Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 759 The battle between avenues

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar in the sky.

Above the empty sky, floating clouds are rolling, with purple floating clouds on the left and blood-colored clouds on the right. Between the clouds, there is a clear distinction between them. There is a faint flash of lightning, and there is a sudden thunder and lightning...

On the two spaceships, six thousand soldiers of the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion looked into the depths of the clouds, quite surprised. Wasn't it a clear day just now? It seems like things are going to change now.

Li Qingquan's eyes fell on Lin Su's face and he was surprised: Brother, what's wrong?

Bi Xuanji, An Ye and Weiwei were startled because Lin Su's face was very pale...

Lin Su took a deep breath, his face returned to normal, and he smiled slightly: It's okay, let's continue talking... Therefore, the most important thing for our battle in the north is to display the might of the army and sweep through thousands of armies. Roll mat...

During the long debate, the flying boat crossed thousands of miles of sky, and the clouds in the sky finally dissipated...

Li Qingquan sat at the table, drinking tea, digesting these shocking views...

He was once the sick son of the capital, and he also deliberately made friends with various court officials. There were many great scholars in his circle who were proficient in military affairs. However, no one had ever described military affairs in such a concise yet profound manner...

Between countries, there is no human morality, only interests.

Only if you dare to fight can you make peace; only if you can fight can you stop war!

How profound, yet how subversive?

Lin Su returned to his room and followed An Ye in: Mr. sir, what happened just now? You looked very strange.

Lin Su breathed out softly: I just accidentally stepped on a minefield!


The vision in the clouds just now was a battle between great ways! A great battle between Confucianism and Taoism and the Tao of War...

What? An Ye's face suddenly turned as pale as paper...

She is not stupid and sweet. Although she is not a scholar, she is from Baixianglou. She has collected various information on the scholar because of her husband. She knows that the biggest dispute in the scholar is the dispute between the great avenues.

The dispute between the avenues has nothing to do with the secular world. People in the secular world are simply not qualified to come into contact with such high-end things.

But the dispute over the avenue is the biggest taboo in the temple.

In the past, the Sage of Soldiers and the Sage of Confucianism were separated for a long time because of the dispute over the Great Way. Some people say that the Temple of War was destroyed, and the descendants of the Sage of Soldiers did not enter the world, all because of the dispute over the Great Way!

Even an eternal hero like the Bing Sheng almost died because of the dispute between the avenues. If Lin Su got involved, wouldn't he be cannon fodder?

No! Lin Su is not involved!

He just made two points...

Confucianism's military philosophy is that war is dangerous, and the military strategist's philosophy is that only if you dare to fight can you make peace, and only if you can fight can you stop the war.

Although there are only two opinions, just a dozen words, but these opinions are so profound that they actually stir up the secrets of the holy way, and there are faint clues of the dispute between the great ways.

Fortunately, Lin Su realized it quickly and stopped talking about this point of view. The dispute between the avenues only appeared and was not further elaborated. Otherwise, Lin Su would be in trouble today.

Ms. sir, with your ability, you can get involved in everything in the world, with one exception, maybe it's what you call the minefield! An Ye hugged his shoulders, leaned down and looked into his eyes and said: The battle of the avenues!

I know! Lin Su replied.

I can help you with things in the secular world, and there are many people who can help you, but we can't help you with things in the temple! An Ye said: Ms., you have to be careful!

I know, my baby! Lin Su reached out and hugged her into his arms.

An Ye enjoyed her husband's warm embrace and slowly closed her eyes: My husband, what will you do to that man from the Confucian Temple in Beijing?

Seventeenth section of the Confucian Temple in Beijing!

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: I will deal with him after I return to Beijing from the battle in the north!

An Ye shook his head gently: I know your character. You don't want to let go of anyone who touches your bottom line, but he should be an exception. After all, he is a regular in the temple and has a special status, and we have invaded the palace. At that time, he did not cause any trouble.

Do you think he doesn't want to cause trouble? He just can't help it! Lin Su smiled faintly: So it's a pity that I didn't receive his kindness! As for the Changxing of the Temple...who is not?

An Ye has to admit that she has a deep-rooted fascination with his heroic Qian Yun, but she also has to admit that her little husband seems to be addicted to fighting. Fighting in the secular world, fighting in the face of the temple, His bad habits were still there, and she could only moan: My dear husband, you really need to take it easy, you have a lot of wives waiting to give you babies...

Um? Lin Su's eyes moved over, very hot.

As soon as An Ye came into contact with this look, he became alert and jumped up: Oh my god, what do you want to do? This is on a flying boat, and we are already close to Dragon City...

Time is indeed too tight!

The flying boat crossed Dragon City and arrived at Helan Mountain in a short time.

On Helan City, the city head is already in ruins, and the battle flag is like iron. The soldiers' swords may be broken, the battle flag may be stained with blood, they may have broken legs and hands, or they may be lying in the military camp with difficulty breathing. However, this iron-blooded pass, Still showing his inviolable iron will under the sunset.

Li Xiaotian suddenly raised his head. His eyes were so cold that he was not like a scholar at all. When he came into contact with two thousands-mile cloud shuttles in the sky, he suddenly overflowed with light...

The Wanli Cloud Shuttle landed in the city and zoomed in. Lin Su stepped out of the Cloud Shuttle...

With a shout, Li Xiaotian came to him from the top of the city. He hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights, and his face, which was already as pale as paper, was covered with red clouds at this moment...

Brother Lin!

Master Lin! Du Yuting had not run past Li Xiaotian, and there was still Li Xiaotian between him and Lin Su, and he was already shouting, his cry was like crying...

Master Lin! The whole city shouted in unison.

Our Lord Lin is here!

Master Lin is here...

The 100,000-strong army instantly set off a wave.

An Ye and Bi Xuanji looked at each other, and a voice came quietly: What's going on? Why do I feel that the Flying Dragon Army seems to be his army?

Bi Xuanji's peaceful face was no longer peaceful at this moment: That's because of the Helan massacre. When the souls of Helan's 30,000 elite knights returned to the underworld and the three thousand remnant soldiers were in dire straits, he came to their side and led them to recover From that moment on, the Flying Dragon Legion’s one hundred thousand troops regarded him as the soul of their army!”

Lin Su's gaze swept across the audience and came into contact with the extremely eager eyes of all the soldiers. For some reason, his heart felt warm: Brothers, thank you for your hard work!

Six words, covering the entire audience.

All the sergeants in the city felt that the hard work in the past was worth it!

Li Xiaotian held Lin Su's hand tightly: Brother Lin is trying to put things right in the capital, rectify the source of chaos, and accomplish the almost impossible great feat by himself. That's hard work!

Exactly! Du Yuting was finally able to interject: Sir Lin, the brothers heard all kinds of legends from you at the border, and they were all high-spirited. Even if they faced the strongest army in Osumi, they never had the slightest fear, because we have the strongest army behind us. Strong support!

Lin Sudao: His Royal Highness King Chen will ascend the throne on the 20th of this month, but before he ascends the throne, he has already consecrated a prince. Please invite His Royal Highness King Jin!

As soon as the voice fell, behind him, the Blue Dragon and White Tiger legions separated at the same time, and Li Qingquan strode off the flying boat in his royal uniform.

All the soldiers looked at each other.

As border officers, to be honest, they didn't pay much attention to the pampered prince. Even though they had to respect the prince out of etiquette, they didn't show much respect from the bottom of their hearts.

However, this prince was just conferred by His Majesty.

It's on their front.

It was introduced personally by the person they respected the most.

Li Xiaotian led his men to see him immediately, and all the sergeants shouted in unison: I have seen King Jin!

This is already considered polite.

Lin Su stood next to Li Qingquan and faced the whole city: Do you know where the fiefdom of King Jin is?

The whole city was silent, and the Flying Dragon Legion did not know about the matter of being crowned king.

So no one answered.

Lin Sudao: The King of Jin's fiefdom is north of Yinshan Mountain and south of Lingding Ocean! From today on, our Feilong Legion and Qinglong White Tiger Legion face a new mission. They are not to stick to Helan City, but to send troops to the Northern Expedition to sweep away the three thousand people of the former Jin Dynasty. Return to our homeland, kill all the Da Yu army south of Lingding Yang, and push our Da Cang defense line northwards by three thousand miles!

There was a moment of silence in the whole city...

Suddenly, an earth-shaking wave broke out...

Li Xiaotian raised his arms and shouted: Northern expedition bandits, expand the territory and expand the territory!

Northern Expedition! Du Yuting also shouted.

Northern Expedition! all the generals shouted.

Northern Expedition! all the soldiers shouted in unison.

Lin Su raised his hand and his voice was muted.

Lin Sudao: The evil bandits from Dajun conquered the four kingdoms of Korea, Chu, Lu, and Jin in the past. Eight years ago, they invaded our borders, seized four of our towns, and killed 53 million of our fellow citizens. Many of our families were ruined and their families were exiled. How many of us were in exile? The woman is still crying and moaning to this day? How many dead souls cannot rest in peace? Only by killing all the invading bandits can the power of our great army be revealed!




The whole city is boiling!

In the military camp behind the city, a bandaged general suddenly stood up. The military doctor next to him was startled: General Ding...

The Northern Expedition is my lifelong wish. I'm going!

General, your hands... the military doctor shouted.

My lifelong wish has been realized, so why bother with a broken hand? The general had already lifted the curtain and came out.

Behind him, a large number of wounded people sat up. It could be said that as long as they could still sit up, they all sat up.

This is true even in the wounded barracks, not to mention those soldiers who can still fight...

Your Highness! Lin Su turned to Li Qingquan: Let everyone in the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion take action to treat the injuries of the brothers in the Flying Dragon Legion. Tonight, we will guard the city for these soldiers and let them have a good night's rest. Tomorrow, we will go on the Northern Expedition. !”

Okay! Li Qingquan turned around and ordered.

The Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion are not pure soldiers, they are a killing hall with a secret fragrance. The so-called killing means that while killing, you must also have the consciousness of being killed. Therefore, it is not said that everyone is a good healer, but the means of healing are But almost everyone is proficient in it.

Soon, the wounded soldiers of the Flying Dragon Legion received the best medical care.

After the mission of rescuing the wounded soldiers was completed, the two teams immediately went to the city, replaced the defending soldiers of the Flying Dragon Legion, and allowed these soldiers who had not slept for several days and nights to sleep.

An Ye, Bi Xuanji, and more than forty-five Taoist cultivation masters from the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion also jumped into the battle immediately, leaving the city to occupy the highest point and monitor the surroundings.

Li Qingquan, Lin Su, Li Xiaotian, Du Yuting and others were in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion. Under a commander's flag at the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, the mountains and rivers outside Helan City were reflected, as well as the deployment of troops in various places.

Li Xiaotian explained to them...

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