Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 849 Lin Su enters the literary world

On the wall in front, there are countless names and introductions to countless achievements, but there is a whiteboard on it. Apparently there were writings and images on it originally, but now it is a whiteboard...

Luo Wuxin said, this person's name is Li Tianlei, a genius of the human race who was astonishingly talented and beautiful thousands of years ago. His name was left in Lingyan Pavilion.

However, this man made a terrible mistake and was removed from the temple.

If a person makes a mistake and is removed from the temple, how can he guide the literati to move forward if his name remains in Lingyan Pavilion? So his name was erased. It was precisely because of this incident that the Temple Elders issued the rule: to leave a name in Lingyan Pavilion, it must be after the person dies to avoid disputes.

This is called the conclusion can only be made after the coffin is closed!

Lin Su agreed with this!

Yes, it is not appropriate for a person to become a positive example before he is dead. If this guy starts messing around and overturns the car as soon as he becomes a positive example, there is no way to control the propaganda caliber. He can only stretch his legs and open his eyes. Only when he is shut down and nothing can happen again can he truly sum up his life's merits and demerits.

He nodded lightly: Lingyan Pavilion is a place that guides disciples towards the great road. It is no small matter to leave a name. This new rule is reasonable and of course...Brother Luo, what kind of big mistake did this Li Tianlei make?

This matter involves the Tianhe Tribulation, which is quite sensitive. Brother Lin, it's better not to inquire about it! Luo Wuxin said, Let's go up to the second floor and have a look!

Tianhe calamity!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. This was the second time he heard the word Tianhe Tribulation...

The first time was on the mountain of books...

Ming Wuyan told him that he came from the book The Tribulation of Tianhe...

Yasong, the saint of Shushan, told him that the Tianhe Tribulation was actually not a book...

With some doubts, Lin Su went up to the second floor of Lingyan Pavilion...

The second floor of Lingyan Pavilion is the Wen Gong Hall!

What is literary merit?

Only those who have truly made outstanding contributions to culture will be honored!

What kind of outstanding contribution?

Kudos to you for opening up the road to literature!

Kudos to you for writing the Temple Book!

Those who achieve immortal achievements will be rewarded!

Regardless of whether others are qualified to leave their names on this second floor, Lin Su is obviously qualified. However, it is impossible for him to find his name here because he is not dead yet!

Luo Wuxin seemed unwilling to look at the various records on both sides, and walked leisurely forward without squinting: Brother Lin joined the cabinet today, is he trying to break through the literary world?

Yes! Lin Su also said bluntly.

The world of literature is broken in Lingyan Pavilion. The power of the holy way is integrated into the world of literature. The power is naturally different. Brother Lin chose to enter the world in Lingyan Pavilion. It was unintentional. However, there is something that Brother Lin is not aware of. …”

Brother Luo, please speak! Lin Su said.

The entrance platform in Lingyan Pavilion is outside the third floor. If you want to enter the boundary platform, you must first put on the holy incense. Do you know this rule?

You will know now!

Since we know it now, this reminder is really necessary... Luo Wuxin smiled mysteriously: Brother Lin, do you know that there are only seventeen holy statues on the third floor?

Lin Su's heart suddenly jumped...

Luo Wuxin said: Brother Lin is a military strategist, but there is no statue of a military strategist on the holy pavilion. I don't know how to use Brother Lin's incense?

Up to Lingyan Pavilion!

The statue of the Soldier Saint has been removed!

This is what Luo Wuxin told Lin Su!

Lin Su's heart was already in turmoil, it was totally unpleasant...

The military palace was destroyed and the military strategist was gone. He thought this was the greatest insult to a generation of outstanding people. However, the insult was far more than that! In the Lingyan Pavilion, the most sacred place in the temple, there is no longer a statue of the Soldier Saint!

His Word is still there!

His people were eliminated in all directions!

Anyone who forges a new path for human civilization can leave his name in Lingyan Pavilion and shine for eternity. He can be a saint, endure eighty thousand black hairs, single-handedly sweep across the world, and create a billion-mile survival for mankind. A real hero in space! His holy statue was moved out of Lingyan Pavilion!

All kinds of thoughts flowed through his mind and turned into an ordinary sentence: How do ordinary people burn incense?

Luo Wuxin said: My ancestor has three sticks of incense, and his ancestor has one stick.

What is the ancestor?

Which Wenxin family you are from, you are the descendant of this lineage, you will give three sticks of incense to the saints of this lineage, and give one stick of incense to each of the saints of other sects.

This is the rules for ordinary people to use incense.

The temple has long been established.

However, this established practice has become a shackles for Lin Su.

He chose the Wen Xin of the Military Master. It is reasonable to offer three sticks of incense to the Soldier Saint and one stick to the other seventeen Saints. This is in line with tradition and rules. However, the statue of the Soldier Saint is gone!

How do you get on?

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: Brother Luo, if you and your brother were to change places, what would you do?

Luo Wuxin smiled and said: If I am Brother Lin, take seventeen sticks of incense, one for each saint!

Thank you, Brother Luo, for your advice! Lin Su bowed and walked towards the entrance of the third floor pavilion.

Luo Wuxin didn't follow him anymore, because he had already entered the third floor and gone through the process of burning incense. There was nothing wrong with him, so there was no reason to enter the third floor.

But his eyes followed Lin Su's back, thoughtfully.

A voice beside me sounded softly: Master, I really believe now that you are deliberately trying to win over him!

As Jun Yue's voice came, Jun Yue appeared beside Luo Wuxin.

This is the second floor. Jun Yue has obtained the status of the temple and can come here. However, she cannot enter the third floor.

Luo Wuxin smiled slightly: Did you hear good intentions in my suggestions?

Of course it's a good intention... Could it be... Could it be that the young master's move was not a good intention?

Luo Wuxin smiled and said: Good intentions are meaningless, because what he is facing today is a malice. No matter how he interprets this malice, it will only produce bad results!

Why? Jun Yue felt that his brain couldn't keep up with his thinking. Isn't it just for incense? How complex can it be? If there is a statue of the Soldier Saint, you should put three more incense sticks. If there is no Soldier Saint statue, the responsibility is not on you. You just treat all the saints equally and don't offend anyone. From this point of view, Luo Wuxin gave him The suggestions given are definitely rational suggestions and definitely not malicious.

But why did the person who made this suggestion interpret it as malicious?

She must admit that she is not a person who plays in the way of literature. Although she has been working hard on the way of wisdom, she is obviously not a real person in the way of wisdom. At least, she is separated from people of the level of wisdom and way like Luo Wuxin and Lin Su. Natural moat.

Before Lin Su reached the third floor.

In front of the third floor, there is a literary wall.

As soon as Lin Su arrived, his name was displayed on it. His name was green, which meant that he met the conditions for entering the third level.

There is also a gatekeeper on the third floor. The gatekeeper elder smiled slightly and said, Student Lin Su, do you want to enter the Holy Pavilion to offer incense?

Yes! Lin Su said: Three pillars of incense, thank you!

Three pillars? The elder gatekeeper was slightly surprised...


Luo Wuxin's expression changed slightly...

Obviously Lin Su's choice shocked him...

Seventeen Saints of Lingyan Pavilion, do you choose three pillars of incense?

Are you going to choose three over fourteen?

If you do this, you are seeking death!

Jun Yue's eyes were wide open and she had no idea what Lin Su was going to do...

Lin Su didn't pay attention to the looks of everyone, took the three sticks of incense handed over by the elder, and strolled up...

Lingyan Pavilion, seventeen holy statues!

The middle one is Confucian sage, followed in order by Taoism, Dharma, Mohism, Yue, Yin and Yang, painting, wisdom, Za, chess, agriculture, calligraphy, Zongheng, medicine...

Every saint is kind-hearted, gentle and elegant...

The light of the Holy Path hovered between their brows, and the whole pavilion was extremely transparent and holy...

Lin Su strode forward, one step, two steps, three steps...

He raised his hand, and a stick of incense burned in the wind: A stick of incense, to worship the heaven!


Insert the incense into the middle of the high platform!

The second pillar of incense comes out...

Two sticks of incense, respect the ground!

Three pillars of incense! Respect!

Three incense burn together...

Lin Su bowed deeply!

Outside the pavilion, Luo Wuxin frowned suddenly...

The elder gatekeeper frowned...

Jun Yue's eyes lit up: Master, he...has he solved the problem? I think there is nothing wrong with the incense he put on!

Luo Wuxin slowly opened his eyes: Not only is there nothing wrong? This is the only solution to this problem. Lin Su is so watertight...

Sir, please tell me what is so difficult about this problem...

Luo Wuxin explained, and the confusion in Jun Yue's eyes slowly dissipated. She finally understood the difficulty of this problem...

This is a tough question to make!

There are seventeen saints in the Holy Pavilion, but among them there is no saint from Lin Su's family.

Suggesting incense under such circumstances is a paradox that cannot be done no matter what.

The prevailing rule in the temple is: the ancestor of the family puts up three sticks of incense and the other ancestors one stick, which embodies the principle of respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao. The former respects the teacher and the latter respects the Tao.

However, Lin Su's ancestor is gone, so this rule doesn't work.

Luo Wuxin gave Lin Su a suggestion. Since the ancestor of our family is gone, you should offer a stick of incense to each of the other ancestors and treat them equally. This suggestion seems reasonable at first sight, but as long as you implement it, you will fall into another trap: you give other ancestors an incense stick each, which seems fair and no one can offend you, but your own ancestors have no incense. , is your own ancestor fair?

yes! Your ancestor isn't here anyway, so he can't express his opinions if he has any, but what would you think? Don’t you have any regrets in your heart? No shadow? No dissatisfaction? If you show this dissatisfaction, you are rebelling against the Temple, and you are looking for death! If you don't show it, the seeds of shadow, dissatisfaction, anger, and suspicion will accumulate in your heart, which will also affect your literary mind. If your literary mind is not clear, you can never hope to enter the literary world!

That's why Luo Wuxin said this was out of malice!

It can only bear evil consequences!

This malice was not caused by Luo Wuxin, not by Lin Su, but by the temple!

The removal of the statue of the Soldier Saint from the temple has left all those with a military heart without a psychological belonging. They will have inner demons when they step into Lingyan Pavilion. This is essentially an abandonment of the art of war.

The top is locked and the bottom is walking according to the baton. It is not without reason that people in the world despise the military path. If you choose this path, you will be restricted in all aspects.

Entering the literary world in Lingyan Pavilion, the constraints on military skills are just one of them!

It's complicated to say.

But faced with this complicated situation and the incense-burning process that was wrong no matter what he did, Lin Su made a change...

He is not obsessed with any particular saint...

He had three sticks of incense, one to heaven, two to earth, and three to Tao!

The way of heaven is originally above the holy way, so it is natural to respect heaven first.

Heaven is the father and the earth is the mother. There is nothing wrong with respecting the earth after worshiping the sky.

And respecting the way is truly mysterious...

He respects the truth!

It doesn’t refer to any one in particular!

He completely ignored the difference between Tao and Tao. He highly conceptualized Tao, ignored all the representatives of each Tao, ignored the individual labels of these people, and respected the common Holy Tao!

This fragrance does not respect people, it only respects Tao!

Right and wrong!

After finishing the three pillars of incense, Lin Su walked towards the side door before passing through the statues of saints. An ancient side door opened and closed silently behind him. Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened up, and he felt that he was no longer in the world...

This is a triangular platform. Outside the platform, fairy mist is lingering...

There is no human voice, no human form in sight, no fragrance of flowers and birds, no fragrance of ink from classics, there is only a lonely triangular platform, with its back against the holy wall, facing the void, and not knowing the way forward.

This is the entrance platform!

In the literary world, it varies from person to person and there is no fixed template!

What kind of person you are will determine what kind of world you have!

The only thing that the Holy Path can support you is the three feet of foundation under your feet, and the thousands of rules of the Holy Path behind you...

Lin Su sat cross-legged and closed her eyes...

Lingyan Pavilion is three thousand miles away to the east...

A small black pavilion stands on the blue waves. It seems to be only a square inch, but there is another cave inside the pavilion.

On the top of the pavilion, a young man in black looked at the sea of ​​clouds. There were waves in his eyes. It seemed that the sea of ​​ink outside moved his pupils, or it was his pupils that dominated the sea of ​​ink.

Behind him, an open ancient book was fluttering gently in the wind...

It is a very quiet and peaceful scene...

Suddenly, ink light appeared in the book, and a figure came out of the book and bowed: Master, we have found out the news about Lin Su.

Come on! The young man in black spoke, his voice old and stretched.

He was the Hei Lao whom Lin Su had met once before, and the figure that came out of the book was Ye Wushuang who appeared at Lin Su's initiation ceremony.

He just entered Lingyan Pavilion, and the process of offering incense is quite interesting...

Ye Wushuang finished speaking...

Mr. Hei sighed: It's hard for him!

Four words, full of emotion and relief.

Master, with these three sticks of incense, my disciple has understood his difficulties and his on-the-spot reaction ability. I wonder if there are some hidden things that my disciple cannot decipher for the moment. I would like to ask Master for enlightenment!

Hei Lao said: I have interpreted something else for my teacher, but I don't know if it is really his original intention! Let's go to Lingyan Pavilion, and when he comes out of the pavilion, ask Mo Pavilion to talk to him in person!

Yes! Ye Wushuang's figure disappeared and merged into the pages of the book. The pages turned in the wind and then slowly stopped.

Lingyan Pavilion, the entrance platform!

Lin Su sat here all day and all night!

Finally, he had straightened out everything about the literary world, and his literary heart, literary mountain, literary world, and literary roots had all been fully understood...

A silver light flashed between his eyebrows...


Silently, the nine-petal green lotus flew out at the same time, forming a huge green lotus that stretched between heaven and earth.


A high peak rises from the ground, with a flock of green orioles flying above, and the green orioles landing on the peak. The first poem Die Lian Hua appeared on the giant peak! The beginning of Ci poetry, the beginning of Ci poetry!

Rainbows filled the sky, and more than a dozen of the Ci cards he created flew out one after another, transforming into various mountain scenery, including buildings, pavilions, water, bridges, and the bright moon!

The second peak rises from the ground, interpreting the wonderful scenery of the West Lake. There are people with boats, towers and broken bridges. Two giant snakes rise through the sky. Three big characters The Legend of the White Snake are written in the void. This is the peak of his novel.

The two avenues turned into two peaks.

Beneath the peak, there are thousands of miles of fields, which is the result of his farming achievement Essential Techniques for Elevating the People.

On the side of the countryside, there are small bridges and flowing water with people's houses, this is the embodiment of his poetry.

The boundless beautiful scenery is shocked and blended together, interpreting the essence of painting, which is embodied in his One Painting Theory.

Outside Gaofeng Tianyuan, a Bagua picture suddenly appeared, which was transformed by his Yin and Yang Dao.

Outside the Bagua diagram, there is a fortified city surrounded on all sides, which is the result of his ink magic.

On the city wall, military flags are displayed, and countless military formations have become the most powerful guardians in this area. This is the result of his military skills.

The breeze blows, and wonderful music floats. This is the embodiment of his music.

At this point, everything he carved on the nine-sided literary world has turned into an image in his literary world and become an integral part of his literary world.

Delimitation! Lin Su spit out two words!

There was a bang on the ground and a thunder in the sky...

A ray of holy light tore open the sky, interpreting the various wonderful realms of literature and art. The golden light poured into his literary world like running water. The literary world was full of golden color. His literary energy quickly transformed into golden world energy. Lin Su successfully broke through Enter the literary world!

And it’s not an ordinary literary world!

The world of literature and art!

The holy light filled his body for a full two hours. Lin Su was like a golden Buddha sitting upright in the golden light, and even the tips of his hair showed the color of gold.

Finally, the holy light disappeared completely. Lin Su slowly opened his eyes and looked quietly at the literary world he had created. Even though he had been favored and humiliated in his heart, even though everything in the secular world was rarely irritating to him, but , he was still excited.

Is this literary world too strong?

In one thought, all war poems can be activated simultaneously, including Man Jiang Hong, including Broken Array, a level of ancient poetry that has been handed down from generation to generation!

In one thought, all words can be turned into enemy-killing blades!

In one thought, Swordsman can become a war song, harvesting the lives of enemies!

In one thought, the military formation can be encircled, and the thirty-six strategies can be used as you wish!

What's even more incredible is that Lin Su has set up a peerless killing array in this world of literature and art!

A group project that originally required thirty-six people to play, in this literary world, he can play alone!

However, considering that the essence of the formation is to rely on the power of heaven and earth, in his literary world, he can only rely on his own power. However, his own power covers the three realms. How can it be imagined by ordinary people to form a combined force? ?

Preliminary estimates indicate that the power of the peerless killing array in his body may not be able to kill anyone in the second level of Killing Source Heaven, but it is definitely possible to kill someone in the first level of Source Heaven!

He has grown to the point where he can directly compete with the masters of the Origin Heaven Realm.

This surprise and this sense of security made Lin Su quite excited.

There was another level, and Lin Su was even more excited...

That is the most powerful and unparalleled thing about the Bo world. Unlike the general literary world, it cannot be upgraded once it is finalized. The Bo world can be upgraded, but how?

As long as you continue to make breakthroughs in the arts, every achievement you create can eventually be projected in the arts, liberal arts, and e-commerce world and turn into momentum for the upgrading of the e-commerce world.

At present, the Bo world integrates the nine paths.

However, he can integrate all literary arts...

Literary ethics is respected!

Lin Su understands a little bit!

Wen Dao is really powerful. In the realm of Wen Dao, Wen Dao is just the same as Xiangtianfadi, but its plasticity and its actual power...


Lin Su blinked his eyes, and the literary world disappeared. He slowly stood up, stepped out of the entrance platform, walked through Lingyan Pavilion again, and descended the eighty-one steps step by step.

Outside Lingyan Pavilion, there was no Luo Wuxin, and not many people paid attention.

Because of the boundary breaking on his entrance stage, the outside world will not be alarmed. This is the protection rule set by the temple. This is also the source of the mystery of Lingyan Pavilion's entrance.

However, he still saw one person, a person who made a particularly deep impression.

Brother Ye! Lin Su smiled when facing Ye Wushuang.

Brother Lin, I made a special trip to invite Brother Lin to the Mo Pavilion for a chat! Ye Wushuang bowed with a scholar's salute.

Lin Su said with a smile: When I came to the temple this time, I originally had a plan to go to Mo Pavilion. How dare I bother Brother Ye to greet me personally?

Ye Wushuang smiled: If you have plans, that's fine. Brother Lin, please!


With a chirping sound, the two of them cut through the sky and shot towards the east...

Entering the Mo Pavilion, first cross the Mo Sea.

The Mo Sea cannot be crossed by ordinary people, but Ye Wushuang is naturally not an ordinary person. The two of them flew directly against the sea. Lin Su lowered his eyes and saw a chessboard below. On the chessboard, black and white were vertical and horizontal. This was an endgame. To be honest, , Lin Su's chess skills are mediocre, so he can't see which side has the upper hand. He only knows that the black and white chess game is in a stalemate and should be in a stalemate.

The sea of ​​ink is originally blue waves, but under the black and white chessboard, there are clear distinctions, with white water on the left and black water on the right.

The underwater undercurrent is stirring...

That side is the Bai Pavilion! Ye Wushuang said: This side is the Mo Pavilion!

The black and white pavilions occupy a total of one sea, with the white sea on the left and the ink sea on the right.

The side of the ink sea is not depressing, with red flowers and green trees, a myriad of scenery, countless pavilions, countless disciples, countless rare birds and animals, and countless pastoral scenery.

Lin Su had a deep suspicion in his heart, but he was not particularly familiar with Ye Wushuang and was embarrassed to mention it.

This suspicion comes from something Hei Lao once said.

Hei Lao said: I am the only one in Mo Pavilion. You will know when you arrive!

Is this one person?

There are more than ten thousand people!

What does Hei Lao mean?

Soon, Ye Wushuang took him straight to the top of the highest pavilion. Lin Su gathered all his attention to face a heavyweight in his temple: Mr. Hei.

Master! Ye Wushuang bowed deeply: Lin Changxing has been brought here, disciple, please leave!

The voice fell and the figure disappeared. Before the case, the old black man Lin Su had seen before gently raised his hand and closed the book he was reading. He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Su, his smile slowly blooming...

Lin Su took a step forward: See Mr. Hei!

Master Lin, are you okay?

With the protection of Mr. Hei, students can move forward step by step! Lin Su said.

It is the duty of an old man to do what you must do and protect those who must be protected! Hei Lao waved his hand gently: Sit down!

A stool appeared out of thin air and was placed under Lin Su.

Thanks for sitting down!

Hei Lao said: Tea or wine?

Lin Su held hands together and handed a small bag to Mr. Hei: This is the Lin family's top Baiyunbian. I wanted to offer it to my seniors that day, but was unable to do so. I made a special trip to offer it today. I also want to express my gratitude to my colleagues with this hometown wine!


Hei Lao drank a cup of white clouds in one gulp, drank the second cup of white clouds in one gulp, and stopped at the mouth of the third cup of white clouds: I told you that day, I was the only one in Mo Pavilion, and today you Are you a little confused when you see tens of thousands of people?

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