Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 779 I send my sorrowful heart to the bright moon

In the eyes of ordinary people, the water of Yichuan Lake is very calm, but under Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes, he naturally sees more things, such as the fish girl under the blue waves, playing so happily in the lake.

Ren Taiyan moved his eyes to Yichuan Lake and was filled with emotion: She once said that she has two hometowns in her life, Xihai is one of them and Yichuan Lake is one. Her heart can wander in Yichuan Lake, but her My roots are still in the West Sea! Today I am about to leave you. I don’t know when we met. I will send you a poem as a gift... The autumn wind is cold and rainy, and the wild geese are swimming by the side. I am half asleep in a withered grass, and the wilderness becomes a painting. Ge, where can the spring tide not last for years?

He was once like the withered grass at the foot of Yandang Mountain, half dead in the cold wind and rain.

Lin Su's wonderful hand has brought back spring, and the world has returned.

This poem is his greatest realization at the moment.

Lin Su smiled softly: Let me sing with you...

Just as he opened his mouth to chant, Cui Ying suddenly came out from behind: Mr. Sir, here it is!

He was handed gold paper.

Lin Su laughed: Are you worried that if I recite casually, I will lose a lot without the poem manuscript? How do you know that my farewell poem today will be brilliant?

Ren Taiyan also smiled: Your Majesty, is there any poem that you haven't won?

This is true!

Since Lin Su's debut, there has never been a poem that was not successful!

He took a precious pen and gold paper and wrote...

Sending a layman from Hudong to Xizhou The poplar flowers have all fallen and they are crying. When I hear that Jiuxi is passing by the lake in the east, I send my sorrowful heart and the bright moon to follow you until Yelangxi!

Hudong Jushi, Ren Taiyan's nickname, lake, refers to Yichuan Lake. When Yu Ji was playing in the lake, he was studying in Hudong with her, so he called himself Hudong Jushi.

This is a name that is both interesting and picturesque, and is well known throughout Uicheon Lake.

When the poem is completed, the colorful glow fills the sky and the earth, and Yingge Garden is like a fairyland on earth.

In Yichuan Lake, the fish breaks out of the water, adding a bit of fairyland characteristics.

Ren Taiyan laughed loudly, stretched out his hand, and snatched his poem manuscript: Thank you old friend for allowing Ren to leave his name forever! Ren takes leave!

Jumping into the air, the void caught Yu Ji. The two of them soared into the sky and broke into the sky. Yu Ji waved her hands in the air and said goodbye to them...

They were far away, and Cui Ying grabbed Lin Su's sleeve: This old man is so eager. Are you afraid that I will steal his poem manuscript? Just grab it and run away...

Lin Su scratched the tip of her nose: My dear, what are your intentions when you take out the gold paper? Are you worried that your husband will no longer be able to write poems after he is crowned king?

Cui Ying lowered her head in embarrassment: It was Sister Lu's idea. She said that my husband should always be stimulated. Otherwise, if he plays with her in front of the prince, it would be a pity if his literary skills are wasted...

You guys... Lin Su shook his head gently: Don't worry, my husband's belly will definitely be full of goods in a short while...

The wind blew, and Lin Su's voice suddenly stopped...

He suddenly raised his head and stared into the depths of Yichuan Lake...

The surroundings are very quiet at this moment...

The birds didn't sing, the insects didn't sing, the cicadas didn't sing. He didn't hear what the beautiful lady said...

All he could hear was the sound of wind!

Listen to the Wind Sing!

Someone played a song in Yichuan Lake. The name of the song is Listen to the Singing of the Wind!

Listen to the singing of the wind, the power of literature and Taoism, together with the music, the mountains do not sing, the water does not sing, the dragon does not sing, only the wind sings, the wind passes over the lake, the ethereal fairy music enters the ears, everyone in Yingge Garden is obsessed, and in the Green Garden The green-clothed woman picked up the teacup in her hand and just stood there...

The song ended, and the voices all around echoed.

The tea cup in Green Yi's hand finally reached her mouth, but the tea was already cold.

Lin Su cast his gaze into the smoke and said softly: Brother Mo Wen?

Within the mist, a gentle male voice responded: Exactly! Brother Lin, would you like to enter the lake for a while?

Lin Su walked on the waves, passed through the smoke waves, and disappeared from everyone's eyes...

Cui Ying's obsessed eyes followed her husband's back for a while, and when she returned to Yingge Garden, she was greeted by her mother's question, Ying'er, who was that person just now?

Cui Ying shook her head gently: It should be his literary friend. He just called him 'Brother Mo', but I don't know him.

No, the previous one...should be an official.

Oh, you are talking about Lord Ren, he is the new governor of Xizhou!

Oh my god, Zhizhou... Cui's mother's heartbeat quickened again. She knows the weight of Zhizhou. The women of her lineage are all beautiful, and they are all the best in the concubine world. The most prosperous person of her generation is her third sister. Her third sister married someone from Chuzhou Sixth Grade Record. What did her son-in-law do just now? The dignified governor of a state, a second-rank official bows down to worship!

At this moment, she was a little swollen again.

Fortunately, her family has a rich background and knows that a concubine should abide by her duties as a concubine. Expansion is the biggest taboo. She suppressed the excitement in her heart and planned to have a good talk with her daughter about what it means to value a mother and her son...

Lin Su, on the other hand, saw a small boat through the smoke waves of Yichuan Lake.

This boat is particularly beautiful. In fact, it is not a boat, but a pipa, a white jade lute.

A white jade pipa lay on the blue waves, and Mo Wen stood on the bow of the boat dressed in men's clothing.

Although Brother Lin has been crowned king, I still remember the days when I used music to discuss Tao. Therefore, I still call Brother Lin Brother Lin. I wonder if Brother Lin would mind? Mo Wen bowed.

Lin Su smiled: Above all, how comfortable is it to make friends with literature? Why should we care about a false reputation in the world?

Brother Lin Huida! Brother Lin, please! Mo Wen raised his hand gently, like the sound of pipa music, a coffee table rose from the white jade case below, and the fragrance from above was astounding.

The two sat facing each other.

On the day Brother Lin left Beijing, when my brother took office... Mo Wen served Lin Su fragrant tea and said leisurely: Brother Lin's appointment is probably beyond Brother Lin's expectation, isn't it?

What she said was inexplicable!

The person who took office inexplicably was the watchman of the Confucian Temple in Beijing.

Lin Su held up the tea cup and smiled slightly: There is an accident, but it is not particularly surprising.

I know...Brother Lin and my brother have quite a grudge because of Chen Geng's appointment, but Brother Lin will never think that my brother has no selfish motives.

Lin Sudao: I know!

Brother Lin knows? Mo Wen was quite surprised.

Lin Su said with a smile: You can listen to what you say, and you can watch people by watching. Although the two brothers Mo are more on opposite sides when dealing with me, I can also clearly know that you and Duan Yunhe are not the same. Likewise, you are not motivated by selfishness, you just firmly believe that what you do is the right path for the temple.

Mo Wendao: What does Brother Lin mean by the righteous path of the temple...?

Stability! In your opinion, stability is the greatest benefit to the world!

Mo Wen's heart skipped a beat. She heard her sister's answer from Lin Su's mouth. He really knew it!

She took a deep breath and said, Brother Lin doesn't seem to agree!

It's hard to agree! At least, I can't fully agree with it! Lin Su said.

Brother Lin, please explain in detail! Mo Wen asked, holding up the tea cup.

Lin Su took a sip of tea and pointed lightly: Brother Mo, how is the water on this side of the lake?


Lin Sudao: Brother Mo, do you know that three years ago, this was just a barren mountain! One hundred thousand refugees dug grass and lived in the mountains. There was a grave under this white jade pipa boat. On that day three years ago, a couple Kneeling in front of the grave with her son who was about to starve to death, the wife begged her husband to sell her quickly, because in a few days, the wife would be so hungry that she would lose her human form, and she would not be able to sell her at a good price, and her son would not be able to survive...

Mo Wen trembled slightly...

Her pipa boat quietly moved ten feet away, and through the blue waves, she really saw a small hillside below that seemed to have been a tomb...

Lin Sudao: If we only talk about stability and don't change anything, how can we have the Beichuan ecosystem in Yishui and the Baili River Beach in Haining? How can we have a lake with clear water today? A clear song on both sides of the strait?

Mo Wen raised his eyes, confused...

She is a member of the temple, and she has never set foot on the yellow soil since she was born...

But she also knew that what he said was true...

There is also the North! Lin Su looked at the distant north: If we only want stability, the four towns in the north are still under the control of Dayu Cavalry. How can the refugees in the four towns go north to settle down? Stability is what the temple needs, and we, Lin, That’s what Su wants, but there is a prerequisite for stability. The people must live a prosperous life before we can seek stability! The people are in dire straits, and talking about stability in the wine pool and meat forest is to help the world. It is not only a joke, but also a satire!

Mo Wen's heart trembled again. Her long-term recognition of her sister was crumbling in front of Lin Su's two words...

She took a deep breath and returned her thoughts to the topic: Brother Lin has the world in mind, how can I not know this? Brother Lin has done something for the world, and I respect him very much. However, does Brother Lin know that in the current temple? , Facing a crisis? It really cannot withstand the storms of the world.

I am in the name of the mortal world, in the name of the common people, but brother Ling focuses on the great cause of the temple. Therefore, in the eyes of brother Ling, my position is obviously too low, isn't it?

Although it's disrespectful, but... but my brother's intention is indeed true. Mo Wen sought truth from facts and admitted it frankly.

But brother Ling ignored two points!

Mo Wen said: Brother Lin, please give me some advice!

Lin Sudao: First, the great cause of the temple is not a castle in the air. The vast world and all living beings are the source of the Tao and the direction of the Tao. Those who regard the livelihood of the people as low-end have deviated from the fundamental purpose of the Holy Tao!

Mo Wen's heart was shocked: Brother Lin's theory is based on the Bible. I can't refute it. Please tell me the second part! The sage has long said that the people are the most valuable, the country is second, and the king is the least. The importance of the people has been summarized for a long time. However, as long as ordinary people highly praise this statement in their discussions, few people really think that the people are important in their daily actions.

This is a discussion about Tao. If you don't hear it, you can only accept it.

Lin Sudao: Secondly, if you don't accumulate steps, how can you build a thousand miles? If you don't accumulate trickles, how can you become a river? If you can't sweep a room, how can you sweep the world? You have empty thoughts of helping the world, empty slogans of helping the world, but no one case. In this world, there is not even half an inch of achievements that have benefited all the people, so talking about the status of the people is not making fun of generosity?

This sentence is a rebellion against the mainstream of the temple.

It is also a heavy blow to the values ​​that have been inexplicably adhered to for a long time.

It can even be said to be a mockery!

Mo Wen, who was in the inexplicable camp, and who was in the temple, did not have any extreme reactions...

She was shocked by the few words Lin Su said. Is this what he said?

Even if it is not a formal occasion to discuss Taoism, it is still amazing. If you don’t accumulate steps, how can you travel thousands of miles? How can a river become a river without accumulating small streams? If you can't sweep one room, why sweep the world? …

Every word is truly delicious!

Full of Taoism!


She was completely convinced!

She slowly raised her eyes and sighed: Brother Lin's comments are shocking. After I return to Beijing, I will share this high opinion with my brother and see what he thinks.

Forget it! Lin Su smiled and said, I'm just complaining in front of you, but I don't want to make her blush.

Mo Wen also smiled: Brother Lin has such goodwill, I apologize on behalf of my brother!

The word apology, used here, has many meanings...

No need to deliberately interpret, we understand each other...

The floating clouds were swaying, the blue water was swaying, Mo Wen's reflection in the water became misty, and her voice became confused: Stop talking about this, let's talk about your poem just now, 'I send my sorrowful heart and the bright moon, follow you. Until Ye Langxi'! If I remember correctly, this is the ninth time that Brother Lin has written poems about the bright moon.

The ninth time?

Lin Su can't remember clearly. The key is that he really hasn't counted them.

Mo Wen looked at his confusion and smiled softly: 'The bright moon rises on the sea', the moon of lovers; 'When will the bright moon come', the moon of homesickness; 'The bright moon rises on the sea with the tide', the moon of the spring river; 'I send my sorrow to Mingyue is the moon of farewell... Brother Lin wrote so many poems that have been handed down because of the moon. Does he have a special feeling for the moon?

Lin Su said: Isn't it just me? Who among poets has no feelings for the moon?

Mo Wendao said: Indeed, the bright moon rises from the night wind and ends with morning dew. It reveals confusion in the silence and lets thoughts fly in the brightness. How can the poet not love it? But Brother Lin knows that the moon in the world is not only beautiful. There is also a kind of moon, which is very dangerous!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat!

His eyes fell on Mo Wen's face, and Mo Wen was also looking at him. Her eyes were like crescent moons, revealing a bit of mystery...

Green Garden!

Lu Yi and Cui Ying lay on the courtyard wall, looking at Yichuan Lake outside...

Both of them had a very strange expression on their faces...

What is this expression called?

I can’t tell you the specific name, so I feel a bit resentful...

Cui Ying didn't have any grudges at first, because she didn't know what the name Mo Wen meant. She thought he was the Wen Dao Young Master, but as soon as she went to Luyuan, she saw Lu Yi's little mouth raised up, and she Realized that I thought wrong...

Lu Yi told her directly...

Mo Wen is not a young master!

She is a woman!

Even though her voice sounds like a man's, it's just a pretense of literary power!

This girl is from the temple. When my husband broke into White Deer Academy, Lu Yi was standing on tiptoe on the west mountain to watch. She had seen Mo Wen's image on the literary wall with her own eyes. What impressed her deeply was that this little girl's skin was She has a beautiful face, translucent red lips, and a bunny upper body that cannot be covered by a bachelor's uniform. With this look, even she knows she is a woman. Our husband's eyes have hooks, can you tell?

This little girl traveled thousands of miles to arrive at Yichuan Lake. It’s essentially the same as when you traveled thousands of miles to deliver tea in the study. Go as soon as your husband calls you. Let’s take a good look at whether the lake is swaying. If the lake is big If they start to sway, then they are doing bad things...

Cui Ying held her forehead and couldn't listen to Lu Yi's narration...

Finally, after what Lu Yi had said, she started to do ideological work...

Sister in green, you can't look at the problem this way. My husband is basically not in any serious danger in this world now. He can walk eight times sideways. But, didn't we analyze it that day? My husband is still suppressed, and his pressure comes from the temple!

The temple is thousands of miles away from us, and even the dark night can't help him.

He needs help!

If he really drags this little girl to make flowers on Yichuan Lake, that would be a good thing!

After he entered the temple, at least there was someone who sincerely helped him...

Green's eyes opened wider and wider: Oh my God, he is messing around, and you actually found such a strong reason for him...

What's the reason? This is a fact! Cui Ying refused.

Lu Yi slapped himself on the forehead: Okay, okay, I admit defeat! I won't complain now, I really hope that the lake will start to sway soon... Hey, take a good look, is it starting to sway?

Cui Ying was speechless and swallowed: When you and my husband were doing this, was there such a big movement? The whole lake was swaying, how wild it was...

On the white jade boat, Pipa mentioned the moon inexplicably.

Lin Su was a little shocked...

The moon can be included in poetry.

The moon can seduce people.

However, that is just the moon described by writers.

It's never all about the moon.

Mo Wen told him in a mysterious tone that the moon was sometimes dangerous.

In fact, even if she didn't say it, Lin Su also knew that this stuff was really dangerous sometimes.

For example, when he returned to Nanshan last time, Lin Su brought a piece of cat hair with him. This hair was the magic lure of Yueying's killing.

If Yaogu hadn't discovered the magic guide, the moon on April 15th would have been the murder weapon to kill him!

So, is this what she is referring to?

Not really!

Mo Wendao: Do you still remember the moon in Moonlight at Snow Mountain?

Lin Su naturally remembered that that day, Wu Xinyue, the Painting Saint Saint, brought this holy treasure across the border. Zhang Haoran and others were hating and helpless towards this moon. Lin Su's peerless killing formation could only make this holy treasure crack open. , doesn't really ruin it.

What really destroyed this holy treasure and killed Wu Xinyue was his Weiyang pen.

That was the second and last time Weiyang Bi was used, and Lin Su still remembered it vividly.

However, Mo Wen gave him a different interpretation...

You probably don't take this holy treasure seriously, because in your opinion, this holy treasure is nothing more than that, and you can't even protect Wu Xinyue's life.

If you think so, you are wrong.

This Snowy Mountain Night Moon Picture is not a complete holy treasure. To be precise, only this moon was painted by the saint himself, so it is a flawed holy treasure.

Even though Snow Mountain Night Moon Picture has flaws, it still has the power and dignity of a holy treasure!

This picture was ruined by your hands. The moon painted by the saint's own hand was banished by you!

You are blaspheming the holy treasure!

So, someone somewhere said this: This moon will light your way to the underworld.

As for what the somewhere was or who the someone was, she didn't say.

She didn't say how this moon illuminated Lin Su's journey to the underworld. In fact, she didn't know.

Lin Su stared into her eyes and sighed softly: Why?

Why? Mo Wen didn't understand.

Why do you want to help me?

This is not to help you! I have never helped you! I am just telling you an objective fact. I have not set up a position or opinion! Mo Wen stood up slowly, turned around, and the white jade boat appeared in the lake. As the center, a big whirlpool formed. She rose into the sky, and the white jade boat also rose with her, turning into a pipa in her arms. The tinkling sounds were like the joy of nine heavens, and like the bursting of a silver bottle and the curling of heavenly sounds. She and her pipa disappeared into the depths of the sky at the same time.

Lin Su stood on the top of the waves and stared at the sky for a long time.

Mo Wen, Zhang Haoran once gave him a bad idea - if his sister knew about it, he might get beaten. Zhang Haoran asked him to hook up with Mo Wen, because Mo Wen looked cute, silly, and very cute at first sight. It looks so deceptive. As long as Mo Wen is deceived, it is equivalent to planting a traitor in the temple. Lin will at least have a helper if he rebels against the temple in the future.

Objectively speaking, this proposal failed.


Zhang Haoran misjudged the person from the beginning.

Mo Wen is not stupid, Mo Wen is even more versatile than Mo Ming.

Therefore, Lin Su had never had such evil thoughts.

But today, Mo Wen is still here...

Meeting friends at Yichuan Lake with him was a cover, and analyzing the current situation with him was a cover. What she really wanted to do was to warn Lin Su.

Tell him that an improved version of the Holy Treasure has returned to the Painting Saint's family.

Everyone in the world knows about the murderous intention of the Painting Saint and the Holy Family towards Lin Su.

Of course Lin Su himself knew better.

Lin Su obviously knew how much of a threat a holy treasure endowed with the power of killing would pose.

By giving him a warning in advance, you are literally helping him.

However, Mo Wen refused to admit that this was help...

She made it clear that I am not helping you, I am just stating a fact objectively, without opinions, solutions, or positions!

This attitude is subtle.

What does it mean?

This shows that the Hua Sheng Holy Family's attack on Lin Su was backed by the temple, and even the mainstream of the temple. Because of this, Mo Wen did not involve herself in it, and she did not set up a position. Otherwise, Why should she distance herself from this matter? She is a standard envoy of the temple, but she is still afraid of you, a secular Holy Family?

She came today without telling any details.

But she said nothing.

This is her thoroughness!

Lin Su stepped onto Yichuan Lake and landed in Green Garden. The two women rushed over at the same time...

Mr. Sir, don't the women in the temple have something special to play with? Green Yi tilted his head and asked.

Sister in green, why are you like this? My husband is playing with women today for the great cause of the future. He is playing very reasonably and in a very righteous way... Isn't that right, my husband... Cui Ying was doing the finishing touches next to her.

Oh my god, these two little girls are all crazy! Lin Su said with each hand: Let's go home and play Qianqiu Daye, which requires mosaic...

the following few days.

Everything seems to be calm in the world, of course, but it just seems...

In fact, there are changes every day, but compared to the huge empire and the huge officialdom, these changes are very small, so small that ordinary people cannot detect them...

However, for the Lin family, this change is huge...

On the third day after Lin Su returned home, someone from the court came with an edict from His Majesty, conferring Mrs. Lin as the first-class imperial wife. There was no sign of this imperial wife. Even Lin Su herself didn’t know that Lin’s mother was It was even more like a dream. Xiaoxue held the dragon-headed stick given by the emperor and explained it to Madam: Madam, Your Majesty may be afraid that Madam will not be able to control the prince in the future, so he also upgraded Madam. If the prince makes mistakes in the future, Madam should be able to take advantage of this boss. Beat him with a dragon-headed stick...

Lin Su's eyes immediately straightened: Xiaoxue, my mother never thought of this. You also reminded her that if she really beats me in the future, I will deal with you...

Everyone was laughing so hard.

The solemn canonization therefore became a little less solemn and a little more warm.

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