Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 715 A pair of copper scissors to cut Dao flowers

Su Rong giggled: Grandmaster Lin, who has endless plans, the invincible and invincible Lord Lingyun, how did I find that your expression changed? I really want to know, what will you do in this situation? Choice? Continue to attack and defend with all your strength and promote the growth of my great avenue essence flower? Or close your magic door and let me take advantage of you?

Lin Su and Su Rong fought several times, but Su Rong never gained the upper hand.

But today, she finally made it to the city!

This comfort in her heart made her Dao heart stronger, and her Dao essence flower actually became one with her soul.

As long as they are truly integrated, her Tao realm will be complete.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: You seem to have forgotten where this is!

Su Rong turned her eyes and saw Yaogu.

Yaogu held a pair of scissors in her hand and was pruning a small tree at her feet. She raised her eyes, as light as the moon, and looked at Su Rong.

It seemed like it was really the first time Su Rong saw her.

Stepping into this small garden, she only saw Lin Su from beginning to end. She really didn't pay attention to the owner of this small garden, a village girl who was ordinary to the extreme...

What do you want to say? Su Rong's eyes flashed slightly.

People in the countryside can't understand many things, and they can't explain many truths. If you have to say something, then just say one thing... Yaogu said: The small garden is overgrown with weeds if it is not repaired. People who don’t cultivate don’t know how to advance or retreat!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly raised the scissors in her hand...

As soon as the scissors were cut, the petals of Su Rong's Avenue Flower fluttered down...

Su Rong's expression suddenly changed: You...who are you?

Yaogu didn't answer, she just opened the scissors in her hand...

This scissor is aimed at the root of the essence flower of Su Rong Avenue...

Su Rong Dao Jinghua suddenly trembled and retracted suddenly. With a bang, she stood up and disappeared outside the sky...

Su Rong, the dignified saint of Yaowang Mountain, fled in front of a pair of scissors...

Lin Su stared at the scissors in Yaogu's hand with bright eyes...

These scissors look very ordinary, made of black iron, with copper wire covering the handle, and there is sweat, dirt and dirt in the gaps between the copper wires. However, it is this pair of scissors that can destroy all things and be inviolable by all means. Cut off a petal.

The Holy Family of Farmers once had a holy treasure that looked like a chamber pot. Apart from that, was there another one that looked like scissors... where were the scissors?

Yaogu waved the scissors in her hand: Don't look so fiery, these scissors are not for sale either!

In a word, relaxed and playful.

It seemed that Lin Su was suddenly brought back to the time when he first met her.

At that time, she poured a cup of tea for Lin Su. The cup of tea was so ethereal and pure that it was as if the dust-free hands of an angel directly delivered the tea to him.

He said: Do you sell this tea?

Answer: Not for sale!

This answer is the truth.

Because this tea is not a commodity or a real thing. This tea is essentially her literary spirit. How to sell it?

Now the same goes for this pair of scissors. This is a holy treasure of the Holy Family and is not for sale!

And no one can afford it...

The scissors have been collected and the tea has been handed to Lin Su...

Yaogu's eyes flashed: How do you want to deal with this woman?

Lin Su took the teacup, looked at the direction where Su Rong disappeared, and said in a soft voice: Most things in the world are black and white. Most people in the world are between friends and enemies. Some people are like old friends when they first meet, and they hate each other the next time. , and then become enemies. Some people are enemies at the first meeting and friends at the second time. But there are more people who are just passers-by. Occasionally they meet in the rivers and lakes, and then they go their separate ways, and the two have nothing to do with each other! the third type to you? Yao Gu said.

Theoretically yes!


Because she can't do anything to me at this stage, and I can't do anything to her. When she can do anything to me in the future, or I can do anything to her, maybe the basis of our hostility will no longer exist. Apart from being two passers-by, there seems to be no There is no better option.”

Actually, if you really want to do something to her, it's not impossible! Yao Gu said, You just need to speak!

Lin Su understands what she means!

It is true that Lin Su alone can't do anything to her, but it's different when Yao Gu is involved. If the two of them join forces, Su Rong will suffer a catastrophe.

No! Lin Su refused.

No, I don't know what it means. Is it unnecessary? Or can't it be done?



No need! And it can’t be done? !

Yaogu doesn't quite understand...

Lin Su explained...

Su Rong's existence can't stop Lin Su from moving forward at all. She can't change the fate of Yaowang Mountain, and she can't change the general trend of the world. With her or without her, Lin Su's path will still move forward. She is not qualified at all. Become a roadblock.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether we kill her or not!

This is called unnecessary.

In addition, there is one most special thing about Su Rong that Lin Su really doesn't dare to do.

what is it then?

Force Su Rong to the point of life and death!

Su Rong killed people in Tianlao, and faced the Emperor's Seal Killing Bureau, she inspired the essence of the avenue!

You need to know that there are more than just fine flowers on the road!

The avenue is full of three flowers!

If she is forced to a dead end, who can guarantee that the remaining two flowers will not be used?

Once she has three flowers, it will really be a big deal.

So, the situation in front of us is quite good. Su Rong can't do anything to Lin Su. Although Lin Su can't kill her, he can make her angry to death. He can try to mess with her Taoist mind. This is a safe and secure operation mode. .

Yaogu was dumbfounded: It seems that I have been out too little. I have never heard of an opponent who can interpret you to such an extent.

Lin Su's expression suddenly changed!

With this change, he seemed to be a completely different person!

Yaogu's heart suddenly shook: What happened?

With a shout, Lin Su rose through the air and broke into the sky. A voice came back: Something happened to my partner!

In seven words, his person had disappeared without a trace.

Yaogu looked at the horizon for a long time, his partner?


The woman who spied outside the garden the day before yesterday?


Something happened to Zhou Mei!

Lin Su received her message. There was no sound, no image, just a signal. What was this signal? Special message delivery by crushing the messenger talisman.

The demon clan's high-end communication talisman transmits images and voice signals. Under normal circumstances, it will never be crushed. There is only one situation where it will happen, and that is when it encounters an extreme crisis and has no time to transmit other signals...

As soon as Lin Su broke into the air, he reached the extreme level with Qingbu Qingyun!

He tracked the place where the messenger talisman last disappeared!

Once this communication talisman is crushed, the energy will disappear instantly. It is almost impossible to accurately locate the place where the final energy dissipates.

But Lin Su wants to make the impossible possible!

He wants to find her!

Zhou Mei is his partner and his comrade-in-arms!

In an instant, a thousand miles of road passed by. In front of them was a large river. This was the Yangtze River. On the Yangtze River, a large ship was sailing upstream, but the place where the final energy dissipated was not on the large ship, but in the middle of the river.

The water of the Yangtze River rushed down, and the vision was full of vastness. The place where her last vitality was located was all river water, and there was no trace of her!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and the secret realm of water in his body suddenly turbulent. As soon as the rules of water came out, the spring water of the river suddenly stopped surging. He sank into the Yangtze River, and his thousand-degree pupils turned into a thousand-mile searchlight, scanning all directions.

For a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, he crossed the Baili River, and finally, when the power of the water rules could no longer support it, he found her!

Zhou Mei's invisibility has been broken, and she is floating at the bottom of the dark river...

Lin Su galloped past, and gently circled her hand. The river water around Zhou Mei receded, and in a huge bubble, he held Zhou Mei's delicate body, and the rejuvenation seedlings poured into her body as if they were free of charge.

Zhou Mei's body was already desolate.

Her soul is almost nowhere to be found.

Luckily it was only almost...

Inspired by Lin Su's spiritual power, the wisp of soul that gradually overflowed and became distant in her spiritual platform stopped and slowly transformed into a little person...

Lin Su let out a long breath.

Finally arrived in time!

Finally got her back!

Now that the soul has returned to its original position, even if she suffers a severe setback, her life will be safe after all. Once this layer is relaxed, his spirit will focus on her body. In this episode, Lin Su's whole body was shaken, and her injuries were too horrific. .

Not many bones in her body were good.

Her meridians were broken in at least seven or eight places.

But there wasn't even a single scratch on her outer skin.

What kind of attack would cause such a bizarre reaction?

She was still in a deep sleep. With such a serious injury, she would never wake up for three days and three nights.

Therefore, Lin Su couldn't guess what happened.

She came out this time with only one purpose, to monitor Du Yuanfeng's escort...

Both Lin Su and Zhou Mei firmly believe that if someone doesn't want Du Yuanfeng to return to Beijing alive, he will definitely kill him on the way. It's possible for people from the Wujian Sect, it's possible for Cao Fang, it's possible for Yinlong...

Lin Su is not a god, so it is impossible to guess who it is.

It is even less possible to know what method they will use to kill.

Therefore, Zhou Mei followed. She wanted to use otherworldly invisibility skills to monitor her opponent's actions and record the video of the assassination for future use.

Lin Su told her that this move is feasible, but remember that you are just a bystander, not a participant. No matter who you meet or what type of assassination you encounter, you cannot participate.

He had a premonition that the person coming would be a very scary person, and anyone involved would have a narrow escape from death.

However, he could not imagine how terrifying a person could be to see through Zhou Mei's invisibility skills at a glance and kill Zhou Mei with one move. You need to know that Zhou Mei was someone who dared to even enter the restricted area of ​​the palace and return safely.

If he were to be in another position, even he himself would not be able to see through a bystander like Zhou Mei who just wanted to watch and kill him with one move!

In the entire universe, how many people are stronger than him?

Among the Immortal Sect masters on the spiritual path, few are better than him!

Those in the literary world who are above the literary level are even less powerful than him!

Who is the one?

The shadows of the sun are flowing, rising in the east and setting in the west.

The moonlight is like water, rising in the west and setting in the east.

On the Yangtze River, a small boat passed leisurely. The wild flowers on the riverside were in full bloom three days ago, but now they have withered.

The last petal floated down the Yangtze River and flowed eastward along the river.

The sun slowly moved to the foot of the east mountain, leaving its final glory on the green wall of a temple.

On the boat, Lin Su looked at Zhou Mei lying on the bamboo bed, her eyes full of tenderness.

He raised his hand and wiped her forehead with a light handkerchief. Even though she slept for three days and three nights, there was cold sweat on her forehead from time to time, as if she had once again returned to the thrilling scene three days ago...

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