised.

He almost subverted all the rules of officialdom in Nanshan. He did a lot of strange things as an official. He fired his colleagues on the first day he took office and sent them to prison the next day. He used the water crisis to create panic, purchased land at low prices, and went to the top. There was a big fuss in the palace, and the people in the palace were driven away like swallows with swords...

One by one, in the eyes of orthodox officials, they were all deviants, but Zhang Juzheng actually applauded him? This is not normal! I seriously doubt that you are speaking sarcastically...

Lin Su looked at Zhang Juzheng with distrust.

Zhang Juzheng explained to him: You can invest your own money to improve the river channels for the five million people in Nanshan. This is called benefiting one party!

Holy shit!

Is this what you're referring to?

Please! This is just a scrap, okay?

I am showing off to Nanshan, but you didn’t talk about a lot of important things, but you picked on this small detail to praise me. I don’t even know what to say to you...

Forget it, it’s a feudal society...

Lin Su walked down the slope: These are the old man's teachings in the past. The old man has noble character. How dare I not learn from it? Anyway, the Lin family is not short of this money. Doing good deeds has a family inheritance. My mother is the representative of doing good deeds. Character, her old man has a classic saying: If you are poor, you will starve to death quietly; if you are rich, you will help the world...

There are common topics and common values, and the guests and hosts enjoy themselves for a while.

Zhang Haoran, who came from outside, heard their conversation outside the door and was a little confused for a moment. Who is sitting in this room? Are you such a pure person? Why don't I believe it?

Lin Su noticed him and stood up: Old man, I'm going to sit at Brother Haoran's place...

Zhang Juzheng smiled and nodded. He began to like the person in front of him. His character was good. It would be helpful to have in-depth exchanges with his grandson and continue the Zhang family's customary noble family style...

Lin Su is gone!

Zhang Haoran sent him to the guest room and asked him directly as soon as he entered the door: Are you really just improving the waterways in Nanshan to simply benefit the people of Nanshan?

How is it possible? Didn't I just go along with the old man's favor? Lin Su said: How can I be so simple in my work? The renovation of the Nanshan waterway is for my family's raw material production base to have a good harvest.

What raw material production base? Zhang Haoran didn't understand this modern terminology.

Lin Su explained to him...

In addition to the necessary rice and wheat, the seven counties in Nanshan also grow a large number of flowers. These flowers are shipped to Haining and are the raw materials for perfume, all of which are worth white money.

Zhang Haoran was dumbfounded: Have all the people in this mansion become your way of making money?

Lin Su quickly stopped: Stop yelling and blathering. Can you say this? You have to be more generous with me in terms of external communication! I, Lin Su, am looking for a living for five million people, and I also spend my own money to build rivers. , whose noble conduct is comparable to that of my mother...

Zhang Haoran stood up to him for a long time, slapped him on the forehead, and sighed infinitely: Fortunately, you are only a prefect... You, a stinking profiteer, can only be a prefect. You really don't know the state...

Over to Zhang Juzheng, the shadow reappeared, with a rather unflattering expression.

Why this expression?

Shadow's face was very troubled: Master, there is something I don't know whether to talk about or not... This Lord Lin may be a little different from what you think. He...

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