Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 918 The mystery of Yanyu Tower emerges

In the Zen room, Lin Su gently raised his hand, and the books in the room flowed through his fingertips like water, covering an entire wall in a moment.

Princess Xingyue was a little embarrassed. She felt that she had just thrown it away and he was helping her pick it up.

But she never expected that in such a process of reorganization, the contents of all the books would turn into a leaf in Lin Su's brain. Under Lin Su's high-speed search, they would be integrated in a matter of seconds.

All records about Huixian Lake and Boyun Lake became his knowledge.

Lin Su gently raised his hand, pulled out a book from the wall of books, opened it, and started to read pretendingly. This was a characteristic of his reading in front of others. He felt that he was already fantasy enough in Wendao, and he didn't want to be obsessed with it anymore. Enter a more fantasy mark.

Princess Xingyue felt that it was inappropriate for him to check the information alone, so she joined in anyway.

You read one book and I read it one by one.

However, in the vast amount of information, it is not easy to find doubts about Huixian Lake.

Just when Princess Xingyue was about to make some rational suggestions, Lin Su suddenly looked up...

His eyes are a little brighter...

Princess Xingyue was slightly surprised: What did you find?

Lin Su raised his hand and handed the book in his palm to Princess Xingyue: Look at this record!

Princess Xingyue took it. This was a very ancient book called Nanyang Travel Notes. There was a passage in it: To the left of Nanyang and to the right of Ningshan Mountain, there is a lake called Bo Yun. Covering two thousand miles, the misty waves are vast, so they are called thin clouds. There are islands in the lake, and the sky is like a wall...

Princess Xingyue looked all the way: On the left of Nanyang, on the right of Ningshan, Bo Yun Lake... There is no problem. Huixian Lake was indeed called Bo Yun Lake, and it is indeed on the left of Nanyang and the right of Ningshan.

Two thousand miles of land! Lin Su said: You have already seen Huixian Lake just now. Does this lake have two thousand miles of land?

This... Princess Xingyue smiled: You are a literary genius, don't you understand the literati's narrative method? You like to use more exaggerated words. This lake is three hundred miles long and about a hundred miles wide. The literati said A thousand miles away is nothing.”

Three hundred miles, it's okay to say it's a thousand miles away, but what they said is two thousand miles away! Literary people don't use this kind of exaggeration!

Princess Xingyue said: You are a master of literary arts. I shouldn't argue with you about literary techniques. However, I have seen someone describe a ten-foot-long building as a 'dangerous building ten thousand feet high'. That's just adding a thousand feet high out of thin air. Times, the world doesn't think there is anything wrong with this man's poetry. The pen of a literati is for writing articles, not a ruler. How can you expect them to be precise in every word? This is a travelogue, not a geography.

Honestly speaking, Princess Xingyue is right.

This is just a travel note, not a geographical note. Geographic notes may focus on the accuracy of data, but travel notes are things that use objects to express emotions. Whether the data is accurate or not will not damage the artistic value of the article at all.

Lin Su smiled: You only read this paragraph, you didn't read the full text! This person recorded his process of entering along the lake. He still had time. After eleven days of storms, he reached the giant island in the middle of the lake. He climbed up and looked at it. The surrounding fields are vast!”

Princess Xingyue was slightly shocked: On the eleventh day of the storm, we arrived at the giant island in the middle of the lake. When we climbed up and looked up, we couldn't see any land? This... this is indeed contrary to common sense! Because the current Huixian Lake, no matter where you are in the lake, you can't see any land. You can see land wherever you go. Could it be that the Bo Yun Lake he recorded is not the Huixian Lake today?

Lin Sudao: There is a guess that may subvert your knowledge.

you say!

Lin Su said: Perhaps the Immortal Lake was originally that big, but some mysterious power absorbed mustard seeds into Xumi and absorbed most of the lake's area into a certain space. Therefore, the Two Thousand Miles Long Lake , and now only the tip of the iceberg has been revealed to the world! This also just answers the legend of Hui Xian... Hui Xian, in the eyes of the entire ancient Nanyang Kingdom, is a very beautiful opportunity, and it is a destiny worth traveling thousands of miles for everyone, because There are many people who have come forward to speak out, proving that this immortal relationship is extremely beautiful. They have personally gone to the fairyland, obtained the rare treasures of the immortal family, and their cultivation has been improved. However, are these immortals really immortals? Could it be... that it is the Yanyu Tower? ?”

Princess Xingyue's heart skipped a beat: Yanyu Tower?

Lin Sudao: An organization like Yanyu Tower is not a simple secluded sect, it is a door to the world! Every sect in the world is its target to infiltrate. I have always been thinking about how it develops downline sects. ?Now I seem to have found the answer. Its method of developing downline disciples is very high-end. They don't need to search all over the world by themselves. They only need to release the bait of Huixian, and there will naturally be countless literary masters, hermits, and spiritual masters. Traveling thousands of miles away, they only need to select and choose the right people to enter their station.

Wonderland...residence! Fairy...choose... Princess Xingyue frowned slightly: How does it ensure that the people who enter the fairyland are used by it? Isn't it worried that these people will leak the biggest secret of Yanyu Tower?

The biggest skill of Yanyu Tower is to confuse people's hearts. They naturally have means to control people who have fallen into their trap. I am not surprised at all even by the devil's means!

Princess Xingyue said: If your guess is true, it is very scary!

Yes, those people who come out of Wonderland are almost certainly from Yanyu Tower!

These people were originally outstanding figures in all walks of life. After receiving the blessing of the immortal, their status has reached a higher level. There are thousands of such people in our ancient Nanyang country, and they are all top figures in all walks of life. Princess Xingyue said: I have to contact my father immediately and inform him of your speculation. Regardless of whether this speculation is true or false, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom cannot withstand this level of storm and must deal with it as soon as possible.

Lin Su suddenly stood up: You clearly told him that this matter is not a guess! It has been confirmed!

Princess Xingyue was shocked: It has been confirmed? How to prove it?

Lin Su slowly moved his eyes towards her: My inside line disappeared! She... entered that space!

This news was just sent to him by Zhou Tianjing!

Just when they were comprehensively analyzing Bo Yun Lake here, Yueying entered the lake, entered the lake, and disappeared!

Zhou Tianjing could feel her presence. She was still in this area, but he could no longer see through the images around her. Zhou Tianjing told him that this was a shield from the power of the holy way. Zhou Tianjing had not yet reached its peak state and was not enough to break through the holy level. strength.

All wires are connected!

Huixian Lake, the former Bo Yun Lake, must be where the headquarters of Yanyu Tower is located.

Yanyulou used this big lake to implement a plan that spanned thousands of years and concealed the truth from the sky.

In the name of meeting immortals, top figures from all over the world come to the lake to seek immortality. They choose the best. Once selected by them, this person has only two endings, either surrender or death.

There are not many people with integrity in the world, so most people can still appear again.

Once they appear, they take advantage of the luck of knowing immortals and the rare treasures or superpowers they bring out from the fairyland, making everyone extremely envious. Not only will their status not be reduced, but it will be greatly improved.

As for rare treasures, Yanyu Tower has thousands of years of history, so there are no rare treasures that cannot be obtained.

As for cultivation, Yanyulou attracts talents from all walks of life. What kind of secret method of cultivation is unavailable?

What was originally a disgraceful surrender turned out to be great and glorious after being packaged in the term Huixian!

This is the high end of Yanyulou!

They are not limited to their own strength, they play with the word borrowing force very well - they are not just cultivating a person who knows nothing to become their confidant, what they are better at is to turn the original person into a confidant. Bringing people who have achieved success in spiritual practice into their trap is also called borrowing power!

The news from Princess Xingyue was sent directly to Chu Yunfei. Chu Yunfei, a great monarch of the generation who had practiced Zen in Buddhism for thirteen years and had already mastered the self-cultivation skill of Taishan Mountain collapses in front of him but his color remains unchanged, was sweating all over his back.

All immortals have problems!

All it takes is this judgment, which is a huge earthquake sweeping through the nine countries and thirteen states!

Especially the ancient country of Nanyang!

The ancient country of Nanyang is where Huixian Lake is located. How many people pursue Huixian as their lifelong pursuit? People who have experienced immortality are the envy of everyone no matter where they are, because what does it mean to become immortal? It means good luck!

In a family, if there is a child who knows immortality, the status of this child will immediately be higher than that of others.

Over time, he will become the head of the family.

There are many people in the court who have experience of meeting immortals.

In academia, more.

Of course, some are real and some are fake - why fake? Becoming an immortal is very elusive, and it doesn't require proof anyway. It can make you look better, and you don't take any risks. Who wouldn't wear this hat on their head?

As time goes by, it becomes difficult to tell the true from the false.

When he thought of this, Chu Yunfei's head got dizzy.

With a move of his hand, he called the Shadowless Child over. When the Shadowless Child heard that this was Lin Su's analysis, he immediately took it to heart. The two of them analyzed it comprehensively. They raised their eyes and saw it in each other's eyes. Extremely cautious.

This guy's wisdom alone makes people have no choice but to believe that what he judges must be the truth! Chu Yunfei said: I leave it to you to clean up the immortals!

Yes! The shadowless child bowed and disappeared completely.

Chu Yunfei raised his hands together, and a Buddhist bead appeared in his palm...

In front of Lin Su and Princess Xingyue, the image of Chu Yunfei appeared in the sky.

Your Majesty! Lin Su bowed.

Princess Xingyue called her father and bowed.

I have already made arrangements for the people who will become immortals in our country. We will monitor them first. When the war is officially launched, we will catch them all! Around Tanzhou, millions of troops are already in place. If you take a top-notch flying boat, you can reach Huixian Lake in a quarter of an hour. This battle will , when to activate it, how to activate it, it’s up to you!”

Lin Su nodded: Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty! The current situation on Huixian Lake is unknown. I will go to Huixian Lake first. You wait for my news!

I'll go with you! Xingyue said.


His Majesty's shadow flashed away.

The door was gently opened, and Wei Xia stood in the drizzle outside, bowing gently: Xingyue, Young Master, I will go with you too!

Princess Xingyue was suddenly startled and looked at Wei Xia blankly, as if she couldn't believe her ears...

Wei Xia smiled softly: From now on, my name is not Wei Xia, my name is Wei Yu! Regarding the actions of my mother clan, I may still have to choose to stand by and watch, but when it comes to Yanyu Tower, I can't! Because I know that that day There is a black hand behind the group of people who forced Master to death, and that is Yanyulou!

She bowed and disappeared into the air.

Xingyue raised her hand gently, and a Buddhist bead turned into a lotus platform and landed at her and Lin Su's feet.

Together, the lotus terraces reach up to the sky.

Halfway up the mountain of Jinyan Temple, a small green felt sedan was going up the mountain in the light rain. Suddenly, the sedan stopped, and the sedan curtain opened, revealing a face as beautiful as a flower. It was Hong Ye, Princess Zhenbei.

Hong Ye looked at the lotus rising in the sky and the unforgettable figure above the lotus, and was stunned.

Miss, he...he was abducted by Her Royal Highness the Princess...Why is Her Royal Highness like this? She has become a monk and you are robbing other people's men... Beside the sedan, Xing'er was about to cry.

The wild geese are at the end of the sky, there are no bridges in spring, no boats on the water, three generations and three lives gather together, one mountain, one temple, one river flows... Hong Ye softly recited a few lines of poetry: Go back!

On the lotus platform, Lin Su and Princess Xingyue sat cross-legged.

Wei Xia, oh, Wei Yu is not there, no one knows where she is, not even Xingyue, Lin Su vaguely feels her existence, as if she exists in another space.

She doesn't need to take a flying boat. The magic of her space laws is beyond the reach of Lin Su.

Xingyue looked away from the distance: Did you find someone?

Lin Su was a little embarrassed, but he decided to pretend: Who?

Xingyue smiled softly: Stop pretending, three generations, three lives, three gatherings, one mountain, one temple, one river. Don't you think this new poem is quite sad? She probably only has three gatherings with you, but what she means I also believe that what you say about three generations and three lives is true, because this princess is really such a stubborn person.

The young lady admires the princess for her detection ability! Lin Su sighed sincerely.

It was already remarkable for her to be able to see Hong Ye in the sedan from such a distance. To be able to hear the poem Hong Ye was reciting in a low voice, he thought that apart from himself, at most, only the light rain outside could hear it. arrived, but unexpectedly, Xingyue heard it.

Her cultivation level made him a little shocked.

Buddhist magical powers are different from other systems of cultivation, the upgrade method is different, and they are not good at fighting. However, they also have aspects that are beyond the reach of other paths, such as the insight into the world and the world.

In fact, you have helped me a lot in my cultivation! Princess Xingyue said.

Lin Su's heart moved: Did I help you?

It's not a direct help, but an indirect one... I went to Da Cang Country last time, and my cultivation level improved by a whole level. I owe it half to the Buddhist scripture Diamond Sutra and half to your wonderful Zen songs, so I said, You and the Buddhist senior who wrote the Diamond Sutra jointly created this opportunity for me.

Depend on!

The Buddhist predecessor who wrote the Diamond Sutra?

Don’t you know that senior... is also me?

In fact, it's not just her who doesn't know, Da Cang Buddhism doesn't seem to know either.

This is a bit fun.

In the Thousand Buddhas Temple in the southeastern Buddhist country, Lin Su had clearly linked the Diamond Sutra to himself, and when he asked to see Master Kongwen of the Thousand Buddhas Temple, he was named the author of the Diamond Sutra.

It stands to reason that this big news should immediately spread throughout the world of Buddhism. All Buddhists in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States should know that the Buddhist scripture Diamond Sutra was written by Lin Su.

However, this is not the case.

This bombshell was thrown into the water, and there was not even an echo.

Qianfo Temple, are you deliberately suppressing this news?

If it is deliberately blocked, it is worth pondering in itself...

What does it mean?

At least it shows that the structure of Thousand Buddhas Temple is not large enough. Buddhism pays great attention to structure. Buddhism with a small structure is not a real Buddhism in itself, but a practicing sect in the guise of Buddhism. What's next? It also seems to show that Qianfo Temple has a deep... not to say malicious intent towards Mr. Lin, it can probably be said to be unfriendly!

Seeing Lin's eyes flashing, as if he was thinking very complicatedly for a moment, Xingyue completely understood what he meant: What? Don't you believe that songs can help people practice?

Yes, this is incredible. My songs are usually for leisure...

You are just talking about 'general', but there are always some exceptions. I am a special case among the recipients, but you are a special case at the source. Your articles, your poems, and your songs, I know how the masters are. Evaluation?

How was it evaluated?

Princess Xingyue's big eyes met his accurately: Gao Renyan, your poems and songs are not poems and songs, but Tao!


A song Qin Yuan Chun. Snow disrupted the state affairs in Dayu; a song Spring Water on the Border is Clear and Pure settled the hearts of the people of Jin; a song A Cut Plum. Alone on an Orchid Boat locked the saint of Yaochi; a song Folk Song is like a song Spring River Water, connecting the Holy Family of Music and the Holy Family of Taoism... The world is obsessed with the wonderful artistic conception of your poems and songs and can't get out of it, but they don't know that behind your masterful hands of literature and art, there is a key to your organization of the world. Therefore, these poems and songs are not poems and songs themselves, they are soaked in your wisdom, vertical and horizontal ways, and ways of governing the world!

Lin Su stared at her for a long time: The expert you are talking yourself?

Princess Xingyue's eyes turned into crescent moons.

Between the two of them, a chord seemed to be playing at this moment, and the name of this chord was Zhiyin!

Yes, it has nothing to do with the wind and the moon, it’s just a word called...understand!

Lin Su walked the world and left countless literary monuments. Everyone was excited and admired these monuments, but few people saw the Tao behind him through these literary monuments!

The old man from the Prime Minister's Office once said: Every legend about Lin Su was forced out.

He saw the surface, it was force!

But he did not see something deeper, that is: Tao!

Of course, Lin Su's poems, articles, and music include casual parts and casual parts. However, the introduction of the most subtle parts actually has a purpose, especially in the later period. Almost every wonderful display of literary skills requires a lot of effort. It’s not about the poetry and music itself, but about the current situation.

His poems and songs need to have a perspective that goes beyond the literary realm to look at the current situation.

Have we been a little honest today? Princess Xingyue had a hint of mystery in her eyes.

When you enter the ancient kingdom of Nanyang, you and I can only be honest, and we must be honest. Lin Su said.

There is something, can you clear up my doubts? Princess Xingyue suddenly sent a message into the secret.

Tell me!

What happened after I left just now? Why did Wei Xia suddenly speak?

Lin Su smiled softly: I chatted with her for a few words, and I think she figured it out!

We chatted for a few words... In the past five years, I have chatted with her countless times, but I was always talking and she was listening. I don't even know if she was listening. For five years, I chatted for five years. Not as good as what you said? I must listen to what you said...

Lin Su, with a candid attitude, told her everything he had told her...

Princess Xingyue was stunned for a long time, and then she breathed out softly: Switch positions! This is a position switch! I have always enlightened her from my own point of view, you just changed positions, stood from her point of view, and deeply understood Interpret her heart, accurately find the key point in her heart, and then switch to the perspective of Zen Master Shiku, and break the knot in her heart in just a few words. I have to thank you! The hardship of Zen, the loneliness of the deep palace, the importance of this sister Gui, you don’t know how happy I am.”

Then can you tell me something about her? Lin Su said.

Princess Xingyue hesitated for a moment, then said...

The origin of the light rain is extraordinary...

Her mother is a demon, but she is also a special case among the demons. This is a very rare demon clan, called empty demons. The blood of the void demons has its own laws of time and space, and they can apply them as soon as they are born. As for the superficial laws of space, as their cultivation improves, their understanding of the laws of space will gradually improve. At her current state, there is almost nothing in the world that can imprison her...

Lin Su suddenly realized...

He finally understood why he couldn't compare to her...

Because this is the power of blood!

What's the point of him practicing hard for two or three years? She has had the power of space laws since she was born!

The magic way is really magical...

There are all kinds of magical bloodlines...

This world of heaven is also very magical. It has seven laws and three hundred rules, which is the ultimate level of spiritual practice for practitioners. However, it is not entirely achieved through practice.

Sometimes the way of heaven is very stingy. Facing the perseverance of cultivators who practice hard, they will not give in even half a step, that is, they will not let you touch the highest level.

But sometimes, it is also very generous, spreading the Seven Laws and Three Hundred Rules to a corner of the world of heaven, allowing a certain race to blend into its bloodline.

On the side of the South China Sea in the past, Lin Su accidentally came into contact with a lot of information, which was collected by a generation of shit-eating scholars. After Lin Su absorbed it all, a lot of strange things were stuffed into his mind. It's ridiculous. For example, there is such a piece of news, which is a comprehensive inventory of the races in the heavens...

Among all the races in the world, in terms of physical fitness, the human race is the worst.

However, throughout all major eras, the people who stand at the top of the world are often the human race.

Why? In modern terms, the lower limit of the human race is very low, but the upper limit of the human race is also very high. The human race is the most integrated race. Other races may have special abilities at birth, but they will not Just this kind of ability, and the human race can learn and integrate it, the ultimate upper limit is beyond the reach of all major races...

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