Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 727 Buddhist Grand Meeting

People from the Buddhist sect have quite a high level of cultivation. Lin Su said.

There is no such young nun in Da Cang. Maybe she is not from Da Cang! An Ye said.

She is a woman, and she has extensive knowledge in the world. She has always paid attention to the younger generation. She is also a woman, and she subconsciously pays more attention to the women of the younger generation.

There was no such young nun in her intelligence system.

The world is so big and there are so many strange people and scholars, how can everyone know it? Lin Su said: Let's see where she is going.

About half an hour later, the nun in blue set foot on the road to the Western Mountains.


Lin Su and An Ye were slightly shocked...

As they watched, the nun in green went up to the Western Mountain, crossed the ridge, passed the mountain residence, and entered Lingyin Temple...

And they also saw that several other monks also went to Lingyin Temple...

Lingyin Temple is a sensitive area. Prince Chen may have entered Lingyin Temple at this moment. Even if he hasn't arrived yet, he is expected to arrive within a few days...

Suddenly, monks from all over the world entered Lingyin Temple. What does that mean?

Soon, they knew...

There was a lecture at Lingyin Temple.

This is a Buddhist event.

Where is it? The abbot master of Lingyin Temple and the master Jinguang Temple lectured at the same time, and the sutra they taught was the truly important thing. This sutra is the Diamond Sutra.

The Diamond Sutra came out last year, and the secular world was basically unaware of it. However, Buddhism was like a magnitude 10 earthquake. Countless Buddhist monks went into the sky at night just for this Buddhist scripture that came out of the sky.

The origin of the Diamond Sutra is a mystery.

But its breadth and profoundness shocked the Buddha's heart.

On the Dongting Lake that day, the golden light created a Buddhist wonder that lasted for a month, and also attracted Buddhist masters from all over the nine countries and thirteen states to the sky...

After learning the reason, Lin Su slapped himself on the head: Oh my God! Did I dig a hole for myself?

Lingyin Temple needs silence at this moment.

However, the Diamond Sutra lecture event happened to be held at this time.

This Diamond Sutra was written by myself...

My day, what is this?

However, if you think about it from another angle, it might not be a bad thing. Precisely because monks gathered from all directions, King Chen's entry into Lingyin Temple was not obtrusive and he could avoid everyone's sight.

He felt annoyed and relieved for a while, but his expression was not that peaceful anyway.

An Ye's eyes widened: Why do you say you dug a hole for yourself? You don't want to say that you also wrote the Diamond Sutra, do you?

Really are!

Oh my god, you actually write Buddhist scriptures? You are the husband-in-law of dozens of women. You play with women eight times a night, and you can actually write Buddhist scriptures?

The dark night is so crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, I can't believe it even if it's cold.

Lin Su could only hold her and coax her slowly. Some things cannot be seen on the surface. Superficial things can often mislead people. It is a fact that I played eight times a night. However, you have to learn to see through the phenomenon to see the essence. What I am essentially called Purpose all sentient beings, I know your needs, let you be happy mentally, of course, and more importantly, physically happy. How do you say this? The wine and meat passed through the intestines, leaving the Buddha in his heart, and the bed creaked like a wooden fish...

There are a lot of symbols of various colors in Dark Night's brain, and I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south...

Until a mansion appeared in front, Zhou Mansion...

Lin Su grabbed An Ye's hands, pulled her under the willow shade, stared into her eyes and said, Baby, you must be thinking about what you should do when you come to Beijing, right?

Yeah, right! An Ye shook off all the messy Buddhist essentials and gave him a clear answer.

There's something you can't do alone. I'll find two helpers for you. Then, you three beauties will let loose and cause trouble in the capital...

After some explanation, Lin Su held An Ye for a kiss, let go of her hand, took official steps, and walked towards the Zhou Mansion...

When he arrived in front of the Zhou Mansion, he felt that the eight-character step was a bit out of tune with the scholar's clothes on his body, so he changed his pace, and accidentally changed it to the pace of a prostitute. In the last few steps, he finally took the right step, the pace of a scholar...

Knock, and the door will open.

As soon as the gatekeeper inside saw Lin Su, he opened the side door and said, Mr. Lin, it's you!

Is Mr. Zhou here?

It was already sunset, and the officials should have gone on duty.

But the gatekeeper said: My master has important things to do and has not returned home yet. Master Lin, please come in quickly and have tea at Tianya Pavilion first. I will inform the master immediately and he will be back soon.

Lin Su was sent directly to the Tianya Pavilion in the backyard.

This kind of treatment can be said to be unprecedented.

When an ordinary person pays a visit to an official, 90% of the time he has to go back home if the official is not around. Even the most important guest will only be sent to a side pavilion to have tea first, waiting for the owner to return.

But what did the Zhou family do?

Send him to Tianya Pavilion.

Tianya Pavilion is in the backyard, where the master spends his daily time nourishing his soul.

Even the young master in the mansion cannot enter at will.

Lin Su, an outsider, was sent directly to Tianya Pavilion.

Lin Su didn't see anyone else. He entered Tianya Pavilion, took the fragrant tea from the maid, and held the teacup to admire Tian Jing Sha. Autumn Thoughts handwritten by Zhou Zhang...

Withered vines, old trees and dim crows, small bridges and flowing water, people's houses, west wind and thin horses on the ancient road, the setting sun, heartbroken people are at the end of the world.

The majestic handwriting has a touch of desolation and heroism...

After only waiting for a moment, the wind blew in the backyard, and a person fell from the sky, it was Zhou Zhang.

As soon as Zhou Zhang arrived, the maid bowed and retreated. In the Tianya Pavilion, Wen Dao's light flashed and Wen Dao protection was activated...

When will you enter Beijing? Zhou Zhang asked.


There's something I didn't want you to know, but since you've bumped into it, there's no need to hide it... Something happened to Deng Hongbo!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Please tell me in detail...

Zhou Zhang waved his hand, and Lin Su sat down with him at the same time...

What happened to Deng Hongbo is related to the position of the East Palace.

The third prince has recently mobilized his ministers to build momentum for him to take over the East Palace. Forced by the situation, the court has basically reached a consensus that it is imperative for the third prince to take over the East Palace.

This is not only the Third Prince's own wish, but also His Majesty's wish.

Otherwise, he would not have bothered to make the third prince stand in the court. During this period, the third prince had been standing on the court, standing on the second step between His Majesty and the ministers.

This was originally an opportunity created by His Majesty for him, so everyone knows His Majesty's intentions.

A country cannot live without a king for a day.

You cannot be without savings.

The prince is dead and the East Palace cannot be empty for a long time, otherwise, there will eventually be anomalies.

Therefore, it became a general trend for the third prince to enter the East Palace.

However, some officials were unwilling to see this happen.

These court officials are divided into two types. One is Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng, Zhou Zhang, and Deng Hongbo. They know that the third prince has the support of Wujianmen behind him. They have long been dissatisfied with the third prince's style of connecting with the world. A generation of emperors has too deep connections with the world. How can the overall situation of the country be balanced? Being easily influenced by Jianghu forces is a major hidden danger for the country.

So, their opposition is pure.

In addition, there is a group of people who are also opposed. These people are not pure. They are the prince's old subordinates. They are worried that the third prince will settle accounts with them after he comes to power. Therefore, they want to take this opportunity to negotiate terms with the third prince...

The court has become a mess because of the storage space.

Deng Hongbo had an upright character, and the old man did not listen to anyone's advice. Three days ago, he mobilized a group of literati to storm outside the Golden Palace and angrily accused the three princes of colluding with the Wujian Sect and were not worthy of being crown princes.

The impact of this move was huge.

His Majesty was furious and took him to a prison in the name of framing the prince. All the Deng family members were imprisoned, and the female family members of the Deng family were assigned to the Jiaofang Secretary.

Lin Su frowned deeply...

He has already told Zhang Haoran that when it comes to fighting for the reserve, he only needs to express his attitude and there is no need to take drastic actions, because in his dictionary, the matter of fighting for the reserve is not important at all.

The third prince wants to enter the East Palace, just let him enter.

What does it mean to enter the East Palace? Isn't he just a prince? Your father's throne is here, and you are the prince. I am the one who takes the blame for your father's throne. You, the prince, are nothing.

Zhang Haoran listened to this suggestion.

Zhang Juzheng seemed to have listened.

Chen Geng listened, Zhou Zhang listened, but after all, some people still didn't listen.

The old man Deng Hongbo is a typical example of stubbornness - as a representative of the main war faction back then, he jumped into the trap like this. Now, apart from being one year older, his memory is not long at all.

But what can be done?

After all, it's the people on my side, so I can't just ignore him.

Zhou Zhang just went to wipe his butt.

The place he went to was the Jiaofang Division.

As a third-grade censor, he told the chief minister of the Jiaofang Division that Mr. Deng is currently only imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, but there is no official punishment. His family members are only included in the Jiaofang Division, and he is not asking you to mess around. Before the verdict, if anyone dares to touch a hair of Mr. Deng’s family, I, Zhou Zhang, will not give up my life, but I will make you pay the price.

It has to be said that Zhou Zhang must take this step.

If he didn't take this step, the Deng family members who were included in the Jiaofang Division would really be in danger.

If an official deliberately wanted to disgust Deng Hongbo and sold his daughter to a brothel in advance, even if the Deng family finally escaped from the disaster, this stain would never be eliminated.

Is the situation in Jiaofang Division currently under control? Lin Su said.

Don't worry! Based on the legal principles, I have locked up the legal principles of the Jiaofang Division. If they make a fuss secretly, they can't escape... Mei'er's mother's eyes, the Deng family members, there will be no mistakes before the judgment.

Lin Su was relieved.

Of course he knew the laws of Da Cang. There was only one way for the female family members of officials to enter the Jiaofang Division, which was to sell them to officials as concubines or sell them to brothels to pick up customers. However, they could not be moved until the officials announced the official punishment and before the official punishment was announced. This is national law.

However, there are still people who break through the legal restrictions and do shameful things secretly.

Especially when the power is in the hands of those people, no one cares about the law.

As a result, Zhou Zhang's second secret move will come into effect. His wife, Zhou Mei's mother, a powerful witch who was feared in the world in the past, can cut off any black hands that reach out to the Deng family.

Zhou Zhang raised his hand and poured Lin Su a cup of tea: What I'm worried about now is the verdict!

Deng Hongbo gathered hundreds of people outside the Golden Palace and accused the third prince of seducing Wu Jianmen and doing all kinds of shady things. But he had no evidence, so he was the one setting up the trap.

Framing the prince and ruining the reputation of the royal family is indeed a serious crime. It is enough to kill his head, enough to send his children to the army for three thousand miles, enough to confiscate his family property, and enough to sell his female relatives to a brothel...

The verdict has not yet been made.

At present, Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng have also taken action. However, even if the two first-class officials try their best to help, it may not help.

Because we need to see the essence of this matter.

This matter is not at all a matter of a third-grade minister framing the prince.

This matter is related to whether the third prince can successfully enter the East Palace.

It is a matter of national importance.

His Majesty cannot allow officials to question the third prince because he wants to ensure the legal legitimacy of the third prince's entry into the East Palace.

The third prince himself would not let Deng Hongbo go. He wanted to use Deng Hongbo's head to intimidate the current officials.

These two people, one is the 95th Supreme Emperor and the other is the quasi-prince. With their support, even if everyone in the opposition joins forces, it will be difficult to save Deng Hongbo...

Lin Su smiled lightly: Don't worry!

Four words, Zhou Zhang's whole body was shaken...

I originally didn't object to him being the crown prince for a few months, but since he's looking for trouble on his own, I'll let him do it! Lin Su said: You don't have to worry about this matter, I'll take care of it!

Zhou Zhang frowned: What are you going to do?

I haven't thought about it yet. Lend me a quiet room and let me think about it...

So, Lin Su entered the guest room of Zhou Mansion.

Zhou Zhang walked around his Tianya Pavilion over and over again.

There are a lot of C’s in my heart!

You brat, you didn’t even start to think about it, and you just let me rest assured? You are so arrogant that since the third prince is looking for trouble, you will help him... Do you know that I, Old Zhou, can't bear your ups and downs like this?

This bastard bastard had better not become my son-in-law, otherwise, I am a little worried that you will stimulate me to death...

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