Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 916 The Sword Way of Time: Life is like a dream

There is a quiet house in the backyard of Jinyan Temple.

This quiet house is very special. When Lin Su came that day, it was a quiet house. There was only a monk in white who was thinking hard about whether there was anything in common between the Buddhist path and the killing path.

At that time, in the quiet house, there was a young monk outside and an old monk inside. Under the green light, hundreds of millions of miles of country and 80 million lives condensed into a difficult problem that could never be solved. No one bothers.

Later, the monk in white stepped out of the meditation room and assumed the throne as king. The quiet room he left became even quieter and no one disturbed him.

But tonight, the green lantern that had not been on for a long time turned on again, and the little monk who had not appeared under the corridor for a long time reappeared.

Lin Su came outside the quiet house. The young monk looked at him and smiled slightly. Lin Su also smiled slightly and slowly opened the door.

Under the green light, an old man in green clothes sat quietly, wearing a scholar's crown on his head. He had completely lost the characteristics of a monk, looking at him with a smile.

See Your Majesty! Lin Su bowed.

Chu Yunfei raised his hand gently and blocked it in the air: You are the King of Side by Side, side by side with His Majesty the Great Cang Emperor, and also side by side with me. No need to be polite...sit down!

Lin Su sat down opposite him.

Princess Xingyue personally held the pot and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Chu Yunfei raised his tea cup: It's been two years since we said goodbye to Jin Yan that day, right?

It's still half a month away from two years!

It's only been less than two years, but the world has changed endlessly. I wanted to stay with you back then, but now that I think about it, it's fortunate that I didn't stay. If you had stayed, I might have been able to see the changes in Tanzhou, but you He didn’t leave anything behind, but he left a lasting impression on the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States.” Chu Yunfei was filled with emotion.

Lin Su smiled softly: No matter what, thank you for your consideration!

On that day, Chu Yunfei, with the dignity of the emperor, directly placed the positions of 372 second-rank officials in Nanyang Ancient Kingdom in front of Lin Su, allowing him to choose. He even gave him the title of Tanzhou Zhizhou and allowed him to have autonomy. , which is how much he values ​​​​in any case.

Faced with this temptation that almost all time travelers cannot refuse, Lin Su refused and returned to Da Cang. This time, Da Cang experienced great changes that had not happened in a thousand years.

When two people from the past talked about this matter again in this place where they were separated, they all had the feeling that things have changed and people have changed. This change of things and people is not a desolate word, but a heroic and uplifting word.

Of course I value you, but you are also worthy of anyone's respect! Chu Yunfei said: In the two years since I returned to the throne of the Southwest Emperor, I have also been searching for students from my country. My biggest hope is to find them in my country. It’s a pity that a man as handsome as you, even one-third as good as you, is difficult to find in this country.”

Your Majesty, thank you! Lin Su said: When I left the capital, I also had a conversation with His Majesty the Emperor of our country. I, the Emperor, said that we have reached a consensus with the Nanyang Ancient Kingdom to fight against the Southwest Demonic Kingdom. Thank you for this, Your Majesty. kindness!

He thanked Chu Yunfei in person on this matter because Chu Yunfei was indeed helpful in this matter.

The Southwest Demonic Kingdom is directly bordered by Da Cang. Although it is also adjacent to Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, it is not directly bordered. Therefore, Da Cang has been the main force in fighting against the invasion of demons. For many years, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom has not directly participated. Now, Nanyang The ancient country took the initiative to take on this important responsibility in order to share the worries of the Great Cang.

This is really rare to see in the exchanges between countries.

Chu Yunfei smiled: The border commander guarding the Blood Rain Pass is your brother and the son-in-law of the King of Zhenbei of our country. I helped him, but Emperor Da Cang didn't doubt it. It seems that you have chosen this person. , it’s worth your choice!”

Lin Su's heart moved. Could it be that Chu Yunfei also wanted to test Ji Guang?

Chu Yunfei's words passed by in a flash: After going deep into the affairs in the southwest, I made some discoveries!

Your Majesty, please make it clear!

Chu Yunfei said: For many years, the various tribes of the Southwest Demon Kingdom have been fighting against each other, killing for territory, killing for resources, and killing for practice. They have become chaotic. Only then has there been relative peace on the border with the human race. However, in recent years, the demons have The tribes are actually trying to connect with each other. Our spies conducted in-depth investigations and discovered that several human forces have penetrated into various tribes in the Demonic Kingdom...

Lin Su's eyes flickered: Which forces are there?

It is certain that there is the Yanyu Tower. In addition, there is a force. I have a vague sense of its existence, but I can't find any evidence. That is the Tianji Dao Sect!

Yanyu Tower, Tianji Dao Gate!

Almost everyone can confirm Yanyu Tower, because the connection between Yanyu Tower and the demons can be said to be truly long-standing. Their connection existed as early as the founding of the Great Cang.

Ji Sheng, the founding king of Da Cang, died at the hands of Yueying. Behind him is Yanyu Tower (his queen is from Yanyu Tower).

Yanyu Tower's infiltration into the political arena of various countries and into various spiritual sects will objectively weaken the power of a country and the strength of a sect. Who will benefit in the end? Demons!

Therefore, Yanyu Tower and the Demon Clan are definitely the same breed.

But Chu Yunfei couldn't believe it at Tianji Dao Sect.

Because the reputation of Tianji Dao Sect in the world is not bad, and it even has a very loud and positive name. Currently, among the nine countries and thirteen states, only Da Cang Kingdom defines Tianji Dao Sect as an evil sect, and that is still the false emperor Ji. Shang was defined by Lin Su's clever plan. After Ji Guang succeeded to the throne, he changed many of Ji Shang's policies, but the policies involving Tianji Dao Sect continued. To this day, Tianji Dao Sect is still evil in Da Cang.

However, in other countries, this is not the case.

Therefore, Chu Yunfei's attitude towards Tianji Daomen is very ambivalent...

Your Majesty must know that I have some issues with the Tianji Dao Sect. Lin Su said.

Chu Yunfei smiled: I'm afraid there is no need to hide this matter now. The golden signboard of Tianji Dao Sect standing in the sky was overturned by you yourself.

Yes! Lin Su said: Ji Shang issued an imperial edict and defined Tianji Dao Sect as an 'evil' sect, and I was the one who forced it!

So, in your definition, Tianji Daomen is no different from Yanyu Tower? Chu Yunfei narrowed his eyes slightly.

No! There is a difference between the two! Lin Su said.

What's the difference?

Lin Sudao: The difference lies in the purpose of establishing the sect... In the world's organizations, the purpose of establishing the sect is different, and the final results are completely different. Yanyulou is a sin that allows itself to exist by disrupting the order of the world and profiting from chaos. The organization, the purpose of establishing the sect itself is evil, and its entire building is evil. Even if there is some light of good in it, this building should not exist! But Tianji Daomen is different. Its purpose of establishing the sect is to use the Tao to peer into the sky. There is nothing evil. In the later stage, the people in this organization are actually just individuals. If one person goes astray, he only represents himself, not the entire Taoist sect...

Chu Yunfei marveled: There are various forces in the world, but ordinary people have never had the wisdom to see through phenomena to see the essence? Sure enough, it has to be Lin Sanlang. With these words, I can see the sun through the clouds!

Your Majesty, thank you! Lin Su said, Actually, I came here today to discuss important matters.

Is it important? Chu Yunfei and Princess Xingyue were shocked at the same time.

Exactly! As soon as the two words came out, a drop of tea bounced up gently in the tea cup in Lin Su's hand, making a soft buzzing sound, and turned into a curtain, sealing off the Zen room.

This is the seal of literature and art, and also has the power of water rules.

This letter, not even the shadow of the moon, can penetrate it.

Chu Yunfei and Princess Xingyue were greatly moved at the same time.

They were in the meditation room and were already in isolation. There were two super masters outside. But with Lin Su's seal, even these two super masters were isolated. What did it mean?

I have an insider who is currently in Tanzhou. I suspect that she is already close to the headquarters of Yanyulou!

Lin Su's words were shocking.

Chu Yunfei's expression changed drastically: Yanyu Tower Headquarters? Tanzhou?

Lin Su said: Your Majesty should not be surprised.

Chu Yunfei's expression changed, and he slowly held up the teacup in his hand...

Tanzhou, if there is a place name in the world that he does not want to mention, it is undoubtedly Tanzhou.

This state was once the place where Yanyu Painting Studio was located, a place of elegant elegance. However, the Jiexin Sect developed it into a stronghold. Its terrifying teachings are like a poisonous weed. As long as it grows, it cannot be eradicated. When officials enter, officials Assimilation, the people came in, the people assimilated, forcing him, the king of a country, to just raise the butcher knife and slaughter the people of a state.

Because of that massacre, his throne had to change hands.

Because of that massacre, he and his men had to escape into Buddhism. For thirteen years, Qingdeng Ancient Buddha could not wash away the sins in his heart. He fell into guilt and became possessed from time to time.

Later he found out that the Jie Xin Sect was the Yanyu Tower!

His queen committed suicide and his children died tragically one by one, all because of Yanyu Tower!

Countless upright ministers and countless elders from ancient countries died in this unprecedented disaster, and it was also because of the Yanyu Tower!

And where is the headquarters of Yanyulou?

In the two years since he returned to the throne, he has never given up searching for a moment, but he can't find it!

This organization seemed to have been wiped out in the ancient Nanyang country overnight!

And today, this young man who came all the way and whom he valued the most brought him news that Yanyu Tower was most likely in Tanzhou! It's within the deepest scar of his generation of emperors.

You said, right now it's just suspicion... Chu Yunfei said.

Yes, it's just suspicion at the moment, but my intuition tells me that this suspicion is right! Lin Su said.

Intuition, doubt…

These are not words that an emperor should pay attention to, but Chu Yunfei's eyes slowly dropped: What do you want me to do?

I hope your Majesty will be prepared. Once confirmed, the army will be able to dispatch at any time!

This was the fundamental reason why he became Feng Chu Yunfei.

Because Tanzhou is not the territory of Da Cang Kingdom!

Even if Yanyu Tower is found to be in Tanzhou, it is impossible for Da Cang Kingdom's three million troops to attack across the border. Only with the help of the military power of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom can we fundamentally eradicate a mysterious city with infinite heritage and completely unpredictable methods. of the building.

Chu Yunfei nodded lightly: There is no problem with the army. There are armies all around Tanzhou, totaling more than one million, and they are all trusted by me. However, your insider...are you really capable of finding out the roots of Yanyulou?

Lin Su nodded: If there is one person in the world who can find out the roots of Yanyu Tower, it will be her!

I'm a little shocked! Chu Yunfei said: You actually trust an insider so much.

Lin Su smiled softly: Speaking of the issue of trust, I really have one thing to ask Your Majesty and Her Royal Highness the Princess...

Chu Yunfei and Princess Xingyue's eyes shot at his face at the same time...

Lin Su said slowly: There is a person outside, do you really trust him?

The father and daughter looked at each other, a little surprised, but when their eyes returned to Lin Su's face, they became a little mysterious. Princess Xingyue spoke: Are you talking about Wei Xia?

Yes! Lin Su said.

What did you see?

Lin Sudao: I have dealt with demons a lot, and I can vaguely judge a person's bloodline. If the prediction is correct, this Weixia bloodline is not authentic...

Princess Xingyue sighed softly: Weixia's bloodline is abnormal and extremely hidden. You can actually see it at a glance. Your eyesight is really terrifying!

It was Lin Su's turn to be surprised: You actually know?

There are not many people in the world who know about this matter. Of course I am one of them. I know you have good intentions, but I want to tell you the story of Wei Xia. To be honest, I have also struggled with it... …”

Wei Xia, this name was chosen for her by Princess Xingyue, and the meaning is quite charming...

Slight flaws are flaws after all, but they are just minor flaws!

Her flaw is her bloodline!

Her father is a human race and her mother is a demon race. The birth of this child was originally a mistake. What is even more wrong is that she was born in the realm of the human race. After her mother gave birth to her, she was killed by the hunter of the human race. , her father sent the baby outside Leiyin Temple, went to the sect that killed his wife alone, killed everyone, and was finally killed.

After a bloody massacre, everyone forgot about the baby, but God did not forget. A drizzle moistened the Leiyin Temple and also moistened the little baby outside the Leiyin Temple.

An old monk from Leiyin Temple rescued her in the heavy rain and raised her in the temple. Princess Xingyue was sent to Leiyin Temple when she was five years old and met her. The two grew up together. The slight flaw is not called a flaw, but a light rain. She could still talk at that time, and she was also very talkative. The two little girls grew up together under the green light of this ancient temple, becoming a strange color in the solemnity, coldness and loneliness of Leiyin Temple.

However, after they grew up, an unexpected event happened.

Her life experience is exposed!

A group of people rushed to Leiyin Temple to kill her, a remnant of the demon clan. The old monk who carried her into the temple that day died as a martyr to relieve his suffering. He died in front of her. Wei Yu looked up to the sky and roared, becoming a demon!

She killed everyone who forced her to die and escaped from Leiyin Temple in the heavy rain.

In the next three years, she entered the Demon Kingdom and met her mother's tribe. Her mother's tribe hoped that she would use her unique bloodline to break into the human world and act as a secret chess piece installed by the Demon Kingdom within the human race. She No answer. Someone on the human side also found her, hoping to learn the inside information of the Demon Kingdom through her, but she did not agree.

The blood of demons flows in her body, but she grew up in the human world. Her unique experience has created her unique embarrassment. The Qingdeng Ancient Buddha that she has always wanted to escape from when she was young has become her biggest pursuit now. , but her bloodline makes it impossible for her to have a quiet place of retreat. No matter where she goes, there is always boundless right and wrong.

Princess Xingyue found her.

Two partners who grew up together since childhood were speechless for a long time on a night where the stars and moon shine together.

On that night, Princess Xingyue changed her name to Wei Xia, and told her: You have Wei Xia, but the flaws will never hide your beauty. As long as you keep your true heart, you will still be you!

After that day, Wei Yu became Wei Xia. She followed Princess Xingyue and never said a word again.

When Princess Xingyue was talking about this past event, Lin Su slowly raised his eyes and looked at the sky quietly. The light in his eyes flickered slightly, as if he had thought of something...

After his daughter finished speaking, Chu Yunfei slowly raised his head: I actually had this intention before, using her to break into the demon clan, but I couldn't bear it in the end.

Princess Xingyue said: On the one hand, the father's intolerance is because he cannot bear to hurt his daughter's heart. On the other hand, it is also difficult to choose between heaven and humanity. She has demon blood, but she grew up in the human world. So, facing the endless battle between the two sides, the only thing she can do is probably stand by and watch.

Lin Su slowly looked away from the distance: That's the meaning of my meeting with His Majesty today. It's late at night, so I'll say goodbye!

Chu Yunfei stood up: Next, will you stay at Jinyan Temple?


But if you get what you have, tell Xingyue, I will also be prepared to ensure that the army can strike with thunder at any time.

Thank you, Your Majesty!

Okay! Let me go! As soon as his voice fell, the figure disappeared, and the little monk outside also followed him. This little monk is actually not young. He is a shadowless boy. His real age is older than Chu Yun. Fei's father is eight years older.

Lin Su returned to his own meditation room.

Princess Xingyue returns to her Zen room.

That night, Lin Su slept soundly.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shined into the Zen room through the window lattice. Lin Su stretched and sat up from the bed. When he opened the window, he saw the spring coming quietly. Spring in the ancient country of Nanyang did come earlier. Behind the meditation room, there are already wild flowers in abundance, red, yellow, purple, and many more. Take a deep breath, and the fragrance is also diverse...

There was a gentle knock on the door.

Lin Su reached the door in one step. Standing outside the door was Wei Xia, with a morning golden glow on her shoulders and a tea box in her hand.

She stretched out her hand and handed the tea to Lin Su.

The princess asked you to send it here? Lin Su reached out and took it.

Wei Xia nodded slightly.

Want to chat?

Wei Xia bowed and disappeared on the spot.

Lin Su raised his eyes. There was no one outside the house, but a figure appeared outside the distant Princess Zen Gate. He gently stretched out his hand and pushed open the Zen gate.

He was separated from the Zen room by a hundred feet.

This time he vaguely captured her movement trajectory, which made his heart beat slightly. This is the law of space!

She seems to be able to jump directly in space. This... this kind of accomplishment is deeper than him.

What an interesting person!

It seems that the law of space also has great potential to be tapped. It is not only about opening a space crack in the void, but also applying it to body skills. However, Lin Su tried many times and he couldn't do it. Integrating the laws of space is like knowing that he can use the laws of space to make the Qiankun Ring, but he just can't get in.

This is a rule-level limitation.

His understanding of the laws of space is still too low, and he is probably still in the introductory stage.

This is somewhat incredible.

His understanding is definitely not inferior to anyone's. He stands on the shoulders of giants. His theoretical knowledge of physics and space rules is even less likely to be inferior to anyone's. He also works hard enough. The Yuan in the long river of time and space. God works almost 360 days a day, so why can't he even compare with a young woman in understanding the laws of space?

How did she gain enlightenment?

Lin Su really wanted to talk to her, but it was very difficult.

This woman is special, she doesn't speak at all.

What's even more special is that she can lift her legs and leave at any time, so he can't get her even if he wants to...

Forget it, let me learn about the new law of time!

The gate of time has just opened, and there must be many interesting skills that can be used...

With this thought, Lin Su's heart was suddenly shocked...

There really is a skill that can apply the law of time...


In swordsmanship, speed has no limit.

And speed, isn’t it time?

If kendo is integrated into the law of time, wouldn't it completely break the inherent stereotype of sword speed? Does the speed depend entirely on me?

On this day, his sword is no longer as fast as the Tao, but... it is the Tao!

Lin Su was sitting cross-legged. On top of Wenshan Mountain, his soul slowly stood up, raised his sword and flew into the air, Dugu Nine Swords Drawing Style!

The use of this style announced that the integration of his swordsmanship and the law of time has officially begun...

This process is long and this idea is crazy, but Lin Su has opened the door...

The sun rises and the stars rise, the stars disappear and the sun rises...

One day has passed...

Two days have passed...

Three days have passed...

Late at night on the third day, Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened!

With a chirp, the sword came out!

With this sword strike, the small room seemed to fall into a strange alternative time and space. More than a dozen mosquitoes and flies suddenly hung motionless in the air, and the flapping of their wings almost stopped completely. With the passing of the sword, the mosquitoes and flies disappeared!

Time has passed, life is like a dream! Lin Su murmured: This sword, let's call it 'Life is like a dream'!

Life is like a dream!

Born out of the Dugu Nine Swords Drawing Style, but integrated with the law of time.

This is Lin Su's own sword!

Creating your own swordsmanship is the real starting point of swordsmanship!

In Lin Su's fighting room, he created the Fusheng Sword and truly opened up his own way of swordsmanship!

He put away his sword with satisfaction, raised his hand, and took out something.

A cracked bronze mirror.

On the bronze mirror, an old man appeared, it was Zhou Tian Jingling.

Hi, old man, I haven't seen you for a few days and you're looking haggard! Lin Su greeted him.

The old man's anger boiled up on the spot: You also know that my spirit is haggard? There are only a few drops of my spirit's origin left, and I am looking for you day and night. How can I not be haggard? I can tell you, if you don't want to have someone else, Give me some way to replenish my origins, I won’t be able to do anything!”

Replenishing your origin is the ultimate goal of your ten-thousand-year journey. How can it be achieved overnight? After finishing this job, I will give you a long vacation as compensation... Lin Su said: How is the situation?

Not at all! Zhou Tianjing said: I think she has fallen into a bottleneck and has been wandering around a small lake for three days.

A small lake left her footsteps for three days? What lake?

Zhou Tianjing was furious: How many times have I told you? This spirit is Zhou Tianjing! There are no place names in Zhou Tianjing. All place names are just Zhou Tianjing symbols. How do I know what this shitty little lake is?

Damn it! I finally understand what it's like to face irritable employees in modern society when the boss has no money to pay wages. I can't bear to beat you. If I don't beat you, you are still evil... Release Xiaohu to I’ll take a look!”

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