Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 902 Entering the Prince's Mansion of the Red Kingdom

Huai'an, the capital of the Red Kingdom.

The lanterns are on.

There are still many pedestrians on the street, including dignitaries strolling along the river embankment, as well as hustling traffickers.

The climate in Chi Country is three points warmer than that in Da Cang. Although it is only the end of the first lunar month, it is completely different from the scene in Osumi in the North. Osumi in the North is covered in ice and snow for thousands of miles, but here, there are already early spring jasmine flowers blooming. The two sides of the Lanhe River in Beijing were intoxicated with a passionate night.

The location of the East Palace is really good. It is located between the Royal Palace and Lanhe River. It has the protection of the Royal Palace and also has a semi-garden style.

Prince Yan Jian was sitting in Lan Pavilion. Beside him was a beautiful woman and a middle-aged scribe.

The beautiful woman is his princess, and the middle-aged scribe is his think tank. This person's surname is Gou, and most people call him Mr. Gou. People around the second prince call him the dog-headed military advisor.

That is of course an insulting title.

Why do the people on the Second Prince's side hate him so much? It must be said that being a counselor can make people in the other camp hate you. It is truly a great skill. Why should someone with no skill be hated? If he were a fool, people in the second prince's camp would be extremely fond of him.

He is not a straw bag, he is a real think tank. Behind the second prince stands Wenxin Pavilion. The people in Wenxin Pavilion are the most insidious people in the world. They can protect His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's integrity and advance and retreat in the face of Wenxin Pavilion's attacks. Is this an ordinary role?

The situation became increasingly tense, and the prince's reliance on Mr. Gou became more and more important.

Even though it was night, he was still with Mr. Gou in the high pavilion.

Sir, it turns out that in the face of extremely complex court games, resourcefulness is more useful. Did we make a mistake in choosing the Fire Tribe back then?

A ruler is short, an inch is strong. One side is famous for its combat power, and the other side is world-famous for its wisdom. It is indeed difficult to choose because each has its own strengths. But Your Highness, competing for the throne is not just about focusing on the two forces. When making a choice, you also need to have a strong sense of the general trend, Mr. Gou said.

The general trend? What is the general trend? The prince's two slender eyes narrowed.

Mr. Gou said: The general trend also varies from person to person. From His Highness's perspective, the general trend is...the Holy Will!

Holy will, father's will... The prince pondered: You mean, my father has some concerns about Wenxin Pavilion after all? So, I can't get too close to Wenxin Pavilion?

Imperial power has always been like this. Who knows the ambition of Wenxin Pavilion? Before the world is undecided, it is indeed a sharp sword. However, once the world is peaceful, his evil-slaying sword will turn into an evil to be slaughtered!

The sword that slays evil will eventually turn into an evil to be slaughtered...

The words are very clear, and the prince's heart is also filled with waves...

The nature of Wenxin Pavilion determines that it is a pavilion of power and strategy.

The strategy is all-encompassing. It is a sharp sword for fighting in court, a sharp gun for killing on the battlefield, and it is also a rare treasure for dealing with interpersonal relationships. Such a cabinet is loved and hated by those in power.

The same is true for my father.

My father controls the world, and Wenxin Pavilion has contributed a lot. Therefore, Wenxin Pavilion's infiltration in the court has become increasingly serious. It's not that my father has not seen this. In fact, my father is already afraid of Wenxin Pavilion.

That's why Mr. Gou repeatedly stopped himself from getting close to Wenxin Pavilion. He knew that sooner or later, his father would take action against Wenxin Pavilion. Once his father decided to attack Wenxin Pavilion, he would be tied to Wenxin Pavilion and tied to him. Noose around neck.

This is momentum!

So, currently, the second prince has a small power, but His Highness has a big power! Mr. Gou said: The small power is only for a moment, but the big power is for a lifetime!

The prince's face suddenly relaxed.

Over the years, he had been suppressed and beaten by the second prince, and suffered heavy losses in every aspect. Many people had comforted him, but what kind of comfort could compare to Mr. Gou's comfort?

All he needed was this general trend theory, and the haze in his heart was gone.

No amount of frustration is in my mind at all.

Because how successful the second prince is now, how deep a pit he will fall into in the future!

Come here, serve the wine! Have a drink with Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu! The prince was in high spirits...

The order was given, but the wine was not served...

A man fell from the air and landed outside the pavilion. He bowed and said, Your Highness, we have a visitor!

The prince and Mr. Gou looked at each other: It's late at night, but there is still a visitor? Who is it?

Zhuge Qingfeng, the saint of poetry!

Zhuge Qingfeng? Surprise appeared on the prince's face: Gu Ye has invited him many times, but he has never come, and now he actually comes to visit? Please come quickly!

Zhuge Qingfeng is not an ordinary person.

He is a person famous all over the world for his wisdom! His chaos in Donghe made the prince talk about it, and it also made the prince remember this maverick.

He is also the most outstanding second-generation disciple of the Holy Poet Family!

In addition, he also has a secret identity, a descendant of the Fire Tribe!

The Fire Clan relies on him to connect with the Holy Family of Poetic Saints, and the Holy Family of Poetic Saints also relies on him to connect with the Fire Clan. When both major forces have a need to connect, this special figure who serves as the middle pivot is more popular.

As for His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince is currently in a fierce fight with the Fire Tribe and is at a critical crossroads in the fight for the heirloom. He is especially fond of people like Zhuge Qingfeng.

Therefore, he specially sent people to the Holy Poet's Family at the border of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom to show his goodwill to Zhuge Qingfeng.

Zhuge Qingfeng accepted the gift he sent and returned a reciprocal gift, but the person did not come over because Zhuge Qingfeng was not a fool. He knew what his identity meant and would not be easily tied to the person at the center of the whirlpool. .

Now that he is here, what does it mean?

It means that the prince has an unexpected surprise.

The middle door opened wide, and Zhuge Qingfeng floated in with a concubine. The prince and Mr. Gou greeted him personally.

When the two parties met, Zhuge Qingfeng gave a great Confucian salute: I have met His Highness the Crown Prince!

The prince clasped his hands in his palms: Master Zhuge came from afar and traveled all the way. He has already set a table for wine. Sir, please enter the hall first and chat while drinking.

The prince personally led the way, and the servants on both sides bowed at the same time. Outside the palace, the city was full of lights, and inside the palace, it was magnificent. Zhuge Qingfeng stepped into the palace and praised again and again: Your Highness's East Palace has all the features of the imperial palace. , there are also three-point fireworks in the world of mortals, it’s really extraordinary.”

Mr. Gou next to him smiled: Master Zhuge, would you like to write a poem about this situation?

As soon as these words came out, the prince's heart moved slightly. What did he mean? Are you testing whether the person coming is really Zhuge Qingfeng? Does it need to be so precise? But out of respect and trust for Mr. Gou, he did not stop him.

The concubine next to Zhuge Qingfeng was shocked. She wanted to write a poem as soon as she entered the door?

What's the meaning?


Of course they are not the real Zhuge Qingfeng, they are Lin Su and Zhou Mei.

Lin Su transformed into Zhuge Qingfeng, and Zhou Mei also disguised herself. Although logically speaking, no one in the Chi Kingdom would know Zhou Mei's true face, but she was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, so be careful and you won't lose anyone.

Lin Su nodded: Mr. Gou has invited me, Qingfeng dares not to obey?

Hands together, precious pen in hand, gold paper comes out...

Everyone looked at the tip of his pen and stopped breathing.

The prince knew Mr. Gou's original intention, which was to identify authenticity.

Most people rely on their soul and words to identify others. Mr. Gou is not proficient in the former, but inconvenient for Mr. Gou in the latter. Therefore, he adopted a more reliable and clever method, asking people to write poems!

Zhuge Qingfeng is a legendary figure in the Holy Family of Poetry. It is said that whenever he puts pen to paper, it is a colorful poem. If he is the first original colorful poem, who in the world can fake it?

If he can write original and colorful poems, then his identity is unquestionable. If he cannot write, or if his standards are too low, then he must be a fake.

Lin Su raised his pen. Not only were the two of them a little nervous, but even Zhou Mei stopped breathing.

Her mood was even more complicated. On the one hand, she was worried that Lin Su's poems would not be successful. On the other hand, she was also worried that Lin Su's poems were too good. If Biao became famous, it would be all over!

Once the legend comes out, the temple can truly identify it and will announce the name of the poet. She wants to remind Lin Su that you must take it easy and don't have fun. It is not appropriate to pretend to be someone else. Too free...

The deeper moonlight illuminates the emperor's house,

The North Dipper is straight and the South Dipper is inclined;

Tonight I know that the spring air is warm,

The sound of insects and the fresh green color filtered through the window screen.

As soon as he put away the pen, the colorful rays of light suddenly penetrated through the window screen of the Hua Pavilion, making the faces of everyone in the room look confused.

Mr. Gou stared at the colorful stream of light on this poem with his eyes wide open. It was original! First work! Colorful poems!


It's him!

Appearance can be disguised, identity can be disguised, how can one disguise one’s poetic background?

How many people in the world can write colorful poems with their hands raised?

The prince laughed loudly: Mr. Zhuge just lifted his pen and the colorful poems came out. Gu has seen it. Mr. Gou, are you convinced?

Mr. Gou had a smile on his face: I'm convinced, I'm really impressed. Sir, please take a seat!

Lin Su bowed and held up the poem: I didn't bring the poem with me on this trip, so how about sending this poem to His Highness as a way of praying for Qingfeng to come to your door rashly?

The prince was overjoyed: This poem has fully described the scenery of the East Palace, and also described the changes of the seasons. It is worth noting ten thousand pieces of gold. Thank you for your generous gift, sir!

After taking the poem manuscript, he happily handed it to the master next to him and asked him to frame it carefully and place it in the middle of the Poetry and Painting Pavilion.

Lin Su also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He has never been nervous when writing poems, but tonight he was still a little nervous. It was not because he was worried that he would not win the prize. The ancient poems he had memorized in his mind were all fine works left behind by the waves of thousands of years of history. , it is not a masterpiece and cannot be passed down at all. Colorful can be written casually, but he cannot be too unrestrained. He needs to control the heat. Zhuge Qingfeng's poems have very few colorful poems. Five colors are the norm, so he pretended to be Zhuge Qingfeng and wrote poems with five colors as the symbol. Best, if it is written as colorful, it will not be a big problem, but it must not be outside these two levels.

In the poem above, he only changed two words from the original version. Although he only changed two words, the quality dropped a lot.

The first sentence of the original version is: The deeper moonlight is half the family, he changed it to the emperor's family.

Although this change makes it look more grand and more consistent with the identity of the prince, the quality of the poem has dropped. Why? Because there is a slight contradiction in the poetry, the whole poem is actually about an ordinary rural family, but he changed it to the family of an emperor's son, which makes the poem feel a little uncomfortable.

But this change was exactly in line with his original intention: to bring this poem to a colorful realm.

The wine and food were presented, and Mr. Gou poured the wine himself. The prince exchanged three glasses of wine with him, and Mr. Gou also held up the wine glass: Sir, you just wrote a poem, and the last two lines of it are very touching to me, 'Tonight I know that the spring air is warm, and the insects The sound of fresh green comes through the window screen. Sir, he has come thousands of miles away. It should be that the spring breeze has brought the spring breeze to His Highness, and also brought new green. I wonder if this is the case?

Spring breeze, fresh green...

These are all good words full of hope.

Lin Su sighed inwardly at the wonderful use of words, and smiled: In this world, people plan things, and God makes things happen. Even if the breeze wants to bring a spring breeze to His Highness, it is difficult to know whether it will bring a spring breeze or a strong wind in the end.

The prince beamed with a smile on his face: Sir, in the chaos of Donghe that day, you can still regain your youth with your clever skills. Who in the world doesn't know the name of a genius of wisdom and wisdom? But if you have a clever plan, I am all ears to hear about it.

The one your Highness is worried about is the Wenxin Pavilion! Lin Su said: The power of the Wenxin Pavilion is well known all over the world. It has penetrated into the imperial court and the army of the Red Kingdom. Its power is so strong that it is difficult to measure. However, the existence of this pavilion cannot be measured. This is also a concern for His Majesty, so His Highness does not dare to get too close, is that so?

One sentence goes right to the heart!

Mr. Gou's eyes brightened slightly: Sir, you really see things thousands of miles away. His words go straight to the heart, which shows your honesty, but you don't know how to respond?

Lin Sudao: Qingfeng would like to ask Sir, according to Sir's opinion, what is the most terrifying thing about Wenxin Pavilion?

The most terrifying thing about Wenxin Pavilion also varies from person to person. From the perspective of people in the world, the scariest thing about it is its invisible killing technique; from the perspective of the court, the scariest thing about it is the power and conspiracy. It is gradually becoming a trend; in His Highness’ opinion, the most terrifying thing about it is that its heart is not yet settled!”

The answer was flawless and brilliant.

On the one hand, it answers some of the scariest parts of Wenxin Pavilion, and on the other hand, it also cleverly highlights the prince's high standing.

It shows that they are enemies of Wenxin Pavilion not out of selfish motives, but out of public motives. It is not out of the ordinary to say this to the whole world.

Lin Su nodded lightly: Exactly! The most terrifying thing about Wenxin Pavilion varies from person to person... So from the perspective of the counselor, where is the most terrifying thing?

In the opinion of the counselor...

Let’s get to the real point!

Because they are all counselors at the moment, in the eyes of counselors, it means that they have to express their thoughts.

Mr. Gou slowly raised his head: In the opinion of the counselor, the most terrifying thing is...he!

Extremely brilliant! Lin Su praised: Wenxin Pavilion is good at power and strategizing. There are many people who are good at power and strategizing in the world. Wenxin Pavilion is good at combat skills. There are also many warriors on the battlefield in the world. However, others can do it alone. Fight, and they fight as a team, so they can be invincible! Therefore, if you want to plan for Wenxin Pavilion, you need to 'divide' it!


The prince was refreshed...

Lin Sudao: The Wenxin Pavilion is named after the pavilion, but it is actually a large sect with thousands of elders and millions of disciples. Together they attack it. Even if a country is difficult to defeat, any sect can't defeat it. There will always be differences of opinion among all the sects. As long as we are good at utilizing them and divide and rule, internal strife will arise in Wenxin Pavilion. With internal strife, how can we deal with the outside world in unison? There is Wenxin Pavilion behind the second prince, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince occupies the right position in the East Palace. How can there be no people from Wenxin Pavilion to vote for him? As one goes down and the other goes up, these forces cancel each other out, wouldn't His Highness the Crown Prince easily gain the advantage in strength?

The prince's heart skipped a beat and he scrambled for Wenxin Pavilion's support?

Did the topic return to an early entanglement?

He has always wanted to win the support of Wenxin Pavilion, but the counselor beside him, Mr. Gou, firmly disagreed for the following reasons...

He had just accepted this reason, and now Zhuge Qingfeng, a wise man, stood opposite Mr. Gou...

He is a person who does great things, and he will not offend anyone. He straightened out his thoughts: Mr. Zhuge, what do you think of the general trend?

These words are not Mr. Gou’s doubts and cannot cause controversy...

Lin Su smiled: The general trend of the future can only be summed up in six words! You can ask your heart and leave nothing behind!

But if you ask your heart, don’t you want to stay in the pavilion?

I hope sir will explain in detail! The prince's eyes flashed.

Lin Sudao: Talents who ask their minds are talents in all walks of life in the world. However, they cannot become a court! If they cannot build a court, they can ask the world's roads. If they do, they will only ask about their own selfishness!

This is a bright statement.

The tactics in Wenxin Pavilion are useful.

Battlefield killing methods are useful.

The way of linking vertical and horizontal lines is also useful.

Their methods are useful on all fronts in the world, but they cannot have a strong core. Once they have this core, when the Wenxin Pavilion disciples on all fronts gather together, they will not be asking about the grand plans of the court. You are not asking about the world, you are only asking about your own selfishness!

On the day when their power is greatly expanded and their selfishness breaks through the embankment, Wenxin Pavilion will reverse the hilt of the sword that governs the world and turn into the most terrifying demonic dragon!

The prince took a deep breath: Sir, you can see through Wanli. My father can also see through this. Doesn't it go against my father's original intention for you to let me associate with Wenxin Pavilion?

Lin Su smiled: Your Highness, you think this is a friendship with Wenxin Pavilion?

... The prince was slightly startled.

This is differentiation! Lin Su said: Wenxin Pavilion is invincible when united, but can be conquered when divided. Your Highness, divide and conquer, isn't it in line with His Majesty's wishes?

The prince's heart was pounding and his eyes turned to Mr. Gou...

Mr. Gou slowly stood up and bowed deeply: I have seen the general trend, but failed to take any further steps ahead of the general trend. Sir's strategy is indeed the best strategy, and it is truly in line with His Majesty's holy will!

The prince is overjoyed!

The conversation between the two great counselors just now has fully demonstrated their high level. At this moment, they have reached a high degree of consensus, and the prospects are promising!

The big plan of differentiation and Wenxin Pavilion is finalized.

So, how to do it?

This is the key link.

Lin Sudao: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not have a harmonious relationship with Wenxin Pavilion in the early stage. It is not appropriate to change things in a big way, and it is not appropriate for the East Palace subjects to enter Wenxin Pavilion. Qingfeng can make this journey on behalf of His Highness the Crown Prince!

When the prince heard this, he was overjoyed.

He knows the specialness of Zhuge Qingfeng!

Zhuge Qingfeng is a member of the Holy Family of Poetry!

If someone wants to enter Wenxin Pavilion, Wenxin Pavilion will decide whether to accept them or not based on their mood. As a member of the Holy Poet Family, he has his own weight, so he can definitely enter.

As long as he enters Wenxin Pavilion, given his status, the level of the people he receives should not be too low. With his eloquence and his wisdom, he may succeed in instigating rebellion against the senior officials of Wenxin Pavilion.

It was a great joy to succeed.

If it fails, it will not harm the prince.

The prince stood up and said, Sir, I am willing to do this great thing for Gu. I am very grateful to Gu. I wonder what Gu needs to do?

Your Highness might as well write down a note saying that Zhuge Qingfeng has been trapped in the literary world for a long time. He can understand his own heart by asking questions on the cliff of his heart...

The prince laughed loudly: Sir, you are really smart! I will write it for you now!

He picked up his pen and wrote a line: Zhuge Qingfeng, a great scholar in the literary world and a saintly poet, wants to go up to the Xin Cliff to inquire about the world of enlightenment and the master of the Xin Pavilion. Please welcome me.

The following is signed: Yan Jian.

The treasure seal of the East Palace fell on the paper together, and the paper became an extremely high-end road guide.

Lin Su took the guide and stood up: Qingfeng will set off tomorrow. Your Highness will wait for the good news.

The prince and Mr. Gou stood up at the same time and bowed: Sir, for all your hard work, I will be grateful to you one day!


Good go, sir!

Lin Su led Zhou Mei out of the attic and out of the East Palace. The guards on both sides bowed...

Their figures disappeared, and the prince raised his eyes: What do you think, sir?

This man is known as a wise man, and he may have some miraculous tricks and miraculous effects. No matter what the final result is, what happened tonight cannot be a bad thing. Mr. Gou said with a smile.

Yes, neither of them are stupid. It can even be said that those who have resisted the turmoil for so long are extremely cautious people.

No matter how passionate their words are, no matter how high their agreement with the other party's point of view is, they are extremely cautious when they actually act.

Take this token as an example, the prince also put a lot of thought into it.

First of all, this token must be given!

If you don't give a token, you won't be convincing. Even if Zhuge Qingfeng starts to instigate rebellion, if you don't have a clear token of the crown prince behind you, who will believe you? How could you instigate rebellion?

Therefore, he must give a token.

This is also the key reason why Lin Su asked him for a road guide. With their status, they actually don't need a road guide, but he asked for it. Asking for a road guide shows that the function of the road guide is not the road guide itself, but the road guide itself. A proof of identity, confirming that he was entrusted by the prince for this trip.

However, when the prince was entrusted to act, he could not go out of his way. The prince could not explicitly ask the people in Wenxin Pavilion to cooperate with Zhuge Qingfeng's actions in the letter. In fact, Wenxin Pavilion would not pay attention to his instructions at all.

Therefore, what the prince wrote on this letter (letter) is just one sentence that can be published all over the world. The great scholar in the literary world of the sage of poetry has been trapped in the literary world for a long time. He wants to enlighten his mind and realize the world in a place in your Wenxin Pavilion. , you will receive it!

As for how to operate after the reception, the prince did not say.

The prince is not responsible for whether it will cause any trouble.

He only fulfilled the duties that a prince should have performed, and also demonstrated the fine character of a prince who respects culture and ethics.

That's all.

Zhou Mei understood this meaning.

After entering an inn and being double sealed, Zhou Mei said directly: This prince is very cautious. His note did not reveal any important information. There is no reason for anyone to use this note to trouble him.

Lin Su smiled: How can you expect someone who can survive the all-round siege of Wenxin Pavilion to leave behind any shameful evidence?

Zhou Mei nodded: Yes! But this has caused a problem for you... Can you really break through the heart wall of the top management of Wenxin Pavilion with this stale note? Complete the important task of instigating rebellion?

All the strategies were unknown to others, but Zhou Mei knew them.

Because the plan was being formulated, she was sitting next to him.

She also agreed with Cefan Wenxinge.

No matter how different her position is from the prince and Lao Gou, it does not affect the common perception. It is beneficial to everyone that Wenxin Pavilion is divided and falls into internal strife.

Therefore, she fully accepted Lin Suce's way of questioning Xinge, which was almost the only way.

Do you also think that my plan is really to incite rebellion?

Zhou Mei was suddenly shocked...

Actually not! What I want is never to slowly instigate rebellion, what I want is just the note itself! Lin Su said.

Zhou Mei's big clear eyes showed a very obvious stupidity: I feel confused again. Please explain, what is the purpose of this note?

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