Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 904 The first half of the poem in Jingxian Pavilion

The Great Elder said: This is reserved for the great sages from all over the world who come to Jingxian Pavilion! Grandmaster Zhuge enters the pavilion today, which can be regarded as drinking from the great sages of the past!

Lin Su smiled: That's really lucky!

Another elder next to him said: Master Zhuge is a great sage in the literary world, and he is also an authentic poet. Why don't you leave a poem as a commemoration?

Lin Su smiled: A junior is a junior. I don't dare to compete with the great sages. Write a few sentences to pay tribute to my comrades!

He stretched out his hand, holding the precious pen in his hand, and wrote...

Everyone looked at each other...

He is a junior and does not dare to compete with the great sages, so he only writes two sentences!

what for?

Does he know that this is a question asked by Wenxin Pavilion? If he doesn't write colorful poems, how can he prove that he is the real Zhuge Qingfeng? The reason he found was reasonable, but everyone's tests couldn't be completed.

Lin Su wrote:

Looking north to the endless blue clouds, the great river to the east is full of water!

As soon as the two lines of the poem were finished, Lin Su stopped writing.

A soft buzzing sound...

Colorful light fills the air!

Everyone in the pavilion was turned to stone!

Looking north to the endless blue clouds, the great river to the east is flowing with water... Two lines of poems bring out the colorful light! An elder read: The talent of Grandmaster Zhuge is unparalleled in the world!

A smile slowly appeared on the face of the great elder: Two lines of poems brought out the colorful light. Is it true that Grandmaster Zhuge didn't write complete poems?

Things in the world have advancements, retreats and gaps. The situation in the world has successes and failures. Unfinished poems are just variables. Why should we deliberately strive for perfection?

The great elder bowed: I admire you! Please take a seat!


When the food and wine were served, Jingxian Pavilion was in harmony.

In that green bamboo hut, Du Yan and Du Bing looked at each other...

Sister Bing, do you think he is being humble or arrogant? Du Yan said.

It seems that he is humble and does not dare to compete with the great sages, so he writes two lines of poetry. However, these two lines of poetry show a colorful light, and listening to his tone, it is clear that he already knew these two lines before writing the poem. Poetry is enough to justify one's name, so how arrogant is this? Du Bing said.

Wise people are often like this. They seem to be humble and in control of the whole situation! Du Yan said: I suddenly had a strange feeling that the battle between him and the Great Elder has already begun.

Du Bing smiled, and her smile was like a polar snow lotus blooming in the wind: You finally see it! Looking north to the sky, the sky is endless, and the river is flowing eastward... Looking to the north, what are you looking at? Cang Country! What does the eastward movement of the river mean? The general trend! What he told the great elder was that the situation in the Chi Country should not only focus on the local area of ​​the Chi Country, but should look beyond the Qingpan River and see the realm of the Cang Country. At the same time, he He also told the Great Elder not to forget who represents the general trend of the Red Country! They have already jumped out of the realm of poetry and faced the overall situation of the country.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes of food, the elder held up his wine glass and made another toast: Master Zhuge, you are here this time to enter the realm of enlightenment and enlightenment at Wenxin Cliff. There happens to be a cave on Wenxin Cliff named 'Mingyou' , you might as well live there for as long as you like.”

Lin Su clinked glasses with him: Thank you, elder!

The great elder said: Elders, Grandmaster Zhuge has come to my pavilion to realize the world. He has business to attend to. Elders, please don't disturb Grandmaster's peace.

The eight elders bowed at the same time: By the order of the elder!

Grandmaster Zhuge, how good is this? The great elder looked at Lin Su.

Lin Su nodded: Actually... it doesn't have to be like this. Qingfeng's character likes movement rather than silence. If the elders come here to discuss things from time to time, it may be more helpful for Qingfeng to enlighten his mind and realize the world.

The Great Elder said sternly: Master Zhuge, you are too polite. Most of the elders in our pavilion are not literary. They are separated from each other like mountains. How can they communicate with the master on the basis of literature? How can they dare to say anything that will help the master's enlightenment?

Lin Su twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile...

The hearts of all the elders were like mirrors, and they all felt a certain kind of pleasure...

When you come to Wenxin Pavilion, don’t think that we don’t know why you came...

If you want to instigate rebellion and divide the group of elders, I will stop you in front of you. Aren’t you going to go to Wenxin Cliff? I'll let you in! And I will drill a hole there for you and let you live there until you die!

Don’t you want to understand your mind and realize your world?

I will tell everyone not to take a step closer to you!

Let you slowly realize it there.

You want to divide and instigate rebellion, haha, you can’t even meet the elders, how can you instigate rebellion?

Oh, by the way, you want to instigate Wenxin Pavilion, and Wenxin Pavilion also wants to instigate you. It is not easy for you to meet the elders, but it is not difficult for our own people to deal with you!

It depends on who has better means.

After a drink, Lin Su was sent to Wenxin Cliff.

As soon as he saw the Mingyou cave mentioned by the great elder, Lin Su had to give Wenxin Pavilion a big thumbs up.

This cave is said to be a cave, but in fact it is not a top-grade guest room?

Inside the cave, luxury and elegance are combined into one. The most elegant place is behind the cave. Behind the cave is a cliff. The cliff is high in the sky. On the edge of the cliff are seven old plum trees and a pool of clear water. The flowers are in full bloom and people are like flying in the sky.

What's even more amazing is that this pool of water is actually half hot and half cold, separated by white jade in the middle. Even if you live here until the winter, you can still make people hum comfortably...

He slowly walked to the edge of the cliff and looked into the depths of the white clouds...

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing deep in the white clouds, but under his thousand-degree pupils, he saw the formation and a bronze door.

His heartbeat quietly accelerated...

A very special person jumped from his heart...

This person is Du Qing.

Du Qing is a person from the head of Cangshan Mountain, but he was sent out of the head as soon as he was born. Why? Because he doesn't look like the man with the head. The men with the head all have a big head that is completely out of proportion to their body, but he has the head of a normal person.

Everyone is drunk, and it is the original sin to be sober alone.

Everyone is ugly, and being normal is the original sin.

Who would have thought that a race can accommodate all abnormalities, but it cannot accommodate a normal head?

Because of his normal head, Du Qing suffered a more tortuous fate than all the people with heads. No matter how hard he tried, he was never recognized by Wenxin Pavilion.

In order to get a normal treatment, he decided to assist a monarch. This was the reason why he chose the third prince.

The third prince was not outstanding at first, but under his careful planning, he slowly grew up, gained the support of the courtiers, the assistance of the Wujian Sect, and a solid foundation, becoming the biggest competitor of the former crown prince.

After the assassination of the former crown prince, his ultimate dream is only one step away from reality.

He was already imagining how glorious it would be for him to return to Wenxin Pavilion with the greatest power from the dragon after the third prince ascended the throne. However, Lin Su gave him a fatal blow, and Lin Su changed Da Cang into an emperor!

Ji Shang got out of the dragon chair!

Ji Shang himself quit, and the third prince who relied on Ji Shang for his existence naturally became a thing of the past.

This was a big defeat for Du Qing, but he did not admit that it was his failure, because he did not lose to someone, he lost to the general trend.

Even though the general trend was that Ji Shang abdicated, he still predicted the killer of Wujianmen under impossible circumstances and successfully brought the third prince out of the dragnet.

Successfully built Buyi Pavilion on the rivers and lakes.

Successfully participated in various subsequent grand strategies.

Du Qing used various tactics to defend his honor as a disciple of Wenxin Pavilion. He firmly believed that no disciple of Wenxin Pavilion could do better than him in this situation.

But, so what?

After all, he failed!

He fell short in the end!

In the Bishui Sect, for the first time in his life, the third prince did not obey his arrangements, causing him and the third prince to fall into Lin Su's hands. Just as he and Lin Su lamented, it was only one mistake in his life, and one mistake would lead to a lifetime!

At the last moment of his life, Du Qing recalled the ups and downs of his life, and his mentality finally collapsed.

He told Lin Su, give me some dignity and decency, and stop interrogating me with literary ethics. I'll do it!

He told us the deepest secret hidden in Wenxin Pavilion.

He also told the reason why he told this deepest secret...

It was a seemingly absurd reason - he told Lin Su: Do you think I am infinitely loyal to Wenxin Pavilion? No! On the contrary, I hate it! It is what I hate the most in my life! Why do I have a normal head and no matter how hard I work in my life, I can't compare to what a big ugly head brings?

Is it a crime to look normal?

And it’s a major sin that I can’t cleanse myself of in my entire life?

With his melancholy and the greatest irony in his life, Du Qing finished his life, but left a fatal hidden danger to Wenxin Pavilion.

This hidden danger is the secret to the rise of Wenxin Pavilion.

Wenxin Pavilion was born out of the head of Cangshan Seventy-two Divisions. According to legend, the Seventy-two Divisions of Cangshan were transformed into the flesh of a god, and each part corresponds to a race.

There is an ancestor on the head, which is a head!

This head has amazing functions.

The biggest function is to open a mysterious portal in the human brain so that mental power can be continuously improved.

This is the method to improve the cultivation level at the head of Cangshan Mountain and Wenxin Pavilion.

It is also the true foundation for the existence of Wenxin Pavilion.

Without this head, the Wenxin Pavilion disciples would not be able to open the door to practice, their spiritual power would not be improved, and they would be lost among the rest of the world.

When the current official members of Wenxin Pavilion die one after another, Wenxin Pavilion will be completely gone.

God testifies that these people in Wenxin Pavilion cannot enter the path of spiritual practice, their physical fitness is worse than B, and they use their brains all day long. They basically don’t even think about it if they live to be a hundred years old. They can live to be fifty years old. .

In other words, if this ancestral head is destroyed, Wenxin Pavilion will be destroyed within fifty years!

This head is inside this bronze door!

This head is Lin Su's real goal when entering Wenxin Pavilion!

Prince Yan Jian would never have imagined this goal.

Mr. Gou, who is famous for his wisdom and wisdom, is even more unexpected.

The elder of Wenxin Pavilion, who currently thinks he has seen through all his plans, has been misled by the path shown by Lin Su from the beginning. If he makes a mistake in judgment, the path will completely deviate.

Lin Su looked at the door with countless thoughts in his mind.

How to crack the formation...

The mechanism settings inside the door...

Problems that may arise after entering...

Where is the mysterious master of the Asking Heart Pavilion...

If the time inside is delayed, all the experts from Wenxin Pavilion will gather outside...

Everything points to an impossibility.

However, Lin Su wants to make all this impossible possible!

In that West City hut, Du Yan and Du Bing stood up at the same time...

The courtyard door outside was gently pushed open, and the great elder strolled in...

With your intelligence, you must have already known the purpose of my visit! The great elder raised his eyes and stared at... Du Bing.

Du Bing bowed slightly: Yan'er already knows!

Yan'er? The great elder smiled: It's not her, it's you!

Du Bing suddenly raised his head...

Du Yan's face, which was originally full of red clouds, faded away in an instant.

They guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

A generation of heroes entered Wenxin Pavilion, and Wenxin Pavilion was indeed intended to be captured. However, the person sent out was not Du Yan, a peerless beauty tailor-made for men, but Du Bing, a Bingshan who had nothing to do with Gou and Lu Feng Ma Niu. .

Wenxin Pavilion is the best way to employ people.

They use people for their strengths, not for their shortcomings.

The men in Wenxin Pavilion are not good-looking and weak in body, but only have strong brains. Then, their ultimate use is to develop the function of their brains to the extreme, allowing them to act as strategists, think tanks, and masters. a long distance away.

The women in Wenxin Pavilion are good-looking and easy to use, and they have been specially trained to be invincible on the bed.

Du Yan is such a top performer.

Not only is her technique superb, but her hardware is top-notch, so it’s natural that she should be the one to take the top spot.

However, the great elder pointed at Du Bing.

If Du Qing is a special male case in the head, Du Bing is a special female case.

She is not proficient in bed mats, her hardware is also weak, and her body is cold. It is difficult for her to be happy even though she is extremely capable.

Therefore, she took another path, the way of the wise!

Her wisdom is a banner of Wenxin Pavilion, which has gradually emerged in recent years...

Great Elder, Sister Bing...Sister Bing is not good at this. I wonder why the elder wants to force her into trouble? Du Yan asked this question after a long time.

This question seems to be a way to fight for Du Bing's injustice.

But everyone present was a person of extraordinary intelligence, so who couldn't see her depression? The one she really wants to rectify is herself!

I, Du Yan, am the beauty who responds to the needs of men. Who else would be better than me for such a thing?

Why don't you let me go and instead let an iceberg beauty carry out the seduction plan? This professionalism is inappropriate...

The First Elder smiled faintly: Yan'er, you still can't jump out of the boundary between ordinary people and geniuses. Geniuses don't lack women, and they don't lack a bit of pleasure in the bed. What they lack is to be able to keep up with their intellectual rhythm. Someone who can really help them. Bing'er, do you understand?

Du Bing slowly raised his eyes: I understand seven points, but not ten points.

The Great Elder said: The three points you don't understand involve the way of cultivation. Your physique is a natural ice body, and he has the blood of the Fire Tribe. Once they intersect, it will be a true blend of water and fire, which will be of great benefit to him!

The sun sets.

The Qingpan River gradually lost its boundless movement in the mist, and fell asleep quietly under the night.

Lin Su walked leisurely on Wenxin Cliff, occasionally looking up at the sky, occasionally looking down at the water, and occasionally looking at the rocks at his feet. It really seemed like he was enlightened.

The enlightenment of a literati is different from the enlightenment on the ordinary path of spiritual practice. Enlightenment on the path of spiritual practice is often achieved by sitting cross-legged and meditating. It is not just the brain that is working on enlightenment. The meridians and essence of his whole body are also running at high speed, and he reaches his best in practice. In this state, trigger the mystery of cultivation.

The enlightenment of literati lies in the correspondence between sacred scriptures and the vast world, and in understanding the holy meaning from all things in the world and nature.

Wenxin Cliff is a very special place.

There was a Buddhist temple, but it was destroyed by war.

There was an Immortal Sect, but it was later destroyed by another Immortal Sect.

There were robbers, and then they were killed by another group of robbers.

There was a hermit who came out from here and stirred up the whole sky.

Countless great scholars have left calligraphy treasures here.

It is regarded as the holy place of Chiguo literary circles.

However, five hundred years ago, a major event occurred. A generation of literary leaders raised the flag of rebellion here and officially launched the rebellion against the Red Kingdom. It was the most thrilling rebellion in the history of the Red Kingdom. The imperial army After three years, the war was finally put down. At the foot of Wenxin Cliff, all the rebels from ten miles away were wiped out. On Wenxin Cliff, all the calligraphy treasures left by the literati were eradicated.

This place is so full of historical turmoil.

If you only look at it with the naked eye, this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant.

If you deliberately pursue it, you can always find traces of history among the ruins, showing the vicissitudes of life.

Therefore, it is Wenxin Cliff.

It can give various inspirations to future generations.

Under the clear breeze and bright moon, Lin Su walked on the Wenxin Cliff where various stories were intertwined. It seemed that he was listening to the historical echoes from the ancient road along the long river, but in fact, he was observing...

There are not particularly many people in the Wenxin Pavilion headquarters. There are probably only hundreds of thousands of people scattered in the valleys below and on the cliffs. These people are just ordinary people in the Wenxin Pavilion and pose no threat to him.

There are five places where there are threats.

First, the Bronze Palace on the top of the mountain to the west. This Bronze Palace is a spiritual weapon of extremely high level. If nothing else, it comes from an ancient restricted area. Ordinary people are not qualified to live in such a place. The vast majority of residents are elders.

Probably most of the seven hundred elders of Wenxin Pavilion live here.

Secondly, after this mountain peak, there is another mountain peak, which seems ordinary, but it is the place where the mysterious Lord of the Asking Heart Pavilion lives.

Thirdly, the hidden bronze door he just focused on, behind that door, is where the ancestor head is located. Therefore, where this door is located, the top killer-level figures in Wenxin Pavilion are gathered. It is estimated that Everyone is proficient in the Soul-Destroying Style.

Fourth, the river he came from, on both sides of the river, lived a large number of spiritual masters, fishermen on the river, and boaters on the river, all of them! Whether these masters of cultivation were hired by Wenxin Pavilion with money, asked for help from Wenxin Pavilion, or repaid their kindness to Wenxin Pavilion, they were all protected by Wenxin Pavilion, and their levels were completely unknown.

Fifth, there is an army stationed on the pier outside Wenxin Pavilion. This army looks like a border guard to prevent the Da Cang Army from crossing the river. But in fact, it is in the hands of the second prince, and it is probably his who protects Wenxin Pavilion. As for the core responsibilities, you need to know that in the game between the second prince and the prince, Wenxin Pavilion is his biggest reliance.

In summary, from the outside, Wenxin Pavilion looks like a paradise that is harmless to humans and animals. However, if you really want to cause some damage, it is even more difficult. The people in Wenxin Pavilion themselves are people with outstanding wisdom and moral principles. If a mosquito comes in, Everyone can tell what kind of mosquito it is and what its intentions are, let alone a living person?

Even if you really want to cause some damage, it's almost impossible to evacuate safely.

Lin Su's mind was spinning, and he slowly turned around and returned to the cave...

Just as he sat down, a wisp of fragrance blew into his nose along with the mountain breeze behind him...

There is the aroma of food and wine, and in addition, there is the scent of a woman...

Lin Su slowly turned around...

A woman carrying a tray came forward step by step.

Under the night pearl in the cave, her figure was as soft as a bone, her movements were as light as a dream, her face was holy and unparalleled, and her skin seemed to be coated with a jade luster by the moonlight.

On the tray in her hand were three plates of side dishes, plus a jug of wine. The wine jug was made of crystal, and the wine inside was light red in color. It was the top wine developed by the Monster Clan last year.

Master, please have dinner! The woman bowed gracefully and placed the tray in front of Lin Su.

Lin Su raised his eyes: What's your surname, girl?

This question is very inappropriate. Generally speaking, distinguished guests will not ask the waiter girl for her last name. In fact, many girls in this era do not have a last name at all. If you ask someone's last name, you are picking on someone's scars.

But the girl smiled faintly: Young master, have you noticed? The young lady Du Bing, the third elder whom the young master met during the day is the young lady's biological grandfather.

Lin Su smiled: How can the granddaughter of a top elder be worthy of doing such a job of serving tea and pouring water?

What the young master said is true. This is the first time in my life that this little girl is doing this business. She is unfamiliar with things and serves inappropriately, but the young master has to be able to understand a thing or two.

Why are you here? Lin Su said.

I want to discuss the current situation with you.

Discuss the current situation with him...

Lin Su raised her hand gently: Miss Du, please sit down!

Following his voice, a chair appeared out of thin air in front of Du Bing. It was composed of one word. This word is wind!

And under his own butt, a chair also appeared with the word Qing on it.

A great master in the literary world, he could sketch out tables and chairs casually. In the past, when Lin Su saw this miraculous skill, he would marvel at the power of literature, but now, he can also construct it casually.

Du Bing's eyes were wandering as he sat on the wind chair, picked up the two crystal glasses on the tray, poured a glass of wine into each, and handed one of the glasses to Lin Su: Young Master's literary world is something Bing'er has never seen before. So sublime.

Excellent! Lin Su said: Girl, if you want to discuss the current situation, should you start it or should I?

I've heard for a long time that the young master has wisdom and wisdom, and that he has the world in his chest. How about the little girl just saying it directly? Du Bing said: What do you think of the young master's way of asking the heart?

Asking the way of the heart! Lin Su said: The things in the world are also the things of the mind, and asking the heart is the way to discover the world! When the heart is on the right path, one can see the sky with the way. If the mind is on the wrong path, the way will not be long!

What is the right path, and what is the wrong path?

Lin Sudao: The so-called right path is to follow the destiny and obey the destiny. The so-called wrong path is to go against the destiny.

What is heaven?

Lin Sudao: What is heaven? It varies from person to person and from time to time. In the eyes of ordinary people, parents are heaven. Above the court, your majesty is heaven. Your majesty is already wary of what Wenxin Pavilion does. The opponent has never been the prince, but the current majesty!

This statement has made it all clear!

You asked the Heart Pavilion to participate in the prince's fight for the throne, you ruled the court with one hand, and you went deep into the battlefield to infiltrate the military. It seemed that you could accomplish anything, and it seemed that you were awesome. However, you ignored the most important element. You let Your Majesty is afraid that the greater your power, the more intolerable your Majesty will be. Although everything is going smoothly for you now, you have to think about the general trend. The higher you climb now, the worse you will fall in the future.

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