Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 795 People from the Lesheng Holy Family Realm

Lin Sudao: You said at the beginning that the scene in the tragedy of your motherland would happen because of me. But now, the situation has changed drastically. Has this scene changed?

I failed to stop you, the butterfly, from flapping its wings. A tornado has already formed in a corner. Do you think the predicted scene will change?

Lin Sudao: I understand what you mean. My damn butterfly flapped its wings and caused trouble. Although I should be cut into pieces, killing me now will not help, so you are too lazy to kill me. Now looking for another unlucky new butterfly, can I ask who this new, poor butterfly is?

His Majesty, the emperor in the past, is now a wanderer.

Lin Su's wine bottle reached his lips and suddenly stopped!

When talking to smart people, there is no need to speak too clearly. They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and every word and action is like a fairy tale...

Ji Shang was ousted from the throne of emperor!

However, he did not execute him!

He was rescued!

How will Ji Chamber of Commerce do it? If he had the ability, he would definitely launch a counterattack. Even if the whole world fell into a doomsday situation, he would definitely be able to do it, because people like him are truly self-centered. Mountains and rivers, I can't get them, and none of you can even think of getting them - he can say such things, and he can do such things!

Moreover, Liu Tianyin has also seen this, and she even said it clearly...

In the past, he, Lin Su, was the chief culprit of the troubles in the world, but now, it was Ji Shang!

What is he going to do?

What can he do?

Lin Su is completely unknown!

However, he knew clearly that Ji Shang's ability should not be underestimated!

He has been the king for more than eight years, and no one knows what other trump cards he has, and on the road to harming the world, he has many fellow travelers, demons! Osumi! Red country! Yelang! Tianling Sect! Infinite door...

For these forces, as long as it hurts Da Cang, they are willing to do it, because the deeper it hurts Da Cang, the more beneficial it is to them...

The bottom line is always in words, but the interests are in the heart!

Lin Su slowly took away the wine bottle and raised his eyes slowly: Miss Tianyin's Eyes of Destiny are really a waste to use to block an outdated butterfly like me. Mo Ruo uses it to take a look at this new butterfly, and Look where he is?”

Can't watch it!

Lin Su almost jumped up: Can't watch? I don't want you to watch me, you can watch every time! I want you to watch him, but you tell me you can't watch? What's the reason? I look more like an unlucky guy. Or is there something wrong with my character?

In destiny, there is no distinction between character and destiny, there are only laws... The protection of Buddhism can cover up destiny!

The protection of Buddhism can cover up destiny...

Lin Su was surprised!

He is quite sensitive to these eight words.

Because Ji Shang was rescued by Master Fuyun!

At this moment, he is protected by Buddhism! Destiny is unpredictable! No one knows where he is, no one knows what evil plot he is planning. The only thing Lin Su knows is that Master Fuyun is originally from Qianfo Temple, and Qianfo Temple is not a good place for Buddhism in his dictionary... …

Liu Tianyin said: I know you can't go around Thousand Buddhas Temple in your itinerary. You and I can go together!

Today she suddenly appeared and blocked him, not to kill him as a sword for destiny, but to walk with him to eliminate the real hidden dangers in Da Cang.

Lin Sudao: Why do you want to go with me?

Because I neglected my duty by not killing you that day, so I must correct this negligence myself!

Lin Su rolled his eyes and nodded: In that case, it's my fault. It would be great if I stretched my neck and let you chop it...

Stand up and prepare to break through the air.

Where do you want to go? Liu Tianyin asked.

Aren't you very good at measuring things? Come on, try and see where I will go? As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su's figure broke through the sky and moved towards the sea. For a moment, the sea of ​​people was vast...

On the side of the South China Sea, there is a mountain named Yanqingshan.

Yanqing Mountain is adjacent to Yanqing Lake, but it does not belong to the same area.

Yanqing Mountain is the territory of the ancient southwest country. Yanqing Lake jumps out of the secular imperial power and is the inner lake of the Lesheng Holy Family.

The name Yan Qingshan was changed later. In order to gain access to the Lesheng Holy Family, people in this world would do anything they could.

Because it is adjacent to Le Sheng Sheng's family, Yan Qingshan is very lively all year round. Talents from all over the world are rushing to attend. Among the top brothels in each country's capital, if someone reports her origin, the little girl lived in Yan Qingshan for a period of time. , everyone has to look at it with admiration, Yan Qingshan is basically equivalent to the highest school for Ledao training.

Lin Su stepped into Yan Qingshan and felt the charm of Ledao.

Passing through the mountain city, his ears were filled with the sounds of various musical instruments, percussion, orchestral music, and even his self-made seven-tone flute. You can buy it here. Lin Su picked up a pipe and took a look. It's so out of shape, it's pretty good.

These were not in his mind. He took a quick tour, passed directly through the city, and came to the bank of Yanqing Lake.

Yanqing Lake is beautiful and quiet at this time of year.

There is a line of white sand on the lakeside and endless weeping willows.

A long embankment stretches into the lake and connects five long bridges.

The color of the long bridge is like jade, reflecting the dreamlike blue waves thousands of miles away.

There is the entrance bridge to the Holy Family of Lesheng, as evidenced by a poem:

Things are going on outside the Wuxian Bridge, and I don’t know the music until I enter Yanqing.

what for?

In the vast world, thousands of miles of mortal world, there are many things happening in the world. The Holy Family of Music is ultimately the home of music. Those who have not crossed the five-stringed bridge are not worthy of talking about music at all.

Lin Su was wearing a purple scribe's uniform. This suit was the cloud robe given to him by Long Ying. This cloud robe could be changed as he wished. It was originally the clothes of a cultivator, but after entering Yan Qingshan, it became the scribe's robe.

He moved forward along the long embankment and gradually approached Lejia. The wind gradually became softer and the water became silent. A mysterious literary force made people involuntarily become quiet.

The five-stringed bridge in front slowly grows larger in the field of vision...

Several scholars in white clothes were sitting next to the Wuxian Bridge holding the piano, but their eyes were all moved over...

Staring at Lin Su who was approaching step by step, when they were about to speak to drive him away, Lin Su suddenly smiled...

Several scholars were slightly stunned, wondering why the scholar in front of them smiled so brightly. Do you think you can enter Yanqing Lake by expressing kindness with a smile?

However, they were wrong!

The holy light swirled in the air, the holy sound reached the ears, and the nine-note cauldron fell from the sky. A beautiful woman on the cauldron fell lightly and landed in front of Lin Su.

Several scholars were shocked and bowed at the same time: Young Pavilion Master!

What appeared in front of them was Feng Wu!

Although Feng Wu is not a saint of the Holy Family, her status in the Holy Family is something that even the saints are afraid of.


First, she is a true genius.

Secondly, her literary skills have broken through the literary world.

Thirdly, she joined the Qinglian Forum and was a person who broke into the eyes of the sea. Anyone who breaks into the eyes of the sea is considered a top figure in the world.

Such a person would never leave Yanqing Lake, and most disciples would not be worthy of seeing her, but today, she appeared on the Wuxian Bridge!

The scholars were surprised and happy, and were busy giving greetings and greetings, but Feng Wu didn't seem to notice them at all. She only had Lin Su in her eyes.

You're really here! Her voice was full of surprise.

Since we have an appointment, how can we not come?

Feng Wu smiled softly: The First Grandmaster Qinglian really keeps his word!

Don't call him that! I came here today just to visit as an old friend of Haining. I don't dare to talk about Grandmaster in the Holy Family!

Please! Feng Wu raised her hand slightly.


The two walked along the Wuxian Bridge and entered Yanqing Lake...

The five disciples on the periphery bowed and were lonely...

Looking up, everyone had a look of despair on their faces: The first grandmaster of Qinglian, is that him?

Haining's old friend...that's right, it's him!

Haining Linsu! Another student sighed: Legend has it that he Yu Xuehai brought music into the seven-tone era... Only such a genius is worthy of being personally welcomed by the Young Pavilion Master!

As the two walked along, the water on both sides of the Wuxian Bridge was covered with weeping willows, reflecting in the lake, making it truly picturesque.

Feng Wu smiled softly: How did you feel when you entered Le Sheng's family for the first time?

A paradise in this world, like a fairy in a painting!

How about you recite a poem?

Lin Su smiled: It's okay to recite a poem, but if you recite a poem, I won't play the music. I'll leave the multiple-choice question in your hands. Do you want to listen to the music or the poem?

Feng Wu's eyes sparkled: Can't I have both?

No! You can only choose one of the two!

Feng Wu was very distressed, rubbed her head and replied: Then I can only choose a song. If I don't choose a song, I'm afraid my aunt will scold me to death...

Your aunt? The elder you said you want to see me on Chinese Valentine's Day is your aunt?

Yes! But you must not know why she wants to see you on Chinese Valentine's Day...

While walking along the way, Feng Wu told her about her aunt...

Her aunt's name is Feng Ji. She is truly born for happiness. She has never left Yanqing Lake in her life. There is only happiness in her world. There are only three places in her life, Le Dian Pavilion. After ten years of sealing, she wrote a new chapter in the music path and entered the literary world; after ten years of sealing in Wuxian Pavilion, she integrated hundreds of musical instruments into one furnace, creating her world of music.

Her paradise is extremely extraordinary.

What really makes people see the power of this world is Feng Wu's birth.

When Feng Wu was born, the head of the Holy Family was helpless when faced with the evil chaos.

The aunt took action at the critical moment and used her paradise to fight against the evil thing. The battle lasted nine days.

After that battle, Feng Wu was born smoothly.

And my aunt also discovered the true meaning of music in nine days of hard work. Based on the five-stringed qin, she established her own music world and has been professed for eighteen years now.

Feng Wu's life exists because of her aunt...

But she felt more and more that her aunt's situation was not optimistic...

Because my aunt’s music world has not shown any signs of loosening in the past eighteen years, but has become more and more solidified...

There is a tendency to fall into civil prison and death row!

What is prison or death sentence?

It is a unique phenomenon in the literary world, that is, people in the literary world fall into a bottleneck and cannot struggle out, which then becomes a literary tragedy.

This situation will exist at every step and become more and more serious.

Literary roots, literary circles, and Wenshan have little influence. It is just that children cannot pass the examination until they are eighty years old, and scholars cannot pass the examination until they are eighty years old. The candidates take the palace examination and accompany them every time. Of course, it makes them suffer from mental breakdown. It’s not locked in yet. Even if you keep taking exams, hope is still there.

But it was different after arriving in Wenxin.

If the literary mind cannot enter the extreme realm for a long time, the literary person himself will collapse, and the literary mind will become dusty. In this case, it will be even more impossible to enter the extreme realm. This is the literary prison of death in the literary mind realm.

The same is true for the Wenlu realm.

But the most serious problem is the literary world.

The literary prison of death before the literary world was illusory.

And the literary prison of death in the literary world has turned from fiction to reality!

what for?

After entering the literary world, the next step is to break through the world and become a saint!

Breaking the world and becoming a saint can be popularly understood as breaking out of the cocoon and turning into a butterfly. If you can break out of the cocoon, you will be a butterfly spreading its wings and flying in the clouds. If you cannot break out of the cocoon, you will become a pupa in your cocoon.

As time goes by, the cocoon solidifies, your strength is gone, your literary spirit wanes, you become even more unable to break free, and you can only die in your own world...

The boundary you have worked so hard to build may eventually become a prison that locks you in. Isn't it sad? Ironic?

of course!

However, this is the way forward for the literary world. Even if 99% of people will die trapped in this cocoon, there are still countless people in the literary world who will continue to work hard.

Her aunt is such a dream chaser!

Feng Wu hopes that her aunt can break the boundary!

She hopes that the person who gave her life will not be a chrysalis in the world, but transform into a world-breaking butterfly. She hopes that her aunt can hold her hand, smell the fragrance of spring tears on her body, and taste it with her own mouth. The herring she made...

I understand what you are thinking, but you must also understand that you have given me a big problem! Lin Su said.

Yes! My aunt's research on Ledao has stood at the top of this world. It has inspired her, but it is too difficult! Feng Wu said: But I still believe that if there is someone in this world who can give her Some new inspiration, this person should be you!

Lin Su patted his head lightly: If in the past, I would have been very happy to hear such a beautiful woman like you give me such a high opinion, but today, I would rather you not think so highly of me... Okay, let's go ahead anyway. If I get through the door of your Le family, I probably won't be able to escape, let me try.

Feng Wu jumped with joy: How are you going to try? How about... you play all your songs to my aunt one by one?

Lin Su glanced at her: What are you thinking about? As you said just now, your aunt is at the highest peak of worldly happiness. Casual music can't stir up waves in her heart at all, so don't worry about it. Under the banner of helping your aunt break the boundary, we implement the conspiracy of you want to listen to the music yourself!

Feng Wu's little idea was revealed, but she said stubbornly: How will you know if you don't try?

Okay, okay, open the way and let me meet this legendary person in the world.

Feng Wu waved her hand, and the Nine Sound Cauldron turned into a small boat. The two boarded the small boat and slid towards Yanqing Lake. The lake water flowed through both sides of the small boat, and there was faint sound of music.

The mist is like a gauze in front, and the boat enters. There is a red pavilion in front of it. All around the red pavilion, mountain flowers are blooming. A woman stands in the small pavilion, and the surrounding light flows like crystal.

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the woman in the red pavilion.

This woman's hair is as white as snow, but her face shows no trace of age, and even her eyes are as pure as the Yanqing Lake beneath her.

She is Feng Ji.

Feng Ji also looked at the approaching boat quietly, and her smile slowly bloomed, just like the most beautiful flower blooming among thousands of flowers.

With this smile, the beauty of the lake seemed to suddenly gather in her eyes.

Wu'er said in April that we have guests arriving on Chinese Valentine's Day, and today we are indeed here! Feng Ji Yingying bowed: I've met Mr. Lin!

Lin Su bowed deeply: Lin Su pays homage to Senior Feng!

Feng Ji smiled softly: In the past three years, Wu'er has mentioned Mr. Lin's poetry, theory, music, and wisdom more than ten times. I have also sketched the image of Mr. Lin in my heart. However, when I saw him today, I knew that Mr. Lin His magnanimity and grace are still beyond imagination. However, I am trapped in the world and cannot go out to serve tea to the great sages of the world. I can only sit in an empty seat. Sir, please take a seat!

She waved her hand gently, and her fingertips traced across the transparent crystal wall of the pavilion. A clear sound hit her ears, and it was full of tea garden style...

In front of Lin Su, a coffee table appeared out of thin air. On the coffee table were two cups of tea.

Thank you! Lin Su raised his hand in salute, raised his legs and took the seat, facing Feng Ji face to face through the transparent crystal wall.

Please have a cup of Yanqing tea!

Thank you for the tea! Lin Su held up the teacup, brought it to his lips, took a sip, and put down the teacup.

Wu'eryan, sir, is not actually a music major? Feng Ji said.


However, Sir can use the music of seven notes to open a new door to the Dao of Music! How unimaginable is it for the Dao of Music? Feng Ji said: I wonder how you understand the Dao of Music?

Feng Wu was shocked.


My aunt, a genuine genius in music, and him, a eccentric in music, were about to start a head-on discussion for the first time.

The Holy Sayer: To govern the people in peace, one must not be good at etiquette; to change customs, none must be good at music. Lin Sudao: I will explain this sage saying this way: Music is the body of heaven and earth, and the nature of all things is consistent with it. If the body obtains its nature, it will be harmonious; if it is separated from the body and loses its nature, it will be obedient. In the past, the saints who enjoyed themselves would have a body that conforms to the heaven and earth and become the nature of all things...

Without any warning, the transparent crystal wall in front of Feng Ji was filled with green lotuses!

Feng Wu trembled slightly, and the tea in her hand turned sideways, but strangely, no tea was poured out, and the tea poured out also turned into a green lotus...

Feng Ji's eyes suddenly brightened like autumn water...

The sixteen characters in front of Lin Su are holy words.

But what follows is not the Holy Word, but his own understanding.

With only 40 or 50 words of discussion on Tao, he directly stepped into the realm of Tao and plum blossoms in the world.

What a wonderful explanation is this?

What a terrifying spectacle of Taoism is this?

She is not a time traveler. Of course she doesn't know that Lin Su's On Music is a famous work by Ruan Ji!

Who is Ruan Ji?

The first among the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove!

How are the poems written by the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest? It is a matter of benevolence and wisdom. However, their attainments in music are unprecedented. It is no wonder that after all, the seven sages of that era all took music as their main occupation. Lectures on Music is a classic work on music in later generations.

Lin Su made a small comment and made himself stupid...

Damn it, the Tao realm flowers are blooming again...

Feng Ji took a long breath: Sir's discussion of music is so wonderful. Music is the body of heaven and earth and the nature of all things. Every word is like a pearl! I dare to ask again. In your opinion, what is it? boundary?

Earlier, Lin Su vividly reflected his understanding of the Tao of Music in an article called Music Theory.

Feng Ji’s second question was about her breaking the boundary.

The world is the world of literature and music, but it is also the world of heart and vision!

The short answer fell in Feng Ji's ears like a giant bell...

Lin Su raised his gaze and said, A happy person brings together the images of heaven and earth, and is well versed in integrating the emotions of the world. Forgive the younger generation for being presumptuous. The seniors have never stepped out of Yanqing Lake, so how can they know the other side of happiness besides the white snow in spring?

Feng Ji was slightly shocked: Where is the other side of Yangchun Baixue?

On the loess, among the farmers, on the bloody battlefield, and behind the tears of the departed...

Above the loess, among the farmers, on the bloody battlefield, behind the tears of Li Ren... Feng Ji murmured: Are you happy?

In this world, there is happiness above the temple, happiness on the top of the white clouds. Su Xi was convinced of it until that day, after the evening rain... Lin Su said: I met a blind man in the market. He was ignorant. A literary man who had not yet entered the officialdom, was homeless and impoverished. However, he broke bamboos into beards, cut ponytails into strings, and played a piece of music. It turned out to be music. Is this music, seniors, willing to hear it?

Feng Ji and Feng Wu were both excited...

As soon as Lin Su played the flute, the tragic Moon Reflected on Two Springs made its debut in this world...

As soon as the sad song was played, the surrounding air seemed to turn into a noose of fate. Feng Ji closed her eyes and her body trembled slightly...

She has never left Yanqing Lake in her life, and her life has always been peaceful and stable. Her forty years are just like a day passing away in this peaceful Yanqing Lake.

She thought that being happy meant being free from the mortal world, but today, she heard another shocking tune.

She seemed to see a person walking alone in the cold rainy night, lonely and desolate, the cold wind and rain pulled him time and time again, but he was unwilling to accept his fate and fought again and again...

This is a piece of music that is so cruel that it lacks any sense of beauty, but it nevertheless demonstrates the great beauty of the world.

This was music that had nothing to do with her, but she shocked the whole body and mind.

The music was quiet, and two lines of tears slid silently down her face. Feng Wu was even more unbearable, and her tears had already flowed to the corner of her mouth.

What's the name of this song?

Er Quan Ying Yue!

Is it really a blind man who plays the instrument?


Feng Ji gently exhaled: Grandmaster Lin's remarks made me realize that music is the sound of love, and it is also caused by love! One song made me realize that there is still music in the mortal world outside Yanqing Lake! Feng Ji thanks Grandmaster Lin!

She bowed deeply! At this moment, she also called Grandmaster Lin for the first time.

Just because in her world, those who are masters are teachers.

Although she is a senior in music and a master in the literary world, any words that can touch her are the words of a master to her!

Don't dare! Lin Su quickly stood up and returned the salute.

I'm going out of the lake today!

This voice came from Lin Su's ears. Lin Su was shocked and looked up suddenly...

There is a man in the pavilion, wearing white clothes and white hair, sitting quietly in the pavilion.

There was someone beside him, also wearing white clothes and white hair.

Feng Ji actually split into two!


Feng Ji smiled faintly: Although I am in the world, my holy treasure can travel the world on my behalf. However, everything I gain is a gift from Grandmaster Lin. Feng Ji thanks Grandmaster Lin again!

After the ceremony, Feng Ji floated gently, one person, one oar and a small boat, and left Yanqing Lake.

In her world, the Feng Ji looked at him with a smile, like a statue.

Lin Su had to lament the power of the Holy Treasure. This was obviously not a clone technique, but it demonstrated the essence of the clone technique...

Feng Wu's eyes slowly retracted from the distance and slowly fell on Lin Su's face: Auntie left Yanqing Lake. I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse, but it is a turning point after all. The Holy Family has to thank you, let's go , my father has prepared a banquet and is waiting to entertain you, a guest from afar.

At this moment, the sound of piano came from the distant lake...

The sound of the piano is gentle and the sound is also familiar...

Feng Wu listened attentively: Another wonderful song in the world, Yanqing Lake may have welcomed another musical prodigy to visit...

She is not here to visit your Lesheng Holy Family! A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Lin Su's mouth.

Is he looking for you? Feng Wu was slightly startled.


Feng Wu's shining eyes fell on his: This song... is actually your new creation?

This song is called It seems like an old friend is coming! Lin Su sighed softly: Now it has become her entrance song. Every time I meet, she plays this song to show that she is an old friend, but she obviously I forgot to ask the previous question, I hope I don’t want to see this old friend!”

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