Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 813 The death of Holy Lord Yue Ye is another big pit

Tonight is July 15th.

The full moon is in the sky over the border town.

In the lonely courtyard, Lin Su suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the moon in the sky. The moon had changed at this moment.

Liu Tianyin suddenly raised her eyes. At this moment, her eyes were like stars flickering, which was unprecedentedly special.

Moon Shadow's Killing! Lin Su spat out four words.

All the girls were shocked.

Are you sure? Liu Tianyin's heart suddenly jumped.

I saw Yueying Sha with my own eyes in Nanshan Mansion that day! Lin Su said: The target of Shadow Killing is in the northwest land, and the specific target is unknown!

Painting the Holy Family? Liu Tianyin asked.


The two of them had a conversation, and Feng Wu suddenly stood up and said, Go and have a look!

With a swish sound, six figures shot through the air at the same time, shooting towards Lingding Ocean.

In the sky, above the nine-note flying boat...

The Holy Family of Painting Saints has undergone great changes!

A long blood-colored river hovered over the Painting Saint's Family, turning into a rain of blood and falling from the sky. The entire Painting Saint's Family was shrouded in the river of blood, and the world was filled with a strange sadness...

Blood Realm River! An Ye said: Someone from the literary world has died!

Liu Tianyin's eyes flashed: This is not an ordinary literary world, this is the death of the Holy Lord! Only with the death of the Holy Lord, can there be a scene of rivers of blood reaching the sky, and the whole family mourning... The Holy Lord of the Holy Family of Paintings has died!

Feng Wu raised his eyes and stared at Lin Su!

There was disbelief in her eyes!

The Holy Lord fell and died in the shadow of the moon...

This is a big deal anywhere, even in the temple, it is a big deal! Why? The Holy Family is the Saint's hometown. The head of the hometown needs to report to the Third Heaven and obtain permission from the Third Heaven to take office. Such a person is almost equivalent to the Saint's direct descendant.

It's just a matter of paying it back at the end of his life.

Once you die unexpectedly, the saints will take care of you!

Does this matter have anything to do with him?

You need to know that three days ago, the three of them joined forces to enter the Holy Family. The Holy Son of the Holy Family died at that time. Three days later, a generation of Holy Lords followed closely!

If it was his operation, the turmoil would be huge!

This is equivalent to wielding the sword directly against the saint!

Of course, when the Holy Lord was killed, Lin Suyuan was on the other side of Lingding Ocean. Feng Wu and Liu Tianyin testified, and even members of the temple judging panel testified for him, proving that he was indeed in Lingding Courtyard at that time and opened a new one. Cipai, wrote a colorful poem.

The Holy Lord died in Moon Shadow.

However, Feng Wu also knew that when he encountered another Yueying murder in Nanshan City that day, he had transferred the magic lure to the head of White Deer Academy's elder Li Qinghan and treated Li Qinghan as a scapegoat.

If he could do it that day, could he do it three days ago?

Feng Wu didn't dare to think about rushing to the Holy Land of the Holy Family and making a fuss in front of everyone, but Liu Tianyin seemed to have thought of it, and even made a bet with Feng Wu on Lin What kind of trouble did Su bury in Hua Sheng's family?

Could it be that it's really him?

Feng Wu is not very firm at the moment...

Liu Tianyin's eyes fell on Lin Su's eyes and he breathed softly: Mr. Lin, how do you feel when the Holy Lord was killed?

Lin Su raised his eyes, his eyes were extremely clear: Sad and happy!

Sad or happy?

Feng Wu's heart skipped a beat. The four-word answer seemed to give her a glimpse of a possibility...

What's the explanation? Liu Tianyin asked.

Sad, of course, the death of a generation of Holy Lords! Lin Su said: The happy thing is that the Holy Family of Painting Saints has been cleared of suspicion. We may have to really believe that the only person who colluded with the Demons that day was the former Saint Son Wu Wanfang One person, painting the mainstream of the Holy Family, has not been demonized.”

Liu Tianyin closed his eyes gently...

This answer is perfect...

She had to admit that even though Lin Su's joy was so inappropriate, it was still logical to use it here.

There is irrefutable proof that the former Holy Son Wu Wanfang colluded with the demons. He died at the time, but it still left a huge stain on the Holy Family. From anyone's point of view, anyone would doubt whether there was a deeper inside story behind the Holy Son. , and may even suspect that there is something wrong with the Holy Master of the Holy Family himself.

Liu Tianyin himself had doubts.

But now, the Holy Lord has been cleared of suspicion.

Because he died in Moon Shadow's killing!

If he is a demon traitor, he will definitely not die!

His death is tragic.

But it was joyful that his death proved his innocence.

In any situation, there is nothing wrong with this.

But why is she still full of tangles in her heart?

She deeply suspected that she was being used by him again...

She was taken advantage of when she first entered Thousand Buddhas Temple, and Lin himself admitted that this was a form of use...

In the middle of the painting, everyone knew that this was also a use. Someone Lin knew that he could not enter the painting of the Holy Family alone, so he pulled them together to prevent others from killing him...

Later, when she entered Lingding Villa, she originally had nothing to do with utilization, but now she feels that this is also utilization.

what to do?

Witness him!

It was proved that he, Lin Suyuan, was on the other side of Lingding Ocean when Yueying was killed and had nothing to do with the death of the Holy Lord.

I am the sword bearer of destiny, not the scapegoat in the mortal world. Is it easy for me to travel far away?

Being used endlessly by you...

Feng Wu breathed out softly: I have to go back to the Holy Family!

She received a message from the Holy Master of the Le Family, asking her to return quickly. Because the Holy Master of the Holy Painting Saint Family was killed, the Le Family already knew that the Holy Lord was uneasy due to the great event, especially when Feng Wu entered the Holy Family of the Painting Saint in the early stage. , forced the painter Shengzi to death in person, which made his uneasiness even greater.

Liu Tianyin said: I'm back too!

Goodbye, you two! Lin Su said goodbye to them, then turned around, took up the green clothes, and returned to Lingding Villa with An Ye and Bi Xuanji.

Returning from the northern border, Liu Tianyin is still sitting on the Nine Sound Cauldron...

The nine-sound cauldron shuttled under the moonlight, and the expressions of the two women changed...

I know what you want to say, but this matter is of great importance. Any unfounded suspicion will only cause trouble. Don't forget the bet between you and me! Feng Wu said softly.

A bet between you and me? Liu Tianyin murmured, The first or the second game?

You lost the first bet! Therefore, you have to fulfill your promise and stay out of it. You can't hurt him yourself! Feng Wu said.

I will absolutely abide by this! Liu Tianyin said.

Feng Wu nodded lightly: You like my Song of the Quicksand, and I have told you a long time ago that this song is not a top secret. I can give you the score just because you like it, not because of the bet!

He held his hands together and handed a pale yellow manuscript to Liu Tianyin.

Liu Tianyin took it gently, feeling the ancientness of this manuscript. She slowly raised her eyes: There is a sentence that I have asked twice, but I still want to ask it a third time! This time I was walking in the world, he was Do you really have no complaints about being used like this?

Feng Wu said slowly: Looking back on the past three years, Zhang Juzheng was used by him, Zhou Zhang was used by him, all the daughters of Zhou Zhang's family were used by him, and even King Chen, Li Xiaotian, and King Nan were used by him. , maybe you can ask them if they have any complaints about being used like this by him?

Liu Tianyin breathed out softly: I understand what you mean. As long as what he does is in line with his wishes, using him is not taking advantage at all, but working hand in hand with the tide of the times, and everyone doing their best!


How do you determine that the path he takes must be in line with your wishes? Liu Tianyin said.

At least every step he takes in front of me is what I want to see, and what about you? How do you judge that he will become the culprit under your destiny again?

I can't tell either! But I can't tie Tianming Dao Sect and him to the same warship with no future. Sorry!

Feng Wu nodded: The long river is getting farther and farther with the sun, and the big waves and sand are rushing... Just because you and I are on the same road now, doesn't mean we will be on the same road in the future. How about we let time prove this?

The separate courtyard is still elegant and leisurely.

But late at night, after Lu Yi fell asleep, and after An Ye accompanied him to drink the water from the border spring, he held him and asked the question he had always wanted to ask...

Lin Su didn't hide anything...

The Holy Lord of the Holy Family of Paintings is fine even if he dies in my hands!

In one sentence, my heart beats faster in the dark night...

How did he die?

The topic has to go back to the day when Wu Wanfang's demon spirit self-destructed. The demon spirit self-destructed, blocking Lin Su Wendao's heart-cleansing, and the chain of demon traces was ended.

But the demons were always decisive in their actions. How could they let Lin Su go if he ruined his good deeds?

The demon spirit integrated its essence into the three demonic guides and launched a dying blow in an attempt to kill someone with him.

Of these three magic leads, two were destroyed by Liu Tianyin's Judgment Blade. The remaining one broke through the blockade and was about to take root on someone Lin's head.

Unfortunately, Lin Su's thousand-degree pupil exceeded the expectations of the devil. Lin Su had already discovered the existence of this magic lead. Instead of destroying it, he led the magic lead to the Holy Lord's head.

This quote has three purposes!

First, detection! As the Holy Lord's own son, Wu Wanfang did such a big thing. Did he have the Holy Lord's support behind it? That is something that no one can confirm. But under Lin Su's guidance, his true colors will definitely be revealed.

If the Holy Lord is possessed by a demon, the demon will not kill him.

If Moyin killed him, the Holy Master must not be a traitor to the demon.

Now the Holy Lord has been killed, proving his innocence.

So, after this test, wouldn’t the Holy Lord die innocently?

Then let’s talk about the second purpose...

Secondly, the Holy Lord deserves to die!

The Holy Family of Painters, one of the Eighteen Holy Families, was supposed to stay out of the mortal world, but what did he do? He was deeply involved in the battle between Da Yu and Da Cang. Every time Cang Yu fought, his figure was indispensable. In the past, the Holy Son Wu Xinyue directly participated in the war. In the early Northern Expedition, there were also people from the Hua Sheng Holy Family who participated in the war.

In the Northern Expedition, at least 800 people died under the painter's holy treasure Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains.

This was what Lin Su had seen with his own eyes. He had not seen it, but it could be confirmed that the sacrifice of the soldiers related to the Holy Family of Painting Saints was at least three thousand away!

Such a painting of the Holy Family has seriously deviated from the foundation of the Holy Family.

The blood of a soldier cannot be shed in vain!

This Holy Lord, damn it!

Therefore, even if he passes the test, he will still die!

There is a third purpose, you will never guess it! Lin Su held the beauty in his arms with a mysterious smile on his lips...

Say! An Ye really couldn't guess that maybe she had always been lazy in his arms...

Lin Sudao: I want to see if the superior saint will take action to avenge his descendants after learning that the Holy Lord of the Holy Family was assassinated by the demons!

Dark Night suddenly bounced up and her body was exposed, but she didn't care at all, she was really shocked.

She is not a fool, she is a genius of assassination, a genius of assassination. There is no fool. She only needs a reminder to understand everything.

She knew her husband's true intention.

Not only did he kill the Holy Lord of the Holy Family who had been his enemy many times, the most important purpose was to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

Killing with a borrowed knife also has two meanings...

The first stage is to borrow a knife to kill someone. What you borrowed is the Moon Shadow Knife, to kill the Holy Lord of the Holy Family!

The second level is to borrow a knife to kill someone. He also needs to borrow the sword of the saint after the Holy Lord to get rid of these evil hands!

The Holy Family of Painting Saints has been on the opposite side of Lin Su for a long time. Lin Su wanted to kill this generation of Holy Painting Saints, but he simply couldn't do it because the Holy Master of Painting Saints had a status comparable to that of the king of a country. He was in the Holy Family. Who among them can kill him?

Therefore, Lin Su used the demon Yueying to kill him!

This is the first reason for killing someone with a borrowed knife.

What is the second reason for killing someone with a borrowed knife?

In Moonshadow itself!

Moon Shadow's Kill has been used on Lin Su twice. Lin Su had two thrills. The first time Lin Su escaped death because of Yao Gu's vigilance. The second time Lin Su was well prepared and relied on Thousand Degrees of Eyes. Escape, but who can be sure there won’t be a third time?

Lin Su has been on the Demon Clan's Death List, and the Demon Clan will pursue him endlessly.

This invisible assassination across the sky was impossible to prevent, and Lin Su had to counterattack.

There is absolutely no way he can counter it with his own strength, so he needs to borrow a sword!

Whose sword in the world can destroy these evil hands?

Nothing in the world!

Even people at Li Zexi's level may not be able to do it.

However, the Painting Saint can definitely do it!

Because he is a saint!

The saint towers over the sky and covers the earth. Is there anyone he cannot kill?

However, the Painting Saint lives in the third heaven, and the affairs of the world are just a passing cloud for them. Why should they help you, a young boy, to avoid future troubles?

The Painting Saint lacks a reason to take action!

So, Lin Su gave him a reason!

This Moon Shadow killed the Holy Master of the Holy Family of the Painting Saint. You, the Painting Saint, have a reason to take action, right?

Because the Holy Master of the Holy Family is the direct descendant of your Painting Saint, and the Holy Family of Painting Saint is still your hometown. Even if you have reached the realm of a saint and are indifferent to family affection, you have to consider your face, right? You don’t want the world to say that your paintings of saints are worthless, and you are bullied by the demons and kill the saints without doing anything, right?

The Painting Saint must have reacted!

His reaction put Lin Su on the chessboard!

After a big game of chess, the behemoth in the world of painting and the head of the Saint Family of Painters has been wiped out. Now even the Painting Saints in the third heaven have to play on his chessboard. The target of the spear is the Moon Shadow who is on the level of ancient myths and has made everyone frightened. , this kind of pattern is frightening to think about.

An Ye's back was sweating: Mr. Sir, after breaking through to the Sky-Peeping Realm, I originally thought I could stay with you forever in the world of mortals, but now your opponent has jumped out of the Three Realms. Next, I have to clarify my intentions. Target!”

What goal? To build a world of swords? Lin Su said.


You're not going west again, are you?

This is a wonderful place for cultivation! An Ye said: I want to break through my sword world here!

This is the place where the former Le Saint had a decisive battle with the owner of the bronze coffin from outside the territory.

The owner of the copper coffin grasped the ground and turned it into an ocean, turning it into a stone mountain with a shocking blow. The music saint smashed the thousand-mile stone mountain into a thousand-mile white sandbank with a song Quicksand Song.

Two wonders remain.

At the same time, the Holy Dao Qi machine was also left behind.

An Ye has captured this mysterious energy. She wants to practice sword practice here and enter her ultimate swordsmanship - the world of swords.

That's fine! Lin Su said: The situation in Jin is complicated. As long as you stay here, we can deal with emergencies.

The separation has been finalized, An Ye is as tender as water, hugging her husband: What will you do next?

Next, my trip will be extremely long... Lin Su said: The first leg will start tomorrow. I have to help His Majesty straighten out the court affairs. The second leg I will have to travel far away...

Where to go?

Bianzhou! I want to find the descendants of military strategists!

I thought you would enter the temple at the second stop, just like when you entered the Da Cang Chao Hall that day, and start your career in the temple...

Lin Su shook his head gently: The game in the temple is fundamentally different from that in the Great Cang Dynasty. Do you know what the difference is?

An Ye shook his head gently...

Lin Su explained...

The Da Cang Dynasty can play games, because there is a temple above the Da Cang Dynasty, and the power to make rules is not in the hands of the Da Cang Dynasty. He can exploit loopholes in the rules and use his weak body to play games with the dynasty.

The temple itself makes the rules. If you fight against them with the rules, you are seeking your own death.

Only one law is truly effective.

What rules?

Law of the Jungle! ——When you, Lin Su, are strong enough, when others go against you, you will have to bear a greater price. When certain factions in the temple see the benefits of win-win cooperation from you, the necessary alliance will come, and the necessary alliance will come. The war will stop if it stops.

This is typical military thinking!

An Ye sighed: The temple, the most rule-based place in the eyes of the world, only applies the law of the jungle. How ironic?

Rules are made by the strong to restrain the weak. When the platform you are on is surrounded by strong people, no rules are as good as your own strength. Respect depends on strength, and the foundation of cooperation can only be strength! Lin Su Said: So, baby, we make progress together, yin and yang complement each other...

... Dark Night's peerless pride was shattered by his words...

Under the quilt, yin and yang work together until dawn...

The next day.

Lin Su left Jin.

I took the little monk Kongye with me.

On the same day, the great changes in Shanxi began.

Thin solar mirrors are officially mass-produced...

The spring water in the frontier is clear and pure flows out from Lingding Courtyard, turning into the most beautiful notes and flowing three thousand miles to Shanxi...

Hengcheng posted an announcement: Border trade across the Lingding Ocean can proceed normally...

Jin King Li Qingquan came to Hengcheng in person, heard Lin Su's legend, and shook his head gently: In just two days, earth-shaking changes were left behind, and he left without even meeting me.

Li Xiaotian smiled: Now is not the time to drink and have fun. The important responsibility on his shoulders is not just your Three Thousand Miles of Jin Dynasty. I think your Majesty is also waiting for him, and he is eager to wait.

Li Qingquan was slightly startled: The list of His Majesty's court officials has been drawn up a long time ago, but it has not been released. Could it be that you are waiting for him?

It is obviously necessary to let him have a look. The most important thing is that His Majesty has the same problem as you and me. But when big things happen, without him by his side, he has no confidence in his heart. This time he returns to Da Cang Capital. I think , the change of officials should occur within these three days.

What do you will he deal with the affairs of the court officials? Will he deal with it slowly or cut through the mess quickly?

The topic has reached this point, and it is basically impossible to go on, because this multiple-choice question is a reasonable choice. When the new emperor takes office, it is necessary to change the ministers. Cutting the mess with a quick knife is one way. Slowly figure it out. It is another way. The former can quickly open up a new situation of a dynasty, but one disadvantage is that it will cause turmoil.

The second method is safe, but it will also have sequelae. What is it?

There won't be any big changes in the officialdom. The old forces are entangled, the newcomers will be assimilated, and the court may become rigid...

This guess is not just a guess by the two of them.

In fact, Da Cang Capital has had such speculation for a long time.

Moreover, their speculations were not only about the two ways of changing officials, but also about the thoughts behind Lin Su's absence from the capital in the past two months.

Slowly, one thought became the mainstream: Lin Su was named the King of Yizi Side by Side by His Majesty, and he had the ability to move the wind and rain in the officialdom. This was His Majesty's favor for him.

This ultimate grace is amazing.

On the one hand, it gave him great power.

On the other hand, it also made it inconvenient for Lin Su to use any power.

Because every word he said was as important as Mount Tai, and every suggestion he made would be implemented. He did not dare to speak easily, did not dare to use power easily, and did not even dare to come to the capital if nothing happened.

This is to avoid suspicion!

This is also the attitude that a wise man should have!

When the emperor gives you favor, it is a favor. If you rely on favor and become arrogant, it is a lack of virtue!

Your Majesty gives you face to help you love your face. You have a face as big as a plate and accept it calmly. You seize the power out of water, but you don't give His Majesty face!

With Lin's shrewdness, he would probably avoid all court officials and court matters from now on, which would be consistent with his title of King Wen.

These words first came from the mouth of a senior official in the court...

Zhang Juzheng, Zhou Zhang and others secretly scolded the officials for being shameless after hearing this. This was obviously a soft rope. They used this view to tie up Lin Su's hands and feet, making Lin Su really follow the route they designed and not follow them. Settle accounts after the fall.

Lin Su is as smart as a rabbit, will he follow your plan?

You are so beautiful!

Zhang Juzheng, Zhou Zhang, Qu Wendong, Chen Geng and others scorned it at first.

However, as time went by, they gradually became a little less determined, especially when Zhang Haoran and others talked about Lin Su's words back then, both in and out of their words, meaning to retire after success, which made these senior figures in the court I also doubt whether Lin Su really intends to ignore officialdom affairs from now on.

Otherwise, the overall situation has been decided for two full months, why does he never show up?

He keeps not showing up, and His Majesty's side has not moved. Is the incident in the court still going to happen? If they don't do it for a long time, they are a little worried that officials from all walks of life will gather around the prime minister again - they can doubt the prime minister's moral character, but they definitely don't doubt the prime minister's method of winning over officials.

In other words, as the head of a hundred officials, it is easier than anyone else to win over officials.

Just when the entire capital was in different moods, Lin Su finally came to Beijing again.

The first stop he chose was Lingyin Temple.

The Lingyin Lecture Conference has ended. Monks from all over the country have either returned or continued their studies in Lingyin. The one-and-a-half-month lecture meeting has increased the popularity of Lingyin Temple and directly added hundreds of eminent monks to Lingyin Temple...

Lin Su landed outside Lingyin Temple and patted Kongya's little head: Go and practice well with Master Abbot!

Disciple, bid farewell to master!


Another brick of the thousand-year-old Lingyin Temple has been broken, announcing that Kong Ye, a strange young monk of a generation, has returned to Lingyin Temple.

Lin Su did not enter the temple, but went down to Banshan Residence. The Zen gate of Banshan Residence was ajar, and the house was already empty. There is a high probability that Bi Xuanji will not come back again...

Sir, are you thinking about people after seeing things? Her Royal Highness the Princess said that there are a lot of people in the Xishan Villa, but I don't know if you are thinking about them... A clear and elegant voice came from the courtyard door.

Lin Su smiled and slowly turned around. Behind him, a shadow stood leaning against the door.

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