Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 770 A super reversal in the field of mental power (two chapters merged)

South of Jinjiang River, the moon has reached its peak.

The moon tonight is not a waning moon, but a full moon. The bright moonlight fills the land of the North. Just like what is said in Spring Moonlight Night on the River, the river and sky are all pure and dustless, and the moon is full of moonlight in the bright sky!

Fifteen! Lin Su looked up at the horizon: There are only five days left for King Chen to ascend the throne!

Li Qingquan said: We also stayed by the Jinjiang River for five days...

His voice ended here, and the rest of the words were not spoken.

Lin Su moved his eyes over and smiled softly: Do you want to attack?

Li Qingquan shook his head: War on the battlefield is not my specialty. I can't influence my brothers' judgment. I just want to remind my brothers that going deep alone and being stuck for a long time is a taboo for military strategists.

The eyes of Li Xiaotian, Bi Xuanji, and An Ye hiding in the darkness beside him were also slightly bright at the same time.

In the past five days, although they were calm, everyone had a string in their hearts. They were waiting for Lin Su to make a decision. Now it seems that Lin Su's decision will be made because he mentioned that King Chen will ascend the throne. He has also made a decision before. He said that he would use three thousand miles of the Northern Kingdom to congratulate King Chen on his accession to the throne.

The final chapter is coming!

Brother Li! Lin Su said: Rejection Formation, how is your enlightenment?

The Rejection Formation, from The Heavenly Book of King Wen, is the least powerful formation among the three major formations. However, this formation is also extraordinary, especially on the defensive end. Everything is indestructible (except for the Killing Formation with the same origin). In this formation, Lin Su It was taught to Li Xiaotian two days ago to prepare for emergencies.

Li Xiaotian's eyes were filled with joy: Brother Lin, don't worry, we can set up the formation at any time.

Very good! Lin Su raised his gaze: In the dark night, can we defeat the enemy masters within a hundred miles in one fell swoop?

A voice came from above: There are only two fishermen within a hundred miles, and they are two of the eight old men in Lijiang. If you need their heads, they will be delivered to you within half a quarter of an hour.

Lin Su smiled: There's no need for it right now! When the enemy's camp is in chaos, capture these two men at lightning speed and implement the original plan!

no problem!

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked south: Very good, the decisive battle has begun!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Su suddenly disappeared on the spot!

Behind them, there is an ancient city, Pingyao City, which has been inherited by the Jin Kingdom for hundreds of years.

The official team has already passed Jinjiang.

Wealthy businessmen and large households also passed through Jinjiang if they had the conditions.

The only ones left behind are ordinary people with no roof above their heads and no space below them.

Even if they have nothing to lose, they still have relatives who are still their concerns.

When the army first arrived, they were extremely frightened because they knew what it meant when the army crossed the border. It meant that their thatched houses might be burned down, and that their pretty women might be insulted by the soldiers. , which means that the little food they have left will become military rations, which means that all principles in the world will no longer exist...

However, things were not as they expected.

Everything subverted their cognition.

The army did not enter the city, but camped outside the city.

There were also residents in the area where they set up camp. Each of these residents felt like the end was coming, but an incredible scene occurred.

These soldiers did nothing against them.

At night, they would rather sleep on the lawn outside the house than enter the house.

The woman in the room huddled in the corner of the bed holding her child, quietly looking at the soldiers outside with panicked eyes.

The child woke up from hunger at night and started crying. The woman held the child's mouth tightly for fear of disturbing anyone outside.

However, the people outside were still alarmed. They knocked on the dilapidated door first, but the woman did not dare to answer. The people outside came in, brought military rations to the woman, and told her in a gentle tone: Sister-in-law, don’t be afraid, we are here. The former subordinates of the crown prince of the Jin Dynasty...

The news quickly spread outside the city and into the city...

The coming army is the Da Cang Army!

The leader of the team is the Crown Prince of the Da Cang Dynasty, who has been named the Da Cang Jin King!

This is not a war of invasion, this is a war of restoration!

Three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in old Shanxi are about to change!

The Jin Dynasty that the older generation looked up to the sky and chanted before they died, and that they could not let go of until death, is coming back!

The imperial army was strictly disciplined. Not only did it not offend the common people, it even gave away its own military rations to the common people. It was the life-saving bodhisattva of the common people...

The wind direction in Pingyao City has changed!

The restaurant has reopened...

Above a restaurant, in the Linjiang Pavilion on the third floor, two young men stood on the top of the pavilion, looking at the army camp ten miles away. The night wind blew, and their clothes were flying, like gods.

In just five days, the wind direction in Pingyao City has changed. It seems that people in Jin are thinking about their homeland, which is the general trend! said the young man in white on the left. This person is none other than Wu Yu, the son of the Holy Family, the painting saint who was closed at Yanmen in the early days.

The purple-clothed young man on the right said: I miss my homeland, haha, what does Mudleg know about missing my homeland? The army does not take food from the people, but gives military rations to the people. Have you ever seen this kind of weird military strategy? This is It’s just Lin Su’s method to win over the people of Jin!”

But he was the mysterious young master who killed Zhou Yangbo and took Commander Du and Elder Mo across the river.

Wu Yu smiled softly: Brother and Lin Su are both literary geniuses and people of extraordinary intelligence. Do you have any plans to meet with Lin in Jinjiang to talk about the world?

On the contrary! The purple-clothed young man said calmly.

On the contrary...what does it mean? Wu Yu didn't understand.

The young master in purple said: I will stay in the south of Jinjiang River, just waiting for Lin Su to leave the military camp!

Wu Yu's heart skipped a beat...

This brother has a very high self-esteem. It seems that there is no one in the world that he likes. In fact, he is still afraid of Lin Su. He has something planned. When Lin Su is in the military camp, he does not dare to move. He must Waiting for Lin Su to leave the military camp...

Lin Su had already left the military camp.

Entered Jinjiang.

As soon as he entered Jinjiang, he suddenly turned into a drop of water.

This is the application of water rules.

This drop of water went with the waves, and in a moment, thirty miles away, there was a lone boat in the middle of the river. An old man was lying on the boat, sleeping with his eyes closed. On the side of the boat, a fishing hook stretched into the river.

The fishing hook is only three feet long, but a mysterious energy covers a radius of three hundred miles.

However, he was unaware of Lin Su who was so close at hand.

The power of rules is like the power of heaven and earth. This is a hierarchical generation gap.

This drop of water just passed the protection of the master of cultivation and reached the other side.

Opposite is the military camp. A soldier went to the river to urinate in the moonlight. The next moment, he fell into the cracks of the rocks. On top of the rocks, another him showed a smile on his face.

He is Lin Su, who started out as a soldier and performed his secret magic of mirage.

Lin Su went up the river embankment and met a group of patrolling soldiers. The group of soldiers passed him by without noticing.

After walking more than ten steps and arriving at another military camp, Lin Su changed again and turned into a general. He swaggered through several military camps and arrived in front of the Chinese military account.

The curtain of the Chinese Army's account was lifted, and a general came out. He seemed to have something on his mind. He lowered his head and walked through the gap between the two military camps and disappeared into the night. But soon, he came back and came to the Chinese Army's account again. .

Why is the good general back again? asked a guard leader outside the Chinese army's account.

I suddenly remembered something and need to report it immediately! General Shan's voice was vicissitudes and unique, like the whistling north wind, highly recognizable.

Good general, please keep it simple. Your Excellency has not had a good rest for several days. said the head guard.


As soon as the door curtain was lifted, General Shan raised his eyes and came into contact with a middle-aged scribe behind the coffee table. He was none other than Li Yi, the Minister of War in Dayu.

Good general, what do you want to report to me? Li Yidao said.

A top-secret news just came from the other side...

From the other side? Top secret? Li Yi's heart was beating wildly: What kind of news?

The good general stepped forward: ...

There was no sound, and a finger fell on Li Yi's eyebrows. Li Yi's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his consciousness was completely cleared. He didn't even have a sense of crisis...

This is Lin Su's caution.

He is an official, and he knows that an official's official seal or commander's seal is connected to the owner's consciousness and can be activated with a single thought. The only way to kill an official without disturbing the official seal is to eliminate it at lightning speed before the other party realizes the crisis. its consciousness.

He did it!

Lin Su flicked his fingers, and a layer of blue light disappeared in a flash, sealing the central military account. His hand fell on Li Yi's waist. This waist was the handsome seal...

A handsome seal is what he really wants.

Because his subsequent plan to disrupt the military camp must rely on the commander's seal to complete.

At this moment, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in front of Lin Su.

Extremely strange eyes.

As soon as these eyes appeared, a strange space suddenly opened, and Lin Su's soul was pulled into a strange space involuntarily.

As the golden light flashed, his soul was tied up with five flowers.

Opposite is a big-headed man with white hair, floating in the air, like a Buddha in the heavens, looking at him with a smile: Lin Su, have you ever thought that I have been waiting for you to enter the military camp to assassinate you?

Wenxin Pavilion! Lin Su stared at the white-haired man coldly and spat out three words.

Exactly! The white-haired old man said with a smile: You killed my pavilion disciple Du Tiange in the southern country and ruined our pavilion's major affairs. Did you ever think that this would happen?

Is it just the Southern Kingdom? Lin Su said: It seems that the intelligence system of your Wenxin Pavilion is just like this. You don't even know that the death of Jun Song in your pavilion was also caused by me in Qinglian Lun Dao!

The smile on the white-haired old man's face suddenly stiffened: It seems that my punishment for you should be doubled! In your name, after burying the flying dragon army, how about destroying your Haining Lin family?

By you? Lin Su asked calmly.

Ha ha……

The white-haired old man laughed again: You are now in a mental prison, and all your cultivation in literature, martial arts, and spiritual practice have been completely cut off. The only thing you can do is to use your mental power to compete with me. Do you think you have enough mental strength to support it?

This is the horror of spiritual power secrets.

Once it is used, it locks the opponent's consciousness. No matter how high the opponent's cultivation level is, he will no longer have the consciousness to dominate. It is meaningless. You can only fight him head-on in the field of mental power. In the field of mental power, who can fight better than the talented Cang Shantou? department? People give up physical development for mental strength and spend their whole lives studying these eight and a half kilograms.

This is called specialization in the art industry.

Lin Su shook his head: I may not be able to match you in terms of mental strength, so what?

Haha, the first grandmaster of Qinglian, who is known as the one who knows everything, is so slow. I control your consciousness, direct your behavior, and order the flying dragon army to cross Jinjiang in your name. What do you think they will do?

Lin Su said nothing and looked at him quietly.

After destroying the Flying Dragon Legion, I incite the Southern King to rebel in your name. What do you think will happen?

Lin Su still looked at him quietly.

The old man became more and more excited as he talked: You participated in the Nanwang rebellion. Do you think this little emperor who you supported with one hand will kill your whole family in Haining? Haha, it's really an interesting topic...

If anyone else were present and heard what this elder said, they would probably be sweating on their backs.

Everything he said can be done. As long as Lin Su issues an order, the Flying Dragon Legion, which firmly believes in Lin Su's order, will definitely abide by it. No matter how big the crisis, it will be carried out. In that way, the one hundred thousand Flying Dragon Legion will The army was wiped out easily, and the strange news that one man killed an entire army was definitely not a strange story.

And King Nan also trusted Lin Su extremely. If Lin Su wanted him to rebel, King Nan would definitely be able to encourage him.

On that day, Ji Guang, who he personally helped ascend to the throne of emperor, faced a dilemma!

When the sky falls apart, Wenxin Pavilion can make trouble out of chaos.

Lin Su spoke: You have been looking forward to the future for a long time, let me reply to you!

The elder's smile remained unchanged: When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. Go on, it's rare for me to be in such a good mood. I am all ears!

Lin Sudao: You Wenxinge interfered in the political arena and disturbed the world. Originally, it had little to do with me. If you did, you would be seeking death. If you didn't, I wouldn't bother to trouble you. But it's different now! People like you There is no need for this bullshit sect to exist at all. It is necessary to kill all you rats in the gutter and completely exterminate your inheritance!

The elder smiled and said: I can understand! I can understand! The little ant blocking the wheel also vents his despair in the face of the commander-in-chief of the car. Unfortunately, you can't change the predetermined ending!

Lin Sudao: Really?

As soon as these two words came out, Lin Su, who had been unable to move at all from the outside world, suddenly moved and pointed a finger on the elder's eyebrow!

This finger is an understatement to the outside world.

However, in the world built by the old man himself, it was like a punishment from heaven.

The boundary of the world was directly penetrated by a huge finger. This finger passed through the wall of the world and hit the Buddha statue built by the old man. With a bang, the Buddha statue fell into pieces, and the old man screamed in the inner space: No...

This 'distraction technique' comes from your Wenxin Pavilion. It is used to kill you now. Do you think it is cause and effect? In the illusory world, Lin Su shook his body and took a step away from the restraining ring that was already as light as light smoke. Stepped over and said leisurely.

Distraction... The elder finally understood what the problem was before he died.

He used the Soul Locking Technique to forcefully pull Lin Su's soul over. Logically speaking, he had already controlled the entire situation, because Lin Su's body with peerless cultivation and peerless literature no longer had the guidance of consciousness and became an empty shell. , posing no threat to him.

The only way for Lin Su to get out of trouble is to use his mental power to fight against him.

Lin Su's mental strength was not as good as his, so it was impossible for him to leave his God Locking Space.

So, he was completely in control.

However, he never expected that Lin Su had mastered a high-level secret skill that even he himself had not mastered: distraction skill.

Lin Su has two souls.

That body is not dead or empty!

Lin Su's true fighting power still exists!

This existence completely changed his mindset. Lin Su didn't need to use his mental power to fight with him, he only needed to destroy him with a flick of his finger from the outside.

Once he died, no matter how solid the prison of mental power was, it disappeared.

This is Lin Su's unique trick to deal with mental masters. He divides his troops into two groups and uses the strong to bully the weak!

This move is absolutely sinister for Wenxin Pavilion. Even if the master of the pavilion encounters it, he will probably fall for it. If Old Man Du has one last worry in his life, it will undoubtedly be this...

Lin Su has made it clear that Wenxin Pavilion will be eradicated. Will Wenxin Pavilion suffer such a disaster because of him in the future?

If the elder could report to the Pavilion Master, he would definitely remind the Pavilion Master not to use the Divine Locking Technique to deal with him. Unfortunately, he has run out of energy and can't tell this big secret to anyone else!

The Seventh Pavilion Elder with the highest seniority in Wenxin Pavilion died in the North!

Wenxinge's plot to intervene in the national war between Cangyu and the two countries also became a thing of the past with his death...

Lin Su slowly opened her eyes, and there was a bit of surprise in her eyes...

He used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique to devour the old man's mental power fragments, and actually felt that his mental power had increased significantly, even ten times faster than when he swallowed the Heaven-Swallowing Demon clone that day!

It is extremely difficult to improve mental power. Under normal circumstances, only a breakthrough in a major realm can lead to an improvement in mental power. Lin Su has experienced it personally. This statement is quite unreliable. In the Sky Realm, his mental power has only risen half a level. According to this upgrade standard, he has no time to reach the level 30 external release standard.

Of course, there is another way to improve spiritual power, which is to look for treasures in the field of spiritual power, such as the Seven Soul Fruit and the Nine Soul Fruit. There are probably not one person among the 5 billion people in the world who has seen such treasures, and there are no signs of them. It shows that if Lin Su wants to get it, he can probably only rely on dreaming.

But now, a new promotion channel has appeared, and it is full of golden light as soon as it appears. It is foreseeable, touchable, and very maneuverable!


Just kill the people in Wenxin Pavilion!

Their big heads are almost equivalent to the Seven Soul Fruit...

Regarding the matter of Wenxin Pavilion, let’s put it aside for now.

Now is the time to do business.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and took Li Yi's handsome seal. He slowly raised his head, with the passion of fighting in his eyes...

Next, he walked outside the account...

After taking three steps, he turned into Li Yi!

Osumi's Minister of War, the supreme commander of the 600,000-strong army!

When the door curtain is lifted, the bright moon is shining outside!

Lin Su took a deep breath, and the handsome seal in his hand rose into the sky, shining brightly for hundreds of miles!

His voice came out through the commander's seal: Emergency military situation! The enemy's Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion sneaked into our army station and mixed into the training team!

One sentence covered the whole army, and the whole army was in chaos at the same time.

All the generals were shocked at the same time.

The Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion infiltrated?

Pretending to be a practitioner?

Is that okay?

The practitioners were also confused. Oh my God, there is a blue dragon and white tiger in our team?


Almost instantly, the cultivator became wary and looked at the people around him, everyone looked like a blue dragon and a white tiger.

Pass my military order! The entire army is dispatched, capture all the practitioners, and screen them one by one. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!

With the majestic military order, the commander's seal shines brightly, and all the military flags are lit up at the same time.


In the deepest part of the cultivator's station, dozens of old men exited the meditation state at the same time, looking at each other...

Take down all the cultivators? What nonsense? A leader shouted angrily.

Master Chen, please don't get excited. It's not a trivial matter for the Green Dragon and White Tiger to infiltrate the ranks of cultivators. The Commander-in-Chief has no choice but to do this!

Yes, yes, the war is about to break out, and civil strife is inevitable. We, the leaders, must order our disciples to obey this military order.

The head of this group has a stronger view of the overall situation, and it is easier to accept this matter.

However, not everyone has this overall view.

Especially some master practitioners who are accustomed to living alone, they became angry when they heard that they were going to wear the element-locking ring...

I'm here to help you fight the war, but you dare to lock away my true energy?

Mom, I quit this job! Leave!

How can the army tolerate this departure?

If you can't withstand inspection and screening, you might just be the Blue Dragon and the White Tiger.

You are such a big bullshit for your mother, I will kill you...


One knife down!

Boom, the military formation is coming!

Uh-huh! Someone jumped into the air!

Chi! The military formation cuts across the sky...

In an instant, blood was everywhere in the military camp...

Soon, the whole camp was in chaos...

Far away on the Jinjiang River, Yin Gouke, one of the Eight Elders from Lijiang, sat up and looked at the military camp a hundred miles away. What's going on?

Just when he was frowning, a feeling like entering an ice palace suddenly came to his heart. Silver Hook suddenly turned around, the fishing hook in his hand was full of essence.

He saw a sword!

A sword as fast as he had ever seen before!


Silver Hook turned into blood mist!

Almost at the same moment, Lihenke, fifty miles away, died!

When the two corpses turned into blood mist and had not completely dispersed, a man in black appeared between them and waved his hand lightly...


More than 70 people entered Jinjiang together!

If Lao Lijiang was still alive, these more than seventy people would not be able to escape their surveillance.

If there had been no roundup of practitioners in the military camp, the practitioners hiding on the shore and monitoring could have discovered abnormalities in the river.

However, both have changed…

More than seventy Daoguo-level masters successfully landed ashore. Practitioners were flying all over the sky. When the internal fighting became more and more fierce, no one noticed that these seventy people were divided into thirty-six positions, with two people in each position!

Countless practicing masters gathered in front of the Chinese army's account. The leader of the guards in front of the Chinese army's account was speechless: Masters, my Lord is issuing this strict order just to track down the traitors. You just ask your disciples to cooperate.

One of the leaders shouted: To track down the traitors, wouldn't it be better for us to do it ourselves? Sir, don't you trust us?

Since you can't believe it, why do we have to sacrifice our lives for you? Mr. Li, come out and give me an explanation!

come out!

When the quarrel was getting louder, an old man fell from the sky and landed outside the Chinese army's tent.

Sect Master Duan... All the sect leaders bowed at the same time. This sect leader Duan is the sect leader of the Li Shui Sect, the largest sect in Jin. His cultivation level is one step away from the Liyuan Heaven Realm. He is a man of his word on the path of cultivation. Many people They all listened to his call and led their troops to the expedition.

Now that something like this happened, everyone felt uneasy.

We support your investigation of traitors, but how can everyone accept your investigation? You can bring together the major leaders to arrange this matter secretly, and how good would it be if everyone goes back to implement it?

But you didn't give the order in public to capture all the practitioners.

What ability do those soldiers below have to capture cultivators? The only way is to lock them all with the Locking Ring. What is the Locking Ring? A torture device specially designed to deal with cultivators!

As long as it is locked, the practitioner's true energy will be blocked and he will not be able to display his cultivation at all.

This is treating fellow practitioners as criminals.

The practitioners quit!

Feeling disrespected!

There is an urgent need for Sect Master Duan to come forward and seek justice for the practitioners.

Sect Master Duan waved his hand lightly: Master Li, all of you have traveled thousands of miles to come to our aid. Your intentions cannot be said to be dishonest, and your contributions cannot be said to be unimportant. Since there is such public outrage, please come out and give an answer!

As he waved his sleeves, the big account flew up out of the air, revealing Li Yi inside.

However, the expressions of all the masters changed drastically at the same time, because Li Yi and the military advisor who was inseparable from him were all lying quietly on the ground at this moment...

The leader of the guards was shocked and stepped forward. Grandmaster Duan was ten times faster than him and had already appeared beside Li Yi. He moved his finger: Wenshan has been destroyed, and all consciousness has disappeared...not good!

The last two words were so shocking that everyone around them was sent flying...

At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up, and the golden grid lines suddenly appeared!

For a long time, I have been accustomed to updating two chapters a day at the same time, but now I feel that it is not necessary. Anyway, it is 6,000 words, so let’s merge it. In the future, I will update one chapter of 6,000 words, and I will not update it separately.

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