Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 782 The dragon girl has no intention of looking at the setting sun

Beyond the East China Sea, there are tens of millions of people from all over the world, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground. It can be said that there is a hodgepodge that has never been seen in history.

In such a team, it is easiest to hide oneself.

What's more, Lin Su also possesses the ever-changing mirage secret technique.

Therefore, he traveled all the way without any hindrance.

However, he still encountered obstacles when approaching Chaosheng Island, the gateway to Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

What's the obstacle?

Among the thousands of miles of blue waves in the East China Sea, there is actually a hundred miles of ice-covered road!

And the ice reaches straight to the bottom of the sea!

On this side, the sea water was turbulent. On the other side, there was hundreds of miles of ice. On the ice, white snow was floating. On the empty and boundless ice, Lin Su saw a figure.

A woman!

The woman stands on a snow-capped mountain, with her white hair fluttering. There is only one person, a mountain, and a wilderness. She interprets the loneliness of the past and the present.

She must be Xue Qianxun, the first genius of Beihai Dragon Palace!

She doesn't want to be with anyone!

She alone can control the gate of the East China Sea!

In her town, she had carved out a piece of private land among the thousands of miles of East China Sea.

In her town, thousands of aquatic creatures turned into sculptures in the solid ice.

Her town also blocked Lin Su's way to the East China Sea.

If Lin Su wanted to get past her, there were only two ways. One was to get out of the water and have a fight with her, the other was to take a detour. This detour, he didn't know where he would go.

Lin Su Zhenyuan sank into his body, trying to figure out his own cultivation...

If his cultivation level were not sealed, Lin Su would have the confidence to do it with any of his contemporaries. However, the situation is different now. Last time he fought in the Beast Valley, he was injured by the owner of the bloody coffin of the dog R. He also had a holy wound. His cultivation In order to be on par with the first master Lingyun, that is to say, at the peak level, it is not a big problem to sweep through the second-rate masters in the Yaochi Conference with this kind of cultivation, but it is not a big problem compared with the high-end beauty in front of me who can create a hundred miles of glacier with the raise of her hand. On the other hand, he felt that he might be the one who was swept away...

Forget it, I can bend and stretch!

I'll dig a hole in your Baili Glacier!

Lin Su did as he was told, and Time flies changed into Rou Zhirou...

Under the glacier in front of you, a water hole appeared...

The power of the rules of water switches between hardness and softness without any warning, so that Xue Qianxun on the snow-capped mountains has no idea that a hole has been quietly drilled under her...

Lin Su crossed the center of Xue Qianxun's Baili Glacier in a moment.

And it's still moving fast.

Suddenly, Xue Qianxun's eyes opened suddenly on the snow mountain.

As soon as she opened her eyes, the boundless snowflakes in front of her suddenly drew countless ice lines. Once the ice lines appeared, they stretched hundreds of miles away. She felt something strange, someone was approaching!


Any snowflake is her eyes and ears, but there is nothing abnormal around her. Only her classmate Gu Jian is a hundred miles away to her left. The feeling just now...

Xue Qianxun was suddenly shocked!

She found out!

The glacier she created had a hole punched in it!

Someone penetrated her glacier and was escaping quickly!

She was almost out of her glacier, and she didn't realize it until now!

Xue Qianxun was furious!

With a bang, the glacier suddenly shook and moved towards the middle...

However, she was still a step too late!

At this moment, Lin Su completed the last leg of the glacier, escaped and entered the sea.

The sea behind her quickly froze, and in an instant it was covered in ice for hundreds of miles. However, Lin Su's speed after entering the sea was at full speed, which was three points faster than the speed at which her glacier could freeze.

Xue Qianxun used the Hundred Mile Glacier rule for three consecutive rounds, chasing Lin Su's ass for three hundred miles.

But three hundred miles later, she completely lost Lin Su's energy.

Xue Qianxun's feet shook, and the Baili Glacier disappeared instantly. She descended from the sky and stepped on a wave that had just risen. The top of the wave turned into a beautiful ice sculpture the moment she stepped on it. She Standing on the ice sculpture, he frowned slightly.

A man beside him came out of the air and opened the folding fan in his hand: Junior sister, what happened?

This person is her senior brother Gu Jian, the Holy Son of Beihai Dragon Palace.

Someone crossed my Baili Glacier! Xue Qianxun said.

How is this possible? Junior sister's Baili Glacier controls a hundred-mile sea area that is difficult to cross. How can this person escape silently?

Escape? That's too underestimated my girl's ability!

The water in front of her suddenly became blurry, and in the mist, a faint line of ice extended to the depths of the sea...

Lin Su escaped from Baili Glacier, escaped Xue Qianxun's three rounds of pursuit, and was already thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away is Chaosheng Island.

Chaosheng Island, the gateway to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, should be guarded by someone at this time, right?

Lin Su used water as his eyes and stared at the crescent-like mountain peak. Suddenly, his heart warmed. He saw a person. As soon as this person appeared, he felt that the surrounding seawater suddenly became a little warmer.

Because she is Dragon Shadow.

She is wearing a bun!

Revealing her neck as white as jade, before she pulled up her bun, she was a mysterious figure in the East China Sea, like the moon in the water, like the flower in the mirror, infinitely charming but untouchable, but after she pulled up her bun, she seemed to be touchable...

Because Long Nu wore a bun, he understood the meaning from Wu Xue's mouth.

This bun is made for him!

The dragon shadow stands on the top of the mountain, looking at the sunset in the west...

In Long Ying's world, she rarely looked at the setting sun, because it had no meaning to her.

What she should look at is the blue waves, because her eyes are different. Her blue sea pupils are her divine realm. Looking at the blue waves is practice, and looking at the setting sun is a waste.

But maybe spring is here and the flowers have to bloom.

It may be a look back at destiny, which will always disturb the years inadvertently.

It may also be the fateful water droplets, ticking down...

From then on, there was love between sons and daughters in her world!

She was still on Chaosheng Island, still practicing, but during the breaks in practice, she began to look at the setting sun...

The setting sun is vast and vast, and the setting sun is silent and silent. On the other side of the setting sun is the world of the human race, and there is the Yunyi she sent!

There is also a hero from the human race who accepted her Yunyi and let her wear a bun from now on!

He told his brother that when the East China Sea War begins, I will fight against the enemy side by side with you.

What my brother heard was heroic and gratifying.

But what she heard was her heart beating.

She didn't know whether she should expect this day to come soon or expect this day to never come.

Because this day is so difficult to choose.

If it really comes, it means that the East China Sea catastrophe is really coming.

However, it also means that he came across the sea to meet her.

No matter how entangled her thoughts were, what was supposed to come still came...

The number of enemies outside the East China Sea is increasing every day!

The disaster in the East China Sea is approaching step by step!

However, the elder brother gave up the agreement to contact him...

The elder brother said that Brother Su was so loyal that if he contacted him, he would definitely come. However, the catastrophe in the East China Sea was almost the same as the catastrophe ten thousand years ago. How cruel was it? He alone cannot reverse the general trend of the East China Sea, and even if he comes, he will die in vain! He has his family, he is so magnificent and has a glorious future. He has not repaid his great kindness to the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan can only help him, how can it destroy him?

The calamity of the East China Sea will be borne by the eighty million men of the East China Sea.

If he can survive the calamity, welcome him into the East China Sea and congratulate him together.

If we can't survive the catastrophe, our generation will be buried under the blue waves, and it will be a relief to leave the remnant soul to watch him fly in the world!

These words brought tears to Long Ying's eyes.

She knew he wouldn't come!

If this attempt to save the tribulation fails, her encounter with him will never return as he crosses the dividing line of the sea of ​​​​people!

Long Ying looked at the setting sun in the distance, slowly retracted his gaze, and sighed softly: Mr. Lang, if there is really no way back, then there is no way back... Thousands of miles of blue waves bury the solitary figure, and a cloud robe accompanies you. It's pretty cool to think about it. beautiful……

However, as her eyes fell, Long Ying was suddenly startled...

In the blue sea pupils, she discovered something abnormal!

Someone has intruded into her territory!

The silhouette of the dragon suddenly came together and turned into an afterimage. One moment, she was still on the top of the mountain, and the next moment, she was on the sea surface, thousands of feet away. There was only one thought in her mind, and there was no time interval at all. The silver light in her eyes flickered, like The sky is filled with stars, and the stars are bursting, which means that all the creatures in her divine domain will burst.

However, she never expected that where she was staring, a mass of sea water suddenly rose, and a young man in purple appeared in front of her, a young man with boundless grace!

This face was extremely familiar to her, and could even be said to be unforgettable to her.

This dress is more familiar to her because she knitted it herself.

It's him!

The sweetheart she had been facing the setting sun just now, with whom she was so entangled, appeared without any warning before her killing move.

In an instant, the eternal murderous intention in Long Ying's eyes melted little by little and turned into two tuberose flowers...

I am coming!

Three words, peaceful yet firm.

The dragon shadow appeared in front of him silently, her chest rose and fell sharply, and her mind went blank...

On the other side of the island, there was a loud cry, and a ball dropped into the sea and rolled quickly...

Long Ying seemed to know nothing, and a thousand words turned into one sentence: You are finally here!

I said, on the day when hundreds of tribes in the East China Sea besieged me, when I entered the Dragon Palace again! When I see your brother, I have to beat him up. How dare he not notify me of such an exciting thing!

His voice was relaxed.

His demeanor was relaxed.

Long Ying's heart felt warm one after another: Brother said...

A voice next to him interrupted directly, followed by a loud shout: What are you talking about? Let me tell you! Brother Su, do you have any new music?


Lin Su's eyes suddenly straightened. The battle has begun. Your East China Sea Dragon Palace is almost sinking to the bottom. What you are thinking about, little one, is actually a new song?

Long Yue stood up: Besides, you are too unreasonable. You gave my sister a bunch of perfumes, but you didn't give me a bottle. The most annoying thing is that my sister regards that broken perfume as if it were her destiny. Same thing, you're not allowed to steal... It's too much. You have to give me a bunch of them. If you dare to say no, I'll let you know what it means...

Lin Su stretched out her hand and a bag was thrust into her hand: Here!

Long Yueliang's voice stopped suddenly and he stared blankly at the storage bag in his hand.

There's as much perfume in it as your sister's, okay?

Long Yue was elated and nodded: Okay!

Be good! Go away and play!

Yeah! Okay! Long Yue turned into a meat ball and rolled back...

Long Ying's mouth showed a faint smile at some point...

At this moment, Lin Su suddenly raised his eyes and stared behind him...

The sea behind me is changing at this moment...

What was originally thousands of miles of blue waves suddenly turned into thousands of miles of ice!

Long Ying raised his gaze, and in an instant, it changed from rippling spring waves to filled with stars...

This glance covers thousands of miles of ice!


Thousands of miles of frozen water, fragmented!

The blue waves are rippling again!

Silently, a deep cold that seemed to come from hell emerged from the sea. A woman in snow clothes stood on the top of the waves, her eyes as cold as the eternal ghostly eyes firmly locked on the dragon shadow: East China Sea dragon shadow?

Long Ying also stared at her long white hair floating in the wind: Beihai Snow Qianxun!

I have already learned about your 'Blue Sea Eyes', and now I want to learn about your 'Falling Star Shadow' which is said to be invincible in close combat! Xue Qianxun said.


As soon as the word Lai came out, Long Ying suddenly turned into an afterimage and came to Xue Qianxun's side.

Xue Qianxun's finger suddenly turned almost transparent. When he pointed it out, hundreds of afterimages appeared in the sky, all of them frozen!

However, what was frozen was just an afterimage, and the dragon shadow came behind her.

Xue Qianxun's hair shook and turned transparent, and the dragon shadow behind her became an afterimage again.

In just one moment, the two exchanged at least three hundred moves, leaving countless afterimages in the sky, all formed by Xue Qianxun's freezing technique. However, she could not capture Long Ying's true form.

But the dragon shadow couldn't get within a hundred feet of her.

With a bang, Xue Qianxun transformed into a 300-foot Dharma Body, which was extremely powerful.

With a chirp, the dragon shadow shrank to three inches, becoming even more elusive.

The two people's duel, in just a moment, performed the wonders of the world.

Just when Lin Sugang felt his eyes widened, something suddenly changed!

The sea in front of him split into two, and an ice sword pierced his chest without any warning...

Before the ice sword arrived, Lin Su's surroundings turned into a field of snow.

The extremely strong cold air seemed to freeze the meridians throughout his body, and his true energy turned into icicles at this moment.

Lin Su raised his hand, and a drop of water appeared on his fingertips out of thin air. The water droplets shot out like stars falling into the sky...

With a bang, the water droplet hit the tip of the ice sword like a bullet. However, this blow could not stop the ice sword's incoming force. The water droplet directly shook into water mist...

Rice Pill, also shines brightly? Behind the ice sword, a man in white suddenly appeared.

However, the mist formed by this water droplet suddenly shifted and turned into a water curtain.

The powerful ice sword hit the water curtain, making no sound!

Lin Su stood behind the thin water curtain, his expression unchanged.

The power of water rules? Gu Jian's expression changed slightly.

Lin Su let out a long laugh: So, you are the one who is the winner!

Unbridled! Gu Jian roared, and his feet suddenly rose into the sky. He was like the god of the north, stepping on the top of the snow mountain. With one move, the earth turned upside down...

Lin Su moved his hands gently, and the power of water used softness to overcome hardness, even if the north wind was thousands of miles away, and he could not cross the misty rain south of the Yangtze River...

Hey, little brother Su! A voice came from the side: Your fighting style is too girly. You should use a sword instead. Where is the majesty of your seven swords to kill the Holy Son of the South China Sea? Why don't you use seven swords to kill the North Sea? Holy Son, let the Holy Son of Nanhai feel better...

Lin Su's eyes dropped and he almost let out a breath...

The little witch Long Yue held her chin and sat on the blue waves, pointing at him...

My playing style is too girly?

I don't know, this style of play is a bit girly?

But what can I do?

My cultivation is under control, so I fight him with a sword. I am looking for abuse!

The most important thing is, you little bitch are going too far, right? When you ask for something from me, call Brother Su. When you get the thing, I will become Little Brother Su...

Although he is full of MMP, he can't be distracted.

He had to use his half-baked power of water rules to block the Holy Son of the North Sea in front of him.

That said, it's really not easy.

The ninth generation ancestor of a certain blood coffin owner once again exploded in his stomach...

Long Yue stood up: Looking at your posture, you can't win. You promise to play a new song for me and I will help you!

Okay! Lin Su agreed directly without thinking...

Long Yue laughed loudly: Haha...

The body rolled and turned into a rubber ball. With a whoosh, it went up the snow mountain!


Long Yue flew away and turned into a huge ice ball. The laughter naturally stopped suddenly, and was replaced by Lin Su's very familiar curse that others would never believe...

I am your eighth generation ancestor!

With a bang, the ice ball burst, Long Yue flew out again, and soon flew back. Accompanied by the curse of her ninth generation ancestor, she flew up again...

In the blink of an eye, her curse has reached the twenty-fourth generation!

It was Lin Su who reached out urgently and tore apart the hundreds of miles of sea between him and Gu Jian with a tearing sound, which prevented Long Yue from being knocked away for the seventeenth time.

On the other side, the battle between Long Ying and Xue Qianxun also reached a fever pitch.

Long Ying was finally frozen by Xue Qianxun.

This ice freeze does not mean Xue Qianxun's victory, but it is Xue Qianxun's setback!

Because she sealed it, Long Ying's body suddenly grew in size and directly broke through the 300-foot Dharma Body. With one blow, Xue Qianxun retreated 100 feet away.

The next moment, the dragon shadow appeared in front of Gu Jian, and with one strike, Gu Jian flew away and passed over Xue Qianxun's head.

The expressions of the two Beihai Tianjiao all changed.

It wasn't until this moment that they truly felt the terror of the dragon shadow.

They had seen Long Ying's Blue Sea Eyes, and Xue Qianxun had seen Long Ying's Falling Star Shadow Body Technique.

Xue Qianxun always thought that Long Ying was the most powerful in these two things. As long as she restrained her invincible body skills, she would defeat Long Ying. Among thousands of quick attacks, she finally won one move and froze Long Ying. Shadow once.

However, freezing does not mean victory.

The dragon shadow was shattered by a shock.

With a raise of his hand, he used his true cultivation to knock Xue Qianxun away, and slashed Gu Jian away with one strike.

What does this mean?

This shows that the power of Dragon Shadow is not only in Unpredictability of Divine Realm and Shadowless Melee. Even if Xue Qianxun can find a way to crack these two magical skills of hers, it will still be difficult to defeat her because of her dharma body Not inferior to Xue Qianxun, her cultivation background is also not inferior to Xue Qianxun's.

Of course Xue Qianxun still has the ability to stay under the radar and is determined not to be afraid of Long Ying. However, it is absolutely difficult to defeat Long Ying in a short time.

At this moment, a dragon roared from the sky!

With the dragon roaring, the sky thousands of miles across the sky seemed to be suddenly turned into a glacier thousands of miles away by an invisible hand.

All the sea areas they could see were frozen at the same time, including the blue sea under their feet.

Their cultivation levels were controlled at the same time, like tiny flies stuck on the ice.

North Sea Ancient Jade! Long Ying's face was as pale as paper.

Beihai Ancient Jade is the former ice lake Taoist of Donghai Longjun. He is on the same level as Longjun. A person like this can destroy the world with just a raise of his hand. No matter how powerful the genius is, he can do anything in front of him. no.

At this moment, a golden light flashed in front of Lin Su and Long Ying!

It became a golden circle silently!

Lin Su's eyes suddenly brightened...


With a chirping sound, the golden circle penetrated the air like a sharp blade, splitting the Wanli Glacier into two. The golden circle on Lin Su's side suddenly melted, and outside the golden circle, there was a world of ice and snow!

With a bang, above the ice and snow, a huge dragon claw shot out of the air and grabbed the golden circle.

The golden circle shook violently, as if feeling tremendous pressure.

But the golden circle was like a knife, and it still cut off the dragon's claws layer by layer, and the devastating blow blocked the golden circle.

As soon as the dragon's claws were retracted, an old man with a white beard seemed to have crossed thousands of miles of sky in one step and landed outside the golden circle. His cold eyes passed through the golden circle and fell on Lin Su's face...

He was none other than Beihai Taishang Elder Gu Yu, whom Lin Su had met once.

Gu Yu was as cold as ever: Young man named Su, how dare you go back to the East China Sea!

Lin Su smiled faintly: Elder Gu was expelled from the East China Sea by His Majesty the Dragon King that day, and he dared to come back shamelessly. How can I, a guest of the Dragon Palace, not dare to come back?

Gu Yu's face turned even colder. How dare this boy mention the shame of being kicked out in the past? Dare to reveal his scars?

Lin Su added: His Majesty Long Jun said that you are not worthy of discussing with him. Now it seems that it is true. The ancient elders have been reduced to competing with me and other juniors. Obviously, they are really unworthy to argue with him. The Dragon King discusses the Tao!

Gu Yu's eyes were like two wisps of will-o'-the-wisps in an eternal spring, slowly lighting up: Do you know the consequences of angering me?

Lin Su looked up to the sky and laughed: Haha! The entire East China Sea knows that although the Beihai Ancient Jade thinks highly of itself, it is actually just garbage. What if I get angry with someone like you?

Long Ying's heart was beating wildly. She didn't understand why Lin Su had to be so mean. Although the two parties were hostile, you couldn't insult a Dingtianliang-level expert on the spiritual path like this. In this way, Gu Yu would hold a grudge. There will always be a haze over your head in the future!

Beihai Xue Qianxun's expression suddenly changed.

She had never heard anyone dare to speak to the Supreme Elder in such a tone.

Not even Beihai Longjun dared.

How dare you... with this human race in front of you...

Gu Yu roared: Death!

His hand suddenly turned into a dragon's claw, and he grabbed it with one claw!

This claw condensed all his cultivation, his full anger, and his murderous intention that made the whole world tremble.

The golden circle suddenly brightened, and the layers were like knives, cutting off his dragon claws.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon claw changed from as big as a mountain to the size of a normal human hand. However, this small dragon claw covered with golden scales still broke through the barrier of the golden circle, stretched out for a hundred feet, and grabbed Lin Su.

The formation was actually broken!

Gu Yu actually caught people through the formation!

This should be enough to make Lin Su eclipse, right?

Behind Lin Su, a strange knife as green as water came from behind and slashed at Gu Yu's small dragon's claw.

Long Ying takes action!

With a bang, the dragon shadow retreated thousands of feet away, and the dragon claw also disappeared.

Lin Su, the instigator, did not lose any color on his face. Instead, he had a smile on his face. This smile fell into the eyes of the three people opposite him, which was particularly ironic.

The dignified Supreme Elder of Beihai, the master of Yuantian who is at the peak of his magic skills, actually failed when faced with this human boy!

Although the most critical reason was the formation, this miss was still a setback.

Lin Su smiled softly: Elder Gu, you have guessed that I am irritating you. I just gave you a very nonsense reason. In fact, the real reason is not this! Do you want to know what it is?

Gu Yu's eyes shrank...

Xue Qianxun and Long Ying were also slightly shocked at the same time...

Lin Sudao: I want to use your full strength to test the strength of the Dragon Palace formation.

Gu Yu was not surprised: Test?

Yes, since I have chosen to be your enemy, I always know myself and the enemy. Now the results are out: the Dragon Palace Magic Circle, the peak of the Yuantian realm is not enough to break, but there is still a certain risk within a thousand feet of the magic circle. Sixth Princess, you will use this Send back the test results, lest our soldiers be careless and be taken advantage of by the enemy!

Okay! Long Ying smiled softly and came to his side.

In addition, you might as well tell them that this test was completed by Elder Beihai Ancient Yu with the help of us. Although Ancient Yu's cultivation level is a bit rubbish and his people are a bit stupid, our East China Sea Dragon Palace has clear grievances. It should be his fault. It has to be remembered on his head, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yu's eyes suddenly bulged...

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