Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 833 Breaking the Formation: The bow is as startling as a thunderbolt.

The night before yesterday, the spirit stone field was destroyed and the Horned Demon clan was framed. The Blood Demon and the Horned Demon clan had been arguing for a whole day and even started fighting. So far, the conflict has become more and more intense.

Yesterday night, I entered the House of the Saint of Soldiers and entered the Pavilion of the Saint of Soldiers under the protection of the Demon Lord.

Tonight, I left the Bingsheng Pavilion and used a weapon pot to disrupt the demonic realm of Wanli Pass at the border, and even killed a demon!

Demon Lord, what a terrifying existence that is. One Demon Lord is enough to bring peace to Guancheng for thousands of years. In the entire human world, everyone wants to kill him. However, in the royal bounty system, there is no reward for killing the Demon Lord. Why? Because this is something that cannot be done at all, offering a reward for something that cannot be done will dilute the seriousness of the reward.

However, Lin Su did it!

He couldn't do it with his own ability, but combined with the special ability of the weapon pot, he did it!

Because he knows very well that when the forces of the two parties are balanced, an ant can tip the balance.

Just like that day in the Dragon Clan's forbidden area, the blood coffin and Dinghai Zhong Wannian were facing each other to form a balance. He, the ant, killed a saint with a single finger!

Even the saint can be killed, but the demon king is nothing?

Jiang Yun followed him and walked on the moon.

As we approached Guancheng, the boundless magic mist dissipated, the moon was bright like water, and two figures strolled back under the moon.

But her heart was not at peace at all.

My body is still perfect.

But in Jade Tianluo, I am clearly with him...

She was a little confused...

Lin Su's voice suddenly came: How did you feel about the scene of killing the Demon Lord just now?

Jiang Yun smiled sweetly: My husband's wisdom in dealing with enemies is truly the ultimate change of path in everything.

Lin Sudao: That's not it! What I'm talking about is, have you ever thought about the application of the Weapon Pot?

Jiang Yundao: In the past, when my father used the Weapon Pot, he had a method. When the demon army attacked the city, he would first use the Weapon Pot to form a reciprocal resistance. However, the army came out of the city and attacked the Demon Army, causing real damage. This is different from what my husband is doing today. Killing Demon Lord has the same purpose but different approaches.

Yes, this method is naturally adopted by the commander-in-chief who leads the troops. However, there are still many restrictions on external assistance. Time constraints, opportunity seizing, and troop deployment are all challenging. If one is not arranged well, it will only increase the damage. . Is there any way to directly break the law of equivalence in the point-and-arms pot, for example, you add some abilities to the pot general to break this balance?

Jiang Yun smiled: My lord, you are so whimsical! Do you know why the weapon pot is just a law of reciprocity? This involves the struggle for the holy way...

Military strategists emphasize killing.

Confucianism emphasizes loyalty and forgiveness.

This balance is reflected in the weapon pot.

If there were no restrictions on the weapon-pointing pot, it would be the most powerful killing weapon. No matter how many thousands of troops came, they would kill them all in a matter of seconds, which would harm the peace of the world and violate the holy way.

Therefore, Dianbinghu emphasizes the law of reciprocity.

When the enemy comes, you will be treated equally so that you cannot hurt the people on this side. However, it is not just relying on this holy treasure that can kill the world with blood...

Lin Su looked at the sky from a distance and admitted that what Jiang Yun said made sense.

The weapon pot is a sacred weapon. The essence of the sacred weapon determines that its existence cannot harm the heaven and earth. Otherwise, if the law of heaven does not recognize it, you will not be able to become a sacred weapon. If too much power is forcibly poured into it, the essence of the weapon will also change. , it will become a magic weapon.

It seems that there is no way to strengthen the weapon pot in some way.

So, is there any other workaround?

Ms. sir, after returning to Muye Villa, the owner of the village will definitely discuss... that matter with you! Jiang Yun slowly raised his face.

Which thing?

Mr. sir, you are a bad guy...

Lin Su's heart suddenly brightened.

Holy shit!


I was really not prepared for this. I went to Nanwang Mansion to struggle with this, and I went to Green Willow Villa. Although Mr. Zhang didn’t say it out loud, I knew that he was also struggling with this. Even His Majesty the Young Emperor was also struggling with this. Those old people were struggling with this. Even my acquaintances couldn’t make this decision. How could I make this decision in a foreign country?

For a moment, his heart was full of ups and downs...

Jiang Yun's pair of wonderful eyes quietly glanced at his brow, and smiled softly: Mr. sir, why don't you go back to the villa? Just run away!


Do you encourage me to give up after all? This unscientific! I suspect you are testing...

Jiang Yun smiled softly and said, I'm serious.


My husband is a talented scholar, and he must be proficient in the art of chess! Jiang Yundao said: One way of playing chess has a principle. The pieces placed on the chessboard are dead pieces, and the pieces hanging in the air are living pieces!

Lin Su stretched out his hand and grabbed her shoulder: Baby, you are truly worthy of being a descendant of a military strategist!

Jiang Yun gently leaned over and snuggled into his arms: Ms. sir, you understand!


Makino Villa, descendant of military strategists.

In the past, due to the tyranny of the military, he was tabooed by other martial arts, which led to the destruction of the military palace, the destruction of the military strategist, and even the loss of the ancestral land. Today's Makino Villa is just a resurrected corpse of the military strategist.

Although Makino is gradually accepted by the Temple at this moment, this kind of acceptance cannot withstand stimulation. Now that the Dianbing Pot has returned and the military strategist has reappeared in the world, it will stimulate the Temple's sensitive nerves.

The person from the Third Heaven seems to be returning, which will stimulate their nerves even more.

Lin Su's sudden emergence on the military path will also be exciting.

Therefore, countless pairs of eyes were staring at Makino Villa, the former residence in Sanzhongtian, and Lin Su.

If Lin Su is deeply tied to Makino Villa, the temple will be really nervous.

Therefore, the best way at present is to connect without connecting, fight without breaking!

This is what Jiang Yun said about chess. If Lin Su really gets married to Muye Villa, it will be a chessboard move. It is not a formal marriage, but some kind of contact and some variables are maintained. Lin Su is a star outside the chessboard. Live chess.

Lin Su knew this well.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Yun would bring it up first.

With this mention, Jiang Yun's evaluation in his heart rose to a big level. He truly knew that his daughter-in-law, who didn't know whether he was a wife or not, was really not a vase.

Although she doesn't practice literature, and although she doesn't see any great skills in front of her, her thinking is the standard military thinking. On top of the wisdom, she can keep up with his rhythm.

This time in Guancheng, my husband-in-law started to be in chaos and finally gave up! Jiang Yun's eyes turned slightly: My husband, please leave something for me!

what do you want?

In this life, most of the things people want are mirrorless. For example, my mother wants something simple, but in the end she wants nothing. For example, my father wants something complicated, but nothing comes in the end... I don't want too much, and I don't dare to If you want a bright future that needs to be looked forward to, why not write me a poem.

Lin Sudao: You are a soldier, and the things you do as a soldier are what I feel when I join the army... I give you a song called Broken Array as a tribute to the sages of the military family!

Stretch out your hand and the pen is in your hand!

Ink is drawn in Yantai, gold paper is laid out...

Looking at the sword while drunk, lighting up the lamp,

Dreaming back to the trumpet company camp,

Eighty thousand miles away, he was divided into subordinates,

The sound of fifty strings turning over the wall,

Autumn brings troops to the battlefield.

The horseman Lu Fei Kuai,

The bow shakes like a thunderbolt,

Put an end to the affairs of the king and the world,

Win fame during and after death,

Misfortune happens in vain!

——Gift to Jiang Yun!

As soon as the pen fell, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth, as if the floating clouds under the moon suddenly stopped floating...

There was a soft sound...

A green lotus blooms out of thin air!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of green lotuses bloomed under the moonlight!

Thousands of miles of demonic mist outside the pass retreated layer by layer, and green light filled the air, illuminating the city...

Legend to the world! Jiang Yun opened his mouth slightly, but his face lost color...

Poetry handed down from ancient times! Above Guancheng, the guard suddenly raised his head...

Oh my god, the poems handed down from ancient times have appeared... Within a hundred miles, all the sleeping people woke up at the same time and came to the windows one after another. Countless literati rose into the sky and looked at the green light outside the pass.

The large green characters swept across the sky, interpreting the iron scrolls of the battlefield in the air...

Oh my god, this is...Zhan Qingci! A general from Guancheng shouted loudly, his cry was like crying...

Now the entire battlefield was shocked!

Literati all over the world love poems, but they can’t sleep at night if they have colorful poems.

Soldiers all over the world like war poems, but war poems can ensure peace.

Therefore, every soldier has feelings for war poems, more than literati love colorful poems. Today, the poem Broken Formation has a poetry level of Qing Ci, and it is also a war poem!

The pinnacle of a song that has been sung for eternity, a Zhan Qing song that can kill millions of enemies, appears without warning in this iron-blooded city. How can it not make people crazy?

Marshal Zheng flew into the sky, his beard flying.

A hundred miles away, a group of demonic soldiers originally planned to attack Guancheng at night. However, the green light appeared in the sky, and the thrilling murderous intention coming from the azure light stopped the ten thousand demonic soldiers.

They were worried that if they took even half a step forward, they would be killed on the spot by this legendary battle Qing Ci.

The holy voice spread across the sky:

Watching swordsmanship while drunk... The creator of the new word brand Broken Array, Da Cang Lin Su!

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly fell: Ms. sir, you... you are... Lin Su, the first master of Qinglian!

Da Cang Linsu belongs to Da Cang!

Qinglian's first grandmaster, this title has already crossed national boundaries...

Jiang Yun's heart almost flew away.

She knows the name!

No matter which direct descendant of the family, everyone knows this name. Anyone who pays a little attention to literature will know this name.

She knew that this was a genius who had never been seen in literature for thousands of years, and that his achievements even surpassed those of the saints when they were young.

However, she never thought that one day, she would meet this literary wizard up close. Her world was full of swords and swords, and there was really no room for too much romance.

However, the meeting she had not expected came to her quietly.

That wizard who was walking forward step by step in the secret realm, that incredible man along the way, turned out to be him!

Her husband!

Yes! Lin Su held her hand: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you my true origin until now.

I should have thought of it a long time ago! Jiang Yun murmured: How can a person who can write colorful words at the first stage of marriage, and a person who can move step by step in the secret realm, not be earth-shattering?

The holy voice in the sky came up again: The poem has been handed down from generation to generation, and I will give you the cultural treasure 'Thunderbolt Bow'!

As soon as the holy sound fell, the green lotus in the sky suddenly retracted and turned into a huge bow. The bow shook and shot towards...

Jiang Yun!

A bow appeared in Jiang Yun's sea of ​​consciousness...

Ms. sir... Jiang Yun's voice trembled.


This bow... this bow... seems to be able to be combined with the Weapon Pot. I feel the changes in the Weapon Pot...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering sound of killing behind them, and a large group of demon soldiers rushed towards them. When the blue light filled the sky just now, they had already seen Lin Su and the two of them, but they did not dare to come over. Now that the green light has dissipated, they Kill immediately.

Jiang Yun softly chanted: The sky and the earth are changing, and the soldiers are preparing their troops at night!

Silently, tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared in front of the demon soldiers!

Everyone has a bow in their hand!

At the same time, bend the bow and set an arrow...


The arrow came out, and thousands of demon soldiers fell to the ground. The wind blew. Jiang Yun and Lin Su looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and shock in each other's eyes...

The weapon-pointing pot adheres to the principle of reciprocity.

No matter what kind of person comes out, they will be received equally.

Therefore, when faced with a person who clicks on a weapon pot, there is generally no danger of life or death unless external forces intervene to form a combined force.

But today, when the pot was ordered, the pot general and the pot soldier actually took their bows and shot down an arrow, killing ten thousand demon soldiers at the same time!

This is not a variation of the weapon pot.

The weapon pot cannot be mutated.

However, with external force!

This external force is the thunderbolt bow!

A treasure of literature!

Jiang Yun is not cultivating literary skills, she doesn't even have literary roots. Logically speaking, she can't control some military pots, but her military blood has changed this; theoretically, she can't use the Wenbao Thunderbolt Bow, but the handed down Qingci has changed, Lin Su had marked this poem as a gift to her, so the treasure was hers to use, just like the Mingyue Heart Chakra that Dark Night got and the Autumn Fan that Yiyu got that day.

Lin Su's thoughts were even more complicated...

The thunderbolt bow is a weapon for killing on the battlefield and a typical important weapon of military strategists.

How dare the temple give such artifacts to descendants of military strategists?

Could it be that the temple has changed?

Maybe this poem really touched someone and made him not want to endure it...

Pity happens in vain!

This phrase has many interpretations.

Falling in the secular world is the vicissitudes of the passage of time.

But it is tragic to fall on an old man who has worked hard for the human race for 80,000 years.

Every hair on his head represents a thrilling battle history. His death is the loss of life and the rise and fall of the human race...

My husband, I didn't know you were Lin Su, so I advised you to leave! Now that I know you are Lin Su, I have to send you away overnight... Jiang Yun said softly.

Why? Lin Su said.

Because I know a piece of news. Lin Su is on the Demon Clan's Death List! This place is outside the pass, you must leave immediately, and Burial State is not a place where you should stay. You must cross the Jinsha River immediately!

Jinsha River, the dividing line between the sea of ​​​​people on land.

The boundary drawn by the Soldier Saint himself and guarded by countless literary and moral powers. Only Lin Su, a person outside the Jinsha River, who is on the Demon Clan's fatal list, has the greatest chance of survival.

Lin Su held her face in his hands and kissed her deeply: Baby, I do have to go, but you don't need to see me off! You also have to return to Makino Villa immediately and truly complete the recognition of the owner of the Dot the War Pot!

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su rose into the sky and returned to Guancheng.

And Jiang Yun, after being intoxicated for a moment, also rose into the sky and fell into Guancheng.

She is in the west and Lin Su is in the east.

The kiss before leaving was out of sight of everyone, but the sweet taste was engraved in her heart forever.

From then on, no matter how high the mountains are or how far the world changes, there is always a thread in her heart that reaches to the horizon...

On the chessboard and on the chessboard, there is a chess piece that has not yet fallen...

The moonlight is like water, the world is long-lasting, the military has been around for thousands of years, and the vicissitudes of life...

Jiang Yun turned around in the air, merged into the moonlight, and disappeared into Guancheng!

Lin Su watched her figure disappear, turned around, and stepped into the inn. In the inn, there were still three people drinking together. As soon as Lin Su entered the door, the two figures inside disappeared and turned into two drops of dew.

Yaogu raised her head slightly: She's gone?

Let's go too!

The inn suddenly changed and turned into a small garden. The garden broke through the sky and shot to the north...

Outside the pass, where the demon army was stationed, the Blood Demon Lord's eyes were filled with blood, and the Jiande River in front of him suddenly turned into blood.

A demon king lying in front of him was trembling.

The Demon Lord let out a long breath: Lin Su, who was on the list of fatalities, actually dared to go out of the customs, and even leisurely turned around in a big circle and returned to the customs! What a shame! What a shame!

The Demon King below was trembling all over: It's all because of the incompetence of my subordinates who failed to recognize the identity of this thief...

The Demon Lord said coldly: This thief has also appeared in front of me. Are you questioning my incompetence?

The Demon Emperor's body suddenly became shorter: I don't dare! I made a mistake!

Get up! Demon Lord said: This thief has returned to the pass, and we are beyond our reach. It is useless to regret, but if he thinks that everything is safe, then he has underestimated the heritage of our clan!

The Demon King's eyes lit up slightly: Does Your Majesty plan to activate the hidden move in the pass?

Pass the order...

Buried in the capital of the state, buried in the Flower Pavilion.

This is Yanliu Painting Village in the capital, what do you mean? Brothel!

Although it is a brothel, it sells its art rather than its body.

When it comes to performing arts, the art is obviously top-notch, and the chess, piano, calligraphy and painting are all extraordinary.

If you don't sell your body, you are not monolithic. For example, if Yan Qing came here that day, wouldn't the widower also sell it in the end? The Burial Flower Pavilion said, this is not a hawking, this is the true love of a talented woman and a beautiful woman towards a talented and talented person.

This is how things are in the world. Literary people, regardless of their status as literary men, are still men. As a man, they like the small space. However, if you go straight to the topic, it is not elegant enough. The beauty is to be subtle.

Burial Flower Pavilion's main focus is subtlety, and its sales are more subtle...

Therefore, literati from all walks of life have reasons to get involved in this pile.

Including the seventh prince who had just returned from Guancheng and came here with one of his new brothers.

Which one?

Obviously it's not Yan Qing. Yan Qing has visited brothels all over the world, but he doesn't want to be buried in the flower pavilion, because in this pavilion, not only the former courtier Qinghuan is buried, but also Yan Qing's literary works are buried. Dao Qingming...

The seventh prince's new brother is Zhuge Qingfeng.

Zhuge Qingfeng was a descendant of the Saint Family of Poetry and a genius in spiritual practice. Only such a person was worthy of being friends with the Seventh Prince.

The two became friends immediately, and after two days, they felt like old friends for many years.

In fact, both of them are not playboys. They are both wise people. The friendship between wise people has a purpose. The seventh prince is currently at the juncture of competing for the heir apparent. As a true disciple of the Holy Family, he is undoubtedly willing to spend time and energy. Spend money to make friends.

Where is Zhuge Qingfeng? He is also an exquisite and wonderful person who connects all directions. When he steps into this world, he can befriended by a prince, why not?

So, it was in full swing.

In fact, the closeness of the two of them has something to do with Lin Su.

Without Lin Su, Zhuge Qingfeng and the Seventh Prince regarded each other as their rivals, and it was unlikely that they would get too close.

But with Lin Su, both of them are losers. The second and third sons are naturally easier to get close to. It is the habit of the second and third sons to vent their depression together and curse the boss for not dying.

Of course, both of them were gentlemen and wealthy people, so it was unlikely that they would release their hatred in public. However, who didn't know the other's hatred for Su San?

The person sent by the Seventh Prince to inquire about Su San's origins has not returned yet.

But unexpectedly, I learned about a super shocking event that had just happened in Guancheng: Da Cang Lin Su had just written a legendary war poem Broken Zhenzi in Guancheng and presented it to Jiang Yun, the fourth lady of Makino Villa!

The news reached the capital faster than any flying device.

The capital exploded instantly.

The Burial Flower Pavilion even exploded.

Because the Burial Flower Pavilion is not an ordinary pavilion. Its name comes from The Burial Flower Ci, which is basically the same as the name Lin Su gave it. Therefore, this pavilion is stamped with Lin Su's mark. Every poem written by Su was hung on the wall, and every piece of music written by Lin Su was matched by an oiran. The name of the oiran was even changed. The Qing court lady who specialized in playing and singing The Qingyu Case was called Qingyu Lady, who specialized in playing and singing. The shepherd of Shui Tiao Ge Tou is called Ming Yue Niangzi...

In a place like this, Lin Su's sensitivity is unprecedented.

Suddenly they heard that the god of poetry and song in their hearts appeared in Guancheng, and they almost went crazy. What's more, there was also a famous poem Po Zhenzi that was handed down to the world. For a while, countless people from the Qing Dynasty rushed to come out and compete. Grab this broken lady...

When the chaos became a mess, the Seventh Prince and Zhuge Qingfeng looked at each other, and they both saw incomparable shock in each other's eyes...

Su San, it's Lin Su! The seventh prince took a sip of wine.

Lin Su! Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes flashed with light, and the blood in his body burned in his veins...

This is the enemy of the Holy Poet’s Family!

Because he personally killed Li Changgeng, the great elder of the Holy Family of Poetry!

And he, Zhuge Qingfeng, has an unusual relationship with the Great Elder!

This is one of them!

Secondly, the existence of Lin Su is an insult to the Holy Family of Poetry. Countless people in the world have rumored that Lin Su alone has suppressed all poets for thousands of years. Such rumors, how can the Holy Family of Poetry Can you bear it?

Third, Zhuge Qingfeng will never forget what Lin Su said to him: Where I am, it is not your turn to guide the country and inspire writing! Zhuge Qingfeng, not only do you need to remember this, you also have to get used to it!

Ever since Lin Su said these words to Zhuge Qingfeng, in Zhuge Qingfeng's dictionary, Lin Su was his number one enemy!

Because he, Zhuge Qingfeng, would never accept such a sentence.

However, during the next trip, Lin Su verified it twice, and each time it hit Zhuge Qingfeng's literary heart and Taoist heart.

In the secret realm, Lin Su defeated them all!

On the battlefield, he defeated them all with 38 enemies to one!

When it comes to poetry, wisdom, art of war, and even military strength, he crushes Zhuge Qingfeng in all aspects.

Zhuge Qingfeng left Guancheng with regret, and actually wanted to make a comeback in other areas. However, when he suddenly heard the name Lin Su, Zhuge Qingfeng became entangled in his heart...

Because he knew how many unimaginable things Lin Su had done in recent years.

The ancient southwest country changed its emperor because of him.

Da Cang Kingdom, because he changed the emperor.

The border war situation was changed beyond recognition because of him.

Ordinary literati may not know this, but Zhuge Qingfeng is not included. Zhuge Qingfeng has always had one foot on the way of literature and the other half on the way of wisdom.

He deeply agreed with another sentence Lin Su said that day. Compared with Lin Su's earth-shattering achievements, the East River Chaos and Battle of Xiangzhang planned by Zhuge Qingfeng were really just not on the stage. Pediatrics, people are planning to build a country, what do you compare it to? Compared with his Qinglian First Grandmaster, he defeated a dozen literati from the thirteen states in southern Da Cang, which seemed to be nothing worth mentioning.

For a moment, this outstanding scholar, who was excellent in literature, spiritual practice, and wisdom, felt a cold feeling in his heart.

However, it also aroused another emotion in him, which was... murderous intention!

Has this person left Burial State? Zhuge Qingfeng asked.

The Seventh Prince said: No! He is heading north!

North? Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes flickered: The north is the territory of King Burial...

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