Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 698 The flower demon wants to get married

He returned to the room, and a high-end demon clan communication talisman appeared in his palm...

On the other end of the communication talisman is Li Qingquan, Lu Yi's brother.

Brother, please pay attention to something. Li Qingquan said.

you say!

Two elders of Zhizhitang left Beijing. They are Li Qinghan and Du Yuanfeng. They are going to the south. The specific destination is unknown.

Lin Su's eyes flashed slightly...

Li Qinghan, Du Yuanfeng...

These are the two literary figures who surrounded and suppressed Sifang Mountain that day!

Two masters following Su Rong, the Saint of Yaowang Mountain!

After the Sifangshan incident, Anxiang launched an investigation and found that these two people were both from Zhizhitang and were basically confirmed to be Yinlong!

And he should be the killer figure in Hidden Dragon.

Yinlong leaves Beijing and the situation becomes serious. Who is their target?

You said they were heading south? Lin Su said.

Yes! But these two people are from the literary world, and our people can't keep up. We can only confirm that they left the south at the beginning. We can't rule out that they changed their itinerary after leaving Beijing... Therefore, their target may be you, or it may be It’s Li Xiaotian.”

End of communication...

Lin Su stood in front of the window...

Two literary killers have left Beijing, their targets undetermined.

However, no matter who the target is, it cannot be taken lightly. Because only the most important strategic goals will use killers of this level.

Li Qingquan analyzed that the target might be Lin Su or Li Xiaotian. This analysis was completely correct.

Lin Su has now reached the stage where His Majesty looks at him with murderous intent, so his possibility is naturally the greatest.

Where is Li Xiaotian? Brother and sister Lin Su and Li Qingquan also analyzed it, and combined with the information about the dispatch of the Ji family army in Osumi, His Majesty had the idea of ​​​​assigning Yinlong to assassinate Li Xiaotian.

This time the two of them left the capital, most likely for Li Xiaotian.

The literary world kills people without a shadow.

What's more, among the hidden dragons, they are the killers who specialize in killing?

Writers and killers are often difficult to equate, but it must be said that once the two roles merge into one, they become the most terrifying killer.

Because literati are different from martial arts practitioners. They can plan and calculate.

Li Xiaotian had already made arrangements according to Lin Su's arrangements. To be precise, he had dug a trap.

On my own side...

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the peach blossom tree waiting to bloom outside the window...

The peach trees brought down from Xishan that day have grown up...

The peach blossoms bloomed last year, but Lin Su was not at home and missed the flowering period. For this reason, he even apologized to the peach demon and coaxed her with sweet words. I will definitely take a good look at the flower blooming day next year.

It is now approaching the Qingming Festival, and the peach blossoms are about to bloom again.

Lin Su stretched out her hand, grabbed a soft peach blossom branch, split her soul into two, and got in.

Lin Su was surprised when he entered.

The peach blossoms outside are about to bloom, and there is also a wonderful scene inside. The peach blossoms inside are fully blooming. Among the peach blossoms, there is a... peach!

Little Miss Hua, where are you? Lin Su called affectionately.

On that peach, a little baby slowly appeared. No, it looked like a baby, but everything about the baby was the original peach demon.

Tao Yao smiled widely: Young lady? Do you really think of me as a lady? Then you have to do what you did to my lady, do it to me again, and let me try the feeling of ecstasy.

This move came as soon as they met, Lin Su sweated: You don't even have a physical body, so don't even think about such wild things... What are you doing?

I'm nurturing my heart!

What is nurturing the heart? Lin Su didn't understand.

Educating the heart is actually about casting the demon elixir! The flower demon said with a smile: My demon elixir is almost ready. Once the flowering period is over this year, the demon elixir will be fully completed, and I will become a legend in the demon world...

She is not without demon pills!

She had the demon elixir ten thousand years ago!

It was just that her demon elixir was destroyed after a fight with that stinky monk.

Once the demon elixir is destroyed, the demon is theoretically exterminated. However, she left a ray of soul with her great supernatural power. Now, she renews the demon elixir. This demon elixir is different from the ordinary demon elixir. The crystallization of the demon's nirvana and rebirth.

Nirvana only exists in the Buddhist path.

Nirvana should not exist in the demon path.

Therefore, if she succeeds in forming a demon heart, she will create a demon legend that has never been seen in history...

What will happen to your cultivation once you form a demon heart? Lin Su was very concerned about this.

What will happen once we form? I don't know, this is a legend... Who can say for sure about legends? But, I can probably easily mold you into whatever I want. The flower demon said. Looking at him, he seemed to be trying to figure out how to make Lin look like.

Lin Su was happy: That's great. From now on, the safety of the Lin family depends on you. No matter who enters the door of the Lin family, you will crush them into sesame cakes.

Hey, I'm talking about you... The flower demon rolled his eyes slightly: There is still a difficulty for me to condense my demon heart.


I need to be in a happy mood in order to have a flawless heart! The flower demon said: I urgently need the most beautiful song specially tailored for me.

Song? Tailor-made? You are really good at choosing topics... Lin Su said: Okay, I will sing you a song...

The flower demon blushed...

If her heart has been formed, her heartbeat will probably speed up...

He really agreed!

After coming to the Lin family for so long, the flower demon is most interested in three things...

The first thing is his poetry!

He took her (Little Peach Tree) back to Lin's house that day, and immediately wrote a poem, Falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers. She was so excited that she shook all the flowers off the tree. .

The second thing is that he plays with women. She has lived for tens of thousands of years, but she still doesn't understand what fun there is in the friction of organs. Why are all his women so happy? It's a pity that she doesn't have a real body, so she probably won't be able to try this feeling for a while.

Fortunately, there is a third thing, and the third thing is his song!

He exposed this song relatively late, but as soon as it was exposed, it became the flower demon's favorite.

When Lin Su didn't come in, she was still humming in her own space, humming all his songs, such as Under the Qingcheng Mountain, Love Song of the West Sea, Butterfly...

Unfortunately, there is no mention of the flower demon in it, so she hopes that a song will be written because of her.

Just like Lu Yi and the others, they most hope that a song will be written because of them.

Now, she asked him for a song under the pretense of being in a happy mood when giving birth to a demon pill. Unexpectedly, he agreed right away...

This was probably the greatest happiness she could feel in a long period of time measured in tens of thousands of years...

Lin Su opened his mouth and started singing...

How can the fragrant peaches and plums, the smiling pear blossoms, be more lively than the spring on my branches, the gorgeous peonies, and the pretty plum blossoms, how can they be more beautiful than my rainy red beauty? A cup of fragrant tea welcomes you, the stars are swaying, and the clouds are fluttering, why bother The western sky is thousands of miles away...

The extremely beautiful melody penetrated the flower demon's heart, which had been prepared for a long time, and still aroused ripples that she had never imagined...

She listened to a lot of his songs...

Today’s song is the first of its kind!

This song is so beautiful, so ethereal, so touching to the human soul, oh, it touches the soul of the demon even more...

She secretly drank countless amounts of Baiyunbian and had never been drunk before. But now, she is drunk...

When the singing stopped, the flower demon raised his head from among the flowers, his eyes full of tears: I have decided that even if I regain all my cultivation in the future, before I set foot on the westward journey, I will definitely be your little wife for one night, so as not to hurt you. In the future, on the long journey to the West, when I sang this song as a child, I lost a little imagination...

Holy shit!

Are you still struggling with this matter?

Lin Su's soul is almost sweating. This handsome guy seduces the beauties all over the world with the same rhythm and results. I really don't want to seduce a demon. Even if I want to seduce a demon, I can only seduce someone of Jiu'er's level, like you. At this level, I don’t dare to have such a wild mind, and I don’t dare to have such a great fortune...

At this moment, the flower demon's expression suddenly changed: Someone is coming towards your house, invisible man!

Lin Su's soul retracted from the flower demon's inner space and returned to his physical body. After careful sensing, he vaguely sensed Zhou Mei's aura.

At this moment, he finally knew how awesome the Flower Demon was.

Not many people in the world can see through Zhou Mei's invisibility, even if they are close at hand. Lin Su, who possesses the law of space, can only sense Zhou Mei's presence when she is close.

As for the flower demon, Zhou Mei was still far away from the courtyard wall, and she had already noticed it.

Zhou Mei entered Lin's house, taking it for granted that no one would be able to discover her.

However, upon entering Lin Su's room, the familiar smile on Lin Su's lips still announced something very cruel. She was discovered by him again...

Did you find me again? Zhou Mei's real body was revealed, and she was a little confused.


Is it the smell again? I don't have the smell of resentment about women today, right? Zhou Mei said: Although I am somewhat complaining about your disappearance these days, it really does not rise to the level of resentment against women.

It smells like something happened! Lin Su said: You came into my room today, something must have happened! I smelled a special smell.

Very sensitive, not bad! Something did happen... Zhou Mei expressed her praise: Someone came out of trouble, guess who it is?

Come out of the mountain? Lin Su caught the key word.


The light in Lin Su's eyes moved slightly: Is Medicine King Mountain coming out?

Zhou Mei smiled: Exactly! The poor little saint who was so cruelly punished by you came out again, and there are signs that her target this time is still you!

That's right! Lin Su nodded...

That's right...what does it mean? Zhou Mei didn't understand.

It means... I have an answer to a question I was thinking about before. I will tell the two literary circles to leave Beijing. Without the cooperation of others, they would not dare to attack me. Now that I have learned that the Holy Maiden of Yaowang Mountain has come out, Even on top...

What? Zhou Mei was shocked: The two literary circles have also left Beijing and want to attack you?


The four masters who besieged the Wujian Sect that day, except for the elder Yaowangshan who had already died, the remaining three masters left the capital at the same time, and the target of the three masters who came out of the mountain could basically be locked, and it was him!

Why? Because if their target was Li Xiaotian, there would be no Yaowang Mountain Saint Su Rong among them.

Su Rong herself is a very proud person, and she is not deeply involved with the court. She will cooperate with Lin Su, but she has no reason to take action against Li Xiaotian.

Moreover, Li Xiaotian's matter is top secret. As long as your Majesty is clear of his brain, he will not let anyone from Yaowang Mountain get involved.

He only dares to use the power he has absolute control over, and that is the Hidden Dragon.

The target that Yinlong and Yaowangshan would join forces to target would only be himself, not others.

After figuring this out, Lin Su suddenly felt a little relaxed.

This relaxation made Zhou Mei confused: You know that two literary circles and a legendary figure on the spiritual path have joined forces to deal with you, and you actually let out a sigh. Don't think that I didn't hear the meaning of your breath. You are relaxed. !”

Relax of course!

Can you really...relax? Zhou Mei's tone was quite unusual. Her father almost lost his life at the hands of a literary man that day, and even now, her expression changes when the Zhou family talks about assassination.

Now there are two literary circles coming out.

Plus a legend on the spiritual path...

Anyone in the world who knows that the target of these three people is him will definitely not be able to sleep again, but he is still relaxed, which is too unexpected.

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