Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 777 King of Side by Side

Lin Su entered the palace, dressed in the uniform of a fourth-grade magistrate, and knelt down: See your majesty!

Lin Aiqing, come closer!

Lin Su walked forward step by step until he was level with Lu Tiancong, Zhang Juzheng and others.

His Majesty stood up slowly: Declaration!

The chief eunuch raised his hands and read the imperial edict: By God's blessing, Emperor Da Cang issued an edict: Lin Su, suppress the officialdom in the country, raise the country's prestige in foreign lands, expand the territory in the north, open up the literary world to the top, achieve unparalleled achievements, and be famous far and wide... ...Seal with the word King Wen! Under King Wen’s order, all officials will be monitored. If I come in person, the king’s order can be dismissed if you are under the fifth rank! If you are under the second rank, you must be dismissed first and then report! Grant this!”

The whole palace was shocked!

Both Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng opened their eyes wide!

It's not like they haven't discussed what kind of official title Lin Su would be given. Their wildest idea was to make him a king.

Today, he was granted the title of king, a one-word king, which was in line with their predictions.

However, this is not just a one-word king!

This is the word King of Side by Side!

What is King Side by Side? Stand side by side with the emperor!

In other words, from now on, he does not need to kneel to the emperor, he only needs to salute. When he comes to court, he is legally allowed to sit side by side with the emperor!

In another case, the imperial edict specifically stated that Lin Su had the power to supervise the officialdom. He could directly dismiss officials below the fifth rank, and he could also dismiss officials below the second rank first and then repay them.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, no one has had such extreme power!

Not to mention that everyone in the palace was turned to stone, even Lin Su himself was stunned!

Holy shit!

Brother-in-law, you are too much... too much, right?

I agree with you making you king, and I agree with making me King Haining. If you think the two words are not domineering enough, you can come up with one word and make me King of the Sea... Forget it, King Ning, oh, King Ning was Ji Shang's former name. Forget the title, he can be a king of any kind, don’t be King Wen...

King Wen, King of Wen Dao!

As a literary copywriter, I am a bit embarrassed and embarrassed...

In addition, you can’t become a side by side king!

Resign immediately...

Your Majesty is so kind to you, but Lin Su is determined not to accept it...

Your Majesty, stand up and insist!

Farewell: ...

Your Majesty, please persist!

Three words...!

Shanjun, the chief eunuch, shouted loudly: The three speeches have been completed. Please, Mr. Zongzheng, please crown His Royal Highness King Wen!

The Eight Elders came out from behind, and Lin Su was completely confused. He wanted to explain, I was really making a speech just now, but according to the patriarchal interpretation, his speech was just a process.

There are three rules for making a king.

You resign three times, only three times. After resigning three times, the etiquette is over, and you become the king mentioned in the edict...

The crown is really heavy when I put it on.

When I put on the royal robe, it had three more gold edges than the ordinary royal robe.

The king's seal changed to his prefect's official seal. When the two seals were exchanged, Lin Su discovered for the first time why his prefect's official seal was so small.

After all the ceremonies were completed, all the ministers below congratulated King Wen!

Lin Su could only keep smiling...

Today's meeting is just for this purpose. All my dear friends, please leave! With a wave of His Majesty's hand, all the ministers left the court, feeling either with emotion or relaxation... What I felt was that it was really easy to reach heaven in one step with the right person.

What's relaxing is that today's matter has nothing to do with their official titles.

Of course, no one knows how long this official hat can be worn.

Because the vast majority of them are under the power of Mr. Lin, he can dismiss officials below the second rank first. In other words, everyone in the room, except for about dozens of second-rank officials, Except for high-ranking and first-rank officials, he can directly fire all the others.

Could it be that this was a back door quietly opened by the little emperor for Lin?

Let him open the box, shake it, and let go of those who have offended him before? Come to take revenge if you have a grudge, or complain if you have a grudge?

All of a sudden, the officials who had had issues with Lin before were all sweating on their backs.

The ministers all dispersed, and only His Majesty and Lin Su were left in the Golden Palace.

Lin Su shook his head gently: What kind of tricks are you doing? Why do you still come up with a one-word shoulder-to-shoulder king?

Shouldn't it? His Majesty smiled.

I know what you are thinking. You are completely defenseless against me, but you also have to understand that there are no two days in the sky and no two kings in the country. This is an ancient saying. Why can't a country have two kings? Because once there are two kings, the ministers They will have different aspirations and not know who to follow, and over time, the country will be divided.

His Majesty said: The situation you mentioned only occurs when you and I have different ideas. If you and I work together, how can such a situation happen? If I follow you, it is the same as following me. Why do the ministers have to make this choice?

Lin Su was silent...

That's true!

His Majesty looked at the deep palace from a distance and his tone softened: Father once said that position determines a person's character. When I was in Meiling, the clouds were clear and the wind was gentle. When I entered the deep palace, it was difficult to determine my character. I set you up to stand side by side. King, this is a warning to myself. If I deviate from my original intention, if one day I become a stranger, the words I said at the beginning still count. In the world, the country comes first, the people come first, and the surname does not come first. ! You can take my place at any time!

Lin Su let out a long breath: I want to say something very vulgar and sensational, but also very true.

you say!

No matter what happens to you in the future, at least today, I am lucky to have you! I will accept your one-word kingship! But... I have to leave today!

Go home?


His Majesty was silent for a long time: It's because you don't want to use the power you just obtained to disrupt the capital, right?

There are considerations in this regard, but more importantly, I have been away from home for long enough and I miss home!

The day you left home was also the time when I left Meiling. I also missed Meiling...Although I lived there for eight full years, I didn't know if it was my home! His Majesty's voice sounded a little strange. sad.

Home is not a geographical concept, nor a time concept, but belonging! Home is where your loved ones are.

Sometimes I envy you. When I see the fireworks of your Lin family, I feel very, very envious... His Majesty changed the topic: Forget it, don't be sad, I will build you a royal palace in the capital, and you can spend a couple of years there. Months, that should be about it.”

No need, I have too much money to spend...

You can't spend all your money, right? It's such a simple thing. The Great Cang's treasury is so empty that it could starve a mouse to death. If you contribute all your wealth, I promise you can afford it...

Depend on! Can we have a pleasant chat?

Lin Su crossed him, and His Majesty followed him. Suddenly, the two of them burst out laughing. Of course, what His Majesty said was a joke...

Shanjun, the chief eunuch, listened to the two playing there, and his heart was full of emotions, but there was also a smile on his lips...

After entering the palace for twenty years, he has never seen such a monarch, let alone such a prince...

Suddenly, the sound inside stopped abruptly...

The good king suddenly raised his head, and the sky was filled with holy light...

A voice fell from the sky: The watchman of Da Cang Confucian Temple wants to meet with His Majesty the Da Cang Emperor! Could you please meet me!

The sound is crisp and friendly, but the sound waves cover the whole city.

The people in the city were very excited...

The ministers who had just left the palace were even more shocked...

Yesterday, the watchman of Da Cang Confucian Temple was forcibly expelled from the Confucian Temple by Lin Su. It was a big scandal in the temple and also laid a huge hidden danger for Da Cang Literary School. All literati are worried about Da Cang. He has since been abandoned by the temple.

But today, Da Cang's watchman reappeared and met with His Majesty the Da Cang Emperor.

The signal sent is very clear, that is, the temple recognizes the new emperor!

Today's meeting is to make up for yesterday's absence!

Holy power and imperial power are back on track!

This is a great joy for the whole world!

Lin Su and Ji Guang looked at each other...

Why is it her?

What Lin Su said about her was inexplicable!

The new watchman of the Confucian Temple is actually her!

It sounds like a very normal option. Inexplicably, she is from the literary world. She is in Da Cang at the moment, and she is fully qualified to become a watchman in the Confucian Temple.

However, Lin Su had many interactions with her and had deep feelings...

Brother, do you want to meet her? Ji Guang asked.

See you! Lin Su said: I don't have to!

Zhang Juzheng is in place, Chen Geng is in place, the prime minister is in place, and the emperor is in place.

Inexplicably wearing a high crown and formal attire, he formally met with the emperor. They met each other politely and exchanged congratulatory messages. Although it was not nutritious, it was an unparalleled process for the Great Cang and the temple.

Lin Su soars into the sky and goes home!

Haining, Lin family.

very quiet.

The summer sunshine covers the neat floor tiles, and the ancient albizia trees extend their countless arms without hesitation to provide shade below.

The west courtyard is very quiet, and the autumn water painting screen goes down to the attic. Together with Sister Chen and Cui Ying, I listen to the green clothes playing the piano. What the green clothes are playing today is Love Song of the West Sea.

The music is somewhat sad. Although there are no lyrics, familiar lyrics still appear in the hearts of the girls:

Remember you promised me,

You won't let me miss you,

But you followed Hou Dao back to the south and flew so far,

Love is like a kite with its string broken,

I can't hold back the promise you made...

My husband is thousands of miles away, and even the demon messenger talisman cannot bring news about him. It is really like a kite with a broken string.

With this kind of mood, they almost wanted to cry, but they could only force a smile because they were worried that Lu Yi would feel more uncomfortable. Sister Chen and the others only thought about their husband-in-law, and Lu Yi, in addition to her husband-in-law, also had brothers and sisters. , it can be said that all her relatives in her life are on the northern battlefield at this moment...

In the south courtyard, in the pavilion, Princess Hongying struggled to hold up her big belly. The fetus in her belly was disturbed and kicked her. Princess Hongying frowned slightly and hugged her belly...

The girl next to her was brought over from Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, named Li Er. Li Er quickly supported her: Miss, is the young master naughty again?

Hong Ying glanced at her: You didn't even go down to the ground, so you knew it was the young master?

Li Er smiled softly: The lady's belly is pointed. The imperial doctor in the palace used to say that a pointed child is a flat girl. If the lady's belly is pointed, she must be pregnant with a young master!

Hongying shook his head slightly, some words were difficult to say.

She knew the thoughts of this close girl. Li Er hoped that she would give birth to a son so that he could take over the Lin family's huge family business and have a seat in the Lin family.

They are foreigners, and they are lonely when they come here. In fact, a woman's destiny is to a large extent that mother is more valuable than her son. As long as she gives birth to a son, her son will be the legal inheritor of the Lin family's great business... First, she, a foreign duckweed, can truly take root in the Lin family.

This idea is not wrong in this era.

However, it was wrong to place it in the Lin family.

The Lin family is different from all other wealthy families. The Lin family is the same when giving birth to a son or a daughter. Ever since Lin Su wrote colorful poems to Xiao Lin Zhen for delivery, this important meaning was clearly conveyed and changed the old lady's attitude.

Li Er poured a cup of tea for the young lady and asked the second question: Miss, how do you plan to respond to what the fourth princess said in her letter yesterday?

The fourth princess, Hongye.

Princess Hongye's letter just arrived yesterday. She said in the letter that her sister's delivery will be in January, so the Lin family has no worries about food and clothing, but the birth is a big deal after all, so she wants to give her sister Send some imperial doctors over.

The Lin family is very wealthy, they don't care about ordinary things, and they can solve ordinary problems.

The only thing that can't be solved is probably something closely related to the royal family, such as the imperial doctor.

I don’t know what the expression was on Hong Ying’s face: “This girl, if you send the imperial doctor here, she will also come with you, right?”

Li Er chuckled: Even the servants know the thoughts of the fourth princess. In this year, she refused all marriage proposals and only thought about keeping company with the young lady. Young lady, you and the third young master Have you mentioned it?

Hongying raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead: Stop talking about Li Er, I really have a headache about this matter...

The matter itself is not complicated...

The girl likes Lin Su, and Lin Su actually likes the girl. Both parents agree 100%. Everything seems to be fine. The problem is that Lin Su loves women too much. The woman you love puts yourself beneath other women.

Just like what Xiaoxue said that day, the third son's women may be of all kinds, and there may even be monsters and aliens that are not human types. The only thing that cannot appear is the head wife who is superior to all the other women!

How to do it?

My sister, the princess of Zhenbei Palace, can’t be the official wife?

She felt that she could not open her mouth.

Her father, King Zhenbei, probably couldn't keep it off his face either.

At this moment, an official seal suddenly crossed the sky. Master Yang, the prefect of Haining, rose into the air and landed at the Lin family...

As soon as he fell, all the girls in the west courtyard raised their heads...

In the main hall, the old lady suddenly stood up...

Everyone's heartbeat accelerated immediately...

This is a common practice. Whenever Lin Su is out for more than a month, and whenever everyone's nerves are extremely tense, the information from Master Yang, the prefect of Haining, is Lin Su's information.

My husband has news!

The girls in the West Courtyard rushed out of the West Courtyard immediately...

The old lady arrived at the door in a few steps...

The smile on Magistrate Yang's face burned like fire under the summer sun...

Congratulations to the old lady, congratulations to the old lady, great joy for Qianqiu! Great joy for Qianqiu! Magistrate Yang's cry could be heard in half the house...

Master Yang! The old lady rushed over: Tell me quickly, is Saburo returning safely?

The Third Young Master's troops marched out of the northern border. In just half a month, they completed a great victory in the northern border. The Da Cang army swept across the enemy's army like a roll, and the front reached Lingding Ocean. The three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the Jin region were all returned to Da Cang!

With a cry, Lu Yi fell softly into Sister Chen's arms, tears streaming down her face.

Sanlang...can you go back to Beijing? The old lady's lips trembled.

The Third Young Master returned to the capital yesterday, and the King of Jin's brother and sister stayed in the north to clean up the mess. Magistrate Yang said: Madam, there is another piece of great news. I dare not stay for a moment, so I must report to Madam immediately.

you say……

Just now, His Majesty, in the Golden Palace, consecrated the third young master as King Wen, King Wen!

Lu Yi suddenly raised his head: Become the king?

The old lady staggered and almost fell down. Xiaoxue hugged her tightly. The old lady's face was full of disbelief: Profess the king?

Not just a king, but a king who can stand shoulder to shoulder with His Majesty! Congratulations to the old lady, Lin Mansion, it will be a royal palace from now on! It is the number one palace in the entire Cang, and it has never been seen in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States. The word stands side by side with the palace!

The Lin Mansion was completely blown away!

The old Lin Mansion was the Hou Mansion!

Lin Su's father, Marquis of Dingnan, was granted the title of Marquis of Dingnan by the late emperor based on his ancestor's two hundred years of military exploits and his own great achievements in hundreds of battles. This was the most prominent era of the Lin family in the past two hundred years.

The glory of the Lin family reached its peak on that day.

Three years ago, the once prosperous Dingnan Hou Mansion collapsed and quickly entered a state of decline.

Everyone said that after all, the Lin family's background was too shallow to bear the eternal glory of the pinnacle of military generals.

However, today, the third son of the Lin family was crowned king! He is still a king who can stand shoulder to shoulder with His Majesty!

The Lin Mansion has not declined. The Lin Mansion has stepped forward to the realm that our ancestors have reached, far beyond it!

At this moment, the old lady was confused...

The next moment, the old lady cried...

Xiaoxue hugged Madam tightly and burst into tears...

Xiao Tao came out from the other side and burst into tears...

They are all survivors of the former Hou Mansion. They are the earliest team members of this family. In the most difficult moments, when there are only a few people left in this family, they are always there!

But now, they have witnessed with their own eyes the rise of the Lin family again, soaring into the sky!

Their tears are also flying...

The four girls in the west courtyard hugged each other tightly!

My lord, I have been crowned king! All the worries on Lu Yi's face disappeared at this moment, and he hugged Cui Ying and shook her.

Cui Ying shouted: Hey, you were not so happy when your brother was crowned king.

Can it be the same? My elder brother is granted the title of king because he goes to the battlefield, and my husband is granted the title of king as the trophy of a great victory! Right, Sister Huaping...

Qiushui Huaping was passively hugged by Sister Chen, a little confused, and suddenly faced with a direct question to her, she immediately realized that this might be a trap: Congratulations!

What do you mean by congratulating us? Don't you congratulate yourself? That's our husband-in-law... Cui Ying grabbed her.'t ruin my reputation! Qiushui Hua turned his hand, grabbed Cui Ying and stuffed it into Sister Chen's arms, clapped his hands and went up to the sky: You guys are crazy, I'm going to paint!


The entire Lin Mansion is really in a mess!

Magistrate Yang has been gone for a long time, and the old lady still seems to be in a dream, muttering to herself, Sanlang has been crowned the king? Has he really been crowned the king?

Is that still false? Your Majesty is the Third Young Master who personally supported the throne. In fact, Xiaotao and I have discussed it a long time ago. We both think that Your Majesty should make the Third Young Master a king! Xiaoxue's answer was well-founded.

Madam raised her eyes, looked at the sky and the ground, turned around a few times, probably still not completely straightened out, and finally asked a question: Did you give Mr. Yang a gift in return just now?

Xiaoxue and Xiaotao jumped up at the same time: Oh my god, I really forgot, I will arrange for someone to send him to the top ten altars of Baiyunbian.

What ten altars? Hundred altars! the lady said: In addition, give out red envelopes of ten taels of silver to everyone in the house, and hang up red lanterns in the whole house...

The sound stopped suddenly...

Xiaoxue and Xiaotao both looked at the madam, and the madam knocked her head: It's a bit confusing. Do you think you should tell the ancestors this great news now, or wait until Sanlang comes back? Otherwise, you go to the West Courtyard and make an appointment with some girls. A ritual process...

The news that Lin Su was crowned king quickly left the Lin Mansion and spread throughout Haining...

The old city of Haining cannot be locked, and the news reached the river beach in a moment...

The riverside was boiling. Countless people came out of their homes and went everywhere beating gongs and drums. The third son was crowned king! One word, side by side, king!

The North Beach of Yi Shui is boiling, and even the waves of Yi Chuan Reservoir are a little more turbulent...

At Haining Academy, Yang Chun jumped eight feet high: Master has been crowned king!

He soon became the most handsome boy in the entire school...

The team of great scholars from the academy flew up together, arrived at the Lin Mansion, sent blessings, and received a lot of aged wine in exchange for Baiyunbian...

There is only one exception, Mo Qing!

Mo Qing lives in Zhehua Peak and has been living in seclusion for the past few months. Apart from giving a lesson on studying things to the students every month, she is almost never seen again.

At this moment, she was using a measuring ruler to perform a complex machine. When she was in a trance, she heard a cry from outside.

Mo Qing bit her lips slowly: You bastard bastard, my brain has been exhausted by you, and my life has been so miserable. You actually managed to be so prosperous that you even became a king!

Lin Su lost his crown and royal robes, wore scholar's clothes, and flew over thousands of rivers and mountains with literary means. After ten hours, when he returned home, thousands of houses in Haining City were lit with lights.

This is especially true for the Lin family.

Looking from the air, why is it red?

Depend on! Are all the red lanterns specially designed for the festival on?

Could it be that my sister-in-law gave birth?

Otherwise, it would definitely not be so festive.

However, when he fell in the air, he knew that the red lantern was waiting for him...

Mother stood on the steps, wearing a festive dress. Beside her, all the principals of the Lin family were present, including Qu Xiu, Yu Lou, Hong Ying, the pregnant sister-in-law, Sister Chen of the West Courtyard, Lu Yi, and Cui Ying. Only one was missing. Qiu Shui painted the screen, she was in the attic and gave him an ambiguous look...

As soon as Lin Su arrived, Xiao Zhou shouted: See the prince!


The whole family knelt down at the same time!

The cry was so loud that even several birds in Nanshan were so frightened that they flew into the sky.

Hey! Lin Su shouted in the air: Get up quickly! If anyone sees me with royal etiquette again, I will disappear!

Everyone looked at each other...

Sister Chen smiled sweetly: My husband doesn't like these vulgar etiquettes. Madam, let everyone get up, so as not to scare him away.

The lady chuckled: Get up, how it was before and how it is now. Sanlang, you should come down and let me take a good look at what a prince looks like!

Everyone laughed, and the whole house became lively...

Lin Su fell beside her mother and hugged her: Mom, you are so wise. My title of king is just a false name in the officialdom. At home, I am still my mother's third son! I am only the third son!

Sanlang! His mother hugged him tightly with her backhand: Mom is very happy today. This is the happiest day in my forty-eight years. Do you know why?

Say it, mother!

The Lin family has reached its highest peak today after being a general for two hundred years! The mother said softly: Your father's spirit in heaven will smile today! Because his son has taken a step that even he has never taken! The Lin family has truly risen!

Mom, let me tell you the truth! Lin Su said: Originally, I really don't need this king, but...

Mom knows! Mother interrupted gently: Because you know mom wants it! Your father wants it! The ten generations of Lin family ancestors, many ancestors who died in the battlefield for two hundred years, also want it! The Lin family needs this title to comfort the souls of the dead. !”

A prince sealed his title.

Lin Su regarded it as a breeze.

His path is not in the world. He has too many choices. He can already look down on worldly glory.

However, he is not just him, he is also the son of his parents, and on his shoulders are the ups and downs of the Lin family over the past two hundred years.

A title is an honor and a source of clarification!

Lin Su's title of king was his personal decision to set the tone for the orthodox dynasty of Da Cang, and it also set the tone for the Lin family's two hundred years of great achievements.

His father, Marquis Dingnan, was framed in the past, and the stigma has not gone away. Even if Lin Su rises in the literary world, no matter how high his reputation and status are, it will be difficult to fundamentally eliminate this stain, because this stain comes from the orthodoxy of the dynasty.

But now, the situation is completely different!

The dynasty's orthodox title of king to the Lin family represented the complete vindication of his father's injustice.

The iron rule of the royal family is that only those with a clean family background can be crowned king.

His Majesty gave Lin Su the title of King of Side by Side with such a rank, which means that the royal family's orthodoxy has used the most determined method to erase the stain on the Lin family's ancestors.

His Majesty did not express this meaning clearly, and there is no need to express it.

Mother Lin understood, that's why she was so happy.

Lin Su understood, so he accepted it.

That night, Mother Lin didn't sleep. She sat in front of the window and looked at the ancestral hall where she had just visited...

This night, Lin Su didn't sleep either...

His bed was awake and full of lace. Overnight, Sister Chen, Cui Ying, Lu Yi and Qiushui Huaping all tasted the prince's invincibility...

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