Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 717 Let the storms in the world rise, I will look at the idle flowers from the pavilion

There is a kind of leisure, which is to put aside the work and go home alone.

There is a kind of posture, which is to let the wind and clouds in the world rise, and I look at the idle flowers from the pavilion.

In theory, Lin Su should be running around in all directions at this moment, spending all his life's wisdom to hedge against the upcoming storm.

However, as he walked on the river, his clothes were flying lightly, and he still showed a sense of leisure and comfort.

He plans to return to his hometown.

In his world, there are two great wars, both in the near future.

The first battle is the Battle of the East China Sea!

This battle seems to have nothing to do with the human world, but Lin Su attaches great importance to it. Why? Just as he told Long Wentian: I am not for the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I am for the human race!

The four seas encompass the human race’s territory.

The Four Seas is the outer boundary of the human race.

The four seas are stable. Any storms within the human race are just storms in a teapot. They are not much bigger. However, the four seas are uncertain. Aliens and demons are coming from all directions on the sea. One day they will cross the human sea dividing line drawn by the Soldier Saint. , causing the danger of extinction of the human race.

He, Linsu, is from the human race!

No one entrusted him to protect the human race!

However, he has a crisis. Where does the crisis come from? You may not believe it, but the crisis comes from destiny!

Yes, that fate that Liu Tianyin once said!

Lin Su scoffed at destiny.

Liu Tianyin, he humiliated her easily.

However, things have changed, and Lin Su has also reflected on it.

Is it really impossible that Liu Tianyin mentioned the destiny and that she asserted that Lin Su would be the culprit of Da Cang?

It stands to reason that it is extremely ridiculous!

Anyone who becomes the culprit cannot be Lin Su!

However, maybe it's because he's lived in this world for too long, maybe he's seen too many bizarre things, maybe he's convinced in his heart that the philosophy that a butterfly flapping its wings will form a tornado, but he still thinks a little more complicated...

Subjectively, Lin Su is absolutely unwilling to be the culprit. However, objectively, his actions may cause unbearable consequences. For example, when he opened the formation at Yueling in Dacang Mountain, he hesitated. If this What is blocked in the formation is a certain troll. When he opens it, it is equivalent to opening Pandora's box. If this troll destroys the world with a raised hand, Lin Su will indirectly become the great destroyer. Cang's culprit?

Fortunately, there are no demons in that cave, only gods!

The headmaster of Jianmen, Dugu Shi, and the three thousand soldiers under him are truly the gods of war!

This is just an episode in his life.

Who can guarantee that he will not deviate every step he takes?

Who can guarantee that he will not backfire?

He can't guarantee it!

Therefore, he wants to do his best to eliminate hidden dangers!

Where are the hidden dangers?

The hidden dangers on land are only the surrounding countries, Osumi and Chi Kingdom, but Lin Su does not think that these two countries are really capable of destroying Da Cang. Even if he caused political turmoil in Da Cang and gave them an opportunity, they would not There is a high probability that Da Cang will not really turn into the scene in Elegy of the Motherland.

There is only one possibility for the thousand-year-old blue sky to become like that: the demons make a comeback!

And where will the demons come from?

Is it bloody rain?

No! Most likely it came from the sea!

Therefore, Lin Su formulated a blueprint that was almost unbelievable: using the sea to control the sea, and using the East Sea Dragon Palace to pacify hundreds of millions of miles of sea.

This grand plan is a dialogue with the Soldier Saint spanning thousands of years. This is a strategic relay with the Soldier Saint!

It can even be said that he has taken a new step in the grand plan of Soldier Saint! The Bingsheng only used the sea of ​​​​human dividing line to block and block; but he was sparse, focusing on reorganizing the power of the world outside the dividing line and eliminating hidden dangers.

The strategy is grand.

He went to war for a reason.

However, this war has not yet begun. The sea is calm, even quieter than ever.

But he knew that everyone in the East China Sea Dragon Palace also knew that this kind of calm was the most terrifying.

The daily frictions between the three sea areas and the East China Sea have disappeared, and the several major disputed borders are extremely calm. They all point in the same direction: the three sea areas are plotting and deploying. They no longer care about the trivial matters of daily disputes. What they want is A battle of genocide!

Since the three sea areas have not moved, Lin Su naturally does not move either.

So, let’s put that war aside for now.

Just focus on the other big battle.

This battle is: facing the Nine-Five Supreme and flipping the table.

He told Li Zexi that the table still had to be lifted, but who would lift it and when would be a big question.

Now, the time is near.

To be precise, this plan started with the murder of Li Xiaotian!

News has come from the northwest that one hundred thousand Ji's army has arrived three hundred miles away from Helan City. The arrival of the Ji's army represents the start of the war.

Li Xiaotian's crisis is coming soon.

As soon as he dies, a war will ignite in the northwest border city. Together with the war, Lin Su's plan will form a chain...

It won't be long...

In the meantime, he has something to do!

In fact, everyone in his camp has something to do!

However, what everyone does is different, and from the outside, there are no clues.

For example, Lin Su doesn't seem to be doing big things.

He was like a migrant worker in modern society who felt uneasy about his job. He went home for a few days and fell into the eyes of everyone. The interpretation was: This man couldn't bear to leave his wife...

The same goes for Lin Su!

As soon as he stepped into the door of Lin's house, his mother stood on the steps waiting for him. Seeing him sighing quietly: Sanlang, if you really can't bear to let go of the girls in your west courtyard, you might as well take them to work. It's against the rules anyway. You don't do things like this once or twice about officialdom rules.

Look, even the old lady with deep-rooted feudal bureaucratic ideas has the consciousness to violate official discipline.

Lin Su hugged my mother's shoulders and said very affectionately, I can't bear to leave you. Otherwise, mother, please come with me to Nanshan to take up a post.

The old lady raised her hand and wanted to give him a hard slap, but in the end she was reluctant and gently brushed a leaf off his shoulder, leaving a sigh: You...

Back in the west courtyard, Mr. Lin was hypocritical: Babys, I really can't let you go. I'm back again... Hey, little baby Ying'er, why are you alone?

Cui Ying threw herself into his arms and raised her face in his arms: Your sister Chen's baby, the baby in green clothes and the baby in Huaping have all gone to the river bank. Myolie and I are the only ones at home... Oh, there's another one Dark night baby, there is smoke in the study...

Liu Xing'er half-stepped into the Nuan Pavilion (called Liang Pavilion at the moment) and quickly put her foot back, fearing that Cui Ying would also add a treasure after her name. Fortunately, Cui Ying stopped her.

Lin Su's mind suddenly went astray: Is there smoke in the dark night?

My true husband...go and have a look... He pulled Lin Su and quietly ran out of the study.

Outside the study room, silver light flickered, indicating the literary blockade left by Lin Su.

Through the blurred light, Lin Su saw that the whole body in the dark night was full of vitality, and it was this smoke...

Lin Su's eyes flickered: It's really a legend. All the meridians in her body are open!

The wonders of practicing martial arts in the dark night are in the eyes of the beholder and the wise.

In Sister Chen's eyes, she was surprised.

In Qiushui Huaping's eyes, there was shock.

In the eyes of Lu Yi and Cui Ying, it was just smoke.

But in Lin Su's eyes, it was full of relief.

He has a thousand-degree pupil, and he can clearly see that the dark night has opened up the meridians of the whole body, and the true energy of the whole body is flowing without any hindrance. What does this mean? If you take her into the mermaid clan's vitality pool, there will be very few bubbles.

This is the perfect foundation she makes up for, or almost perfect!

Once this step is completed, the subsequent process will be very fast.

Ten days at most!

She will return to Guitian, a completely different Guitian!

Mr. An Ye, will Sister An Ye be something special after she comes out of seclusion? Cui Ying said softly.

Yes, she will be the most amazing martial artist.

Cui Ying was a little disappointed: All of my husband's women are amazing, and they are becoming more and more amazing. Only Ying'er can't do anything...

This may be true.

Since Cui Ying followed him, she has always lamented that her father-in-law's woman is not an ordinary person, except for herself...

Sister Chen's craftsmanship is as high as that of a god. Almost everything in the Lin Mansion is made by her. Every item is exquisitely crafted, including the bathroom.

Lu Yi can sing and play the piano. Her singing voice and her piano have become a legend in Haining and even in the world.

Qiushui Huaping is a master of painting. Her paintings are so captivating that they are like the moon in the Lin family. They are engraved on porcelain and bring huge amounts of money to the Lin family every day.

Now comes An Ye, the most amazing martial arts prodigy.

I heard that there is also a ninth princess of the demon clan. As long as she comes out of seclusion, she will be the demon king.

She is the only one who knows nothing...

Lin Su hugged her and coaxed her gently, Baby, you are the most amazing. You are so beautiful and smell so good. If you don't tell them, I will also tell you that you have a lot of water...

With a sound, Cui Ying slapped Lin Su's mouth...

The next process is not suitable for children. Regardless of whether Cui Ying has verified her merits in broad daylight, her depression has disappeared anyway. Who cares, she is with her husband. Most of the time, she does not talk about fighting, as long as her husband Be happy, what else do I care about?

As night falls, the autumn water painting screen streaks across the sky, falling into the attic like a fairy.

Sister Chen and Lu Yi entered the west courtyard side by side, chatting and laughing.

Suddenly seeing Lin Su, the two women fell into his arms at the same time: Ms. sir, why did you come back so quickly?

I want my wife...

The whole west courtyard is alive...

That night, Lin Su received a summons from Zhang Haoran in the attic of Qiushui Painting Screen.

He dodged back to his room.

The messenger is connected...

Zhang Haoran was quite excited there: Brother, something happened.


Grandmaster Chen has begun the reorganization of White Deer Academy...

Lin Su's eyes lit up...

Zhang Haoran laughed: You impeached Chen Geng four days ago. It seems that Mr. Chen completely understood this trick...

Lin Su used Bailu Academy to kill Li Qinghan, and cleverly pointed the finger at Du Yuanfeng.

Under the first trial, Du Yuanfeng admitted that he had killed more than 100 people in Sifang Mountain.

The entire capital city already knows about this matter. Things like this cannot be hidden in the first place...

White Deer Academy stepped onto the cusp of the storm...

Lin Su impeached the dean of White Deer Academy, but many people didn't understand. Chen was promoted to the position by Lin Su's office. He was the first to impeach. Could it be that Lin Su, this troublemaker, lost his mind? In other words, has he completely changed his stance and sided with the officials?

However, some sensitive officials realized that Mr. Lin might have some evil intentions.

Sure enough, soon, the officials' premonition came true.

Chen Geng was impeached and asked for an imperial edict in front of His Majesty to rectify Bailu Academy.

In that situation, His Majesty could only nod. It doesn't matter if he nods, Chen Geng has obtained the Shang Fang Sword. The White Deer Academy must be rectified!

The Gewutang scandal broke out, and there was such a scandal in Bailu Academy. How could we let it go unchecked? We must respect the imperial edict and vigorously rectify it!

Zhengxintang follows.

Xiushentang follows.

What can Zhizhitang do? The scandal was caused by their hall, causing White Deer Academy to be laughed at, and causing the dean to be impeached. How can we not take a stand and rectify it?

During the process of rectification, the atmosphere was delicate, and the extent of the rectification became the focus of debate. Gewutang advocated the abolition of the elder board system and replaced it with the decision-making system of the dean.

This proposal can be said to be extremely bold!

Because this means that the biggest reform of White Deer Academy, once passed, will completely change the entire decision-making system of White Deer Academy.

The body of elders no longer has real power!

Zhizhitang will not have real power!

As soon as this proposal came out, the whole capital was shocked. His Majesty the Emperor Long Yan was furious and was about to intervene...

However, an unexpected person stood up and expressed his support for Gewutang's proposal. This person, even if you think hard, would never have thought of it...

Zhang Haoran gave Lin Su a small pass.

Lin Su's eyes widened: Who?

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