Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 772 One word determines military affairs, three words determine civil affairs

Lin Su at the door gently pulled An Ye: Let's go!

They walked along the corridor, and at every corner, there were members of the Blue Dragon and White Tiger bowing deeply.

In the garden in front, several palace ladies were lying on the ground, trembling.

They went up to a garret in the front.


The two palace ladies suddenly knelt down, their bodies trembling on the ground...

Lin Su waved his hand gently: Back off!


The two maids quickly retreated.

Lin Su sat down in the pavilion and looked at the small lake below. In the small lake, goldfish were swimming. Only the fish in the pond were unaware of the changes in the world and were free and leisurely...

An Ye stretched out his hand, took out the teapot, and made him tea.

A cup of fragrant tea was handed over to Lin Su. He took it and put it aside. A pen appeared in his hand, and an inkstone appeared on the table. The breeze came slowly, the water was calm, and Lin Su picked up the pen...

My heart beats faster in the dark night, my husband wants to write a poem!

A Northern Expedition was enough to be recorded in history. Now that it was completed, he wanted to write the next poem.

This poem, even if it is not colorful, will go down in history.

However, she guessed wrong.

The thing Lin Su took out with his left hand was not gold paper at all, but... a formation stone!

Lin Su dipped his treasure pen into treasure ink and drew formation patterns on the formation stone...

One piece, two pieces...

Until all the formation stones in this small bag were consumed, and there were more than a hundred stones.

Ms. sir, what is this? An Ye asked.

Peerless killing array! Three sets!

My palms were sweating in the dark night...

She had witnessed the power of peerless killing formations with her own eyes. One set of killing formations destroyed the thousand-year heritage of the Beast Beast Valley, and one set of killing formations destroyed Li Yi's 600,000-strong army.

And now, he casually came up with three more sets!

What is this for?

The war is over, are you really going to pay for the painting of the Holy Family?

Lin Su put all the formation stones into a storage bag and placed them on the table. He slowly raised his head and saw someone coming outside the pavilion.

Jin Wang Li Qingquan, Bi Xuanji, and Li Xiaotian.

Lin Su stood up and the three of them stood side by side at the door of the attic.

Has Your Highness finished what you need to do? Lin Su said.

It's done. I need to apologize to my brother. Li Qingquan said.

Why? Lin Su and An Ye didn't understand.

Li Qingquan said: Because this matter was handled against the holy principles... Zhou Kuohai was stabbed a thousand times, and all his relatives, regardless of gender, were beheaded!

Lin Su held up the teacup: Do you apologize to me for this?

Li Qingquan said: You are a master of literature and art. I violated the law of forgiveness during the battle you presided over. Naturally, I should apologize to you.

Lin Su smiled faintly: There is indeed a way of forgiveness in literature, but most of it is the view of corrupt scholars. Shengyun: Repay evil with kindness, how to repay kindness? Repay hatred with straightness, repay kindness with kindness! Zhou Kuohai was guilty of killing innocent people in the capital of Jin that day. Tens of millions, during the fifteen years of enslaving the land of Jin, all life was devastated, and the people's resentment was soaring. No amount of revenge would be too much for a person like him who had committed such heinous crimes. The slightest bit of blood left by his Zhou family was a loss of sight to the sky, and it was all against the holy way. tainted!

Li Xiaotian laughed loudly: I told you, Your Highness! Brother Lin can act much more decisively than you!

Li Qingquan and Bi Xuanji smiled at the same time and sat down at the coffee table.

An Ye poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Li Xiaotian took the tea cup and said: Brother Lin, I am going to Lingdingyang to build a defense line soon. I don't have time to chat with you in His Highness's palace, so I want to ask you some questions first.

Say it! Lin Su said.

I would like to ask Brother Lin for advice, how to handle the next war?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes gathered and stared at Lin Su.

The Northern Expedition seems to be over, but of course everyone knows that things are not that simple. Emperor Li Chi of Dayu, a great hero, spent more than twenty years to capture the four kingdoms of Lu, Chu, Han and Jin, and his troops were pointed directly at the sky. It would be extremely difficult to stop his troops from dominating the world, let alone snatch a piece of fat from his mouth?

What will happen next?

It's what everyone is paying attention to.

Lin Su slowly put down the tea cup: You asked about war, but I would like to ask you, what is war in your understanding?

War is naturally directed by the frontline, attacking cities and conquering territories, and expanding territories. Doesn't Brother Lin have a different interpretation? Li Xiaotian said.

What you are talking about is the appearance of war! Not the essence of war! Lin Su said: War is the continuation of politics...

He vented his guts on this topic...

War is a continuation of politics...

War is based on the interests of the country...

Every time a war is launched, gains and losses must be calculated...

When the gains are greater than the losses, war will start; conversely, when the losses are greater than the gains, the war will stop...

I once said that when King Chen ascended the throne, the Three Kingdoms launched an attack. However, to solve the Three Kingdoms' difficulties, there is no need to cover every aspect. As long as you defeat Osumi forcefully and annex the three thousand miles of territory he controls, the other two countries will definitely retreat! Why?

Just because they saw Da Cang's military might!

They felt the unbearable weight!

They know that as long as they dare to cross the thunder pool, they will suffer a huge price, so they dare not move!

War can never be ended by negotiation, and the truth is always within the scope pointed by Bing Feng!

If you can't get it on the battlefield, you can't get it at the negotiation table!

Including the land, dignity, and the future of this land!

I just mentioned that Akakuni and Yero will retreat, but where is our real opponent Osumi?

Will you withdraw?

I can tell you clearly, no!


Because Li Chi prides himself on being a heroic king, because he reaped the benefits of annexing the four kingdoms, and because he still has an army of tens of millions, he feels that his dream can still be realized!

So, what to do?

Let's wake him up!

When you go to Lingding Yang, remember one sentence: Anyone from Dayu's army who goes down to Lingding Yang is an enemy and will be killed without mercy! The enemy may want to talk to you, but there is no need to talk. The negotiator sent by the other side does not need to wait for him to reach the shore, and he will be killed without mercy! These are three sets of peerless killing formations. If you encounter someone who doesn't like it or is pretentious, just do it! Send someone to find me when you run out, and I'll engrave a bunch more for you! Let’s catch Li Chi and beat him to death!

Li Xiaotian took the storage bag handed over by Lin Su, and his blood rushed to the tips of his hair. He had never been such a border commander before, and he had never heard any superior explain the military in this way. He was as simple and rough as a wild man, and absolutely not like that. It comes from the mouth of the thoughtful Lin Su.

Li Qingquan and the two women also opened their eyes in surprise.

They originally thought that Lin Su would take out a few tips and then mysteriously tell Li Xiaotian that at a critical moment, he would open a tip bag, which contained a set of well-conceived strategies.

But what did Lin Su do?

The arrangement was so simple.

To describe it in one word: do it!

To describe it in two words: reckless!

To describe it in four words: do it to death!

If there was no limit on the number of words, it would probably only be four words: Just do it!

Brother Lin, do you have anything else to explain? Li Xiaotian said.

Add a word! Lin Su said.

Brother Lin, please tell me! Li Xiaotian wished he could take a notebook and write it down.

Lin Sudao: 'Afraid to leave my homeland on the beach and spend the rest of my life alone in the ocean', this is a desperate poem written by His Highness the King of Jin's teacher with hatred. This is the shame of the Jin Kingdom, but it is also a wake-up call for our Da Cang Kingdom. I want to be the beach of fear, truly become the beach of fear for Osumi soldiers, and I want to be alone in the ocean to completely bury Li Chi’s wishful thinking!

Li Xiaotian stood up straight suddenly: I, Li Xiaotian, swear on the name of the three hundred and seventy-two heroic spirits of my Li family that not a single soldier from Dayu will cross the Lingding Ocean in this life!

The same thing has been said by the same people.

That time, what Li Xiaotian said was: Dayu's army was not allowed to cross Helan Mountain even half a step.

Today, no soldiers from Dayu are allowed to cross the Lingding Ocean.

The battle lines have moved three thousand miles, but the promises remain the same!

Four people stood together in the seat.

Li Xiaotian bowed deeply to the four of them: Farewell to Brother Lin, farewell to His Highness Prince Jin, farewell to the two girls, Xiaotian is leaving!

With a roar, Li Xiaotian rose into the sky!

Li Qingquan slowly withdrew his gaze from the horizon and sat down slowly: Brother has already arranged the military affairs. Now it's time to discuss the strategy of governing the country. I have long wanted to hear your wise words on civil administration.

This is true.

He was the prince of the Jin Kingdom. After the fall of the Jin Dynasty, he reflected countless times on what went wrong when the Jin Dynasty collapsed in the struggle for imperial power.

Lin Su's On the Four Kingdoms discussed a core issue: the disadvantage lies in bribery.

This topic is very direct, but it may not be very comprehensive, because Li Qingquan knew that in the Jin Dynasty at that time, public dissatisfaction was boiling, and the domestic situation was already difficult and dangerous. Bribery was also a compromise forced by the decline of national power. It was just the last straw that broke down the dynasty.

Now, he suddenly realized his ultimate dream, returned to his homeland, and became the king who dominates this world. The fate of hundreds of millions of people in the Jin Dynasty is all tied to his shoulders. He deeply feels the great responsibility.

He was eager to ask Lin Su for advice on how to govern the country (it seems a bit exaggerated to say that, but both Chen Wang Ji Guang and Lin Su tacitly understood this. Da Cang's recovery of Jin land was actually only nominally related to the restoration of the country. The difference is that in the old land of the Jin Dynasty, officials were appointed by themselves, laws were set by themselves, and there was a high degree of autonomy. In fact, it was not much different from a normal country).

What do you think, brother? Lin Su asked.

In front of Li Xiaotian and other generals, Lin Su called Li Qingquan His Royal Highness the King of Jin, but when there were no outsiders around, he called him brother. This was a sign of respect for Lu Yi.

Li Qingquan said: This visit to the hometown, some people welcome it, and some are opposed to it. I want to do some people-friendly measures to awaken the people's feelings about the Jin Dynasty in the past, and gradually gain recognition.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Of course there are people who miss their motherland. Some old people, some people who felt the great kindness of the Jin Dynasty fifteen years ago, will definitely think of their motherland. However, brother, don't underestimate the magic of time, let alone Don’t underestimate the penetration of the Osumi Dynasty into this land over the years. There is a common saying in the world, people leave when the tea is cold! It has been fifteen years since the Jin Dynasty fell, and the Jin Dynasty was also plagued by corrupt officials before. How many do you think? Do people really feel the emperor’s grace?”

Li Qingquan frowned suddenly...

Bi Xuanji also felt relieved...

When people think about their homeland, it is actually just a beautiful poem, and the poem is not reality.

The reality is that the people who were loyal to the old Jin Dynasty died, were imprisoned, escaped, and assimilated...

Most of the people currently standing at the top of society, those with the right to speak and influence, were trained by Dasu. Will they miss their homeland of Dajin? What they miss is probably their current homeland: Osumi!

Lin Su held up the tea cup: Actually, you don't have to worry about whether people in Jin miss their motherland. You just need to remember that the common people are the overwhelming majority of the people in this land. Whether they miss their motherland or not is not important at all. What is important is , you, the new Jin King, can bring them a good life, as long as their lives are better, they don’t need to think about their homeland, they only need to miss you, the new Jin King!

In one sentence, Li Qingquan was like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun...

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat: You mean to transform the land in Dajin into Haining River Beach?

Haining River Beach is a place that left a particularly deep impression on her.

It was originally just a refugee gathering place, but it was his intervention that turned it into a dreamlike home.

In this land, nearly one million refugees come from all directions. Does anyone miss their homeland? fart! What's there to think about when their homeland is full of suffering? All they want is Lin Su who created a new life for them!

Will the people in that land oppose Lin Su?

As long as he dares to think this way, his family will beat him to death without Lin Su taking action!

This kind of governance is called governance!

Lin Su smiled: Like most people, when it comes to managing public sentiment, you think of Haining River Beach, but you need to understand that Haining River Beach can become a paradise for the people, not only because of me, but also because of the unique people. Regarding resources, I am not familiar with the situation in Jindi. It will take time to find a suitable path, but... there is a resource that we all know that Jindi has, and it is quite high quality!

Li Qingquan's eyes brightened: What?

Land! Food!

Although the Jin region is in the north, it is not barren. It has rich vegetation and fertile soil. Affected by the Ling Ocean air currents, the rainfall is abundant, and the climate is relatively warm, making it an excellent granary.

During the fifteen years of Osumi's rule, the grain supplied by Jin accounted for more than 40% of Osumi's entire territory.

This is also the key reason why Li Chi was reluctant to give up Jin even if he died.

Land, food... Li Qingquan slowly raised his eyes to the sky. There was only sky outside and no land in sight, but he pictured the mountains and rivers of Jin in his heart. He slowly retracted his eyes: Brother, In the late Jin Dynasty, land annexation was already very serious, and now the situation is probably even more dire. Is there any good way to break this dynasty curse?

I'm surprised that you can say the word dynasty curse! Lin Su said with a smile: Feudal dynasties generally have a hard time lasting four hundred years. The key reason is that the dynasty curse you mentioned is the land. Annexation. But, in Jin, you don’t have to worry, I’ll give you a plan!”

Li Qingquan was overjoyed...

Let's talk first, this move is simple and crude!

Can it be more brutal than your military? Just tell me!

My suggestion to you is: Agrarian Revolution... Lin Su explained in detail that Agrarian Revolution is simple and intuitive. All land will be nationalized and then distributed to all citizens on the basis of family structure. The citizens will pay 10%. taxes to ensure the normal operation of management agencies at all levels.

It’s over!

It's that simple!

Bi Xuanji's heart was pounding.

An Ye frowned quietly.

When they entered Jin Land, why did they feel that Lin Su had become less thoughtful?

Whether military or civil, they are all so simple and crude...

Li Qingquan also frowned: Brother, if this happens, those landlords and wealthy families will rebel...

What do the Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion do for food? Suppression! Lin Su said: Oh, by the way, the Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion is not necessarily needed. It may be more effective to let the landless farmers rise up and fight them. The Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion stands on the side of the farmers. Support them from behind!

Li Qingquan's eyes suddenly lit up, but soon he raised another topic: Since ancient times, the landlords and wealthy families have colluded with the government, and the interests of the officialdom have been harmed. Those officials...

Lin Su laughed loudly: Is there still an officialdom in Jin? Aren't they all the remnants of Dayu? These bureaucrats help the enemy country and harm the people. If you don't punish the nine tribes of them, you are a favor to the King of Jin. Why do you still want to be an official?

Bi Xuanji closed his eyes. Now, the officialdom was in trouble.

Li Qingquan pondered: The land of Jin is three thousand miles away. After all, it needs officialdom. If all the officials are involved in the task, then... the Jin Palace is beyond the reach of the government. How can it control the mountains and rivers three thousand miles away?

With those officials gone, are there no officials anymore? Lin Su said: There are six thousand people in the Green Dragon and White Tiger Legion. They were not soldiers at the beginning. We brought them out of the dark fragrance and gave them a new future. Isn't it right? Is it the promise we made to them in the first place?”

Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion!

was his answer!

The officialdom in Jin Dynasty has completely collapsed, and there is no one to serve as an official. However, isn't there just a group that can be accommodated? Then there are 6,000 people from the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion!

These six thousand people were born in all walks of life and have been in darkness for half their lives. They wandered around the capital, staring at the various officials, watching their actions, judging their tendencies, judging their gains and losses, and judging the court. Feng Xiang, it can be said that they are the practitioners closest to the officials. Each of them is extremely familiar with the officialdom, even more familiar than those who are actually officials.

Lin Su and Li Qingquan took them out of the darkness and gave them a chance to walk in the sunshine.

Many people think that forming the Blue Dragon and White Tiger Legion is the destiny of this group of people under the sun. In fact, it is not the case. Their real destiny is to become officials in the Jin Dynasty. They will follow Li Qingquan and become the masters of this messy land. They can use their skills or learn from them. What I have learned or realized in my life will support the blue sky above the people of Jin!

This is called walking into the sunshine!

This is called a bright future!

Li Qingquan stood up, his chest heaving: Last question, I appoint hundreds of officials in the name of the King of Jin and form my own officialdom. Will Your Majesty be a little unhappy?

Lin Sudao: Don't worry, your Majesty is a man with a deep heart. He knows that things have priorities. The most urgent task at hand is to strengthen your Jin territory and build a security barrier for the world. In this case, the higher your autonomy, the more likely Jin will be. The faster the land develops and the stronger the cohesion of the people, the more solid the security defense line will be, and the greater the impact it can have on the country, and he will only be happy to see its success!

Li Qingquan slowly raised his head: I need to slow down. I'll go outside first...

He walked out of the pavilion with thoughtful steps.

Lin Su sent him a smile...

One word determines the military and three words determine the civil affairs. This is Lin Su's simplicity and crudeness. However, these are based on his precise control of the current situation.

Militaryly, Li Chi would not give up easily, so he would attack.

In this case, as long as Oh Cang shows a little bit of fatigue, it will strengthen Ohsumi's confidence. As long as Oh Cang has the mentality of negotiating peace, the other party will be more lucky.

Only with an incomparable decisive gesture and an incomparable iron-blooded method can I convey the most powerful voice in the world, Jin Land is three thousand miles away, I have determined it! If you dare to cross the line, I will fight to death. There is no room for maneuver or negotiation. I will beat him with real wars again and again! Cripple him! Wake him up! Only by intimidation can we stop the war and really make Osumi give up on this idea!

As for civil affairs, Lin Su was a bit aggressive.

The Agrarian Revolution is not that easy because it involves too many interests. Even the Nanshan Mansion under his absolute control would not dare to implement this hard measure.

However, Jin Land is different. Jin Land is a blank sheet of paper at the moment.

Any radical measures can be implemented.

The only problem, Li Qingquan has already seen, is what attitude Ji Guang, the emperor they jointly supported, would have when facing Li Qingquan, the new Jin King's iron-blooded establishment of his own officialdom.

Under normal circumstances, feudal kings in feudal dynasties should not be too radical in their actions, as they have to be wary of His Majesty, but this does not exist here for two reasons.

First, Jin Land was not Da Cang’s territory in the first place. In fact, King Chen Jiguang had no desire to annex Jin Land. He only needed a safety barrier.

Secondly, even if Li Qingquan had the idea of ​​establishing himself as emperor, it would be impossible to realize it. The feudal dynasties in this world are fundamentally different from the feudal dynasties in Chinese history. It is controlled, and there is a temple above it. The number of Jinshi quotas given by the temple to each country is the source of each country's strength. The Jin Dynasty does not have the right to allocate Jinshi quotas. Without the quota of great Confucian scholars, it cannot Its strength is difficult to be truly strong. The best way to survive is to rely on the blue sky and concentrate on people's livelihood.

Therefore, Ji Guang need not be afraid.

Li Qingquan can open the cage and let the birds go.

Lin Su looked away from the distance and saw two pairs of different eyes, one of intoxication and one of passion. This was of course Bi Xuanji and An Ye...

Bi Xuanji caught his eye and immediately avoided it: You gave your brother and Commander Li each a clever plan, deciding on military and civil affairs. There is one more thing. I was inspired by you, and I think I have found a way.

What? Lin Su said.

Cultivation path! Bi Xuanji answered him with three words.

Lin Su smiled...

Bi Xuanji said: On the cultivation path, all the leaders have been eliminated in one battle. I can take the Azure Dragon Legion to visit all the major cultivation sects. If they are willing to surrender to the new King Jin, they can swear an oath of heaven. If they are not willing to surrender, they can , then the Green Dragon Army might as well complete the great mission of suppressing bandits in Jin!

Lin Su laughed loudly: It seems that the way I deal with things is really contagious. You have learned the essence of my simplicity and roughness!

As soon as these words came out, Bi Xuanji smiled.

This is recognition.

An Ye said: Ms. sir, you are going back to Beijing, right?

Lin Su nodded: Although it seems that the overall situation is settled, I still need to return to the capital to see the smooth implementation of the ceremony with my own eyes.

King Chen's accession to the throne has theoretically cleared all obstacles.

King Chen's imperial seal is in his hand and has been activated. No one can block his path to the throne.

However, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

What if something unexpected happens and the result falls short...

Therefore, Lin Su needs to return to Beijing!

King Chen had originally told him that he was worried about the war in Jin and that you did not need to be present at the enthronement ceremony. However, at this moment, Jin's territory has been decided and the big plan has been decided. There are still three days left before the enthronement ceremony. In three days, the journey home will be thousands of miles. He can make it!

If something unexpected happens, King Chen will definitely need him.

If there are no sudden changes, then he can watch King Chen ascend the throne from a distance on the Western Mountain.

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