Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 711: Hot potato, layers of sweat

After Lin Su took office as Nanshan magistrate, he never contacted Cao Fang.

Even if Cao Fang is the magistrate of the state and his immediate superior, even if Cao Fang gave him clear instructions when he first took office, ask for instructions and report more often when encountering things, and never act on his own.

However, Lin Su directly regarded Cao Fang's words as farts.

In fact, many people could see clearly that Lin Su didn't take Cao Fang seriously at all.

Those from Nanshan Mansion understand.

Cao Fang understood it himself.

Even Cao Fang accepted it.

This troublemaker doesn't even take the Prime Minister seriously, so it makes sense that he doesn't take anyone seriously in the officialdom.

Cao Fang has changed his mind about this subordinate...

At the beginning, Cao Fang also thought about whether to take advantage of him and retaliate against him for the small festival that he used to supervise him when he was the supervisor - the time when he rescued Qiushui Hongshang's husband and wrote a counter-poetry.

After his advantageous father-in-law was mercilessly killed by Lin Su with a staff, Cao Fang became even more eager to seek revenge.

However, things changed later.

Lin Su not only fucked his father-in-law, he also fucked King Lu Yang!

King Lu Yang, an extremely powerful prince, could not hold out for a single round under him and was bullied miserably by him.

After that incident, the Zhongzhou officialdom, which clamored for Lin to learn some rules, fell silent.

Cao Fang was also silent.

They couldn't afford to offend anyone who even King Lu Yang dared to commit suicide without restraint.

Cao Fang slowly changed his mind. He just hoped that this subordinate would be at peace. Even if you really can't calm down, at least don't point the finger upward. As for Nanshan Mansion, you can do whatever you want, I just think Out of sight.

That's what he thought, and that's what he did.

For half a year, as the governor of the state, he did not set foot on Nanshan. All officials at all levels of the governor's office walked around Nanshan. This was his attitude.

Then, when he almost completely ignored this subordinate, he suddenly received an official summons from Lin Su.

With a little suspicion, Cao Fang connected to the official seal. As soon as the official seal was connected, he saw Lin Su. Lin Su's face was very serious and he bowed slightly: Master Zhizhou! A big thing happened suddenly. The situation is serious. I will not let you down. I dare to be good at specialization, so I asked to see you sir late at night, and I hope you won’t be surprised.”

Cao Fang's head jumped slightly: What's the matter?

Two elders from the White Deer Academy in the capital came to Nanshan, and Elder Li suddenly encountered misfortune...

As soon as the incident was reported, Cao Fang was shaken all over...

The two elders of White Deer Academy left the capital and went to Nanshan for ten days. He didn't know anything about such a thing.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Qinghan died inexplicably!

The most terrifying thing is that Li Qinghan’s companion, another elder Du Yuanfeng, turned out to be one of the culprits in the Sifangshan murder case!

Cao Fang was the most shocked when the Wujianmen stronghold in Sifang Mountain was destroyed, because the group of people in Sifang Mountain were from the same camp as him, all from the Third Prince faction. Hundreds of masters were wiped out in one night. After the earthquake, he went to Sifang Mountain the next day and saw with his own eyes the human tragedy of corpses all over the ground, but he knew nothing about the murderer behind the scenes.

Later, the third prince had great powers and found out the real culprit behind the scenes.

In addition to the people from Yaowangshan, the real culprits behind the scenes are also the mysterious literary world.

The people of Yaowang Mountain were left to the Wujianmen headquarters to deal with, but these mysterious literary circles and the Third Prince were not clear about it. This has always been a mystery in Cao Fang's mind.

But today, this subordinate magistrate who has always been disliked by him received an official seal image. Du Yuanfeng, the elder of the Zhizhi Hall of Bailu Academy in the capital, was cleansed by literature and personally admitted that he was responsible for the murder of Sifangshan 117 The culprit of man!

Cao Fang felt a little scared, but also a little surprised.

What I was afraid of was that behind the Sifangshan massacre was White Deer Academy.

No wonder the third prince didn't have much to say about these two literary masters at that time.

Perhaps it wasn't that the third prince couldn't find out the exact roots of these two literary circles, but that he didn't dare to take action easily in the face of the behemoth White Deer Academy.

Surprisingly, what the third prince wanted to do but failed to do, Cao Fang did it for him.

As long as this confession is handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, the culprit of Sifangshan who makes the third prince itch with hatred will be punished!

Even if he, Du Yuanfeng, is in the literary world!

Even if he is the elder of White Deer Academy!

The serious crime of killing more than a hundred people at one time was still enough to deprive him of his title, take away his fame, and destroy his nine clans!

The mystery in his heart has been solved, and he can also make a great contribution in front of the third prince. Isn't it an unexpected surprise?

——The third prince's status is not what it used to be. Once the prince dies, the third prince's situation has become a success. He is a crown prince with iron nails and curled legs. Paying tribute to the crown prince is something that all officials in the world want to do.

Cao Fang felt a big shock in his head and a burst of ecstasy. Even though he had been in official circles for a long time, he could not suppress the rapid ups and downs of his mood...

On the other side of the official seal, Lin Su said: Master Zhizhou, this official is just a prefect and has no authority to enforce the law against Da Ru. This murderer should be handed over to the state capital. Please send someone to receive him as soon as possible.

Okay! Cao Fang agreed!

With a wave of his hand, the chief arrest officer of the state capital set off overnight!

After everything was arranged, Cao Fang came to the desk and held up the tea cup that his concubine poured for him. A strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart...

What happened tonight seemed to be Cao Fang's great joy, but this great joy was given to him by Lin Su. Past experience told him that anything done by Lin Su would need to go through a few more turns...

He turned around several times, but still couldn't figure it out completely.

In line with the basic guiding ideology of asking the Prime Minister before making any decisions, he directly contacted Prime Minister Lu Tiancong regardless of the time.

As soon as Lu Tian received his official summons, and listened to Cao Fang's report with a slightly surprised tone, Prime Minister Lu's eyebrows slowly furrowed, and his expression slowly changed...

Cao Fang lowered his head and spoke for a long time, but didn't feel the Prime Minister's response. When he looked up, he saw the Prime Minister's livid face...

Master Xiang...

Lu Tiancong spoke slowly: This move is so vicious!

Chess? Vicious? Cao Fang's eyelids twitched...

Lu Tian took a long breath and said, You didn't see through his move just because you didn't know what the Zhizhi Hall of the White Deer Academy was about! You and I have been in the same boat through thick and thin, so it doesn't hurt to tell you now. The Zhizhi Hall of the White Deer Academy is... Hidden Dragon'!

Cao Fang was shocked all over...

It was not that he had ever doubted Lin Su.

For every abnormal behavior of Lin Su, the officials who stood on the opposite side of Lin Su would all circle in their hearts for three and a half or eight and a half times. He, Cao Fang, did the same.

But he didn't find anything wrong with it.

Now he knows.

This is really a move, and as the prime minister said, it is extremely vicious!

The Sifang Mountain was destroyed that day, and it was His Majesty who took the lead!

Because the hidden dragon only obeys orders from your majesty, the prince can arrange for the hidden dragon to be immobilized.

The hidden dragon's action is directly equivalent to His Majesty's imperial edict.

Why did the Third Prince only target Yaowang Mountain that day and not the other two literary circles at all? Because the third prince knows that this literary world is a hidden dragon! Even if he had a hundred courages, he would not dare to go against the hidden dragon that represented his father.

That's why this matter ended in such a bizarre way.

But tonight, Lin Su broke through this veil.

He directly used literary interrogation to link Du Yuanfeng to the culprit of the deaths of more than a hundred people in Sifang Mountain.

This challenge is tantamount to poking a hornet's nest that no one can poke.

Lin Su is just a small prefect. After he found out the key information, he stopped the interrogation and handed it over!

This hot potato suddenly became Cao Fang's noose!

What can Cao Fang do?

Don't do anything? Who can resist the tragedy of killing hundreds of people at once?

By following the law, he has touched His Majesty's biggest obstacle!

Suddenly, Cao Fang's blood pressure rose and veins on his forehead jumped...

As for Nanshan Prefecture, Lin Su wrote a memorial with a faint smile on his lips: Lin Suqi, the prefect of Nanshan Prefecture in Zhongzhou, reported to His Majesty: Two elders from Bailu Academy came to Nanshan today... The above facts have official seals. As evidenced by the photos, Li Qinghan and Du Yuanfeng killed people for no reason. The irrefutable evidence is as solid as a mountain. They killed hundreds of people at one time. Their crimes were extremely heinous. According to the laws of Da Cang, they should be severely punished. Chen Geng, the president of Bailu Academy, was incompetent in discipline. I impeached him based on the facts...

The memorial was generated and passed to Zhongshu Province.

After everything was done, Lin Su got off the Nanshan Inn, stepped into the night, and disappeared from the prefect's mansion again.

He still returned to his original room.

After closing the door on the front foot, Zhou Mei's question came to the back foot: I can understand that you brought this matter directly to the Zhongshu Province and created a problem for the prime minister. This is completely consistent with your big chess game from the beginning, but why do you want to impeach? Chen Geng? Isn’t it Chen Geng who you strongly recommend?

Lin Su smiled: Can my impeachment hurt Chen Geng?

Zhou Mei frowned slowly. She is not an official. She does not know the rules of the officialdom, but she understands that Chen is on your side. Is it necessary for you to play a chess game? Do you have to drag him in and torture him?

Lin Sudao: Chen Geng needs to do something, but he has no excuse. I will use this impeachment to give him this excuse...

What's up?

Lin Su explained in detail...

Chen Geng entered Ding Bailu Academy. Although he was the dean, the management system of Bailu Academy over the years has determined that the dean is only an empty honor, and the elders are really in charge.

If this pattern does not change, it will be even more difficult for Chen to use his tactics.

The greatest power of the Elder Council is Zhizhitang.

Now that such a huge scandal has broken out in Zhizhitang, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Chen. His impeachment of Chen Geng will help White Deer Academy form a consensus and completely change the pattern of the elders dominating White Deer Academy.

As for impeachment itself, there are tricks.

As a local magistrate, with such a huge case happening locally, he must be impeached against the dean of White Deer Academy who has direct leadership responsibility!

But this impeachment will not hurt Chen Geng even a hair. It will only make White Deer Academy share the same hatred and build consensus. Why? Because Chen Geng had just taken over White Deer, these elders were not promoted by him. If something happened to these elders, even if they chased them a few levels, they would only catch up to the dead ghost Qu Feiyan, but not him at all...

Zhou Mei is completely convinced...

Once again, I lament that the literati's intestines are not carved...

She shook off these officialdom issues that she didn't understand and she might never understand, and asked another question: You said you wanted to capture Du Yuanfeng, has Du Yuanfeng really captured it now? Will there be any changes?

This is her progress.

She used to look at things carefully, but overall she was still straightforward. But now, she has verified it many times. Many things in the world that seemed to have no suspense ended up being full of suspense. Who will die and who will not? Before the last moment, she I really don't dare to conclude that Du Yuanfeng is undoubtedly such a person.

Although he killed more than a hundred people at one time, the evidence of serious crimes was overwhelming.

According to the law, he should be punished.

But will there be any changes? After all, Du Yuanfeng is not an ordinary person...

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