Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 784 Lin Su sets up the formation

Lin Su finally knew...

After he entered the Broken Dragon Palace, the battle had already begun, and it became fierce as soon as it started. The enemy had no intention of protracted fighting, and it started with full firepower.

The Dragon Palace Formation played a key role, blocking the enemy's most violent attacks in various ways.

In the first half month, the enemy failed to break through the formation.

However, three days ago, an accident occurred. The South Sea Dragon Lord, the West Sea Dragon Lord, and the North Sea Ancient Jade teamed up with three high-level leaders of the giant clan and several eight-level sea monsters to break through the formation!

To be precise, it tore a hundred-mile-long gap into the formation.

The hundred-mile gap was just a small wound compared to the ten thousand-mile defense line. However, it was this small wound that caused huge damage to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

When the formation was torn apart, the second and third navy divisions of the East China Sea Dragon Palace were ordered to snipe and engage in a head-on confrontation with the enemy for the first time.

The enemy is far more powerful than imagined. There are overwhelming sea beasts, armies from all walks of life, the giant clan is also involved, there is even a small group of winged people, and a large number of humans...

In that sniper battle, the Second Navy among the eight major naval divisions was completely wiped out, the Third Navy was destroyed by more than half, and the blood of the two hundred inner island elders who rushed to rescue was spilled in the East China Sea...

They bought time for the East China Sea Dragon Palace with their lives.

At present, the formation has been rebuilt. However, because the outer formation base is already under the control of the enemy, the formation can only shrink inwards by thousands of miles...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

The giant clan is out...

The Winged Humans are out...

His fellow race, the human race, also took action...

There is also the unexpected Eight Realm Siren...

He slowly raised his eyes: So, the biggest difficulty of the East China Sea Dragon Palace is that the newly built defensive formation still cannot stop the enemy's attack?

Long Shangdao: Exactly! If they can break through the defensive formation once, they can break it a second time! This formation can only delay their advance and cannot fundamentally solve the disaster of the East China Sea.

Lin Su nodded: What are your current arrangements?

Long Shangdao: The fourth, fifth, and sixth naval divisions are currently building new formations. If the enemy breaks through the formation, we will attack with our entire army! If they cannot stop them, we will build a new formation behind them. After the new formation, It will be the seventh and eighth navy!

The Great Elder said: If the 78th Marine Division is still unable to stop it, after the new formation is built for the third time, standing behind the new formation will be the elder army led by me!

As soon as his voice fell, a voice behind him suddenly sounded: If the fourth new formation is still unstoppable, there will still be a fifth new formation, and the fifth new formation will be built here! I will lead all the women and children of the Dragon Palace to form the Dragon Palace The tenth line of defense!”

Lin Su suddenly turned around and saw a gorgeous woman who looked to be only thirty or forty years old, but her eyes were like the stars in the sky, as if she had been baptized by endless years.

Her temperament cannot be achieved without a thousand-year high position.

Her appearance is very similar to Long Ying...

Queen Mother! Long Shang bowed fiercely.

Mother! Long Ying also bowed.

The great elder also bowed: Dragon Queen!

It turns out that she is the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Long Ying’s mother!

The little witch Long Yue of the East China Sea, who had just left in the air and was flying back, suddenly saw her mother arriving, turned around and left...

The Dragon Queen stretched out her hand, her jade arms seemed to be endless, and grabbed the little witch who had flown three hundred feet back by the neck. The little witch shouted in the air: Mother, I am not the one who drank your perfume, it is Xiaoji, Xiaoji Drink it, if you don’t believe it, smell her mouth...

With a bang, the Dragon Queen slapped her hard on the butt, resounding throughout the world...

The Dragon Queen shook her head gently: When did I still argue with you about this?

Why do I not believe it so much? You said you don't care, just to trick me into admitting it. Once I admit it, you will definitely fall out... You have done this kind of thing eight hundred times...

The people next to me wanted to laugh, but tried their best to hold it back.

The Dragon Queen stopped chatting with her little daughter, and slowly raised her eyes, as deep as an eternal pool, and landed on Lin Su's face...

The surrounding air suddenly became quiet...

Even the little witch who was struggling desperately stopped struggling at this moment...

Is this Mr. Su Linsu? Her voice was extremely elegant.

Lin Su bowed deeply: This junior is the one who has met the Dragon Queen!

As expected, you are a young and handsome man with extraordinary arrogance! The Dragon Queen nodded: I used to have a lot of prejudices against the human race, but I like you very much!

Thank you, empress! Lin Su bowed again.

He didn't notice that Long Ying's face suddenly lit up!

Yes, the queen mother showed up today and met Lin Su for the first time. She was the happiest person!

She gave her Yunyi to him that day. Although she was determined to give it away, she was still suffering a lot in her heart because she knew that her mother had never had a good opinion of the human race, and she was worried about angering her mother.

But today, her mother came to Lin Su in person. Her comments about the young and handsome man and his extraordinary charisma, as well as the straightforward statement at the end, were all told to her. The queen mother was telling her, your choice will be made by the queen mother!

As the master of the harem of the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Queen couldn't say much. She raised her eyes and looked at Long Shang: Shang'er!

Queen Mother! Long Shang stood up straight and respectfully.

In your battle arrangements, there is no need to consider the women and children of the Dragon Palace. The Queen Mother has clearly informed you that the women and children of the Dragon Clan are also members of the Dragon Clan. When there is peace and stability, it is natural for them to accept the protection of the Dragon Clan men. However, when facing the disaster of annihilation, they are no longer The protected ones, they are warriors, they all shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting their families and clans, and they can also shed blood on the battlefield!

Although her words came out softly and clearly, the sound waves covered the thirty-six islands!

As soon as the voice fell, an echo came from the sea behind her: Protect the family and clan, and spill blood on the battlefield!

Eight words, from thousands of women in the Dragon Palace!

They are already neatly dressed!

At this moment, they are no longer flowers in the greenhouse, they become warriors who protect their families and clans!

Looking at all this, Lin Su's heart felt like the vast East China Sea, with rapids surging...

Long Shang, Great Elder, and Dragon Queen each said a paragraph, which together is the entire current strategy of Dragon Palace...

What kind of strategy?

It's a very tragic, very touching, but also very cruel strategy...

The Dragon Palace defensive formation will still exist and can be built five times!

It is the five lines of defense!

In addition to these five lines of defense, there are five more lines of defense!

The eight major naval forces formed three groups, the elders formed one group, and the Dragon Queen personally led the Dragon Palace women to form the last group.

There are a total of ten lines of defense, and they are all filled with lives!

They actually already knew that the Dragon Palace was doomed, but the East China Sea Dragon Clan's determination, East China Sea Dragon Clan's boldness, East China Sea Dragon Clan's bloody nature, and East China Sea Dragon Clan's determination to protect their family and clan, turned them (and them) into warriors.

Long Shang's eyes slowly moved away from his mother's face and moved to the location of the ancient Dragon Palace, where his father was!

There are also eighty-one top elders!

My father is currently making his final move, so I will give you this time, my dear!

His eyes became extremely firm: Children, please remember the mother's words! The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea only has the spirit of decapitation, and there is no way to live an ignoble existence!

That's right! The Dragon Queen's eyes were full of joy: The Queen Mother came here just for these words. Shang'er, your father cannot come out of seclusion. You will maintain the overall situation of the East China Sea. The Queen Mother will listen to your battlefield at any time. Scheduling!”

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a flash of light, and she fell into the women's team behind her. The big wave rolled and disappeared into the depths of the blue waves.

Long Shang bowed to see him off, and slowly raised his eyes: Brother, you already know all the current situation. This is the situation in Dragon Palace. Before the first nine lines of defense are broken, you and I will fight side by side! But after the ninth line of defense is broken, , you must accept my arrangement!

Lin Sudao: Brother Shang's arrangement is to use the teleportation array to send me out of the battlefield on the day when the Dragon Palace is destroyed, and let me live happily in the world? Completely forget the agreement between you and my brother, and attribute my trip to the East China Sea to A dream?

Long Shang gently put his hands on his shoulders without saying a word.

Lin Su sighed softly: You didn't answer because you knew that I couldn't do it at all!

Brother... The words are so difficult to say, and so dull to the ears...

Lin Su interrupted: You still forgot what you and I said that day! I once told you that the so-called crisis is both a crisis and an opportunity. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity! Hundreds of tribes besieging the East China Sea is a crisis! But , if we can break through and counterattack, it will be a big opportunity!”

Long Shang suddenly raised his head!

The great elder has a long beard and is free from wind!

Long Ying's heart was racing. She didn't attend the drinking party between the brothers that day, and she didn't hear their agreement with her own ears, but now she heard it!

Break the situation and fight back!

The elder brother focuses on the overall situation, the mother emphasizes the dragon clan's bloody nature, but he sees opportunities in danger! Break the situation and fight back!

This courage made her heart beat, but in this case, is it possible?

Regardless of whether she is able or not, the man she chooses still gives her a different side.

Even the Dragon Queen, who had left and could theoretically not hear their words, suddenly lit up, revealing a strange light...

Your Majesty, this person is the one who asked the Sixth Princess to wear a bun, right? said a middle-aged woman in green next to the Dragon Queen.

Exactly! What do you think? said the Dragon Queen.

Although he is a bit... arrogant, he also has a rare bloody spirit! Not bad! said the middle-aged woman.

The word arrogant is certainly not a complimentary word, but it is not a particularly derogatory word. Just because of the bloody nature in it, the middle-aged woman is particularly tolerant. In her opinion, Lin Su's counterattack is Ignorance means overestimating one's own capabilities. However, precisely because it contained a bloody element that made her heart beat, she chose a word that was not too derogatory and relatively neutral: arrogant.

Lin Su stared at Long Shang: Brother Shang, do you believe me?

Long Shang said: There are billions of human races in the world. If there is one person Long Shang can trust, he is undoubtedly his brother!

Okay, let me tell you the first thing! Lin Su said: The power of the Dragon Palace Formation can be enhanced!

Long Shang was shocked: Brother, do you know the formation?

My formation is the formation of the human race. It may be different from the formation inherited by the dragon race. However, under the way of heaven, all methods lead to the same goal through different paths. The elders of the formation palace and I can learn from each other's strengths and offset our weaknesses, which may have miraculous effects!

Long Shang and the great elder looked at each other, and there might be some exchanges in the middle, but soon they reached a consensus: Brother, please enter the formation palace!

Lin Su couldn't understand the two people's spiritual communication, but he could guess it.

The formation palace is now the core of the entire war.

A secret within a secret.

You need to know that in the current Dragon Palace war, formations account for half of the country. There are ten lines of defense, five of which are life-saving, and the other five are all formations.

The most fearful thing about formations is leaking secrets.

Once the secret is leaked, the enemy will break the formation in a targeted manner, ranging from breaking the formation to counterattack. Therefore, the formation palace is not accessible to ordinary people. Even in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, only a dozen or so people can enter the formation palace.

What Lin Su asked before also has meaning. You must trust me unconditionally before I can take the next step.

His next step is to start with the formation.

The exchange between Long Shang and the Great Elder is here.

The control center of the Dragon Palace Formation is generally not accessible to inner-level elders. Can Lin Su enter?

The two communicate briefly and can enter!

This is unconditional trust!

The three of them went to the formation palace, and two women accompanied them.

Long Ying's voice quietly reached Lin Su's ears: Mr. Lang, Elder Xu, the chief of the array palace, has a rather stubborn temperament. If there are any rude words, please forgive me.

This was an ordinary question in itself, but because of the previous title, it became a little more colorful, and Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

Lang Jun, some people in the world also call him this.

But it does not specifically refer to the wife's title to her husband.

This kind of nickname can also be used for young scholars. For example, if an old woman calls a young scholar who is visiting her home Little Husband, you must not regard it as teasing.

What does this title mean when it comes from Long Ying's mouth?

Thousands of unhealthy thoughts flowed through Lin Su's brain, and he could only avoid them temporarily: People who study academically intensively are often people with character and can understand!

Stepping into the formation palace, Lin Su was still shocked...

In the formation palace, there is a huge formation disk, which includes the East China Sea. The East China Sea in the formation disk seems virtual and real. The sea water is rippling and there are hidden waves. Can a formation disk contain as much as a mustard seed?

This array alone shows the high level of the Ancient Dragon Palace.

On the side of the array, there is an elder with a long beard dragging the ground.

Seeing the group of people headed by Long Shang coming in, the elder's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty. Long Shang's eyes flickered and he sent a message to him, and his eyes changed slightly...

While they were communicating, Lin Su stayed a little far away, standing ten feet away from the formation, looking at the long-bearded elder quietly.

Elder Changbeard knows.

An old monster-level figure in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

This person has studied formations intensively, and his character is just as Long Ying said, stubborn.

Take his iconic long beard as an example. It is an interesting anecdote. It is said that one year, the elder Changxu went into retreat to learn the formation. After a long period of retreat, when he came out of retreat, his beard had grown three feet. At that time, there was a The elder who was not very fond of Guang teased him, saying that your formation has not improved much, but your beard has grown a lot. If your formation can keep up with the progress of your beard, your formation will be worth looking forward to.

The old man regarded this sentence as a provocation.

After that, every time his formation improved, he marked it with his beard.

What does it mean?

The formation advanced to a level, and he had an extra foot of beard. Decrypt a new formation, and the formation will grow three inches.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the elder who made fun of him no longer dared to make fun of him and apologized to him eight hundred times, but he still moved forward on this road of advancing the formation must advance.

Now, his beard is one foot, seven feet and five inches long!

His formations have become so perfect that he has become a legend in the East China Sea Dragon Palace formations.

One foot, seven feet and five inches, this was the length of the long-bearded elder when Lin Su opened the Ancient Dragon Palace that day.

Now, Lin Su's simple visual inspection showed that his beard was at least two feet long. It seemed that in just two or three months, his formation skills had improved by leaps and bounds, and he should have gained a new opportunity in the ancient formation palace.

The long-bearded elder slowly raised his eyes: I heard from the prince that Mr. Su is quite accomplished in formations? Is he interested in improving the Dragon Palace formation?

Lin Su bowed: I don't think I can take my level of formation skills seriously. I just know a little bit about human formations. At this critical moment of life and death, I am willing to work with my seniors to help in the war!

Well said! The war is about to begin. Life and death are at stake. There is no need to care about the differences between sects or the sea of ​​people. Mr. Su has a sincere heart. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Donghai Formation Palace! Elder Longbeard bowed deeply: Sir, please come closer!

Lin Su passed by in three steps and arrived in front of the array.

The long-bearded elder said: What do you think of the young master?

Lin Sudao: The heritage of Dragon Palace is really unparalleled.

Oh, where is it reflected?

Long Ying, who had just entered the door, thought, is this a test? My sister's voice came to my ears: Sister, his formation skills should still be pretty good. Do you remember the time we entered the Eye of the Sea? He has already shown it...

Long Ying turned back his hand and firmly grasped his sister's hair.

My sister rolled her eyes and said, Are you still afraid that I will cause damage? Please, I'm not stupid. This is the formation palace, and the formation is related to the outer defense line. Besides, do I dare? I entered the formation palace last time, I have been trapped in the formation for more than half a month, and I still don’t have a long memory...

Listening to the first half of the sentence, Long Ying felt that the girl had grown up.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, she felt that the previous understanding was overturned. She was not someone who cared about the overall situation, she just had a painful lesson.

Lin Su responded to the elder's question with obvious core thinking: Generally, the defense line established by the resistance formation is only a hundred miles away, but this resistance formation is an arc of thousands of miles. How high-end? What is even more high-end? , the elder can be on the side of the formation plate, carve the formation inscriptions on the seventy-eight formation bases, and generate the formation.

As soon as these words came out, Elder Changxu and the ten formation masters behind him were all shocked...

His eyes were full of disbelief...

Chang Xu stared at Lin Su: Master Su actually knows that this formation can carve formation patterns remotely? Can he still see the eighty-one formation bases of this formation at a glance?

The formation base is hidden at the moment, perhaps because the elders of the formation palace are cautious, perhaps because it is not necessary, but it is hidden anyway.

Therefore, on the surface, this formation is just an ordinary formation impression map. A layman can only see this surface.

And what is the formation base?

To use a modern analogy, it is computer code.

Can ordinary people see the code inside through the computer screen?

Only those who really know the business can see it.

Lin Su smiled softly and moved his hand gently. With a mysterious opportunity, eighty-one formation bases appeared at the same time.

Changsu's eyes lit up: What kind of technique are you using?

The second change of the Qiankun Breaking Formation Diagram: the intersection of reality and reality!

An elder with long eyebrows behind Changxu said: The Qian Kun Breaking Formation Diagram is said to have been created by the ancestors of the formation outside the territory. This world only has fragments and lacks methods to get started. I never expected that Mr. Su could actually learn from the fragments. I understand the truth, I admire you!

Yes, I used to only know that Mr. Su's swordsmanship is amazing, but I never thought that Mr. Su's formation skills are so powerful...

Suddenly, more than ten masters of the formation were all alive.

People in the Formation Way are all people who study academics. Under normal circumstances, it is inevitable to have weird tempers and arrogant temperaments. But Lin Su broke this habitual thinking with just one hand, because people who study academics are very interested in academic achievements. People are respectful.

A smile appeared on Changxu's face: Young Master Su is showing off his talents, and his high-end qualities are all on display. I wonder if Mr. Su has any magic tricks to strengthen the power of resisting the formation?

Lin Sudao: Why should we strengthen the power of resisting the formation?

This rhetorical question made everyone confused at the same time.

Changxu's brows slowly wrinkled: What do you mean, Master?

Lin Sudao: Rejecting the formation means keeping the enemy out of the battlefield. However, that is not what I imagined. There is no rejection of the formation in my strategy, only trapping and killing!

Long Shang's eyes brightened...

Chang Xu's brows trembled slightly: Trapped array... killing... Young master, do you mean that the defensive strategy will be fundamentally changed?

Exactly! Lin Su waved his hand lightly, and another mysterious arc passed through: This rejection formation has the same origin as the trapped formation. As long as it is reversed, the rejecting formation will become a trapped formation...

With a buzz, the formation in front of him completely changed, completely opposite in an instant.

At the beginning, it was to prevent outsiders from coming in, to resist the formation.

But at this moment, it is blocking the people inside from getting out, it is a trap.

The change only occurred in an instant. Long Shang and Long Ying didn't understand it at all, because they were not formation practitioners, but the eleven formation masters in front of them, plus the great elder, knew the formation, and their hearts were beating at the same time...

Lin Su's hand circled back and forth, and the formation was restored. The change in just a moment was just a glimpse. If all the formation masters were not infinitely sensitive to this, they might not have realized that at this moment, The defensive formation outside the Dragon Palace suddenly rebelled.

The long-bearded elder's lips trembled slightly: Is the change just now by the young master another diagram of the universe breaking the formation?

Yes, this is the first form of the Qiankun Formation Diagram, where Yin and Yang feed back.

The long-bearded elder took a deep breath: If the formation of resistance turns into a formation of trapping, there should be killing inside the trapping formation. Is there a formation for killing?

Of course there is!

Chang Xu asked: What kind of killing array?

Lin Su said: Elder, I will carve an inscription on this formation base. The elder will know it at a glance.

All the formation elders were shocked...

Lin Su said a few words lightly, and when they fell in the ears of others, it was like listening to heavenly scriptures, but when they fell in their ears, they were thunderous...

Every sentence is!

They know how bizarre the Qiankun Breaking Formation Diagram is.

They know better what it means to carve inscriptions on the formation base.

For ordinary formation masters, you need to place the formation stone or formation crystal pillar in front of him before he can carve an inscription.

However, this is the Dragon Palace Formation Palace, and the formation base is not here at all, thousands of miles away.

The most powerful thing about Dragon Palace's ancient formations is that they can carve inscriptions remotely through this formation disk.

But this is top secret!

Except for a few people at the top of the formation palace, no outsiders knew about it.

And to complete this task personally is even more incredible.

This requires you to have a superb understanding of the formation, a pair of discerning eyes, and an extremely meticulous mind. Only in this way can you peel off the cocoon and extract the silk in the formation, and accurately distribute the energy. If you make a slight mistake, all your previous efforts will be wasted!

This legendary technique can only be performed by two people in the entire formation palace, namely Long Beard and Long Eyebrow. Even with long eyebrows, there is no guarantee that each formation base will be carved perfectly, and there is no guarantee that it will be successful every time.

The young man in front of him not only knew that he could carve inscriptions remotely, he even planned to do it himself!

Can he really do it?

The long-bearded elder's eyes flashed: Master, please!

He agreed!

This may also be the last assessment!

As long as Lin Su can carve inscriptions, his formation skills will be on the same level as his own!

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