Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 768 Holy Wounds

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Su slowly regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, the sky was still full of stars, but the light of the waning moon was clearly brighter than in his memory.

Under the starlight, the smile that had been silent for a long time on An Ye's face finally bloomed again. She opened her hands and hugged him tightly: Mr., it's been three days, and you finally woke up!

Three days?

Lin Su slowly raised his hand and hugged her shoulders, feeling the joyful flow of true energy in her meridians...

Three days ago, the scene of the Extinction Beast Valley came to mind. The owner of the blood coffin roared across a hundred feet of space and tore all the meridians in his body. Now he is finally healed, with the power of the rejuvenating seedlings...

The process was thrilling and the ending was shocking, but fortunately everything passed...

Are there any casualties among them? This was Lin Su's first question.

He was asking about the other thirty-four comrades who formed the formation with him.

The thirty-five comrades who teamed up with him were generally in a relatively miserable situation. Almost all of them were buried. But fortunately, they had a strong foundation in cultivation and climbed out of the soil. None of them died. Although it was inevitable There were some injuries, but they were only flesh wounds.

King Jin, Li Xiaotian, Bi Xuanji and various lieutenants all came to see him...

The army had already moved north, and Lin Su needed to retreat, so he didn't take him on the road. An Ye stayed to take care of him...

Speaking of this, An Ye suddenly remembered something, got up and went into the cave behind, and soon brought the pheasant soup that had been simmered with the fire magic stone...

The sweet pheasant soup flowed into the stomach that had been empty for three days and three nights, and Lin Su's mental state gradually recovered.

After eating two large bowls, An Ye took his bowl and held him in his arms: Mr. Sir, now it's time to talk about what happened to that blood coffin...

Speaking of the blood coffin, Lin Su sighed exaggeratedly: Baby, we really had a bit of fun this time. That blood coffin is a saint from another world...

An Ye's eyes suddenly opened very wide...

Lin Su talked in detail about the legend of the creation of all things...

This world is a small world, far from the whole world...

In the big world outside the territory, saints walk everywhere...

If these people invade, this small world will be thrown into chaos by them. Therefore, Heaven has set rules. Anyone who is above the cultivation level of a saint from another world is not allowed to cross the boundary. However, those who violate the rules will be killed without mercy...

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below!

Some people have to break through the laws of heaven. How can they break through? Use the Jue Tian tree as wood to make this kind of coffin. The only purpose of this coffin is to shield the detection of Heaven. If Heaven cannot detect their existence, they can cultivate party members, find spokesmen, and cause trouble in this world.

The Beast Valley is just such a group of slaves!

People say that there is a profound foundation behind it, and they are right. This foundation is so profound that it can even reach the saints!

The Beast Valley was facing destruction in front of the peerless killing array. The leader of the clan made a sacrifice and summoned this saint!

As soon as the saint appeared, it looked like the handsome guy Lin was about to finish his game, but at the critical moment, the ground-covering butterfly woke up...

Although the Earth-covering Butterfly was extremely powerful, it was no match for the Saint. At this moment, Lin Su thought of another helper...


God's way!

As long as the earth-covering butterfly breaks this blood coffin, the Qi of the saint from another world will leak out, triggering the taboos of heaven and attracting murderous intent.

Therefore, he desperately bewitched the Earth-covering Butterfly and let the Earth-covering Butterfly use all its strength to destroy the blood coffin in one fell swoop.

The ground-covering butterfly successfully punched a hole through the blood coffin.

Although it is just a hole, the road of this alien saint has come to an end!

The law of heaven turned into a giant hand and executed the punishment of heaven on him!

An Ye's heart was pounding: The giant hand that appeared at the end was actually the Dao of Heaven?

As a practitioner, everyone knows about the way of heaven. Even if you don't know it, there are countless people who forcefully force the word way of heaven into your ears.

The path of spiritual practice is a glimpse into the path of heaven.

The end of spiritual practice is to glimpse the way of heaven.

But today, the spiritual totem of cultivators in the world: the way of heaven, has actually appeared in front of her, revealing a lifelike giant hand...

Of course, this is not the true appearance of the way of heaven. The way of heaven is not a human being and has no true appearance. It is a system of rules. It is everywhere and manifests all things...

For a moment in the dark night, my imagination is boundless...

Lin Su's voice came to my ears: Earth-covering butterfly, have you found it?

This is one of his questions, and this is also his regret...

The Earth-covering Butterfly really saved his life this time...

I risked my life after being fooled by him...

When he fell from the peak, he saw with his own eyes the ground-covering butterfly dragging its half-broken body into the abyss. Although it was a rare thing in the world, and although its destiny was to be under the abyss, it was beaten so badly because of him. It was a pity that he didn't even hear the song he promised.

An Ye's expression was very strange: There is a fat insect hanging on your shoulder. Li Xiaotian thinks it looks a bit like a ground-covering butterfly, but it doesn't look like it at all to me. It is just a fleshy insect, not like a butterfly...

Lin Su raised his hand and put it on his shoulder. There was a fleshy feeling in his palm. When he picked it off, he found a chubby white insect, about an inch long, with half wings on it, lying quietly in his palm. There was nothing. Signs of life.

That's it!

This is too miserable!

No wonder An Ye doesn't recognize it, even if its mother comes, she won't recognize it either...

Lin Su's palm turned green, and he used the Rejuvenation Miao. He finally felt the resurgence of life, and the ground-covering butterfly finally returned...

He was reassured...

An Ye suddenly raised his hand, and in his palm was a demon clan communication talisman...

The light on the communication talisman flashed, and Dark Night's eyes also flashed. This was a text message...

Soon, An Ye finished reading the message and turned his eyes: Ms. sir, they have entered the hinterland of the old Jin Dynasty, three hundred miles away from Jinjiang River. They did not encounter strong enemies during the three-day trip. The real strong enemies are all north of Jinjiang River at this moment. , Li Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War of Dayu, personally took charge and summoned all the forces of the entire old Jin Dynasty, totaling 500,000!

Okay! Lin Su said: We will return to the team immediately... huh?

The word um at the end is full of surprise...

An Ye came over: What's wrong?

My rejuvenation seedlings can't cure its injuries! Lin Su stared at the ground-covering butterfly in his palm.

He exerted all his power on the rejuvenation seedling magical power, and it took quite a long time. Under normal circumstances, even if the injured person's arms and legs were broken, they should grow back. But on the Earth-covering Butterfly, it had no effect, and it was not completely ineffective. At least he You can feel that the ground-covering butterfly's vitality has been stimulated, but its injuries show no signs of healing at all. This is incredible.

Hui Chun Miao has never encountered such a situation.

An Ye frowned and pondered for a moment: On the path of spiritual practice, there are Tao wounds. When you reach a high level, they are probably holy wounds. Holy wounds can be cured by extraordinary medicine. Although your rejuvenation seedling was given by the temple, it is a high-end literary Tao. He has magical powers, but if he encounters a holy wound, it may be difficult to see the results.

In one sentence, Lin Su understood.

To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of hierarchy.

Rejuvenation seedlings have extremely high levels of literary and spiritual power. Therefore, when the rejuvenation seedlings appear after worldly injuries, it is like a miracle.

The Earth-covering Butterfly was directly facing the Saint this time. It was injured by the mighty power of the Holy Dao. The Rejuvenation Sprout... at least failed to override the Holy Dao, so its effectiveness was greatly reduced.


I was also injured by the power of the holy way. Why can my injury be cured? Just because my injuries are minor? Is it just because this saint stopped drinking? But that’s not right, no matter how minor the injury is, it is still a holy injury...

Lin Su's true energy was flowing in his body, and he immediately noticed something was wrong!

His injury actually didn’t heal! No, not too good!

There is a magical power hidden in his meridians, which makes his true energy feel like it is stuck in a quagmire when it passes through it. His martial arts power can be used, but it is greatly reduced!

At most, it can only perform 10% of its former heyday!

In other words, his combat power at this moment is probably equivalent to that of the leader of Lingyun when he stepped into Lingyun's grand meeting that day!

This is a step back to before liberation. Lin Su is infinitely depressed...

An Ye looked at his changed face and whispered in her heart: Mr. sir, is your injury...

I am the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of that smelly coffin, and my martial arts has reached the level of the first master Lingyun again...

Lin Su cursed loudly...

An Ye was panicked at first, then relaxed, and finally smiled: You were originally a master of literary arts, and your martial arts was originally an unexpected gain. It doesn't matter if you lose it all. If you can fight back to the leader of Lingyun, you will still be an eternal legend. What are you so excited about? of……

Lin Su hugged her: Daughter-in-law, you don't know, I finally suppressed you, how can I express my happiness? Now I am suppressed by you again in the martial arts, I am really depressed, others don't understand, you have to understand... …”

An Ye hugged him and comforted him: I really can't stand it and you're going to live or die. I'll crush you in martial arts, so you can crush me in bed...

That night, let’s not mention the way An Ye used to comfort her father-in-law...

Anyway, the next day, when Lin Su and An Ye crossed the sky side by side, their mentality seemed to be normal.

The south of the old Jin Dynasty has changed its appearance.

Because the war is coming.

The Da Cang Army marched through thousands of miles of their homeland. Although they did not harm the people along the way, the people were still panicked...

The officialdom was even more panicked. Officialdom in various counties and counties collapsed immediately, and officials fled north collectively...

After a journey of thousands of miles, Lin Su set off early in the morning and arrived in the afternoon.

The Great Blue Flying Dragon Army camped on the bank of the Jinjiang River. In the huge Chinese military tent, the King of Jin, Li Xiaotian and twenty generals gathered together to discuss matters. Everyone looked serious.

But as soon as the curtain of the Chinese army's account was lifted, and Lin Su and An Ye stepped in, the dull atmosphere was swept away, and smiles appeared on the faces of King Jin, Li Xiaotian, and Bi Xuanji for the first time...

After some pleasantries and greetings, let’s get to the point…

At present, the Da Cang Army has entered the hinterland of the old Jin Dynasty, thousands of miles behind them, and has not encountered any strong enemies. The strong enemies are all concentrated in the north of Jinjiang River, totaling nearly 600,000 people, and they are still increasing.

The commander of the 600,000-strong army was Li Yi, the Minister of War in Dayu.

It is said that Emperor Li Chi of Dayu gave Li Yi a strict order that as long as he lost an inch of his land, Li Yi would not have to return to Beijing.

So Li Yi spent a lot of money.

In the land of the old Jin Dynasty, he completed the integration of all the armies.

Including 300,000 Beiyuan troops, more than 100,000 servant troops, and tens of thousands of Jianghu people.

The most unpredictable among them are the Jianghu people.

No one knows how many strangers there are in this group of Jianghu people, but what is certain is that none of those who dare to participate in this battle are weak...

And they are passionate, do you know why? Dayu Li Chi issued eight imperial edicts in a row, one of which said that whoever kills Lin Su will be named a one-word king, whoever kills Li Qingquan will be named a two-word king, and whoever kills Li Xiaotian will be named a marquis!

Not everyone who is a practitioner in the world of martial arts is willing to be a salty fish in the world of martial arts.

There are also quite a few people who have dreams of becoming kings, marquises or entering politics.

Especially those who have reached a bottleneck in their cultivation and have no way forward.

This group of people has reached the end of their cultivation. Can you tell me how deeply they have cultivated?

Once they have such a dream, how destructive will it be?

Therefore, cultivators are the key variable in their battle!

Li Xiaotian said a paragraph, Li Qingquan said a paragraph, and Bi Xuanji added a paragraph. The amount of information in each paragraph was quite large, and it sent chills down the backs of the generals.

Lin Su, on the other hand, listened quietly and slowly raised his head: Confrontation across the river, what do you think of?

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