Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 822 Rules of Fire, Anti-war Poetry


The literati's gamble is no ordinary gamble!

The bet is often on literature.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to refuse, because if you refuse, it means that you are afraid of him. At this juncture of asking for marriage, who wants to think that he is inferior to the other person?

However, gambling in front of strangers is a taboo for gamblers!

Xiang Yuange's face darkened, and he cursed in his heart: Your mother is sick, there are so many people in the restaurant, you caught me and pestered me to death...

But the way he came out was: Although Xiang is not averse to a harmless gamble, he still has three principles of not gambling, which everyone knows...

This is rejection, but rejection does not hurt face.

However, Zhuge Qingfeng interrupted directly: Brother Xiang, why don't you listen to my bet before making a decision? My bet is unusual!

Tell me about it!

Zhuge Qingfeng said: I bet you only have one piece of silver in this storage bag. If I lose, I will give you ten thousand taels of silver. If I win, you will give me the marriage token!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiang Yuange's face, with a somewhat strange expression.

You boast that you are not short of money, but there is only one piece of silver in your storage bag?

Why are you a poor guy playing high-end games?

Xiang Yuange's heart skipped a beat. Of course he knew clearly that there was more than one piece of silver in his storage bag! There were at least twenty silver ingots, plus a pile of broken silver. He didn't even know how many pieces there were.

You bastard, how dare you belittle my financial resources in public!

How dare you make such a bet!

Xiang Yuange shouted: Take out the banknotes!

Zhuge Qingfeng turned his hand, and a silver note appeared in his palm. It was surprisingly worth ten thousand taels of silver.

And it is the Qiankun Ticket Number that is common to the nine countries and thirteen states.

Zhuge Qingfeng shook his hand slightly, and the banknotes were turned around in front of everyone. He faced Xiang Yuange and said, Xiang Daru, have you gambled?

It's a bet!

The bet of a literati is worth a thousand pounds!

Lin Su narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the storage bag...

Yao Gu's voice came to his ears: There must be more than one piece of silver in this storage bag, otherwise, Xiang Yuange would not have such confidence, but what is Zhuge Qingfeng doing?

You can't see it right now, but I think he will win!

If he and Zhuge Qingfeng switched positions, he might have a way to deal with this situation, such as using the law of space to quietly devour the rest of the silver and keep only one piece!

So the question is, does Zhuge Qingfeng have such incredible rules?

Bet 10%!

Open the bag and check!

As soon as the bag was opened, Lin Su softly shouted: Damn!

Everyone in the building was dumbfounded at the same time!

In the storage bag, a piece of silver!

However, this piece of silver is unusually large, as much as three hundred taels!

There is no such big silver in the world. There is only one way to form it, and that is to fuse the silver into one piece!

You're cheating! Xiang Yuange stood up abruptly: You used tricks to fuse silver!

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled: Just tell me whether it is one piece!

You... Xiang Yuange pointed a finger directly at Zhuge Qingfeng, waving his fingers randomly, unable to say a word...

Come on, I'm willing to admit defeat! Zhuge Qingfeng stretched out his hand in front of Xiang Yuange...

On Lin Su's side, Yaogu frowned: What kind of method is this?

Methods on the path of spiritual practice! Lin Su said: The power of fire can be used to such a superb level, he has touched the edge of the rules!

The power of fire is not unusual at all.

If you write the word fire on Literary Dao, it will burn a mountain.

On the path of spiritual practice, creating true fire only requires the realm of Taohua.

Even those who are above the level of martial arts and have reached the realm of spying on people can still make fire with their true energy.

However, the path of fire is also unpredictable and profound. Like Zhuge Qingfeng, who silently extends the power of fire into the opponent's storage bag and melts the silver without damaging the other items without making anyone aware of it, it is no longer the case. What can be achieved by ordinary means can only be used after touching the rules of fire.

I have touched the rules of fire! Yao Gu sighed: This person will be a powerful enemy!

He has now obtained the marriage token.

And the method of obtaining the marriage token is legendary.

When recruiting a bride, you have to compete in all aspects, including financial resources, appearance, demeanor, and ability. This person showed these four aspects vividly in just a quarter of an hour after entering the restaurant (he casually took out ten thousand taels of silver notes to show financial resources, and to The superb power of fire to melt other people's silver is a demonstration of his ability. Of course, the design of the gambling game also shows his outstanding wisdom). On the way to find a bride in Makino, he has taken a solid step and will definitely defeat all the elders in Makino Villa. In front of everyone.

Xiang Yuange's face was full of tangles, but he finally relaxed and took out an exquisite token. This token was made of ebony and had a streamer on it...

I look at the people of the world with a gentleman's heart. If I don't notice for a moment, I am willing to admit defeat! He threw away the token and stood up to leave the table.

Zhuge Qingyun took the token and looked at the other man in white with a smile: Brother, your companion made a careless mistake. I wonder if you have any intention of making a comeback for him?

On the same platform, all the scholars looked at each other...

Holy shit!

Are you coming again?

The man in white said coldly: The methods used by brother are devious techniques on the spiritual path. We, literati, play poetry and talk about the holy way. When it comes to deceitful means, I am not only not interested, but also Disdainful of this!

Having said this, I also feel that the bet just now is a bit low-level. Why don't I play some literati bet with me? For example, you can guess, if you casually give me a debut question, can I write it out on the spot? A colorful poem!”

Colorful poems? The man in white said coldly.


The whole place was in an uproar!

Colorful poem! How many literati have never been able to touch the edge of colorful poetry in their entire lives.

Are you casually writing colorful poems?

Bet with him! came a voice from the side. With this voice, the door of the private room opened, and a young man in light yellow clothes turned around by the window.

When he turned around, he was majestic and magnificent.

His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince! someone shouted softly.

This is the seventh prince of the Mianzhou Dynasty, and he is also the heaviest big fish attracted by Makino Villa to recruit brides.

In the place where the state is buried, culture is not prosperous.

At least, compared to the other Nine Kingdoms and Twelve States, culture has never been its strong point.

In the place where the state is buried, has there ever been a literary genius who wrote colorful poems?

Looking at the entire Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, probably only the legendary person has such an impressive record, but that person is definitely not named Zhuge.

Not only did they not believe it, but even Lin Su was really interested in Zhuge Qingfeng.

This person previously demonstrated extraordinary spiritual skills, and now he actually wants to demonstrate literary skills? If you can really put pen to paper, you will be the second Lin Su!

Of course Yao Gu is more interested. She has always wanted to know if there is another Lin Su in the world...

The man in white suddenly stood up and said, I will write down the colorful poems as I write the questions.


How long is the limit?

A quarter of an hour!

Bet each other's tokens?


It's a bet!

With a whoop, everyone around stood up...

The scribe in white looked serious.

On the contrary, Zhuge Qingfeng had a calm expression on his face: Your Excellency, please come up with a question!

The scribe in white said: Holy Cloud: The war is dangerous because of the fierce war. Please write a poem to oppose the war!


Everyone's hearts moved in unison, and at the same time they secretly cursed this person for being sinister.

Although Makino Villa is not famous in the name of military strategists, almost everyone knows that Makino Villa has a deep connection with military strategists. Confucianism is anti-war, and military strategists advocate war. If you want to follow the interests of military strategists, you cannot resist war.

And the scribe in white just gave you this question.

If you are deeply anti-war, you will offend Makino Villa.

If you don't write profoundly, you won't be able to shine.

Therefore, this question is a proposition!

Let’s not talk about how difficult it is to write colorful poems. This topic alone is a huge difficulty.

Yaogu looked at Lin Su: What would you do if you were the one who wrote the poem?

Lin Su smiled softly: I will also have a bit of a headache!

He said so, let alone Zhuge Qingfeng?

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled softly: Good question! Let me solve it!

Take a stroll, one step, two steps, three steps...

After taking ten steps, I reached the window...

Everyone's eyes followed him all the way, and everyone was nervous. Even the scholar Xiang Yuange, who had left the table, came back because he saw the possibility that if his companion defeated Zhuge Qingfeng, he could lose him. If he regains his token, doesn't he still have a chance?

Time passed by minute by minute, half an hour in the blink of an eye.

With a swishing sound, a piece of gold paper came out of Zhuge Qingfeng's hand and lay flat in the air. With his right hand together and the precious pen in his hand, he wrote in the void...

In the past, thousands of armies came out of Luchao, and the blood of Jinou was used as food...

As soon as the two lines of the poem fell, silver light filled the ground!

Two lines of poetry are already a poem of silver light!

Everyone’s expressions changed…

The next two lines of the poem are written: Three battles, three rivers, three dreams, one pond, one land, one return to the woodcutter!

Colorful lights suddenly appeared, and everyone in the restaurant was petrified...

The petrification only lasted for a moment, and soon exploded...

Colorful poems! Colorful poems are out!

Oh my god, I really wrote a colorful poem!

What kind of person is Zhuge Qingfeng?

When it comes to Burial State, the most cruel and unkind general is probably Lu Chao's Lu family army. This army deviated from the imperial orthodoxy and got into trouble with Muye Villa. Muye Villa only sent one Villa guard. After three battles, , wiped out the Lu family’s 50,000-strong army, and the Lu Chao that once roamed three thousand miles, today only remains are ruins... What a poem, what a poem!

I heard that Lu Chao's former head of the family, Lu Duan, was deprived of his cultivation by Muye Villa. He could only make a living by selling firewood and transformed into a woodcutter! A person next to him said: This poem has a good eye for poetry and the use of words is wonderful. All are first-class, colorful poems, well deserved...

Listening to all the chatter, Lin Su finally understood the poem.

He didn't know the meaning of the words Lu Chao, San Zhan, and Gui Qiao at first, but now he really understood it. Once he understood it, he had to applaud Zhuge Qingfeng.

In the past, thousands of armies came out of Luchao, Jin Ou was the cauldron and the blood was the food, three battles were fought on the three rivers, three dreams were made, one pond, one place, one return to the woodcutter!

How this poem was written is another matter. The key is that Zhuge Qingfeng found the point so accurately.

The person he was betting against gave him a big problem. If he opposed the war, he would offend Makino Villa. If he didn't oppose the war, it would not fit the purpose of the question. It was a dilemma.

How did he break it?

He chose a precise point, which was Lu Chao.

Lu Chao was an army that broke away from the control of the imperial dynasty. His management was cruel and ruthless. He killed people and set fires everywhere. He became a serious problem. Muye Villa sent guards to get rid of him!

Lu Chao has become a negative example of war, and he can't offend anyone. He even indirectly showed his favor to Makino Villa.

Awesome, right?

What's even more awesome is that this poem was actually judged by the temple as a colorful poem!

Yao Gu sighed softly: On the path of spiritual practice, he can turn gold and silver into bags. On the path of literature, he can write colorful poems with his pen. His mind is ever-changing and his wit is unparalleled. Young Master Su, will he be your ultimate opponent?

I don't know, but judging from his posture, he seems to want to come over and have a bet with me... Lin Su smiled.

Yaogu's heart skipped a beat, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Zhuge Qingfeng. Zhuge Qingfeng held two tokens and walked towards Lin Su with light steps.

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked at the same time.

What is Zhuge Qingfeng doing?

Did you collect all the tokens in the building by yourself?

If he can really do it, then how about recruiting a bride at Makino Villa? Just forget it for him. Maybe this guy really had this plan, because he had already got two tokens and walked to the third person, and the third person was Lin Su.

Brother, are you participating in Makino's marriage recruitment? Zhuge Qingfeng had a smile on his face and looked harmless.

But no one could ignore one thing. This harmless man had just collected two marriage tokens at another table.

Lin Su smiled: Indeed, but like Xiongtai, I don't have a token.

No token? Zhuge Qingfeng was slightly startled: Then... forget it!

Turn around to leave.

A voice came from behind him: Brother Zhuge has two tokens, why not share one with me?

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled: You also want to take a gamble?

Brother's gambling is refreshing and refined, and it will open my eyes! Lin Su said with a smile: Brother, if you want to gamble, I can just play a game with you.

The whole building was excited again.

Zhuge Qingfeng made two huge bets, his methods were so high that the whole building looked at him with suspicion. He bumped into a third person, and the third person actually took the initiative to bet with him. What was the bet for?

Zhuge Qingfeng said: What are you betting on?

I bet there's something on me that you've never seen before, and once you see it, you won't want to give it up!

Everyone's minds were thinking, what kind of bet is this?

This is not gambling per se!

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled and said: Brother, you are very confident. Why are you so sure that I can't bear to give up after seeing the wonderful thing on your body?

Because this thing is the best gift to give to a beautiful woman after a successful marriage proposal. The common things in the world are not as good as this thing.

Oh? Then please show me, brother!

Lin Su gently raised his hand, and a silver object was slowly lifted up. It was about eight inches high, in the shape of a lotus, and the shape was extremely exquisite. However, no one could see the clue. Lin Su flipped his palm lightly, and bright sunlight reflected , Zhuge Qingfeng's expression suddenly changed. He clearly saw himself in the mirror, with a clarity he had never seen before. Even the hair on his face was clearly visible.

Mingjing! Zhuge Qingfeng shouted.


What is it made of? Why is it so bright? Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes were firmly fixed on the mirror, and his eyes were filled with infinite brilliance.

Brother, are you willing to take this thing to Muye Villa? Lin Su asked without answering.

Zhuge Qingfeng hesitated for a while, then smiled: One order and one mirror!

make a deal!

A token was handed to Lin Su's hand, and Zhuge Qingfeng gained a bright mirror.

At the door of the restaurant, there were two figures, one purple and one white, with their faces tense at the same time. Zhuge Qingfeng, the bastard, had no tokens at all when he entered the building. He plundered two tokens from them, turned around and exchanged one of the tokens. A mirror that is hard to find in the world...

And they just went home empty-handed, which is something that makes people vomit blood.

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled at Lin Su: Brother, you have lost money!

Why is it a loss?

Zhuge Qingfeng said: Today, all the scribes in the building have orders. How easy is it to get a token? How can it be worth exchanging for such a mirror that is hard to find throughout the ages?

The eyes of the two people at the door bulged together, wanting to kill...

Lin Su laughed loudly: Brother, you are so heroic, I wonder where you come from?



Holy family of poets!

The whole building was in uproar...

It turned out to be a member of the Holy Poet Family!

No wonder the export is colorful poetry...

The door of the private room was closed, and the Seventh Prince frowned...

As a member of the Mingzhou royal family, he was determined to get married to Muye Villa, but the sudden appearance of Zhuge Qingfeng today made him a little wary.

He didn't care about the means of spiritual practice, because in the world of scholars, practitioners were still at a lower level. However, Zhuge Qingfeng's literary talent in writing colorful poems shocked him. He had never seen any colorful poems before. What appeared in front of him was that there were only a hundred colorful poems in the entire Burial State in its eight hundred years of history, and most of them were left down by predecessors.

Now Zhuge Qingfeng reported that he was a member of the Holy Family of Poetry.

The Holy Family of Poetry came here from a distance of a hundred thousand miles. How many other Holy Family members are there?

Or a literary genius from another country?

He participated in the wedding reception as the prince of the buried state, and had a theoretical success rate of 99%. But now he suddenly discovered that his success rate seemed to be facing a strong challenge from outside the territory...

Lin Su stood up and stretched out his hand, which was a banknote: Today's meal fee, plus a room!

The third floor is the accommodation. Lin Su and Yao Gu entered the room, gently circled their hands, and Wen Dao sealed it...

The water has been put on the shelves, and the fire magic stone is boiling until the tea squeaks...

In the land of Burial State, the arts of martial arts are not prosperous, but the practice of martial arts is prosperous. Fire magic stones, high-end consumables that are not widely used in Da Cang Capital, are consumed here very casually.

Quickly boiling the water, Yaogu opened the Green Love Brand tea box given to her by Lin Su, brewed a pot of new tea, and poured a cup each for Lin Su and herself...

People from the Holy Family of Poetry actually came from far away. Yao Gu said: How many big forces outside Burial State are involved?

This is not important!

Isn't it important? You are no longer an outsider now! Yao Gu said: You have obtained the token and are one of the army of marriage seekers! Don't you think about your love rival?

Lin Subai glanced at her: Do you really think this is a marriage invitation?

Not asking for a bride?

At least it's not just about recruiting a bride! Lin Su said: We have analyzed before that after Makino Villa puts forward the argument that dowry is a sacred treasure, various variables will evolve. We can see the business opportunities in it, and the demons have ulterior motives. You can also see its business opportunities, and other Holy Families outside the territory can also see its business opportunities... So, what if there is a force that can't see it?

Which force? The dynasty? It has obviously noticed it, the seventh prince is here! Yaogu said.

I'm not talking about the Dynasty, but...Makino Villa! Lin Su's eyes were mysterious.

Makino Villa?

Lin Su nodded: When something attracts the attention of a lot of surrounding forces, we have to analyze the original motivation of the initiator! If Makino Villa uses a military mentality to look at the problem, they will definitely not fail to see that they will use the holy treasure to What kind of ripples will it cause after the news of dowry spreads? So the question is, why do they do this?

Yaogu's eyes lit up: Are they... are they... plotting against others?

Lin Su did not answer directly, but looked into the distance: The land of Burial State is a mixture of fish and dragons, and Muye Villa is also suffering from internal and external troubles. If the infiltration of the demon clan is too serious, they will not be able to bear it, so they will deliberately throw out such a plan. A piece of fragrant bait attracts those people or forces with evil intentions. This marriage recruitment is not essentially a marriage recruitment, it is just a game of chess!

There are winners and losers in a chess game, and there are many miscalculations when planning people and things. No matter how good a person's methods are, there will always be unexpected variables. Yaogu said: Whether it is the demon clan seeking Muye, or Makino seeking the demon clan, in the end it will This unexpected change has to be you!

Actually, to be honest, I really don't like to be a changemaker. I prefer to go with the flow...

Stop being so pretentious! If you like to sail with the current, how can you be a troublemaker? Yaogu glanced at him: Seriously,... is Zhuge Qingfeng qualified to be your opponent?

Look at his performance... Lin Su said casually.

Yaogu: When he came over just now, I thought you would use a colorful song or a legend to teach him how to behave. I didn't expect that you would use a bright mirror. This mirror is so magical and unprecedented, and you are so willing to do it.

Lin Su raised his hand: Here, I'll give it to you!

A mirror was placed in front of Yaogu, and Yaogu was startled: still have it...

Lin Su laughed loudly: This mirror is a new product just made by the Lin family. I am embarrassed to say the cost price. It is currently the lowest version. I will give you this one to play with. You can prepare a storage bag in the future. I will fill it with the latest, biggest, and most beautiful things for you...

Yaogu's eyes were wide open and she stared at him blankly, unable to tell the difference between east, west, north and south...

To be honest, when I saw Zhuge Qingfeng coming over arrogantly like a prostitute, I had the urge to write a colorful poem and make him doubt his life. However, I didn't know where he came from and I was too lazy to make enemies on all sides, so I chose to use a cheap mirror to get rid of him. If I had known that he was from the Holy Poet Family, I should have stepped on him...

Yaogu stroked her forehead: You killed Li Changgeng, the elder of the Holy Family of Poetry, in Nanyang City that day. It was the Holy Family of Poetry who was so full of hatred, why did you have such a big hatred for them? Hatred?”

I can't talk about hatred. I just don't intend to spoil them. I heard that the Temple Poetry Palace and the Painting Palace have great opinions on me. As for me, I can't bully them. I'll bully the Holy Family below them first. How much? Let them have a longer memory.”

I want to change my previous statement. For you, the lethality of a beautiful woman may not be as lethal as your bad temper... Yaogu shook her head gently, there was nothing she could do to him...

So, you took the initiative to pimp me and forced me to find a wife in Zangzhou.

Yao Gu suddenly raised her head: Can't you? I will never take the blame for this. Your daughter-in-law comes from all over the world and has different races. If they come to settle accounts with me, I will be beaten to death by them... (End of Chapter)

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