Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 865: War in all directions, running thousands of miles away

Bai Xiong is also a battle-hardened commander. He also knows the power of the Cangshan Legion. There are nearly a hundred Cangshan Legions, but only three legions are the most powerful. The Cangshan Legion ranks first, the Feilong Legion comes second, and the Blood Rain Legion ranks third!

They are far away in the north and have fought against the Flying Dragon Legion the most. They are already well aware of the terror of the Flying Dragon Legion. Facing the Cangshan Legion that ranks above them, how dare they underestimate the enemy?

Only by attacking Ningzhou City as soon as possible, holding the city and waiting for the remaining nine armies to land, can the Cangshan Army take advantage of it...

However, just as the army was attacking the city, countless great scholars took off from Lingnan University!

A great scholar came to the front of the battle between the two armies, but it was Li Zhou, a newly promoted scholar in Lingnan University. A piece of paper flew out of Li Zhou's hand, and a maze suddenly appeared in front of them, with seemingly endless mountains and rivers...

Another great Confucian waved his hand, and the black and white chess pieces rose into the air, turning into giant peaks and crashing into the army. He was Rao Yi, the dean of Lingnan University...


The black and white chess pieces were smashed into pieces before the military formation...

The Daru sniper war has begun...

The Cangshan Army behind them advanced in full force, demonstrating a supreme killing power.

Outside Ningzhou City, the sound of killings was loud, and the fighting suddenly became intense.

The military flag points horizontally, the white bear roars, the great Confucian takes to the sky, the arts of literature, martial arts, and spiritual practice are in full swing on this side of the South China Sea...

The first one to start was Qi Yao!

She fell from the void and rushed straight into the enemy formation. A military flag carried the strength of three hundred people and attacked Qi Yao. Qi Yao refused to evade and accelerated suddenly. The flag hit her, but the red light on her body suddenly shook, like A bloody lotus bloomed in full bloom. As soon as the blood lotus opened, the military formation of 300 people turned into blood mist. Qi Yao took one step into the air and turned into a red stream of light approaching the Chinese army flag.

Bai Xiong's heart was shaking wildly. He pointed the flag and directed the power of the seven-level military formation that destroyed the world directly at Qi Yao. This blow combined the power of 30,000 people.

Qi Yao suddenly spun to avoid the sharp edge. The next moment she seemed to have crossed the realm of time and space, coming from the flank. More than a dozen high-ranking generals were shocked and all took action. However, Qi Yao was like a demon possessed and passed through. More than a dozen generals exploded, and she had arrived in front of the white bear.

The flag in Bai Xiong's hand rolled horizontally, and Qi Yao punched out!


The flag flies upside down!

Qi Yao was also knocked back a hundred feet away!

The next moment, Qi Yao's loud shout came from the air!

Kill! A spinning fist was like a volcano erupting, punching through two military formations and hitting the white bear's chest. The white bear exploded!

Only half a quarter of an hour into the war, Nanwang Princess Qi Yao performed her legendary feat of killing the enemy chief among a hundred thousand troops and beheaded the White Bear Army with her personal combat power!

Once the White Bear dies, the White Bear Legion loses all confidence!

The courage of Daru's team was inspired, and Qi Yao's combat power was fully unleashed, from north to south!

On the south side, the Cangshan Army was also at full strength, moving from south to north.

The White Bear Legion caught in the middle was leaderless, out of formation, and in dire straits.

An hour passed, and the two teams merged, with no White Bear Legion troops in between.

Under the city of Ningzhou, there were corpses all over the place. The White Bear Legion, which had traveled across the ocean after untold hardships, and crossed the East China Sea blockade by sheer luck, was completely wiped out by the Cangshan Legion, who was just waiting for work.

Rao Yi and Li Zhou fell from the air and landed in front of Qi Dong. Qi Dong did not raise his head. He was holding a piece of armor and frowning deeply.

Master Hou, what's abnormal? Rao Yi said.

This is not the strength that Osumi's armor should have, and their weapons should not be so powerful! Qi Dong slowly raised his head: Beihai Dragon Palace not only serves as their troop transport ship, but also strengthens their armor and weapons. They Our combat power has at least quadrupled! Commander Lin Zheng needs to be notified immediately about this matter!

Everyone was shocked.

The soldiers of Osumi were already strong, but now with the help of Beihai Dragon Palace, their armor and weapons have been strengthened, and their combat effectiveness has quadrupled. An army of 100,000 is comparable to an army of 300,000. Even though they were destroyed by the Cangshan Army, the Cangshan Army What legion is it? It is the number one legion in the entire land!

And he was well prepared.

Even so, thousands of people were still killed in this battle.

Lin Zheng's fighting strength is far inferior to that of the Cangshan Army. Today's battle is dangerous!

A piece of military information from Qi Dong reached Lin Zheng, and Lin Zheng's heart suddenly jumped in Sao Feng City...

At this moment, a large army appeared in front, and a fierce battle was about to break out...

This battle far exceeded Lin Zheng's expectations...

He had been fighting against the demonic army for ten years at Bloody Rain Pass, but he had never encountered such a fierce battle...

The enemy's individual combat power is stronger than our own.

The enemy's armor cannot be damaged by martial arts.

The enemy's weapons are extremely lethal.

Lin Zheng used Lin Su's Zhan Qing Ci to get some results. He used his peerless military skills to achieve a level of balance. The battle losses of both sides were almost the same. The forwards were gone, the middle army was crippled, and the rear army was crippled. In the army, the rear army was crippled, and Lin Zheng personally fought. A bloody battle lasted for a whole day and night, and Sao Feng City was completely crippled. Finally, thirteen secret guards who were in the realm of heaven and earth broke into the enemy army. At the cost of the lives of eight secret guards, the opponent's flag was cut off and the opponent's military formation was completely destroyed.

Everyone left in Sao Feng City mobilized their troops. Lin Zheng chanted Man Jiang Hong for the last time, concentrated all his skills, and killed the opponent's commander with one sword. The war ended here.

The 100,000-strong Da Yu army that stormed Sao Feng City was completely wiped out, and not much of the 150,000-strong army led by Lin Zheng was left.

Just after taking a breath, Lin Zheng received a piece of bad news: Dongyang City has been lost. One hundred thousand enemy troops have broken through the blockade and are approaching the capital of Luzhou. No one can stop this army along the way. Luzhou and half of the state have fallen. …

Southeast Army Corps, gather in full force, hunt down! Lin Zheng issued the command.

However, everyone knows that it is extremely difficult to completely annihilate this cross-border army.

They have crossed the blockade. You chase from behind, but there is no one guarding the front. They can drive straight into the hinterland of Da Cang. Every day, Da Cang will pay an unimaginable price...

The battle report reaches the capital...

Beijing is in a state of shock...

Ji Guang snapped the case and stood up: Central Legion, Wuyuan is stopping the enemy!

The central legion and Wuyuan block the enemy. This is the only response plan, because the mobilization of the legion takes time. If the blocking point is set too far forward, the enemy may have already crossed the blockade by the time you gather together. Wire.

Because of this, this response plan has a huge drawback, that is, when this imperial edict was issued, it was pronounced that the entire Luzhou would fall.

When Lin Zheng received this order, his heart was on fire, and a message went directly to Lin Su.

When Lin Su received the news, he had flown over seven thousand miles and was very close to the capital.

When he heard the news from his elder brother, his heart skipped a beat: Dongyang City was not defended? Why?

The enemy has received help from Beihai Dragon Palace. Their armor and weapons have been fully strengthened. It was my lack of consideration...

Beihai Dragon Palace! Lin Su gritted his teeth: Don't say anything in front of me. Follow your plan and chase me from behind. I'm still three thousand miles away from Luzhou City. Leave Luzhou City's defense line to me!

Leave it to you, you alone... Lin Zheng shouted, and the communication was interrupted!

Lin Su turned to the southwest, and his speed doubled!

This big change happened on the first day of October.

His and Ji Guang's design was not imprudent. It can even be said that under certain circumstances, they have achieved the optimal solution. However, this optimal solution has a prerequisite - under certain circumstances!

It's far from foolproof.

Because there is no way to be foolproof.

The enemy comes across the sea, and there are landing points everywhere in the sea of ​​100,000 miles. No one can accurately capture all the landing points.

The most terrible thing is that they plan in advance and must be secretive.

Once the large army is mobilized, the traitors will smell something abnormal and spread the news to the outside world, and the entire plan will be aborted.

Therefore, no matter how careful Lin Su and Ji Guang's design is, there will inevitably be loopholes.

Now the loophole is indeed out...

First, the East China Sea Dragon Palace failed to block all routes and missed three teams. They have done a good job. In the vast sea, the dragon boats of Beihai Dragon Palace are like a drop of water flowing into the vast ocean. Finding them is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. It is impossible to block even one. They just blocked seven. And they also completed the destruction, directly killing 70% of the million-strong army. Can you say that they were not dedicated?

Secondly, Beihai Dragon Palace strengthened the armor and weapons of the army, quadrupling the army's combat power.

Lin Su really didn't expect this move.


Because arming the human army with the Dragon Palace's heritage is a direct act of participating in the war! This was a big taboo for foreigners. He didn't expect that the North Sea Dragon Palace would create a formidable enemy on land at the point of close combat with the East China Sea Dragon Palace! Under normal logic, when two sea tribes confront each other, they should try their best not to create foreign enemies, and transport troops as secretively as possible. This is the limit of the Beihai Dragon Palace. Directly arming Osumi's army, but it is a completely different battle with Da Cang!

Whether you thought about it or not, whether there were loopholes or not, it is now a foregone conclusion.

The foregone conclusion is: the last Osumi army has crossed the border and entered the hinterland of Da Cang, causing killings every moment...

Lin Su traveled thousands of miles just to cut off this devil's claw...

However, he seems to have overlooked one thing, he is only one person!

On the opposite side, there is an army of 100,000 men!

Moreover, after the Beihai Dragon Palace was fully armed, Dongyang City's 100,000-strong army could not stop the 100,000-strong army for half a day!

In Luzhou City, the prefect Wang Hongru stood at the head of the city, his toes a little numb.

He looked at a black line on the horizon, with three long beards dancing wildly in the wind.

In everyone's opinion, he is a man of letters. Why? If you look at the banner hanging in his living room, you will know that the magistrate of Zhizhou wrote such a poem in his own hand: Use the pen as the edge to open up the troubled times, and use the paper as the plate to paint the mountains and rivers.

His paper and pen are all sharp tools, how can he not show his dignity?

However, today, when he saw the front of the 100,000-strong army pointing at him, he was still fighting with his arms and legs. He felt that the wind was cold, his brain was empty, and his eyes were dark...

Those who have not experienced it personally cannot feel the sense of oppression and despair brought by the hundreds of thousands of troops rushing all the way.

Sir, there is no way to resist this, surrender! the governor next to him said softly.

Surrender? Your Majesty's side... Wang Hongru only said a few words.

The governor said: The Master of the State Council has said that after this incident, a new dynasty should be established.

Establishing a new dynasty again? Wang Hongru's heart jumped.

The adults have said that your majesty has changed the military and violated the law, which is against the teachings of our ancestors. He disrespects literature and his colleagues. How can he be a king? It is a foregone conclusion that the sky is full of war...

Exactly, sir! said Sima next to him: Not to mention such distant things, just based on the current situation, there is no choice at all. Didn't Dongyang City also fight to the death? A hundred thousand troops simply couldn't Unable to block the opponent's troops, they lost their lives in vain. Seeing that the lives of the people in the city were hanging upside down, Lord Hedong, the former city guard, made a prompt decision, led his troops to seize the city, and surrendered the city, thus saving millions of people in the city. The Ten Thousand People Umbrella has been made and given to the city guard. Thirty of the city's most important Confucians have jointly signed a petition to congratulate the Lord. The Holy Doctrine says: The people are noble and the king is despised. Surrendering for the sake of the people is not only in line with the people's sentiments but also in line with the public opinion. Holy Path.”

To surrender for the sake of the people, it is in line with the people's sentiments and the will of the people, and it is in line with the holy way... Wang Hongru's three long beards trembled slightly, and he took a deep breath: In that case, then this state will...

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and a man landed in front of Wang Hongru. He pointed the long knife directly at Wang Hongru and shouted: Master Zhizhou, what do you want to do?

How presumptuous! Jin Jichang, you, a little city guard general, dare to offend someone above me and point a sharp knife at Lord Zhizhou. Do you want to rebel?

Jin Jichang was furious: You guys, so-called parents, actually want to attack the city and surrender when the enemy is approaching? I, the general, will first get rid of the traitors, and then fight against the foreign enemies! Someone...

With an angry roar, more than ten people behind him stood up, but there were only about ten people...

More people stood still...

Jin Jichang's face suddenly sank: You...

Wang Hongru held his hands together and held the official seal of Zhizhou in his hand: Here comes Jin Jichang, the defender of Luzhou City. The following are the ones who commit the crime. Take it down!

The golden light of the official seal flashed, and Jin Jichang was tightly bound by thousands of gold threads. He was unable to move immediately. His purple face turned red: Wang Hongru, do you dare to treason? His Majesty will definitely destroy your nine tribes! His Highness King Wen will also make you miserable. die!

Haha, His Highness King Wen! Where is he? Wang Hongru laughed loudly: Come here, prepare to open the city!

Thief, thief... Jin Jichang yelled.


A loud slap hit Jin Jichang's face hard, and his teeth flew out eight feet away, but it was his lieutenant who struck...

The Osumi Cavalry is already close at hand...

The whole city of Luzhou was in chaos...

In a restaurant, countless figures flew through the air, went straight to the top of the building, and looked at the Osumi Cavalry getting closer and closer...

Among them was a woman, as elegant as spring rain, standing on the roof of the building, frowning slightly...

This girl, the city is about to be destroyed, and human life is not as good as grass. How about she follow Xiao Ke back home? Xiao Ke is from a Luzhou family. As long as you offer some money, you can get a piece of pure land and save the girl's life. How about that?

The beauty in the sky lowered her head indifferently and stared at the scholar who was shaking a fan in the attic. She suddenly felt that the scholar's fan was so disgusting.

If the city is destroyed, if you offer some money, you will get a piece of pure land. If everyone is like you, won't the army of the great army march straight in?

With a shout, a figure came from afar and landed on the attic...

Everyone, the governor has decided to surrender the city. This is not a place to stay for a long time. We need to leave immediately to avoid disaster!

Let's go! With a whoosh, all the people on the roof flew away, flying to the west, away from the battlefield.

The beauty opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything yet. The charlatan who was so arrogant in the restaurant just now ran away...

The scribe closed his folding fan and said, Girl, did you see it? Master Zhizhou is a man who knows the current affairs. He has already made a decision. The girl should also know the current affairs. How about going home with Xiao Ke?

The beauty sighed, stretched out her long sleeves, and suddenly there was mist and mist above the attic!

With a bang, the attic was torn apart!

Silently, the scribe and the three bodyguards around him were caught up in the tidal mist and disappeared.

But her eyes fell on the battlefield, and when she saw the overwhelming flags and the sweeping general trend, she sighed softly...


The blue-armored army with White Bear riding on it has arrived three miles away!


The bloody murderous aura carried by the Qingjia Legion has invaded the entire city!

With a rumble, the soldiers have arrived outside the city gate, and the moat seems to be tightly shrouded in the overwhelming northern winter...

The leader of the Qingjia Legion raised the flag in his hand and pointed it directly at the city head: Open the city and offer surrender. Anyone who dares to refuse will be killed without mercy!

The whole city is in chaos...

Wang Hongru adjusted his clothes and bowed deeply: Commander, I am Wang Hongru, the magistrate of Luzhou. I know very well that the people are the most precious and the king is the least important. As long as the general agrees to one condition of this state, I am willing to open the city and surrender!

In Luzhou City, there was a lot of noise...

The Qingjia Marshal outside the city laughed loudly: Mention!

When the commander enters the city, he must treat the people well and not kill innocent people indiscriminately, which will harm the peace of the world!

Alright! The words Commander Qing Jia resounded throughout the world.

Thank you, Marshal! Wang Hongru bowed again: Kaicheng!

After giving instructions to Kaicheng, countless soldiers roared in unison...

No opening of the city!

The enemy invaded and surrendered the city without fighting. It's shameless!

Who dares to open the city? Step over me! With a bang, a man fell from the top of the city. The solid bluestone road was trampled in half by him. He pointed a big knife directly at the soldiers who were preparing to open the city.

Countless soldiers gathered around him, and civil strife in the city was about to break out in the blink of an eye.

The figure in the sky flashed, and more than ten great scholars landed on the city head at the same time...

The person at the front had a trembling white beard and pointed at Wang Hongru: Master Zhizhou, you are also a scholar, and you claim to be a man of character. Are you worthy of speaking of character when you surrender to the enemy in the face of the enemy today?

Li Daru! You should know that the people are the most precious and the king is the least important. We, the scholars... Sima stepped forward.

Shut up! Li Daru roared angrily: It's because of you and these people who are greedy for life and afraid of death that the bloody nature of my Da Cang scholar has become a joke! Whoever dares to surrender today, please step over my corpse!

This was like the roar of an old ape crying for blood, which shocked the whole city.

Exactly! If you dare to betray the country and act as a swindler, His Highness King Wen will definitely kill you to sacrifice the flag!

Haha, His Highness King Wen? Wang Hongru looked up to the sky and smiled: It's a pity that His Highness King Wen is not here. Otherwise, this state can have an argument with him. Let's see if he uses his reputation to win over the public, or does this state follow the heaven and obey the people!

Li Daru was so angry that his beard trembled...

It's not that he can't argue, the point is, this is not the time for debate at all...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky: Who said that this king is not here?

As soon as the voice fell, the sky was like a shooting star, and a figure in white streaked across the sky at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, broke through the clouds with a chirp, and appeared at the top of Luzhou City...

Wang Hongru raised his eyes and his whole body was shaken: Wen...King Wen...

The Sima, the governor, and all the high-ranking officials around him were all shocked...

Li Daru suddenly raised his head: His Royal Highness King Wen!

A shout came from nowhere in the city: His Royal Highness King Wen is here, we are saved...

King Wen...

King Wen... He shouted like weeping...

With a bang, the whole body of the city guard general Jin Jichang, who had been imprisoned in the dark room, was shaken. He exerted force suddenly, and the iron chains on his body were shattered. He rushed up, crashed through the dark room, and landed on the roof. He didn't even say a word. The blood suddenly flowed across his half-blooded face.

Because he saw that figure in white!

From then on, thousands of armies avoided the white-robed God of War!

The beautiful woman on the top of the distant restaurant suddenly glanced here, her little mouth opened slightly, and her calm and moon-like expression just now completely changed, becoming like spring wine...

King Wen? Lin Su? The green-armored commander below locked his stern eyes on the figure at the top of the city.

Exactly! Lin Su said.

You actually showed up, I'm so lucky! Marshal Qingjia laughed.

Blessed? Lin Su said.

The so-called white-robed God of War, who is said to be avoided by thousands of armies, will be wiped out in ashes under my command today!

Ha ha……

Lin Su looked up to the sky and laughed, and the laughter spread throughout the city: Since you know that this king is the white-robed God of War who killed your millions of troops in Dayu, how dare you say such arrogant words?

There is a white-robed God of War on the battlefield because of your art of war. Every soldier has his own method! Do you have soldiers today?

One hundred thousand troops laughed wildly together...

Yes, the white-robed God of War is the God of War on the battlefield and the God of the Art of War. If you don’t even have soldiers, how can you talk about the God of War?

Suddenly, a voice came: Who said King Wen has no soldiers? He is the last general!

With a bang, Jin Jichang rose into the air and landed behind Lin Su.

Who said King Wen has no soldiers? So does this old man! Li Daru stood up and came behind him.

Who said that King Wen has no soldiers? I am the Eighteen Sus of Black Mountain! With a swish, eighteen men from all walks of life came from nowhere and appeared behind him.

Who says that King Wen has no soldiers? I have all the people in the city! A loud shout rang out from the city, and hundreds of men ran from the city holding hoes and kitchen knives. Behind them, more and more people came, sweeping across the city...

On top of the city, countless people gathered in a moment...

Wang Hongru's expression changed...

Marshal Qingjia laughed loudly: Haha, little Lin Su, your troops today are really amazing. They are actually a whole city of people. Then you will lead a group of mud-legged people behind you to have a life-and-death showdown with this commander. ?”

Lin Su raised his eyes: Even if they are just ordinary people in Da Cang, I can still destroy your invading enemy!

Formation! Commander Qingjia waved his hand violently, and hundreds of huge military flags behind him were raised at the same time. On top of the military flags, blood flowed, and thousands of troops instantly formed a huge military formation.

Li Daru's expression changed...

The expressions of the group of people behind him all changed...

In the distant sky, another group of cultivators flew in quickly, but seeing such a terrifying huge military formation, some people hesitated...

In the strong wind, Lin Su faced the huge military formation of one hundred thousand troops, but he let out a long laugh: The 'Thirty-Six Stratagems' - 'Go up to the house and take out the ladder'! Pull out its roots, cut off its momentum, and break its formation!

A golden light suddenly shot out from between his eyebrows, covering hundreds of military flags on the opponent's side. (End of chapter)

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