Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 729 Three wisps of dark fragrance stir up the storm

In the grove outside the mansion gate, Zhou Mei finally saw the dark night when she opened her eyes.

An Ye also looked at this little beauty biting her lip.

Both of them were in a daze for a moment.

Zhou Mei must admit that although this bastard can be quite hateful at times, his vision is really good. His little wives are all outstanding.

What makes An Ye confused is that this little beauty is the helper he found for him?

Why are you biting your lip?

Were you bullied by him just now?

I have warned Lu Yi that when I am away, I will not let my husband have any loose connections and control the total number. Generally speaking, Lu Yi is quite conscientious. He has only added one Cui Ying in two years. What am I doing now? I went to the capital with my husband, and someone of this level came here on the first night. If I fought side by side with her, I might be dragged into the bed to fight by the bad guy in the future. What was I doing? A different kind of matchmaking?

I've seen you! You were in retreat in the Lin family's study! Zhou Mei spoke first.

An Ye's mentality suddenly calmed down. I was not the first matchmaker! When I was in seclusion, she went to Lin's house. The responsibility was not mine!

I know you! An Ye said: You once helped him collect information about Yaowang Mountain and accompanied him to Beichuan!

I also know you! But I never thought that you would be the actual person in charge of Beijing Anxiang.

You are wrong! I am not the person in charge of Anxiang! I am not even Anxiang at all!

Zhou Mei was shocked...

An Ye said: As for the person in charge of Anxiang, to be honest, when I heard him talk about it, I was more surprised than you!

Who is it? Zhou Mei was also shocked.

Let's go to Banshanju together...

Living in the middle of the mountain?

Zhou Mei was completely stunned...

Bi Xuanji!

One of the four beauties in Beijing!

People who practice Buddhism!

A Buddhist woman who is so quiet that she doesn’t like the fireworks of the world?

She is actually a secret fragrance!

In the middle of a mountain, under the starlight, three women live together...

An Ye and Bi Xuanji were old acquaintances. When Lin Su was having sex with the four beauties, An Ye was the guardian above their heads.

Her eyes rarely fell on Bi Xuanji.

Because even a blind man could tell that the target of Lin Su's evildoer was Lu Youwei.

As her husband's younger daughter-in-law, she obviously paid more attention to Lu Youwei.

But who would have thought that Mr. Bi Xuanji's secrets would exceed those of everyone else.

Three women who were originally unrelated to each other.

Three beauties who are unique in their respective fields.

Because of the existence of a man, they gathered in Xishan on this starry night.

This was originally a good story on the path of spiritual practice, but there are not many words to express it.

Just admire each other silently...

Of course, what they admire more is the vision of a certain man...

This man's vision is really unique. It's hard to find a woman of their level in the world, but he has a unique discerning eye... a lustful eye, and he just managed to get them together...

However, there is also fun.

Happily, they had the feeling of meeting their bosom friends over wine.

If drinking to become a confidant is suitable for men, women should call it: I have found a best friend...

When the three women met, they focused on a common goal...

What is this goal?

The ultimate killer!

The dark night is the trump card of assassination, and it can kill even those in heaven and earth!

Zhou Mei is the trump card of espionage. Her invisibility has only failed twice since her debut. Once when facing that terrifying literary master, and once in front of Lin Su. Zhou Mei does not think that the failure in front of Lin Su is a problem of ability. , she firmly believed in telepathy - the kind of telepathy that makes people feel connected. Although Lin didn't really talk to her, she felt in her heart that she was connected...

And Bi Xuanji, the magic of shadows is unparalleled.

However, these are not their biggest trump cards.

The biggest trump card comes from the secret system.

After the revision of Anxiang, almost all execution operations have stopped, but the function of spying on intelligence has been brought into full play.

Not only in the capital, their touch has extended to Quzhou, Zhongzhou, Dongzhou, Xizhou, Nanshan Prefecture, and even beyond Helan Mountain to the Osumi royal family.

Otherwise, how can they unearth the hidden literary world in Osumi, the hidden dragon of the Jin Dynasty, which has been hidden for fifty years? How can I get in touch?

All of this is due to the secret fragrance.

The role of intelligence is irreplaceable in the turbulent and troubled world.

A piece of useful intelligence is even better than an ace team.

The storm is coming, and the storm is coming, and they are a faint fragrance under this storm!

In Zhou Mansion, Lin Su slept until she woke up naturally.

When he woke up, Zhou Zhang was no longer there.

Zhou Zhang is a veteran bureaucrat, the kind of person who doesn't cause trouble easily, is not afraid of trouble when he does, and tries his best not to give others excuses in life.

Therefore, it is his daily routine to go up and down on time.

Lin Su is on the other extreme. As a very busy prefect, he dares to work a day off for half a year. Is there anyone else you can visit all over the world?

This is not comparable.

However, today, there are still a few people like him.

Zhang Haoran, Qiu Mochi, Li Yangxin, and Huo Qi are the four familiar officials of the capital. In the perception of the court officials, these four people are basically tied to Lin Su and have become Lin Su's negative teaching materials. According to the evidence, knowledgeable officials often teach their descendants this way: You said that Mr. Lin is a troublemaker. If you are close to red, you will be red. If you are close to ink, you will be black. If you have nothing to do, don’t make friends with such people. Look at Zhang Haoran and others. People originally had a bright future, but what would happen if they got mixed up with him?

The five negative teaching materials gathered together during the last semester...

Zhang Haoran complained a little, you came to Beijing yesterday, why didn't you come to my Green Willow Villa to rest?

Huo Qi made up for it. In the past, his sister was not here, so it was understandable that you would go to Xishan. Last night, his sister was at home, but you still went to Xishan. No wonder Brother Haoran was so angry today.

As soon as he said these words, he received a blank look from Lin Su and a fist from Zhang Haoran.

After laughing and making trouble, Qiu Mochi got to the point: Brother Lin, you summoned the brothers to gather today, it must be about Deng Hongbo, right?

Qiu Mochi belongs to Jingzhao Yin Mansion.

He has strong links with criminal cases.

He was particularly sensitive to this matter.

As soon as these words came out, all the brothers were silent...

Deng Hongbo is from their camp.

Deng Hongbo encountered a major crisis, and they felt it the same way. They knew that this was an enemy's attack on this camp, but there was nothing they could do. Although they were scholars and officials in the capital, the most indispensable thing in the capital was officials!

Although there is no such thing as a wall falling down and crushing three division chiefs in this world, you can encounter several fifth- and sixth-grade officials like them just by walking around the street.

Their parents, who may have seniority or hold high positions, could do nothing to deal with Deng Hongbo's situation. At most, they could only alleviate the situation on the periphery. What could they do?

But they are looking forward to this partner who has repeatedly created miracles to create another miracle.

Therefore, as soon as they heard Lin Su's call today and asked for leave at the same time, they came to him as soon as possible and faced this problem head-on.

Lin Su looked at the expectant eyes of his companions and smiled slightly: To untie the bell, you still need someone to tie it! Since Deng Hongbo has been convicted of framing the prince, let's go visit the prince and get rid of him!

Visiting Prince Ping? Huo Qi caught a key word.

Taking fire under the cauldron? Zhang Haoran caught another key word.

Lin Sudao: Deng Hongbo has no evidence to prove that the third prince colluded with Wujianmen, so he is the framer. What if we find evidence that he actually colluded with Wujianmen? Is it still a frame-up?

The four people's eyes lit up at the same time.

Yes, if there is no evidence, it is a frame-up. If you find irrefutable evidence, it is not a frame-up.

He just made a righteous statement based on national interests and literary character! A prince who has deep connections with a sinister organization like Wu Jianmen is indeed not suitable to be the crown prince of a country, because once you become the king of a country, you will definitely convey interests to this force in the future, and what you convey is national interests. ——This has nothing to do with stance. This is the consensus of all knowledgeable people in the world. This is the true judgment of a national scholar!

Even if His Majesty is dissatisfied with him, even if the court officials quickly get rid of him and no longer have the crime of frame-up, there is nothing that can be done against Deng Hongbo.

He can be released from the prison, and he can be reinstated as an official. Even if His Majesty dislikes him one hundred and twenty times and wants to wipe him out, he still has to find another crime. Even if the court officials give him difficult problems like last time, Ask him to complete a job in half a month that others cannot complete in five months. If he can't finish it, let him get out. That's just a matter of work ability. At best, you can remove his official position, but you can't touch his people. It is definitely two different concepts from the current situation.

The direction was certain, and everyone seemed to be on the receiving end of a fight.

Zhang Haoran frowned when he saw how these friends were made like this by his words: Brothers, are you too optimistic? Is it so easy to find evidence that a senior prince colludes with Wujianmen? If it is really easy, the prince... The late prince has been found long ago.”

that's true.

Everyone calmed down.

The third prince is not only the opponent of these few of them, he is also the crown prince... the longest rival of the deceased crown prince.

Last year, to be precise, ever since the Wujianmen attacked Yaowang Mountain under the instigation of Anxiang, the Wujianmen was designated as an illegal organization by His Majesty, and His Majesty personally broke out of the Wujianmen stronghold. In that case, who was the Wujianmen? No matter who is dead, the prince also wants to tie Wujianmen to the third prince, but he can't find any irrefutable evidence.

Something that even the prince cannot do.

Can five of them do it?

Why does Zhang Haoran feel so unreliable?

Lin Su smiled: Your Majesty can't find it. It's not that he can't find it. It's because he doesn't want to lift this ugly cover and embarrass the royal family! The prince can't be found. It's not that he can't find it. It's because he can't find it. Because he also has to worry about His Majesty’s face and does not dare to take the road to an end.”

Everyone's eyes lit up again.

Yes, it is a fact that the third prince colluded with the Wujianmen. It is a fact. No matter how much you hide it, there will always be traces and tricks to defeat it. Whether it is your majesty or the prince, if you are determined to remove the third prince from the line of succession, There are always ways to eliminate the problem, but they have not adopted it. The fundamental reason is still His Majesty. Your Majesty does not want to abandon this prince. He does not want the prince's scandal to shame the entire royal family. The prince knows his father's wishes well, and naturally he does not dare to let his father do it. The emperor is too embarrassed.

Therefore, for many years, the lid has not been lifted, maintaining the subtlety of fighting but not breaking.

Lin Su continued: I'm different. I don't have to care about anyone's face, and I don't have to care about someone's future. I have the Aoki Order of Wen Dao, and I don't even have to care about whether there are some violations... So today, All you have to do is stay by my side and give me a strong reputation, and you don’t have to say anything!

The four of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


Lin Su took the lead, and the four of them followed, heading to the Third Prince's Prince Ping's Mansion.

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