Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 807: Paint the Holy Family and Die the Holy Son

Wu Tianyu entered Lixian Pavilion.

All the elders stood up at the same time and greeted him respectfully.

Lin Su also stood up: Da Cang Lin Su, I have met the Holy Lord!

The head of the Holy Family is called the head of the house by people in the family, and the Holy Master is called the Holy Lord by people outside the family.

Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin also greeted them politely, but the little monk Kong Ye clasped his hands together and said nothing. He was still young, and he didn't know what to call him. Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, he was just a little transparent...

Wu Tianyu is not tall, but he follows the usual style of everyone in the Hua Sheng family and pays special attention to his appearance. His hair is not messy, his beard is neat, his clothes are spotless, and his smile is full of Literary charm.

He smiled and held his hands in his hands: The three of them are all outstanding men of literature and art. If we come together as a painter, the painter's wall will shine brightly!

Don't dare!

Please sit down! Wu Tianyu came to the main seat and gently guided him with his hand.

Holy Lord please!

Wu Tianyu sat down.

Lin Su and the other three also sat down at the same time.

Lin Su takes the first seat on the left, Liu Tianyin comes second, Feng Wu takes the third place, and the little monk Kong Ye stands behind Lin Su at this moment, continuing to play the role of Little Transparent.

Sitting opposite Lin Su was the Great Elder. Under the Great Elder, there were two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight...

I have heard the name of Grandmaster Lin for a long time. It is really like thunder. I wonder why I came here today? The Holy Master held up the teacup and spoke.

Lin Sudao: Lin and the other four came here today. Originally they did not dare to alarm the Holy Master. They only wanted to find your Holy Son Wu Wanfang.

The Holy Master frowned: Could it be that Grandmaster Lin and Quanzi are old acquaintances?

Never seen it before.

Then I wonder why Grandmaster Lin is looking for him?

Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin's hearts skipped a beat at the same time. The Great Elder had also asked this question, but they were not in a position to answer it directly because they were worried about alerting the public.

At this time, the Holy Lord asked him face to face, how to answer?

Do you want to continue to hide it?

If you continue to hide it, you won't be able to talk anymore.

Face to face with Wu Wanfang, the plan to expose his true face has become a day lily. If it cannot be done today, it will be even more impossible in the future, because if Wu Wanfang really has a problem, he will still be vigilant after today, eliminate evidence, and create lies. , many things will change.

Let’s see how Lin, who has always dominated the literary world with his eloquence, competes with the Holy Lord today?

Lin Sudao: This matter is quite taboo. How about the Holy Master please invite the Holy Son to come out and discuss it face to face?

Before the Holy Master could speak, the Great Elder spoke: When Grandmaster Lin entered the door, I already informed him that the Holy Son really did not know where he was.

The Holy Master frowned slightly: Can't we contact you?

Can't contact you! the eighth elder said.

The Holy Master slowly moved his eyes towards Lin Su: The dog is wild and loose by nature, and he often runs away from home, which makes Grandmaster Lin laugh...

Lin Su smiled and said: As a young man, your temperament is open-minded and open-minded. I admire this temperament somewhat... Since we are destined to meet each other today, it would be better to meet him in person!

As soon as the words fell!

He suddenly reached out his hand!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a silver moon covered the painting flow below!

With a chirping sound, the silver moon broke through the sky, and a golden carp broke out of the water. It bounced suddenly in his silver moon, and the next moment, it transformed into a young scholar. The scholar's face was full of panic, as if he could not believe it at all.

With a bang, the silver moon was like a hook, letting go and then closing, and the young man fell in front of the Holy Lord.

Holy Son! Someone outside exclaimed.

The expressions of several elders changed simultaneously.

The Holy Lord's expression also changed suddenly.

Of course he recognized the person in front of him, Wu Wanfang, the current sage of the Holy Family of Painting Saints.

As the Holy Son of this generation, Wu Wanfang has entered the world of painting with his literary skills, and is even more refined in his ever-changing abilities. He is a legendary existence among the disciples of this generation. With the great power of painting added to himself, even the elders cannot see through him. disguise, but the young man in front of him saw through it at a glance, picked him up from the painting river like a dead fish, and threw him directly in front of the Holy Lord.

What is this called?

This is a slap in the face!

This is a step that tramples the Holy Son of the Holy Family into the mud!

With just one move, it was declared that his literary background was far superior to that of Wu Wanfang!

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu’s eyes brightened...

This is how he breaks the situation!

They entered the Holy Master's family, and absolutely nothing of what they were planning could be revealed until Wu Wanfang showed up. Faced with the Holy Master's face-to-face questioning, they were speechless. However, Lin Su found Wu Wanfang's true identity and found him out. Everything was revealed. On the right track.

Wu Wanfang's face turned into pig liver at this moment.

His heroic and unrestrained incarnation of all things floating in the sky, seeing the world from the perspective of an immortal, was gone, because he was caught out by Lin Su in public, blocked his literary and moral cultivation, and threw him in front of his father, accepting the attention of everyone at the highest level of the Holy Family of Painting Saints. …

After all, Holy Lord Wu Tianyu had seen strong winds and waves. Although the incident happened suddenly, he returned to normal in a moment and lifted his son's literary blockade with a wave of his hand.

This wave was an understatement, but with this wave, his expression changed...

Because he discovered that he had not lifted Lin Su's literary blockade!

The silver moon that Lin Su put on her son still exists!

Even though he is already at the pinnacle of the painting world, he still can't get rid of it. Lin Su is based on the top-notch literary heart, guided by Zhan Qing's Ci, and transformed into a literary silver moon with authentic literary road cultivation.

The Holy Master's brows slowly relaxed: Since Quanzi is here, what does Grandmaster Lin have to do with him? Can we talk about it now?

Lin Sudao: Of course, the matter goes back three months...

As soon as the topic was mentioned, everyone's expression changed...

Demonic methods?

Moon Shadow’s Killing?

God, no one can bear this crime!

As long as you are human, you can't afford it!

Because the hatred between humans and demons spans all countries and all forces...

Let alone a powerful sect in the secular world, even in the temple, demons are an absolute taboo!

Even on the third level of heaven, demons are still taboo!

Before Lin Su finished speaking, the Great Elder had already started to speak out: Grandmaster Lin, just because of the Yueying killing, you put this major crime of colluding with the demons on the Holy Son's head?

Exactly! The Eighth Elder also jumped up and said, You have never met the Holy Son of our sect, why do you make such an assertion?

The second elder stood up and said: There are endless wonderful magic methods in the world, how many have you seen? Why should a person who is good at painting Taoism and good at the art of disguise must be the saint son of our sect? Today you maliciously framed A provocation against the Holy Family!”

This is unreasonable! Almost all the elders exploded at the same time...

The Holy Master slowly raised his eyelids, just in time to meet Lin Su's eyes. The contact between their eyes caused an invisible shock wave, and the noise of the people around them stopped at the same time...

Lin Su said slowly: The suspicions of the elders are actually the same as those of Lin Su. However, colluding with the demon clan and assassinating the human race's literary master is ultimately not tolerated by the holy way. We must not let go of any doubts. Okay. What is pure will become pure by itself, and what is turbid will become turbid by itself. There is a way to distinguish the true from the false in the world! Does the Holy Lord think so?

The Holy Lord said: Master Lin wants to use Wendao on my son to cleanse his heart?

The Holy Lord can do it himself!

Literature cleanses the mind!

The pure will become clear, and the turbid will become turbid!

This is Lin Su's method.

However, the Great Elder was the first to object: Master Lin, you are also a master of literature and art. You should know the etiquette and rashly come to my holy family to cleanse the heart of my saint son's literature and art. Where do you put the reputation of the holy family? What qualifications do you have to do this? …”

With a swish sound, a token flew out of the sky!

A token that was neither gold nor wood in Lin Su's hand exuded a touch of holy power!

Do you know this order? Lin Su said calmly.

The crowd's voices stopped suddenly.

Standing order!

He is a temple walker!

Although the Holy Lord knew about this matter, the ordinary elders of the Holy Family of Painting Saints really didn’t know about it. This may be the Holy Lord’s careful thinking. He was worried about damaging the morale of the Holy Painting Saint Family, so he did not tell Lin Su that he was already a Saint. Dian Changxing informed the members of the Holy Family of the Painting Saint about this breaking news, but now, Lin Su still showed the standing order in public, and still hit a bunch of elders...

Chang Xingling, you... The great elder's expression changed.

Under the standing order of the temple, we have the right to cleanse the hearts of all scholars under the temple. Now the great elder can reflect on whether your holy family is under the temple, and whether your holy son is a man of literature. ! Lin Su said: Do I have the right to cleanse his mind with his literary skills?

After three consecutive questions, the whole place fell into silence.

The Holy Lord's face was ashen.

Wu Wanfang, who was under the blockade of Wen Dao, had no color on his face. He could hear all the words, but he could not make any expression. The next moment, Lin Su's eyes moved towards him, and a silver light flashed in his eyes. Wu Wanfang fell into confusion...

Wu Wanfang, are you having an affair with the demons?

This question was finally asked, and everyone in the audience was frightened...

Because this matter is unparalleled...

Its answer is related to whether Wu Wanfang, the holy son, can live, and to the reputation of the Holy Family of Painting Saints. And it is not an ordinary loss of reputation, it can almost shake the thousand-year foundation of the Holy Family of Painting Saints...

Suddenly, under the literary silver moon, a painting in Wu Wanfang's arms suddenly unfolded!

Once this painting is opened, it looks like a Jiangnan tea garden...

In the tea garden, a cat suddenly jumped out...

As soon as this cat came out, the Silver Moon sealing circle suddenly cracked numerously...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

With a bang, Wu Xinyue's head exploded into blood mist out of thin air, and even the blood was black...

At the same time, Silver Moon also exploded!

As soon as the silver moon opened, demonic energy surged into the sky, and a cat swooped in and pounced on Lin Su!

The cat was only half a foot long when it first appeared, but in an instant, it expanded to a radius of ten feet, like a tiger. The painting flow behind it also turned into ink at this moment, and even the white clouds in the sky turned into dark clouds at this moment...

The light between Lin Su's brows moved slightly...

The little monk Kong Ye stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Su. His head was very bright at this moment...

And Liu Tianyin reacted the fastest...

Her hand suddenly stretched out, and in her palm was a piece of golden paper!

As soon as the gold paper came out, it turned into a golden sword!


The attacking demon cat disappeared into ashes, and a huge golden word appeared in the air outside the pavilion: Cut!

Destiny's ruling! an elder exclaimed...

Lin Su finally saw Liu Tianyin's destiny sword!

The so-called destiny turned into a sword is the judgment of destiny!

A piece of gold paper, turned into a sharp sword, adjudicates everything, whether human, demon, demon or ghost, all are marked with the mark of judgment and disappear invisible!

However, what his Thousand Degree Eyes saw was not just this.

He also saw three tentacles, the tentacles on the cat's lips. These three tentacles shot out at the same time. Two tentacles disappeared under the holy light of judgment. There was still one tentacle that crossed the golden light barrier and shot towards him!

Moyin's last trick was still coming to him!

Lin Su stared at the demonic tentacles that were invisible to ordinary people. Wenshan suddenly lit up in his brain, and four words appeared in Wenshan...

Li Daitao is stiff!

Everything happens in a moment!

In the blink of an eye, the demonic shadow disappeared, the water in the long river became clear, the holy light disappeared, the golden paper disappeared into Liu Tianyin's hand, and a headless corpse fell in front of the Holy Lord with a thud.

The Holy Lord's face was ashen, and his always calm expression completely changed...

Staring at the headless corpse in front of him, veins popped in his forehead and his lips trembled...

With a bang, a stream of water rose from the painting, interpreting a bloody literary world. This is Wu Wanfang's literary world. The master died, and the literary world said its final farewell to his master.

The sky was turbulent, and countless people rose into the sky. Upon seeing this scene, the faces of the hundreds of elders who came in a hurry changed greatly: Who killed my holy son?

The cries filled the clouds with sorrow, and for a moment, the entire Holy Painting Family was shocked. The sky outside the Lixian Pavilion was filled with people for a moment...

In the Lixian Pavilion, the third elder stood up and pointed a finger at Lin Su: Lin Su, you broke into the Holy Family and harmed my Holy Son. Today...

His voice stopped suddenly because the Holy Lord raised his head.

When the Holy Lord raised his head, it was like the mountains of the earth rising, and the boundless oppression in the Lixian Pavilion was brought together...

Lin Su looked at him quietly, showing no sadness, no joy, and no fear.

The Holy Master took a deep breath: Master Lin! Dogs are open-minded by nature, and their communication is extensive and complex. I often teach him that when making friends, you need to know the root of the matter. Don't talk to him in a few words, talk to him in a few words, and talk to him sincerely. He is a monster, and now it seems that he did not listen to his father's words and finally led to this catastrophe!

Liu Tianyin and Feng Wu frowned slightly...

Is this the beginning of cutting?

Before Wu Wanfang showed up, you tried to obstruct him in every possible way. When there was a mountain of evidence against Wu Wanfang, you said he was careless in making friends?

Lin Sudao: What the Holy Lord means is that your son just accidentally fell into the devil's trick and accidentally included this monster in the painting?

The Holy Lord said: That's natural! The Holy Family is based on the Holy Tao. How can they intentionally collude with the devil? Although Quanzi is young and ignorant and does not know the traitors, as a member of the Holy Family, he has his own rules for doing things. How can he do it? Can you bear the name of the Holy Son and destroy the Thousand-year-old inheritance of the Holy Family?

That's true! Lin Su nodded: My condolences to the Holy Lord! I'll be leaving soon!

Get up.

As soon as he stood up, several elders stood up together. The third elder raised his arms and shouted: Holy Lord, this thief has entered my Holy Family and forced the Holy Son to death. How can he...

Unbridled! The Holy Master shouted angrily: Master Lin is a regular officer of the temple, and he carries out regular orders to investigate cases. What's wrong with him? Although the Holy Son did not intend to do evil, he made a careless friend after all. He made a mistake in the first place, and today he is wronged. Death is also a deserved disaster. I have sent an order to the entire Holy Family. Grandmaster Lin and his entourage will come out to paint the Holy Family. No one will even bother to stop me. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!

Feng Wu stretched out his hand, and the Nine Sound Cauldron fell to the ground and turned into a boat, and the four of them stepped on the boat and left.

The sky was filled with the Holy Family of Painting Saints, but a path was opened, and the flying boat flew through the sky, leaving the Holy Family of Painting Saints in the sight of everyone...

After passing the painting studio, the painting village, the painting peak, and the painting stream, following the painting flow into the Lingding Ocean, Feizhou truly left the home of the painting saint.

It's over! Liu Tianyin sighed softly.

Feng Wu frowned: The tracking of the magic guide has also been interrupted.

Yes, they tracked Mo Yin and Hua Sheng Shengjia, found Mo Yin, and locked Wu Wanfang. However, Mo Yin killed Wu Wanfang, and Hua Sheng Shengjia made a righteous statement and completed the separation with Wu Wanfang.

The devil chased him here and came to an end.

Liu Tianyin said: Wu Wanfang became the troublemaker of the demon clan, but he just made a careless friendship and did not do it unintentionally. Do you believe it?

I don't believe it! Feng Wu said.


Because I know Wu Wanfang! Feng Wu said: I know that he suffered from the prejudice of his peers when he was young, and has a paranoid and gloomy temperament. Such a person is not open-minded by nature, and he is not the type who can make him confide in him with three glasses of wine.

Liu Tianyin nodded in admiration: You can tell your behavior by looking at a person's character. Master Feng Shao is very smart!

What's the use of my cleverness? I can only watch them cut off the chain! Feng Wu looked at Lin Su: What do you think?

Lin Su slowly raised his head: I agree with all your opinions! In addition, I have a little question.

What? the two women said at the same time.

Lin Sudao: The art of painting based on oneself is not the mainstream of the painting saints. It can even be said that among the contemporary painting saints, no one except Wu Wanfang is proficient in this art. Therefore, he is an alternative! So! The question is, who taught him how to paint?

The two women frowned at the same time.

Yes, since no one in the Painting Saint Family is proficient in this art, why would he choose this path?

If it is just a whim and you do the opposite, you must have a corresponding practice track and corresponding practice rules. Otherwise, do you think that you can achieve such great achievements with just your passion?

You mean...his painting method may be that of a demon... No, it's impossible! How could a demon be proficient in painting? Feng Wu raised the question himself, and rejected the answer.

A philosopher said it well, whether a person is a demon does not depend on the Tao, but on the nature of the mind. There are many ways in the world, and those who have demonic thoughts in their hearts are demons. This is the case in the world, but what about outside the world? Lin Su looked away. The sky seems to be just talking to itself once.

Liu Tianyin's heart suddenly jumped...

What's the meaning?

The temple?

Do you suspect that someone in the Temple Painting Palace is Wu Wanfang’s master? Is that person also a demon?

God, how dare you think that?

That is a formal institution of the temple!

However, is this possible?

It seems impossible to others, but who is Liu Tianyin? She knows that there are many schools in the Temple Painting Palace. There are only schools of paintings that you can’t imagine, and there are no schools that don’t exist. What’s going on? Maybe I'll have to check it out in some unusual way, otherwise the problem is too big.

Her heart was in turmoil. Although her face remained calm, Feng Wu still sensitively caught something strange: What did you think of?

Liu Tianyin was slightly startled and thought back: I was thinking... Taoyuan, has the road to Taoyuan really gone astray?

Taoyuan was another important thing they did during their trip to Hua Sheng's home.

The Thousand Years of Taoyuan has been completely changed beyond recognition because of them, and the Holy Family of the Painting Saint is afraid that their intestines will be filled with anger. However, this matter, like the death of Wu Wanfang, should not be publicized to the outside world.

The majestic painting of the Holy Holy Family, Taoyuan is a holy land, was turned into a joke by an outsider. This damage to the prestige of the Holy Family is definitely the highest level.

In response to Liu Tianyin's question, Feng Wu was very excited: Obviously it's really wrong. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get out of Taoyuan at all.

Liu Tianyin said: But it is said that the man in the third heaven broke through the realm and became a saint on Peach Mountain. Is this legend also false?

Feng Wu was stunned.

Of course she has heard of this legend, not just as a legend. As a senior member of the Holy Family, she knows that this matter is not a legend at all, it is a fact!

The Saint of Painting entered the Tao from Taoyuan, and walked the ultimate way of painting. Taoyuan was there, and Taoshan was there, and everything was in line with the legend. Taoshan was indeed testing the ultimate way of painting. She and Liu Tianyin worked hard to develop three Level 159, I know how profound and terrifying this extreme is.

If the road to Taoyuan is wrong, how did the painting saint break through the world and become a saint?

How can a side road bear fruit?

Liu Tianyin didn't understand, and neither did Feng Wu. The two women's eyes turned to Lin Su: What does Mr. Lin say about this?

Lin Su smiled slightly and pointed downward: Look at that cliff, there is an eagle!


The hearts of the two women jumped together, but soon they calmed down their emotions. This eagle was just an eagle in nature, and it absolutely could not be the personification of a character from the Holy Family.

How's the eagle?

Lin Su raised his finger slightly, and a burst of literary energy inspired the eagle to fly from the cliff: Why can this eagle fly? Is it because of this cliff?

Eagle, you can fly! Feng Wu said.

Lin Su nodded: Yes, the eagle can fly. It can fly with this cliff, but it can still fly without this cliff. On the contrary, even if a rabbit climbed onto the spot where the eagle just stood, , it still can’t fly!”

Feng Wu suddenly realized: The person from the third level of heaven was able to break through the realm and become a saint on Taoshan, not because of Taoshan, but because he is him!

This is why it makes sense!

The painting saint can break the boundaries in Taoyuan and Taoshan because he is an amazingly talented painting saint, not because of Taoyuan, nor because of Taoshan!

Liu Tianyin also understood: Young Master Lin's metaphor is so vivid! Tianyin also understood it. However, Taoshan was still useful to that person back then. According to legend, when he broke through the boundaries, he followed the path of ultimate painting. Above Taoshan , exerting the utmost exquisiteness, step by step, it will also make great progress in the roundness of the Tao realm.

Feng Wu smiled: Are you still worried about not being able to reach the top?

Liu Tianyin said with a smile: Although I have gained a lot from this trip, it is still a pity that I could not reach the top of Taoshan. I still don't understand whether there is any mystery behind Mr. Lin stopping us at the 359th level. ?”

You are very sensitive! Lin Su praised: Peach Mountain is impossible to climb!

Why? The two women were surprised at the same time.

Because on the top of Peach Mountain, there is no opportunity you want, but there will be a huge dilemma...

The expressions of the two women changed simultaneously. There was no chance, but a dilemma?

What's the meaning?

Lin Sudao: Did you know that there is a holy rule in the temple? Anyone who breaks the boundary along the path of the first saint is the named disciple of the first saint?

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