Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 797: Turn around and find the shore

Lin Su felt his eyes flash suddenly, and the scene suddenly changed completely.

Surrounded by golden walls, they were infinitely high without any gaps. Under the suppression of the boundless power of Buddhism, he could not soar into the sky at all, and even his spiritual consciousness could not press down the sea of ​​consciousness. He became an ordinary person.

Feng Wu said: Are you trapped in the formation?

Liu Tianyin said: If it is a trapped formation, the Buddha statues on these four walls may be the secret to breaking the situation. These Buddha statues seem to be exactly the same, but in fact some Buddha statues are different!

She flicked her hand lightly, and a white jade finger pointed at a Buddha statue.

With a bang, the Buddha statue was shattered, and Lin Su suddenly felt that the terrifying pressure of the Buddha's Dharma was reduced a little!

He nodded: What Miss Tianyin said makes sense. If we find different Buddha statues, we can release the pressure of Buddha's Dharma. If we find them all, we can fly away!

As soon as Lin Su Qiandu Pupil opened, he quickly found three different Buddha statues. Liu Tianyin was faster than him and found four pictures. Feng Wu also found two pictures as if there was music swirling in his eyes.

The differences among the tens of thousands of Buddha statues in the nine were found, and the pressure of Buddhism on them was greatly weakened.

Flying up, one foot above the ground, he met the second group of Buddha statues.

This group of Buddha statues was much harder to find than the first group. Feng Wu's eyesight was a bit lacking, but she still found one.

Liu Tianyin and Lin Su both found four pieces.

Liu Tianyin's eyes were a bit wrong, I am the Eye of Destiny! I have a unique eye technique! Can you equal me in this field?

On the third floor, she was hit!

She found four paintings, and Lin Su found five!

Feng Wu was hit even harder, she couldn't find any of this layer!

On the fourth floor, Lin Su found six paintings...

On the fifth floor, Lin Su found six paintings...

On the sixth floor, Lin Su found seven paintings...

On the seventh floor, Liu Tianyin's heart was pounding with fear. She felt that her eyes were golden, and all the Buddha statues seemed to be smiling at her. They had exactly the same smiling faces, and she could no longer find any difference!

On the eighth floor, she opened her eyes and couldn't see a single Buddha statue. There was only a golden glow in her world.

If it weren't for Lin Su's voice coming from the golden field, she wouldn't even know if Lin Su was there.

On the ninth floor, the time was extremely long. Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu did not dare to open their eyes. They were worried that once they opened their eyes, they would be assimilated by Buddhism.

Until Lin Su's voice sounded: Come out!

The two opened their eyes and looked at the gently floating blue sky and white clouds in surprise. Under their feet were two square circles of traps.

The trap is out!

In the first half, the three of them worked together, and above the seventh level, Lin Su completed it alone!

Master Lin, what is Thousand Buddha Temple doing? Is it testing our eyesight? Liu Tianyin asked.

Regarding eyesight, there is a Buddhist term in Buddhism called wisdom eye! Lin Su said.

Feng Wu looked into the distance: If it was a test of wisdom just now, then what is the test in this game now? Wisdom?

As soon as he finished speaking, seven Buddha heads flew up from the sky. These Buddha heads were extremely weird. Some were smiling, some were crying, some were bitter, and some were sad. Each Buddha head seemed to be an abyss. As long as it meets your eyes, If you pick it up, you will be pulled directly into the bottomless abyss...

Liu Tianyin's heart jumped: Seven Emotions Buddha Head! Hurry up and close your eyes and concentrate, and do your best to ensure that the spiritual platform is empty and spotless, otherwise, you will fall into perdition forever! It is extremely dangerous!

Her eyes closed immediately.

Feng Wu also closed her eyes immediately.

They are all highly knowledgeable people, and they know the horror of the Seven Emotions Buddha Head...

The seven-emotion Buddha head is a rare treasure of Buddhism.

It is not a treasure of attack, but a treasure of practice.

Only when Buddhist monks have reached a high level of practice will they use this treasure to comprehensively search themselves to see if they are truly enlightened. The Seven Emotions Buddha Head is a high-power magnifying glass that can magnify a person's seven emotions and six desires, as well as the person's spiritual platform. Dirt magnifies hundreds of times and thousands of times. Only by finding these weak links in practice can we prescribe targeted medicines and clean them in a targeted manner, so that the spiritual altar of Buddhist monks can truly be cleansed and cross over to the wonderful realm of Spiritual Buddha.

Even though it is a treasure of Buddhist practice, it still makes countless Buddhist monks fall under this treasure!


Because its amplification function is so powerful that people can't stand it, and if they can't stand it, they will go crazy.

Even the eminent monks who claim to have six roots of peace, a spotless spiritual altar, and all the four elements don't dare to try it easily. What will happen if the seven-emotion Buddha head is presented to ordinary people?

That is definitely a disaster level!

Who in the world has no hatred?

Who in the world has no regrets?

Your family background is inferior to others, which is hate! It is regretful that you missed an opportunity when you were young! You have been working hard for half your life, and the time is wasted is a shame! You are angry with others, and it is even more hateful to be unable to retaliate...

These past hateful things, these regrets in life, will be fully amplified with the blessing of this bizarre magic weapon. A little bit of dust in your spiritual platform will be overwhelming in a moment, staining your entire spiritual platform...

Under this treasure, it has nothing to do with cultivation, but only cares about sex.

The key to maintaining peace under this treasure is that the Buddha's heart is clear and the spiritual platform is empty.

Liu Tianyin is a member of the Tianming Dao Sect. She has great experience in cultivating the state of mind. She noticed the abnormality immediately and closed the six senses immediately. However, she still vaguely felt the turbulent waves coming from outside the sea of ​​consciousness, and she was secretly frightened.

Feng Wu is a person who cultivates music, and her state of mind is also superior to others. She closes her six senses. In her sea of ​​consciousness, a piece of piano music quietly plays. This is her own Qingxin Song. In this case, she also feels the sea of ​​consciousness. Unexpected shocks interrupted her Qingxin song several times...

She didn't dare to diverge her thoughts at all. If she still had the energy to branch off, she would definitely think like this: Lin Su, I'm afraid she's going to be doomed this time.

Because in everyone's perception, Lin Su is the least able to withstand the test of Buddha's heart.


Because he is famous for his tricks.

People who play tricks are so scheming that they can stir up three-foot waves or eight inches of ashes in a muddy field. Their intestines are carved, and their spiritual platforms are probably also carved. Such people can cope with all directions in the chaotic world of the world. The enemy may be able to do it with ease, but it is probably a hundred times more difficult for him to keep his spiritual platform empty than to keep the beautiful woman on his bed a virgin...

Hopefully he reacts quickly enough!

Immediately, the six senses were completely sealed, and all the spiritual copies were shut out...

However, they don't know.

Lin Su did not close her eyes!

Lin Su's face showed neither sadness nor joy, and he quietly watched the seven Buddha heads being opened one by one in front of him...

When the Buddha's head opened, Lin Su seemed to see everything he had experienced...

His whole, half his life...oh, his little half...

Although this short half of his life was not long, there were so many terrible things that happened. Happy events, angry events, sad events, and regretful events were all revealed one by one. The deepest secrets in his heart were also fully revealed in his spiritual platform...

His mood also changes.

All kinds of emotions and desires were expressed on his face, but...

Everything is under control!

In the distant void, the monk in yellow looked at all this, his eyes flashing with light: Uncle Master, he...he doesn't seem to be in a state of sinking!

The uncle next to him was the old monk by the suspension bridge.

The old monk nodded slightly and smiled.

The monk in yellow frowned deeply: If he had closed his six senses, it would be very rare for him to perform like this. He clearly did not close his six senses. He clearly felt the power of the Seven Emotions Buddha Head, but he still looked at it like a firefly passing through his eyes. This It’s really hard to understand. In this chaotic world, are there really people who are not stained by the mortal world?”

They didn't know that there were two other people watching all this from a farther mountain peak.

These are two beauties.

Lin Su would be shocked if he saw them, because they were the two people he saw at the Yaochi meeting that day, the Yaochi Saint Xiaoyao, and the little fairy who took him to see the Saint.

A white jade plate in front of the two people clearly reflected the scene in front of the Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Holy girl, what's the mystery of this level? The little fairy pointed.

The Happy Saint said: This is the 'Seven Emotions Buddha Head'. It is also a rare Buddhist treasure that amplifies inner demons. Correspondingly, it is also the Buddha's heart that is tested...

After some explanation, the little fairy half-opened her mouth: Inner demons, the things that practitioners are most afraid of, can be inspired by treasures. No wonder Qianfo Temple is side by side with our Yaochi, there is really some Taoism...

You are wrong! Saint Xiaoyao said: First, this treasure does not belong to Thousand Buddhas Temple, but only belongs to Master Kongyan, and only Master Kongyan can control it. Master Kongyan would rather build a cave outside Thousand Buddhas Temple and live there for more than forty years. Even though he was young, he was unwilling to even step into the gate of Qianfo Temple. The separation from Qianfo Temple was already obvious. His Taoist practice cannot be regarded as the Taoist practice of Qianfo Temple. Secondly, although this Taoist practice is great, he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Yaochi. But it’s still three points short!”

The little fairy heard these words with great enthusiasm: Holy girl, did we gain something by going out to explore the reality of Thousand Buddhas Temple? Even seniors like Master Kongyan are dissatisfied with them. Doesn't this just prove that Mr. Lin was It’s true, is it possible that Thousand Buddha Temple is connected with the demon clan?”

Judging from these words, Saint Xiaoyao had a mission when she appeared outside Thousand Buddhas Temple.

The mission is to explore the roots of Thousand Buddha Temple.

At the Yaochi meeting, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon broke the seal. Although it was suppressed on the spot and the turmoil was minimized, Yaochi attached great importance to this matter, especially what Lin Su said that day, which made the Holy Lord suspicious.

Thousand Buddha Temple is the force she is most concerned about.


Because the culprit behind the Sky-Swallowing Demon's breaking of the seal was Xumizi, and Xumizi was from Thousand Buddha Temple.

After Xumizi was exposed, Abbot Kongwen of Qianfo Temple killed him personally without even giving anyone a chance to interrogate him.

In this way, Kongwen was a little unclear.

However, no one can do anything to him, because his cultivation is the top of the spiritual path.

The Holy Master of Yaochi did not dare to attack him easily, but this did not prevent her from sending Saint Xiaoyao to come and find out the truth.

It just so happens that Xiaoyao Saint's breakthrough to the realm of Xiangtian Dharma and Earth also requires experience in the world.

After some exploration, Qianfo Temple became confusing in front of her...

Today, an even bigger surprise occurred. Lin Su, who was once the top leader in Lingyun, and who was later confirmed to be Qinglian's first grandmaster by all directions, appeared outside Qianfo Temple.

Where did he come from?

Is it consistent with your own goals?

These can be discussed in the future. The most urgent task at hand is that Saint Xiaoyao really wants to know if he can pass the first pass of the Seven Emotions Buddha.

To be honest, Xiaoyao Saint feels a bit suspense...

Because her position is too high, she knows too much. She knows the horror of the Seven Emotions Buddha Head. She also knows that this is probably the most difficult level for a cunning scholar like Lin Su to pass.

As for the literati, it would be better if they are pedantic literati who study dead science and simply accept death.

But she knew Lin Su's past history. How could he be a bookworm?

He is a troublemaker in both officialdom and spiritual life!

His intestines are carved, his mind is swirling, and his thoughts are complicated!

The more this happens, the more peaceful the spiritual platform becomes. The more this happens, the more difficult it is to struggle out once the inner demons in the heart are aroused.

There are three people in the field and seven Buddha heads!

The Buddha's head rotated strangely. Two of the three people closed their eyes and concentrated. Only Lin Su watched quietly...

It seems very quiet, but everyone knows what a crisis this moment is...

Half an hour, a quarter of an hour...

Lin Su seemed to have walked through thousands of mountains and rivers. Finally, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he smiled faintly: In this world, there is light and darkness, dirt and clear water, and there are happy things and joyful things. This is the normal state of the world. , so why bother about it?

With a gentle wave of his hand, the seven Buddha heads moved away at the same time.

Lin Su took one step forward, the situation changed, and in the second level, the Seven Emotions Buddha asked the Buddha's heart, out!

The Xiaoyao Saint's eyes widened suddenly and she stared blankly...

The little fairy next to him also opened his eyes wide: He is in the world of mortals, is he really immune to dust?

The Happy Saint gently exhaled: His words answer your question! He is not immune to dust, but accepts the existence of dust. His spiritual platform may be full of things, but he still accepts this and this There are so many things happening, I just don’t understand, is this considered the attainment of the Buddha’s realm?”

She couldn't answer this question!

The seven-emotion Buddha head tortures the Buddha's heart, and only those who are spotless on the spiritual platform can pass through.

Is Lin Su's spiritual platform spotless? There are too many dyed things on his altar.

Logically speaking, he should be full of thoughts and his inner demons should appear together.

However, he passed successfully.


Just because he lives a transparent life!

He knows that the essence of the world is that light and darkness coexist, filth and tranquility coexist. A world with only light and no darkness simply does not exist.

He knows that the so-called life is originally a mixture of sorrow and joy. It is precisely because of this intersection of sorrow and joy that we can appreciate the various aspects of life.

When he stepped into this world, he endured a lot, and he was full of unwillingness and resistance. However, only after going through the wind and rain can he see the rainbow in the sky, right? He was a person who traveled through another world, and he couldn't even find a girlfriend in that world. When he came to this world, he was almost blooming, so what else could he complain about?

When the mind is clear, people will also be clear.

When a person is enlightened, the seven Buddha heads are just floating clouds...

Waving away the floating clouds, Lin Su saw a long yellow river and a beautiful white embankment in front of him...

In the yellow river water, the horribly soaked floating corpses rolled up and down, and on the white bank, there were white bones and skulls...

The first test is the eye of wisdom, the second test is the Buddha's heart, and this is the third test! Feng Wu's voice came to his ears: But what is the test?

The Yellow Spring River and the Bank of Bones, the test should be the Buddha's Dharma! Liu Tianyin said: Although we don't have the Dharma, if we understand our mind and see our nature, we are Buddhas. I will come first!

With a move of her hand, the Yao Qin in her arms turned into a boat, fell into the Huangquan River, and sailed away.

Feng Wu raised her hands together, and a flute appeared in her palms. She smiled sweetly: I borrowed your music, Folk Songs Are Like Spring River Waters!

Along with the cheerful and exciting music, Fengwu sailed out on a willow boat under her feet. She used the flute created by Lin Su and borrowed the music he created.

It must be admitted that Lin Su's two powerful weapons of happiness are no less inferior to Lin Su's in the hands of her, the young master of Feng Yin Pavilion.

The two women finally showed their true strength for the first time, using literary means to force their way into the Huangquan River.

Where is Lin Su?

He takes one step forward!

People are in the air, and they recite a verse casually...

There is no sign of self, no sign of no one, no sign of living beings, no sign of lifespan...

Silver sound waves burst through the air, and a lotus flower gathered at his feet. Lin Su stepped on it...

My appearance is the appearance of right and wrong. The appearance of human beings and the appearance of living beings is the appearance of right and wrong. Why? I am separated from all appearances. That is the name of the Buddhas. The Buddha told Subhuti. It is like this. If someone again hears this sutra, he will not be surprised or frightened. Afraid. You should know that this person is very rare. Why? Subhuti. The Tathagata talks about the first paramita. That is not the first paramita. It is called the first paramita...

As the scriptures were recited, anemones blossomed under Lin Su's feet. He stepped on the lotus and walked away, and the darkness in front of him disappeared...

The face of the monk in yellow clothes in the sky changed greatly: The protector of the Diamond Sutra? He...he is the original author of the Diamond Sutra! is this possible?

Even the master of empty words who never showed any expression changed his face at this moment. His eyes suddenly lit up like Buddhist lamps...

The Diamond Sutra has spread throughout the world, and ordinary people have no idea about it, but Buddhism is like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Many people are asking from all over which eminent monk this sutra was written by?

The eminent monks at the Jinguang Temple in Wutai Mountain kept the secret of the temple where the Diamond Sutra was first published.

Lingyin Temple hosted a Buddhist sutra lecture conference, and eminent monks from nine countries and thirteen states gathered together. Although the main purpose was to read this strange sutra, they also wanted to find out the origin of this sutra.

Master Fuyun returned to Qianfo Temple from Da Cang, but he did not bring back any news of this sutra.

Just when Qianfo Temple thought that the Diamond Sutra would leave an eternal mystery like other Buddhist scriptures, a young man came across the sea and recited this strange Buddhist sutra in the Huangquan River under the Bone Embankment!

There are thousands of people who recite Buddhist sutras.

However, there is only one person in the world who can attract the protector of Buddhist sutras by reciting them, and that is the original author of this sutra - similar to the original Holy Light of Wen Dao!

Lin Su, the founder of the Diamond Sutra!

The Diamond Sutra, a sutra for avoiding evil, is an important sutra of Buddhism. Lin Su took this sutra and read it, directly showing the wonders of Buddhism...

Once the Huangquan River passed through him, the floating corpses were washed away, the Huangquan water was clear, and the embankment of bones in front of it turned into a wall of Buddhism!

Although all of this is just the Dharma of Master Kongyan and is not real, the illusion in the world of Dharma is exactly the same as the real world.

The monk in yellow was stunned.

Kong Yan remained motionless and seemed stunned.

The distant Happy Saint was also stunned: Buddha! He actually understands Buddhism...

She is not a Buddhist, so she cannot see the aspect of Buddhist scripture protector. Attributing all this to Buddhism will lead her to a dead end. How can this double-edged troublemaker with ever-changing thoughts still be proficient in Buddhism? ?

There were two people who didn't stay, Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin.

They were just hindsight... Oh, or they didn't realize at all what method Lin Su used to cross the river.

Huangquan River and Baigu Bank are the most terrifying places for literary geniuses like them. All their thoughts are on themselves, how can they care about others?

The Bone Embankment disappeared.

Huangquan River disappeared.

The suspension bridge reappeared, and the three of them stood side by side on the other side of the suspension bridge, staring blankly at a stone tablet in front of them.

The stone tablet is already mottled, but the three characters Thousand Buddha Temple on it are not damaged at all.

Feng Wu turned back and exhaled softly: After working for so long, we have only walked across a suspension bridge that is only ten feet long?

Liu Tianyin stared at the stone tablet in front of him: So, the level just now was not actually a test of Thousand Buddha Temple at all, but who set it up? And why was it set up?

She slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Su.

Lin Su smiled faintly: Of these three levels, the first level is the formation of the word 'Hui', the second level is the 'head' of the Buddha, and the third level is the 'bank' of the embankment. What is the combination?

It's safe to turn around! the two women replied at the same time.

Return to the shore! Lin Su looked at the other side of the suspension bridge: Although Master Kongyan practiced closed-mouth meditation, he still told us through these three passes that it is best not to enter the Thousand Buddha Temple... I'm sorry, Master, for your warning to the juniors. I have received it, but the junior still has to take this step!

Lin Su jumped into the air and crossed the mountains!

Under the setting sun, birds flew in fright, bells rang, and Lin Su landed in front of the main hall of Thousand Buddhas Temple. Hundreds of monks in front of the hall who were doing evening classes raised their heads...

These monks are disciples of Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Thousand Buddhas Temple is a sect with one foot on Buddhism and the other on the path of spiritual practice. Therefore, its disciples practice one by one, and the disciples in front of the main hall of Thousand Buddhas Temple are almost equal to the direct disciples of ordinary sects. Here The four hundred bald heads all have deep auras. Anyone who steps out of the mountain gate can compete with the top disciples of other sects in the world.

Lin Su didn't even look at these disciples who were famous all over the world.

He stared at a disciple in the main hall who had his back to the hall door and said: I am Su Lin of the Da Cang Sword Sect. I would like to see Master Fuyun, and I would like to inform you!

The sound was not loud, but the temple bell buzzed.

As soon as this name was announced, the expressions of all the monks in front of the main hall changed.

As disciples of Thousand Buddhas Temple, they naturally know who Da Cang Sword Sect Su Lin is.

This person first appeared at the Yaochi Gala. As soon as he appeared, he transformed into the most powerful dark horse and soared into the sky.

Xumizi, the most popular leader in Lingyun, was defeated by him and fell into the trend of demon spies. The entire Thousand Buddha Temple was disgraced. Until now, this terrible wave has not completely subsided.

He was practicing the right way that day. Even if Qianfo Temple was dissatisfied with him, there was nothing he could do about it.

But today, he actually found Thousand Buddha Temple?

The bald monk in the main hall slowly turned around...

He just turned around, no matter Lin Su, Liu Tianyin or Feng Wu, there was no one else in his eyes, only this monk.

This monk is about 10 years old and is extremely handsome.

The look on his face was extremely peaceful, and it seemed that just by seeing this face, the whole world fell silent.

The bald monk strolled out...

In the first step, the surrounding Buddha statues flashed slightly.

In the second step, the surrounding Buddha statues move together.

In the third step, he stood at the entrance of the temple, and the thousands of Buddha statues behind him became his background.

He seemed to have walked out of a sacred and solemn Buddhist painting. At this moment, he did not look like a human being at all. Of course, Buddhist masters claim to be aloof from the world, but few people really rely on just a few words. This step will make people feel from the bottom of their hearts that this person is not a secular person?

Hundreds of monks outside the temple clasped their hands together and saluted: See the Buddha!

The two women behind Lin Su looked at each other with strange eyes...

The Son of Buddha in Thousand Buddhas Temple is the Holy Son of the Sect!

As soon as they entered the Thousand Buddhas Temple, they met the Buddha, and he was also a Buddhist with such an eye-catching charm. They looked at the two handsome men in front of them, who were hard to find in the world, and they were a little confused for a moment...

One is the first master of Qinglian, a dragon and a phoenix in the world.

One is the Holy Son of the top sect, and he is also a dragon and a phoenix in the world.

It would be a pity for these two people to become rivals. They seem destined to be friends.

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