Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 945 Three moves to destroy three enemies

The elder of the Jin clan said: On the journey of heaven, the geniuses compete and encounter obstacles on the way. Naturally, they rise up and fight back. At this time, it is legitimate to fight back. Therefore, we and other seven clans will never pursue the crime of the Saint of Yaochi who killed our clan's genius. What we are pursuing is just the crime of the sudden sneak attack on Tiandao Peak!

Exactly! said the elder of the Yi Clan: We are blocking the road today. We are not blocking the path of the Saint of Yaochi. You, Yaochi, can just stay on the shore and watch the show!

The two elders sang in harmony and instantly understood the situation clearly.

There are indeed rules on the spiritual path. If you encounter someone who blocks the way and kills someone, feel free to kill them!

We recognize this rule!

Therefore, I will not mention the lives of our people who died at the hands of the Yaochi Saint.

What we want to pursue is Lin Su's sudden murder on Tiandao Peak!

Tiandao Peak is not a place for a duel, and the Holy Son of our clan definitely did not attack Lin Su. Lin Su took advantage of their summit to launch a sneak attack. This is against the rules anywhere in the world.

In this way, there would be no reason for Yaochi to intervene again.

They forcibly separated Lin Su from Yaochi for good reasons.

Yu Xiaoyao was a little hard to defend for a while. In fact, when the killings occurred on Linsu Tiandao Peak, she also felt that it was a bit too much...

Lin Su stepped forward and bowed deeply to where Aunt Mei was: Thank you Elder Mei for your protection, but as the Yi Clan elder said, this matter has nothing to do with Yaochi. Yaochi is still watching the show. good!

Aunt Mei frowned suddenly.

Li Daonian beside her felt relieved.

But Yu Xiaoyao cast a pair of beautiful eyes at Lin Su, but she was puzzled.

Have you figured out the situation?

Currently, you are surrounded by enemies on all sides, and Yaochi is your only chance of survival. Once you are decoupled from Yaochi, you will give them an environment to let go...

All ethnic groups also felt relieved at the same time.

Yaochi, whether they recognize it or not, is a big mountain weighing on their hearts. If Yaochi is determined to stand up for him, today's situation will be difficult to break. If this kid takes the initiative to decouple from Yaochi, it will be much easier to handle.

Lin Su moved his eyes to the elders of the Wing Clan: The Holy Son of the Wing Clan, the Holy Son of the Giant Clan, and the Holy Son of the Wood Clan all killed him. There is only one fundamental reason. If you dare to intercept and kill me on the Bone Road, you will be killed. Awakening! This killing is just to express my bad breath and has nothing to do with Yaochi!

The elder of the Yi Clan looked up to the sky and roared: So it turns out that you can kill people just to vent your anger... Then I just happened to let out a breath of bad breath today!

As soon as the last two words were spoken, a strange air flow suddenly shot toward Lin Su.

This air flow seems invisible, but when it comes out, it is like a mighty sword, and it cuts down with one strike. This is the horror of Yuantian Master. A look can kill, and a ball of air can also kill.

Just as he was about to swallow Lin Su up, Lin Su suddenly took a step forward.

Taking a step forward, the strange air flow that intervened in the transition between reality and reality passed by his feet without hurting him at all.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes lit up...

A great step forward!

It’s this magical footwork again!

He used this move once when he was fighting with the Wing Clan Blade Tiangang Rules on the seaside, and he used it again today, and its mystery has been improved tenfold and a hundredfold.

With this footwork, he actually seems to be able to compete with Yuan Tian.

Then don't be too hasty.

Dayan One Step! The Yi Clan Blade Elder's face darkened: With just one footwork, do you think you can cross the chasm?

Lin Sukong laughed: Tianqian? First of all, you have to make sure you are Tianqian! What a pity, you are not qualified at all!

Seeking death! Elder Blade roared angrily, and his wings suddenly circled and turned into a tornado.

Tornadoes are terrifying in the world, not to mention someone like him who studies the rules of the wind system. The wind itself is a knife, even the edge of the wind!

As soon as the tornado came out, the hundred-mile space where Lin Su was was completely under his knife!

Lin Su suddenly raised his head and said two words: Seeking death!


The long sword comes out!

As soon as the sword came out, it was invisible and the tornado seemed to be cut off by the roots!

The Yi Clan elder's expression suddenly changed: Such a monster? Kill him!

The tornado completely turns into a tornado, and everything directed by the blade is destroyed.

But when Lin Su's long sword shook, a strange wave centered on the long sword. The tornado around him suddenly turned and turned into countless long swords. The long swords rolled back and shot towards Elder Blade.

Sword World! Aunt Mei looked at... Li Daonian!

What Li Daonian was looking at was Lin Su's sword.

The sword world had already surprised him once on the beach of rules. No one expected that Lin Su had picked the seeds of the rules of swordsmanship. But now, the sword world really exploded with power. It was so sharp, so smooth, and far away. Far beyond Li Daonian's prediction...

At this moment, Lin Su's strength in the field of swordsmanship truly caught his eye.

Let him know that this boy is not only excellent at flirting with girls, but also has a swordsmanship that rivals his own.

This is not a good phenomenon.

However, what was even more incredible was that Lin Su suddenly raised his hand, and the sword shadows all over the sky were like ten thousand swords returning to the clan, and they all threw themselves into his swords, even the tornado sword created by Elder Blade!

The sky cleared instantly!

The sword in Lin Su's hand seemed to be magnified ten million times...

Heavenly Sword Style!

With one strike of the sword, the Wing Clan Blade Elder was split in two.

Aunt Mei's eyes suddenly opened wide, and infinite light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Li Daonian's eyes widened suddenly, but there was confusion in them. Unknowingly, he seemed to have taken on the role of, if he was facing this sword, could his confusion of swordsmanship be blocked?

What a Lin Su, his swordsmanship attained to such an extent.

With his Xiangtian Dharma body, he can kill Yuantian-level elders of the Wing Clan with three swords.

Abbot Kongwen of Thousand Buddhas Temple suddenly became extremely calm, as if he had suddenly transformed into a sitting Buddha.

The body of the elder of the giant clan suddenly enlarged...

He was originally twenty feet tall, but when he enlarged it now, he directly expanded to a thousand feet tall...

As soon as he expanded, Lin Su's figure also suddenly expanded...

In the blink of an eye, it is also a body of thousands of feet!

How is this possible? Everyone onlookers turned to stone.

This was the first time that Lin Su showed his power to the outside world in public. This display shocked the entire audience!

As soon as I entered Xiangtian Dharma Earth, my Dharma Body reached thousands of feet!

How outrageous is this?

Even if it is like the end of heaven and earth, a person with a body of thousands of feet is still a hero in this life!

Two thousand-foot-long Dharma bodies filled the entire space in an instant.

The elder of the giant clan punched out, like a punishment from heaven...

Lin Su also punched out...

With a bang, thousands of sword lights exploded from Lin Su's fist...

The elders of the giant race scattered suddenly, and there was a rain of blood!

Lin Su retracted in a flash, slowly stretched out his hand, and wiped away the blood on his fist: Who else?

On the Shadow Clan flying boat, the figure of the Shadow Clan elder suddenly disappeared completely...

Lin Su, be careful! Yu Xiaoyao's four-word emergency exit...

Lin Su suddenly turned around and pointed at the void behind him!

A strange scene suddenly unfolded in front of everyone without warning...

An old man appeared in this space, frozen, and the expression on his face was infinitely wonderful...


There was a very light sound, and the old man's whole body was torn apart. His whole body was shattered like glass and was involved in the blood mist.

Amitabha, the law of space! Abbot Kongwen groaned.

The whole place fell into deathly silence, except for Yu Xiaoyao, whose eyes were filled with colorful light, as if a flower was blooming silently.

One sword cuts off the Winged Clan's Yuantian, one punch shatters the Giant's Clan's Yuantian, and a void devours the Hidden Clan's Yuantian!

The first blow declared that his swordsmanship was unparalleled.

The second blow declared that his foundation was extremely solid.

The third blow announced that his path of rules had deviated from the normal track.

Tiandao Island is about understanding the rules. Any prodigy who leaves Tiandao Island will make rapid progress on the road of rules. This is not surprising at all. Even if Lin Su realized the rules of water and the rules of swordsmanship at the same time, surprising everyone, but Compared to today, it definitely pales into insignificance!

Because what he showed today was not a rule, but a law!

The difference between rules and laws is a world of difference!

There are no laws on Tiandao Island, but where did his space laws come from? Why can we achieve this incredible state without showing off the mountains and rivers?

I am afraid that only a few people in the entire world can achieve this level of law application.

For example, Our Lady of Yaochi, Kongwen of Thousand Buddhas Temple, Wuyun Taoist Priest of Dishui Temple...

When Yu Xiaoyao came out of Tiandao Island and saw a bunch of people blocking the way, she had a premonition that he would encounter a catastrophe. However, he struck three times and killed three super masters in a row, with an extremely powerful posture. , came an unprecedented display.

This display declares that all interceptions are meaningless!

Lin Su didn't need Yaochi's protection to defeat any interception.

At least, no one present could stop him from returning.

Because none of these people have reached the second realm of Yuantian.

The only exception is probably Kongwen of Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Kong Wen's cultivation has always been a secret.

As long as Lin Su doesn't mess with Kong Wen, he can leave safely today.

However, Lin Su's figure swayed and he took a step towards Kong Wen. The direction he was walking in was exactly where Kong Wen was...

Master Kongwen, are you okay? Lin Su bowed slightly while standing ten feet away from Kongwen.

Master Kongwen slowly opened his eyes and showed a kind smile: We said goodbye that day. Almsgiver Lin has made great progress. It's really gratifying.

There's something that I hope you can forgive me for, Master! Lin Su said: Actually, I killed a person on the Bone Road, Kong Lingzi, the Buddhist disciple of your temple!

The smile on Kongwen's face disappeared without a trace...

The entire space is completely frozen...

Just now, when Lin Su walked to the Thousand Buddhas Temple area with the graceful steps of a scholar, especially after he said politely Goodbye, stay safe, everyone had a realization that this kid also has a relationship with Qianfo Temple and is on good terms with Yaochi. His connection with Thousand Buddhas Temple may be the key reason for his rampage.

Unexpectedly, his words directly overturned all predictions.

The legendary Buddha from the Thousand Buddhas Temple was actually killed by him. He didn't even bother killing foreigners. He even killed the human race, and the one he killed was the legendary Buddha who was the younger generation at the top of the human race.

What's even more outrageous is that he told Kong Wen face to face.

The tone he used was extremely calm, as if he was saying that the weather is really nice today...

Lin Su stared into Master Kongwen's eyes and added: I don't have to tell the world about my battle with him, but Master has to accept a favor from me.

Everyone was confused...

Aunt Mei looked at Yu Xiaoyao who had just come to her side, and she didn't understand it at all.

Abbot Kongwen heard the Buddha's name gently: People also have mistakes when walking on the Buddhist path. Amitabha, what kind of favor does the donor want?

The first eight characters are actually his answer.

There are also mistakes in people's practice of Buddhism. The meaning is very clear. No matter what bad things Konglingzi does, he will ultimately bear the blame. It is because his Buddhist practice is not enough and he cannot represent Qianfo Temple.

With these words, Lin Su was blocked from continuing to attack.

Lin Sudao: When people follow the Buddhist path, there are also mistakes. When demons follow the Buddhist path, the future is also uncertain. Master Huida! I would like to ask a few words from a master in your temple. I hope the abbot master will not stop him. .”

Abbot Kong heard that the Buddha's name was fixed again: The donor asked, why do you need to stop me? What reason do you have to stop me?

That would be perfect! Lin Su raised his finger and pointed directly at an old monk next to Kongwen: Is this master Zen Master Kongyou?

Yes! Master Kongyou clasped his hands together.

You entered Tiandao Island twenty years ago and climbed the seventy-four steps?


You are a person who has received the Tao Heart Brand. Please tell me, is this Tao Heart Brand something that the Taoist Sect controls the cultivators?

As soon as these words came out, a golden light flashed from Lin Su's eyebrows directly into Kong You's spiritual platform.

Literature cleanses the mind!

Moreover, it was Lin Su who used the power of the literary world to purify one’s heart with literary ideas!

Everyone in the field was shocked...

Because Lin Su mentioned the Tao Heart Mirror!

The Dao Heart Mirror is the most talked about topic among everyone in the past few days. No one in this year's Tianjiao has obtained the Dao Heart Mirror, which also casts a shadow on this trip to Heaven. The consensus reached by everyone is that there is an unintentional catastrophe, outside the territory Someone is causing trouble, trying to destroy the opportunity of the human race and cut off the path of this generation of geniuses, so as to avoid unintentional catastrophes.

At this moment, Lin Su came without any warning and said that the Dao Heart Mark was something that the Dao Sect controlled practitioners.


Kong Yu's one-word answer seemed to have dropped a super bomb on the entire audience...

Kong Wen's eyes suddenly opened wide...

Lin Su continued to ask: Whose instructions do you accept?


what is your purpose?


Everyone in the audience was covered in cold sweat...

The Tao Heart Mirror, the treasure of cultivation that has attracted cultivators for thousands of years and made countless cultivators pursue it like moths to a flame, turned out to be a conspiracy of the Taoist sect.

The brand of Taoist heart is engraved on the soul, which cannot be shaken off throughout life, and can only obey the orders of others.

The remnants of the Taoist sect have never been completely eliminated, and they are still on the path of cultivation.

There are even more people who come from outside the territory, establish the Infernal Gate, infiltrate this world, control these big figures, and act in a truly unfavorable way. In front of them, what these people are doing is nothing more than establishing their own power and sending the top elites away. Go to Tiandao Island and become their people.

But in the near future, when the Wuxin catastrophe actually breaks out, these forces will cooperate internally and externally to coordinate this catastrophe...

This is a real disaster!

The unintentional catastrophe has not yet begun, but there has already been a catastrophe on the path of spiritual practice!

However, this disaster was covered in a bright coat, and no one was alert!

Lin Su tore this layer of cloth apart, in front of the world's top cultivating immortal sect, and in front of nine foreign races!

With this tear, the world will be in turmoil, and it will be extremely tragic!

Lin Su said calmly: Master Kongwen, I heard that your temple has a fine tradition. When faced with spies who betray the spiritual path, they like to kill them with their own hands to prove their innocence. Can Master Kongyou make an exception today?

Kong Wen slowly stood up: The rules of Buddhism are to save all living beings. All living beings are mixed with fish and dragons. The tranquility of Buddhism is also difficult, Amitabha!

Together, they slapped Sora Yu on the head.

Kong Yu's whole body stiffened and remained motionless.

Lin Su bowed deeply: Master is really upright in his actions, I admire you! I say goodbye!

Together with his body, he went straight up into the sky, and with a twist in the air, he was thousands of miles away...

Those aliens looked at each other, one hundred and twenty wanted to intercept, but they wanted others to intercept...

Coincidentally, other aliens thought the same thing...

On the jade boat in Yaochi, clouds floated, and the jade boat left the spot in the blink of an eye. Yu Xiaoyao sat on the bow of the boat, looking at the sky. This stream of light was not caused by him, but a different kind of brilliance on the spiritual path was caused by him. And rise...

Junior sister, what have you gained from this trip? Li Daonian smiled slightly, his face showing the brilliance of the past.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes slowly moved to his face: Brother, he is right in what he said. You are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs. My biggest gain from this trip to Tiandao is probably the same, that Even if it is right that Yaochi does not have a Holy Son, Yaochi is probably not suitable for having a senior brother!

Li Daonian's expression suddenly changed.

Aunt Mei's brows also frowned.

Yu Xiaoyao stood up slowly: On this return trip, my little sister will suggest to my mother that you, a fool who has failed to achieve anything and is prone to failure, be locked up in the Cangmang Cave forever. Your existence is the shame of my Yaochi!

Li Daonian had black lines running across his face: Junior sister, you...

The saint has always been peaceful, why did she say such evil words today? Aunt Mei's expression also changed.

Yu Xiaoyao breathed heavily into the sky: Aunt Mei, do you know that he has become a chess piece in the hands of the enemy, and he has really caused trouble for me, Yaochi. You have learned a little bit about my father's swordsmanship. But in gaming the world, how can an arrogant and ignorant fool like you get involved...

The journey back to Yaochi is destined to be the beginning of Li Daonian's eternal downfall.

In fact, it's not just Li Daonian.

There are a few more people.

Ji Wendao's heart was also filled with dust. He had a plan when he went to Tiandao Island. However, he had no chance to take action because he found that Lin Su's opponents were far more than him, and almost all of them were more lethal than him. .

However, in his opinion, the extremely powerful genius is nothing in front of him!

Then there is no need for him to take action!

Seeing Lin Su destroying the arrogance of the three clans with three moves, oh, no, even Master Kongwen of Qianfo Temple, he despised him in person, and then walked away from his back, Ji Wen felt infinitely disappointed.

From today on, I'm afraid I will have faded out of his sight...

I am no longer worthy of being his opponent!

On the other boat, Zhuge Qingfeng was silent, drinking tea and sitting on the edge of the boat, saying nothing.

But on a boat returning to the Northland, it was an exception. The two women talked a lot...

These two women are He Su and Xue Qianxun...

Lin Su escaped from everyone's sight, and the Wen Dao golden boat floated on the Xijiang River under his feet.

The water of Xijiang River is as green as a mirror, which is a completely different scenery from Daohai.

After returning from Tiandao Island, which was full of crises and opportunities, and stepped onto the Xijiang River where there were no crises but no opportunities, Lin Su also seemed extremely relaxed.

It is now August, and unknowingly, three months have passed by like this. The change of seasons has brought a slightly different dynamic to the water of the Xijiang River. A few yellow leaves are floating on the river, feeling free and leisurely.

Lin Su gently raised his hand, and there was also a yellow leaf in his palm.

This yellow leaf does not belong to the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. It is a yellow leaf on the side of Daohai on Tiandao Island.

Lin Su held up Huang Ye and said, Are you sure that as long as you are put into the water, you can return to the Spirit Clan?

A weak male voice came from among the yellow leaves: The Spirit Clan is known as the Immortal Clan for a reason. We can parasitize the soul on all things. If there is one exception, it is Dao Hai. You will lead us Crossing the sea is enough.

Another female voice came: We know what you are worried about. We are worried that the Spirit Race will collude with the Demon Race because of this disaster. Indeed, if there is no Young Master, we may really be completely disappointed with the Human Race, but with Young Master, it is completely different. Even if we, the spirit race, do not associate with other human races, we will still choose to go with you!

Goodbye then! Lin Su flicked her hand, and the yellow leaves in her palm fell down the Xijiang River.

The waves rolled gently, and the yellow leaves flowed down the river.

On the journey to heaven, all journeys have come to an end, and this one in front of me is the last one.

The bodies of the three people from the Spirit Clan were destroyed by Li Daonian. However, they are an immortal race, and their Yuan Mystic Techniques are unpredictable. With their true cultivation, they could not stop Li Daonian's vast swordsmanship. When the three of them gave up their bodies, a wisp of Yuan Shen remained silent. Falling on the leaves on the side of Daohai.

Prodigies from all walks of life passed by their feet, but they did not choose to follow them.

Because they have no trust in these talented people.

Until Lin Su appeared.

Lin Su is the only person they trust.

This leaf fell on Lin Su's shoulder, and Lin Su's heart opened...

However, as the leaves drifted away, another knot in Lin Su's heart quietly formed...

There are some things in the world that he has never been willing to face, but how can things in the world go as he wishes? Some things will eventually happen, and some people will eventually come!


On the river a hundred feet away, a small boat glides gently by.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's face, a smile without any impurities...

Get on the boat! A voice came from the boat.

Okay! Lin Su stepped over and stood at the bow of the boat.

First, borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, and use your wine to wash away the wind and dust for you! Li Zexi stretched out his hand, and handed a bamboo tube to Lin Su's hand.

Lin Su took it and took a sip.

Okay, let's talk about it. What's the result of the trip to heaven?

As long as you go through things in this world, you will always gain something! Lin Su said: First of all, you have to be mentally prepared for something.

Li Zexi's expression became serious, and he sighed softly: It's been three hundred years, but how have I ever been mentally unprepared? It's just... I'm a little upset, so tell me!

Li Chunhe left his name on the kendo monument, which left a mark on his practice, and his death further confirmed the character of his sword sect. Senior, you, my disciple, have never insulted you!

Li Zexi slowly raised his head: At whose hands did he die? Why do you speak so highly of him?

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