Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 835 Seemingly Real and Fantasy Sanniang

The light and shadow in front of Lin Su's eyes changed, and he suddenly appeared in a pavilion.

A beautiful woman was lying on the golden drum. Her figure was unparalleled and graceful. The curves of her body were rare even for an old pervert like Lin who had seen all kinds of colors in the world.

She is You Sanniang, the owner of the restaurant.

I have been running this restaurant for twenty years. Although I have occasionally failed, this is the first time I have lost to such a young man! You Sanniang smiled sweetly: What kind of eye skills do you have, Master?

As soon as this statement came out, it was declared that everything Lin Su said was true.

She had admitted it all.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Does it have to be the pupil technique? On the path of spiritual practice, it is not just the pupil technique that can see through illusions.

There are many ways to overcome delusion on the path of cultivation. It is true, but it should never appear to a young man of your age. Who are you?

Lin Sudao: You don't have to explore my origins, and I won't reveal your secrets. As long as you tell me something, I can even spend money to order all your dishes and pretend to enjoy them. Go down.

You Sanniang's eyes were filled with confusion again, and the corners of her mouth curved quietly: Tell me, what do you want to know?

Burial area! I want to enter the burial area, but I know nothing about the situation inside. I need you to tell me the crisis inside. If you know Wudao Mountain, I can even buy this restaurant and give it to you again. you!

You Sanniang said: Wudao Mountain is what you really want to enter?



I have a relative who was lost in Wudao Mountain, and I want to find him! This was the best excuse he could find. Wudao Mountain kills a large number of explorers every year, and no one can trace the origins of these people. Based on Moving based on family affection is far more effective on the table than moving based on treasure.

People say that no matter how ruthless the world is when you step into the spiritual path, in the eyes of caring people, family love is still as great as heaven! You Sanniang sighed softly: I don't know everything about Wudao Mountain, and I can't give you any help. So you don’t have to buy the restaurant and give it to me. As for the burial area, I only have two sentences to tell you: the first sentence is: the burial area is sacred, don’t disturb them. The second sentence: no matter what kind of magic weapon you see Don’t take any sharp weapons, because there is a heroic spirit underneath every weapon.”

I entered the burial area just to take a pass. I stayed in the burial area just as a guest. Lin Su said: I don't have the habit of taking advantage of others when I'm a guest. So, if Sanniang needs a promise, I can make it now. , on this trip, I will never compromise the burial area!

You Sanniang smiled softly: If others say this, I won't believe it, but if the master says this, I will believe it... Let me lend you something, and remember to give it back to me when you come back!

You Sanniang gently raised her hand, pulled out a white jade hairpin from her hair, and gave it to Lin Su's hand.

This is……

In the ghost world, jade hairpins serve as boats.

Lin Su stood up and bowed slightly: Sanniang, thank you very much for your kindness!

The light and shadow in front of Lin Su's eyes changed and he returned to his seat...

This time, no one in the restaurant could be seen, except Yaogu.

Yao Gu stared at his eyes and said, We are Wen Dao's voice transmission, can't we hear it at this table?

Probably can't hear it! Lin Su said.

Did you go to see You Sanniang?


She didn't make things difficult for you?

How could it be? You Sanniang is very nice. Not only did she not make things difficult for me, she also gave me something as a gift.


A white jade hairpin!

Oh My God……

Yaogu was so surprised, hairpin!

She is a woman herself, and she also has hairpins. She knows that hairpins are very sensitive. How can something on a woman's head, something that is close to her skin, be given to a man so easily? Unless this man has a close relationship with her to a certain extent.

I know you are unrivaled in the field of flirting with women, but this is a restaurant. You Sanniang has controlled Wangxiang Tower for twenty years. She is not young. The ideal state is to be a half-old lady. She is so old. A woman is not a nymphomaniac, right? Why are you being teased like this?

Lin Su glanced at her face: Don't get it wrong, I'm definitely not that charming. This white jade hairpin is not an ordinary hairpin. Sanniang's original intention was to use this white jade hairpin as a boat for us to cross the river. of.

The listeners said that the Huangquan ferry boat will be coming soon. Anyone can board the boat. Why do we have to find another boat to cross the river? Yaogu said.

Sanniang must have intentions. There is no need to guess at this moment. Just wait for the Huangquan River to open!

At this moment, the sky outside the restaurant suddenly changed color.

The Huangquan River was emptied by big waves, and a row of turbid waves swept over. A strange black and white ferry came from a distance. As soon as the boat came out, everyone was stunned.

Because the shape of the boat gave everyone a very bad impression.

This is clearly a huge coffin.

When you enter the restricted area for adventure, the first thing you enter is the coffin. This is a sign...I am C!

Who dares to go up?

However, the bad premonition was obviously secondary to the greed of the adventurers. Everyone still rushed to board the boat. You had to pay to board the boat, and the boat fee was definitely affordable...a tael of silver!

One tael of silver on the boat of death!

This is a common practice and the price has not been increased for many years!

Some people have said that You Sanniang’s Wangxiang Tower is so expensive that it makes people doubt their life, but the funeral boat in the burial area is absolutely affordable.

But some people have said that although the price of Wangxiang Tower is expensive, it is worth the money.

Although the price of the Death Boat is affordable, the people who get on the boat are likely to die, so it may not be friendly.

Lin Su stood by the Huangquan River, looking at the boat, but a completely different feeling emerged in his heart. This boat seemed familiar. Could it be... If it was really what he expected, it would be a bit strange. Got it!

Stepping into the burial area, everything in the world is very strange...

The prices at Wangxianglou are definitely not value for money. She dares to sell a plate of ordinary vegetables for a hundred taels of silver. Do you think it is worth the money? A plate of radishes can be sold for two hundred taels of silver. Do you think it's worth the money?

The price of Wangxiang Tower is the cheapest in the world.

However, through her clever packaging and misleading, everyone had the illusion that their cultivation level had improved, and it turned out to be good value for money.

What about the Puranana?

This is the burial area!

The burial area is for making money from dead people. Set a price that is close to the people, let you get on the boat, and then you will die. After death, all the things these people carry with them belong to the burial area. You do the math. Is its price still a “conscientious price”?

When you step into the burial area, what you see may not necessarily be the truth.

To have unusual results, you probably have to take a different path!

The white jade hairpin shook slightly and turned into a boat!

Lin Su pulled Yao Gu: Let's go!

Stepping on the white jade boat, the two of them galloped into the Huangquan River together!

Entering Huangquan River, Lin Su was prepared.

Although You Sanniang didn't seem to have any ill intentions, Lin Su was not a young man after all, and he would not believe in unreasonable kindness. He was fully prepared, including literary protection, spiritual protection, and even protection from the Diamond Sutra. Only when he was called upon and with all these means did he dare to embark on the route that You Sanniang had set for him.

However, as Bai Yuzhou moved forward.

His uneasiness still amplified little by little.

His Wenshan is blocked by bits of yellow mist.

When the ship was halfway through, Wen Dao's mighty power could no longer be used, except for the Pingbu Qingyun, Rejuvenation Miao and Thousand Degree Eyes that he had integrated into his body.

Yaogu's expression was also different. Even though her Wen Dao True Realm had the unique function of a signal base station and could still exert its Wen Dao function in a state of absolute communication between heaven and earth, this Real World had not yet been fully developed after all. She I also felt tremendous pressure.

However, the bow has been strung, the boat has left the shore, and there is no turning back!

Lin Su's Qiandu Eye fell into the Yellow Spring River, and his heart suddenly hit...

What did he see under the Yellow Spring River?

The pale faces!

Under the Huangquan River, there are corpses!

These corpses are all human!

Lying on their backs in the river, some of them didn't even close their eyes. It seemed that the panic before death melted into their bones and turned into their eternal images...

On the boat in front of them, someone also discovered the horror under the Huangquan River.

An exclamation caused the whole boat to panic.

However, someone burst out laughing: When we enter the burial area, we are just waiting for opportunities with our lives. Why should we be afraid of a few corpses?

This is true!

Among those who dare to enter the burial area, how many of them are not licking blood with the tip of a knife?

Are you still afraid of this?

Soon, a narrow waterway in front attracted everyone's attention...

On both sides of the waterway, there are countless corpses. The hands of these corpses are full of various weapons. Although they have gone through tens of millions of years, the weapons still shine with a charming light...

Oh my god, inscriptions! I saw the wind inscriptions, and at least Qianwen...

That knife has the mark of the starry sky on it...

Could the tip of that flag be a star stone?

With a cry, the rough man flew up and grabbed a broad-backed sword.

A cultivator regards weapons as his life. How can he resist when he suddenly sees a legendary magical blade?

In the blink of an eye, half of the boat was empty, and countless people jumped up at the same time, flying to both sides to grab the opportunity...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. What You Sanniang once said came to mind. No matter what kind of magic weapon you see, don't pull it out. Under every weapon, there is an undead!

Just when everyone was about to approach, Lin Su's Qiandu Eyes had already seen the undead emerging. Some emerged from the blade, some emerged from the mountain below, and some emerged from the bones... …

Of course, others cannot see the undead, so the rough man was the first to grab the big knife that he saw at first sight...

At the moment of catching it, the big knife suddenly flipped over, and the bright light of the knife swept across the world, Chi!

The rough man split in half!

His soul screamed and flew up, disappearing just as it took off...

Lin Su clearly saw that this soul was caught by an undead and swallowed in one bite!

And his two pieces of corpse fell straight into the Huangquan River!

The rest of the people were shocked, some continued to pounce, and some turned around and ran away. However, countless undead souls moved together, and none of the people who jumped out slipped through the net. They all fell into the Yellow Spring River, and the river rippled together and disappeared.

The people on the boat were all stunned.

The Huangquan River suddenly turned into a big wave, which seemed to be angered...

With the strong waves, the boat of death and the white jade boat at Lin Su's feet were suddenly pulled by a torrent and shot towards a mysterious cave...

These bastards have angered the Huangquan River and we are going to die! someone on the boat shouted...

Get out of the way! Get out of the way!

There's no way to avoid it! Are we going to be taken into the underworld?

Abandon the boat! Abandon the boat!

With a shout, everyone on the boat flew up at the same time. Countless magic weapons bloomed on the big waves of the Huangquan River like flowers scattered by a goddess. Everyone has the ability to escape. At this moment, no one dares to follow him to death. The boat enters the mysterious Huangquan Cave, and the only option is to fly up and go up the mountain!

There are restrictions on the Huangquan River that cannot be crossed, but now there is a mountain in front of it. The Huangquan River has theoretically been crossed. Since it has been crossed, it can be crossed!

Although this place is full of weirdness, as cultivators, they are not willing to hand over their lives to the completely uncontrollable boat of death. Once the restriction is lifted, it will be safer to return to the areas they are familiar with.

This is everyone's habitual thinking.

The same goes for Bai Yuzhou!

Heading towards Huangquan Cave, there is no way to stop it...

Yaogu's expression changed: Are we going to abandon the boat too?


This answer did not come from Lin Su.

But it comes from the white jade boat under their feet!

Yaogu was suddenly startled and stared at the white jade boat at her feet!

A soft laugh came from the white jade boat: You two can accept that a table is a puppet, but can you accept that a white jade hairpin is also a puppet?

Sanniang! Lin Su exhaled softly: I seem to understand the reason why you don't let us take the boat to life.

Because at most you can ensure that you are not greedy, but you can't stop others. As long as one person becomes greedy, everyone on this boat will be implicated! You Sanniang said.

I believe now that you really want to help me! Lin Su said: Why?

You Sanniang said: I'm not helping you, but myself!

I still don't understand!

You think of Wudao Mountain, but I want to go back to the burial area to have a look. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the burial area. Only you are the most suitable guide.

You're talking about 'going back' to the burial area. Are you from the burial area?


Then you are obviously not an outsider, so why do you need a guide?

Because I made a big mistake. People who make big mistakes are not allowed to return to the burial area. I built the Wangxiang Tower. Whose hometown do you think I am looking at?

Since you are not allowed to come back to the burial area, is it also a taboo for you to take advantage of it in this way?

Of course. After entering the burial area, I won't speak again. You take me around and don't tell anyone that I'm with you.

Lin Su and Yao Gu looked at each other and saw relief in each other's eyes.

They have seen so much of the cunning tricks in the world that they no longer believe in unprovoked kindness.

If You Sanniang told them that she was purely out of good intentions, they wouldn't believe her.

But You Sanniang has her own purpose, and this purpose is very convincing. They seem to believe it...

In the dark cave, the white jade shuttle passed through like a stream of light. It seemed to be pulled directly into the depths of the earth by the terrifying attraction. Lin Su's eyesight was far beyond ordinary people. He saw the situation in the cave, countless corpses. , some are sitting against the mountain, some are hanging on the cave wall, and some are simply attached to the roof of the cave. In front of it is a huge mouth, and the white jade shuttle is heading towards this mouth. If he is not Lin Su, if he An ordinary cultivator would definitely jump off the ship at this moment. No matter how big his heart is, he would not dare to take such a risk.

If you think about it with your toes, there is absolutely nothing good in this big mouth.

He was wrong. As soon as the white jade shuttle passed through the big mouth, it suddenly lightened, and all the pulling force disappeared. Lin Su's eyes lit up with light. There was no hell, no corpse, and the green field was as beautiful as picturesque. Flowers were dotted among them. He turned around suddenly, but there was no cave behind him. There is clearly only one peak as white as jade, from which the white jade shuttle shoots out. There is another peak in front, also as white as jade.

On the top of the mountain, there are hundreds of disciples, all wearing plain clothes and short sleeves. Although their attire is very simple, it does not have the terrifying aura of the underworld.

Is this the burial area? If I can be buried in such a beautiful place someday, I think it will be a blessing. Lin Su murmured.

Several disciples rose into the sky and surrounded Bai Yuzhou: Who dares to break into the burial area?

Another person shouted: Public name, Tao surname, give me this little white boat, hold your head in your hands! But it was a lively and cute little girl, with her hands on her hips, a small tiger tooth shining, and she thought she would A very tough side is fully revealed.

Lin Su quietly sent a message to Bai Yuzhou: You Sanniang, how will you sing the next play?

You Sanniang fell asleep.

Lin Su said bitterly: This wild girl is interested in you, how about I listen to her?

You Sanniang could no longer remain silent: Didn't you hear what she said? Everyone knows her by name!

Lin Su clasped his hands and said, Fellow Taoists...

Before she finished her sentence, the girl immediately interrupted: Who is your mother? Who is your friend? Give the white jade boat to my aunt before we talk!

Lin Su and Yao Gu looked at each other: I am actually very unfamiliar with the spiritual path. I don't know if it would be rude to beat up a wild girl for the first time...

Before Yaogu opened her mouth, the wild girl jumped up and said angrily: Let me see who beats whom...

Turning around in the air, a palm came down from the sky. As soon as this slender jade palm came out, it actually covered the sky and the sun!

It's not like heaven and earth covering the sky and the sun, but a feeling!

Lin Su and Yao Gu felt at the same time that the appearance of the burial area had changed, and the whole world was covered with death energy.

But Lin Su suddenly reached out his hand!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the boundless life force spread out, and when he closed his hand, he pulled the wild girl down from the air by her neck...

A group of disciples were all shocked.

That wild girl’s eyes were wide open and she couldn’t accept it at all…

There was only a moment of silence...

A storm is brewing...

The wild girl's hair is broken and the crown of her hair is broken, and her cultivation is about to be stimulated...

At this moment, Lin Su pulled her close and said: It's not necessary for me to tell you by name. How about I tell you the name of my friend? His name is Jun Tianxia!

The cultivation that the wild girl had stimulated all over her body suddenly stopped abruptly...

The group of disciples behind her who had already drawn their swords suddenly stiffened...

With a bang, two figures flew up from the distant mountain top at the same time, breaking through the clouds...


A big fat man fell into the void, and the earth shook...

Another thin man followed, with a pale forehead and a crow fluttering its wings, but there was a trace of sickly red on his pale face...

Surprisingly, it was Jun Tianxia who had been away for more than a year at the Yaochi Meeting, and Yan Jiuding who had followed Jun Tianxia.

Jun Tian slapped Lin Su on the shoulder. The weight was ten times heavier than that of the previous day: Mr. Su is a prostitute!

Brother Su! Yan Jiuding stepped forward and grabbed his hand tightly...

Lin Su smiled...

Yaogu's eyes widened, Oh my god, haven't you never been to Mingzhou before? Why do you have so many friends? As soon as Guancheng revealed his true identity, he attracted people to follow him. The pursuer turned out to be an old acquaintance of yours. Isn't it strange? What’s even weirder is that when you enter this burial area where no living person should come near you, you actually have friends, two of them! Moreover, they are so familiar with each other, and this weirdo with a crow on his forehead actually has tears in his eyes...

Who are these people?

The wild girl was even more confused. She looked at this and that, and squeezed in: Brother, is he really your friend?

elder brother?

Lin Su looked at the proportions of the two people's bodies and was a little confused...

your sister?

When I faced you being called old whore, luckily I didn't say my classic saying. If I had said whoring your sister, wouldn't this wild girl get angry on the spot?

Reunion of old friends, a moment of joy...

Jun Tianxia gave the order, and the disciples all said: By the prince's order!

This title of prince reveals Jun Tianxia's identity. He is the son of the contemporary burial king, which is equivalent to the prince of a country...

Welcome to the burial area!

All kinds of food are all kinds of strange, including monster meat, soul-destroying grass, fire soul fruit... they are all genuine and definitely not an illusion from Wangxianglou. You Sanniang borrowed the food from the burial area and deceived the outside world. However, the burial area In the area, I gave him a real one.

Ghost wine...

Forget about the wine, Jun Tianxia stretched out his fat hand: How can all the wine in the world be better than the Grade A white clouds? Even if the wine is yours, don't be stingy, just get a ten jars out and enjoy yourself...

Holy shit!

After being apart for more than a year, you have a special liking for my wine.

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and a hundred altars of white clouds were placed on the ground: I came today and I didn't bring any gifts. These Grade A white clouds are my tribute to your father!

Look at what you said, brother! Jun Tianxia rubbed his fat hands and was very touched: What is there in my burial area? Do I lack some secular gifts? I only care about your wine. You gave away three hundred jars of it. Such a generous gesture , my father will be beaming with joy!

Depend on!

Lin Su's eyes widened. Facing Jun Tianxia's innocent smiling face, he could only make up for two hundred altars, making up the total of three hundred altars!

Jun Tianxia really smiled, poured wine, and raised the wine bowl: Brother, how do you know that I am from the Burial Area? I remember that I only told you that I was from the Burial State, but I did not reveal the specific sect.

Lin Sudao: Do you still remember the coffin when you left that day? Isn't that obviously the boat of death? As soon as I stepped into the Huangquan River today and saw the boat of death, I thought of the coffin you had that day. , your identity is now revealed...Brother Yan, how is your situation?

Lin Su's topic turned to Yan Jiuding...

They left Yaochi that day in a hurry. The fundamental reason was that Yan Jiuding had something wrong with his body and had to return to Jun Tianxia's hometown as soon as possible to use the sect's secret method to treat him. Now that Yan Jiuding was standing in front of him alive, the crisis had obviously been resolved, but Lin Su still had to ask about the details...

Yan Jiuding was a little embarrassed by this question. After entering the burial area, his crisis was indeed resolved, and he also had an unexpected gain. He felt that his crow's mouth seemed to be getting better, and he occasionally made mistakes, but there was no harm. He felt a little more relaxed when he spoke out. For a weirdo who has been accustomed to speaking out disasters for a long time, this was simply the biggest gain in his life, especially when living in other people's homes. If it was still a disaster, It would be outrageous to say it from your mouth...

Lin Su was happy for him. Misfortunes come from his mouth, which is the biggest fetter in his life. If he can really control it freely, he will be completely free.

However, Jun Tianxia poured a bucket of cold water on his head: You think your problems are gone? Shit! Your problems have escalated! In the burial area, you couldn't express the characteristics of a crow's mouth. Do you think it's because you can control it freely? No! The fundamental reason is that the burial area is much more unlucky than you. The little bit of bad luck you have is nothing compared to the thousands of years of bad luck in my burial area!

Yan Jiuding's face suddenly turned pale.

Lin Su covered her forehead...

Are you showing off to Yan Jiuding the bad luck of your ancestors for eight generations?

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