Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 963 Literary Ruins, Literary Cemetery

A voice came from the mountain on the left: Fellow Taoist Wuyan, who is this person just now?

The wandering guest in the river and sea is popular in One Leaf of Spring! Ming Wuyan said: The little girl has now returned to the name given by her parents: Ming Tianyan. Fellow Taoists, please do not call her by the word Wuyan. There is no face in the world. How many guests are there? How dare a little girl call herself 'faceless' in front of these seniors?

Silently, Ming Tianyan rose into the sky and disappeared!

All the hermits were shocked at the same time.

There is something in this statement...

How many shameless guests are there in the world? The little girl dare not call herself shameless in front of her seniors!

It sounds gentle and elegant, but the words are sharp and sharp!

There are too many shameless people in the world, and they are seniors!

Compared with these shameless and shameless people, I am nothing!

What does it reflect?

After hiding under Mount Wuyou for eight hundred years, she did not give birth to Buddha nature, but instead sharpened her sword. What kind of storm will this strange woman who was famous for shocking the world and famous in the temple create? ?

Things are getting a bit big!

Her sudden change was due to this person.

Who is this guy?

Why can the ancient well that has been peaceful for eight hundred years become violent again? Why can this woman with eyes as high as her head say such a high praise: The wandering guest in the river and the sea is a popular spring leaf!

He is a spring breeze wherever he goes!

Including the Valley of Forgetfulness where the masters of the temple live in seclusion!

Lin Su was three thousand miles away in a moment.

In front of him is a special place, the Cultural Ruins!

What is Wenxu? The ruins of literature! Wendao Cemetery!

Literary people also have cemeteries, where they are buried not with people but with literature. There are many people who are experts in the literary field and have amazing works. These astonishing works either amaze the present generation or benefit future generations.

But there are also quite a few works that are very special. When they were first released, the works were quite beautiful and amazed an era. However, after the test of time or through arguments, it was proved that the works went astray.

This kind of work makes people infinitely sad.

It has been soaked in half or a lifetime of hard work by the owner, and he is absolutely reluctant to burn it. However, it really cannot be passed down. What should I do?

After all, the temple is rooted in literature, and literature is their foundation. Faced with such weighty waste literature, a cemetery was set up, and abandoned literary and Taoist works were sent to the literary ruins and buried here.

This is the meaning of the existence of cultural ruins.

But by no means all literary wastes are qualified to enter the Wenxu. The level of literary wastes entering the Wenxu is so high that it is unimaginable.

The scrapped manuscripts of saints can be admitted, the scrapped manuscripts of quasi-sages can be admitted, and the fragments of high-level holy treasures can be admitted...

As for ordinary people's scrapped manuscripts, what qualifications do they have to be buried in the literary ruins? Just burn it all with fire and that's it.

Therefore, this literary ruins is definitely not something that ordinary people can enter if they want to. The scrapped literary manuscripts inside are of extremely high level, and some have even given birth to spiritual beings. As cultural relics with the highest level of literary treasures, they are suddenly sentenced to death and sent to this place. How can they be so willing to do so? Over time, he became a madman.

The most important thing is that this group of lunatics have united with each other, crossed various barriers in the literary world, and derived variables that no one can predict.

They were born in the literary world and abandoned the literary world, so they hate the literati very much. If the literati in the temple have no brains, they should never think of entering the literary ruins.

But today, Lin Su came out of the air and came to an attic. Facing an old ruin keeper (grave keeper) on the attic, he bowed slightly: Student Lin Su, if you want to enter the literary ruins, please come. What a convenience!”

The ruins guard's dim eyes slowly opened, and endless years seemed to flow through them in an instant. His voice sounded infinitely old and vicissitudes of life: Entering the Wenxu?


Why do you want to enter?

“Looking for some inspiration!”

Looking for some inspiration? The guardian of the ruins frowned slightly: In the literary ruins, there are all wrong ways. Looking at them is harmful and useless. How can they inspire you?

You are wrong! If you know others' mistakes, you can learn your own way; if you know others' mistakes, you can learn your own right way. Identifying mistakes is also seeking the truth. How can I not enlighten you?

The person guarding the ruins looked up to the sky: That makes sense! Go to the entrance of the ruins and get your own key to enter the ruins!


Lin Su stepped out and saw a stone gate in front of him.

As he took this step, a bell rang in the Shouxu Pavilion.

The bell rang, not loud at all, low and depressing, like the sound of death.

However, strange sound waves swept through the seventeenth palace of the temple.

Everyone at the top knows this.

Wenxu Bell! In a restaurant that reached into the sky, several talented disciples raised their heads at the same time.

These are the five geniuses that Lin Su met when he entered the temple that day...

Li Qingquan in the Poetry Palace, Li Xiaoyao in the Dao Palace, Xun Lei in the Dharma Palace, Wu Feng in the Painting Palace, and Feng Jiuxiao in the Music Palace.

These five have several things in common. First, they were all once the number one disciples of this palace; second, they were all defeated by Lin Su. Thirdly, after their defeat, they slowly got closer. Fourthly, their current statuses have all moved up one level, and they all have the qualifications to enter Tianwaitian (entered the temple establishment).

As the number one disciple in each palace, I shoulder the important task of stopping someone Lin. However, despite the total failure, all of them actually succeeded. It's a bit funny, isn't it?

Haha, more interesting things are yet to come!

What was even more interesting were the other people.

Mo Gong Mo Chi, Zongheng Gongsun Changyang, and Yin Yang Gong Zou Bansheng were unanimously determined by these five people that they were not resolute enough when facing Lin Su and were not suitable to become core members of their small circle. They play.

Therefore, there are only five people in this small circle today!

At this moment, the Wenxu Bell was suddenly heard, and they were all shocked: Wenxu Bell, who is looking for death?

Dao Palace Li Xiaoyao stretched out his hand, and the glass of wine in front of him suddenly rippled like waves in the Dao Sea...

Dao Ke Dao! As soon as these three words were spoken, the projection of Wenxu appeared in front of them, as well as the man walking towards the entrance of the ruins.

It's him! Li Xiaoyao's expression changed.

The other four people were also excited. Li Qingquan said: He actually asked for his own death!

Exactly! There is a 90% chance that others will die if they enter the Cultural Ruins, but if he enters the Cultural Ruins, there is a 10% chance of death! Now, there is no need to worry, he will definitely die! Wu Feng said happily.

Xun Lei frowned: This person acts in the secular world and claims to be watertight. Why did he suddenly make such a strange move today?

Li Xiaoyao said: Maybe he doesn't know what it means to enter the cultural ruins. This is the trouble caused by his poor background and no one from above to guide him...

They saw the situation at the entrance of the Cultural Ruins, and the palaces in the temple naturally saw it at the same time. Under the power of various literary powers, Lin Su entered the Cultural Ruins and appeared silently in front of countless important figures.

Including Bai Lao!

Bai Lao's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to be a little excited.

In Luo Wuxin's house, Luo Wuxin lit up a night lamp and projected this image, and there seemed to be flames flickering in Luo Wuxin's eyes.

Sir, he actually wants to enter the Wen Ruins, is it really to pay homage to Mr. Hei? Jun Yue's eyes flashed.

To take risks and do something meaningless... Most people are absolutely idiots to do this, but because of his subordinates... Luo Wuxin's fingers gently fell on the edge of the chair, click...

Jun Yue said: How risky is it for him to enter the Wen Ruins this time?

Luo Wuxin said: There are two levels of risk. The first level is the risk of the cultural ruins itself! The second level is the risk of the purpose of his trip!

Jun Yue frowned slightly: The purpose of this trip is dangerous... Young Master is referring to worshiping Hei Lao, which will anger Le... the third heaven?

Luo Wuxin nodded slowly.

Yes, if Lin Su really went to Wenxu to pay homage to Hei Lao, then the target of his attack would be the Le Saint in the third heaven!

You need to know that Hei Lao was personally killed by Le Sheng, and anyone who dared to worship anyone who dared to worship him was an enemy of the saint, and that was asking for death.

Lin Su and Luo Wuxin are currently regular members of the temple, and their literary positions are also in the literary world. They are also very important in the temple. Even if they offend various palaces in the temple, it is not a big deal. However, there is a bottom line. There, that is, you must never offend the saint directly.

Therefore, Luo Wuxin's wildest plan was just to step on the two sacred peaks.

And absolutely dare not point the finger directly at the Third Heaven.

As for Lin Su, if he dares to worship Mr. Hei when he enters Wenxu today, he will be aiming directly at the third heaven.

This courage, this courage...

how to say?

Luo Wuxin was a little excited and a little ashamed, because he knew that he did not have such courage, but he also wanted to see what would happen if he really took that step.

Disobedience sometimes requires someone to explore the way ahead.

Lin Su is a very suitable pathfinder.

He was on the verge of committing suicide, and he, Luo Wuxin, was watching from behind so that he could formulate the next plan of action, right?

On the mountain of books at this moment, Saint Yasong of the mountain of books saw a person.

A person she seems to be very familiar with, but also seems not to be familiar with, Ming Tianyan!

She was familiar with it because Ming Tianyan often came to Shushan, and she, the elf of Shushan, almost became best friends with her. However, what she was not familiar with was that Ming Tianyan's eyes were shining brightly today, and he had clearly seen the light again!

Why are you here today? Yasong asked.

I want to see who was on duty at the Holy Oracle Palace when the Tianhe Tribulation occurred eight hundred years ago! Ming Tianyan said.

If Yasong had a heartbeat, it would probably beat hard, because when Ming Tianyan said this, there was no wave in his words.

This is completely different from her past.

In the past, when Ming Tianyan mentioned the Tianhe Tribulation, his mood would fluctuate, but today, there was no emotion at all!

Here... Yasong raised her hand slightly, and a leaf fell into Mingtianyan's hand.

Suddenly, Ming Tianyan's eyes lit up, and a ray of light shot towards the West Lake in front...

In the West Lake, a scene appeared...

Yasong's heart skipped a beat: It's him! Wenxu! What is he going to do?

After nine words, Yasong's voice became a little more excited than it should have been...

He is going to do something stupid! Ming Tianyan smiled faintly: Can you imagine? A genius who is known in the secular world as a man of astonishing wisdom and impeccable knowledge plans to do something unprecedented on the second day after entering the temple. What a stupid thing!

Yes, it is a worldly thing, but there must be a purpose for taking action.

The price paid and the dividend obtained from achieving the goal are the two ends of the balance between the value and unworthiness of the action.

The price paid is less than the dividend, and this can be done.

The price paid is equal to the bonus, and the work is done in vain.

The price paid is far greater than the dividend. You can't do this. Once you do it, you are stupid.

And Lin Su went to the literary ruins to pay homage to Hei Lao.

The price paid was unparalleled, and it might even lead to death, but the gain was almost zero - Hei Lao was already dead, and the memorial itself was meaningless.

A man of astonishing wisdom, a man who claims to do everything and never suffer a loss, suddenly did such a stupid thing?

Countless people in the entire temple stared at the entrance of the cultural ruins through various secret channels, with endless concern in their hearts, but there was also silence...

Lin Su came to the entrance of the cultural ruins. In front of him was a stone wall.

This is the entrance to Wenxu, and the key is inside.

What is the Key to Wenxu?

It is a qualification.

If you can display your literary skills and meet the standard requirements, you will be qualified to enter the literary market.

Therefore, there are various literary achievements left on the stone wall at this moment, including poems, paintings, music, and even the Bagua understanding that Lin Su introduced to the Yin and Yang Palace not long ago.

Every trace represents the visit of a genius.

Every trace represents a literary achievement.

The literary ruins are not to be entered lightly, but, as Lin Su said, you can also seek the truth by identifying mistakes. Many literati come in every year. These people enter the literary ruins in pursuit of literary breakthroughs and leave literary achievements on the stone wall. At that time, they were often full of enthusiasm, but most people could never come out again, and this key mark became their last word.

Lin Su raised his hand and wrote a poem on the stone wall:

The book is as affectionate as an old friend,

Morning and dusk, sorrow and joy, every kiss,

There are three thousand words falling in front of my eyes.

There is no trace of dust on the chest.

Living water abounds everywhere,

The flowers and willows in the east wind are new every time,

The golden saddle and jade are looking for a romantic guest,

There is a special spring in Weixin Wenxu.

After I finished writing the poem, the colorful glow filled the stone wall. The stone wall in front of me slowly opened, and a strange breath came to my face.

Lin Su seemed to have opened a ten-thousand-year-old ancient tomb. He stepped into the ancient tomb step by step. The stone wall behind him slowly closed up. In front of him, there was a sea of ​​clouds...

At the Jieju Restaurant, the highest restaurant in the temple, Li Qingquan exhaled softly: When he picks up his pen, he writes colorful poems. He really never misses any opportunity to express himself!

Xun Lei of Fagong said: Performance? He is entering the literary ruins, not participating in a poetry meeting. How does he know that there are eyes staring at him from behind?

Li Xiaoyao sighed softly: Brother Xun, don't look at him with ordinary eyesight! Who is he? He is known as a genius with impeccable wisdom! He doesn't know the temple as well as you think! He doesn't know much about the temple. His understanding may be as good as ours, so he will naturally know that when he entered Wenxu today, the eyes of almost all the palaces gathered behind him.

All the palaces in the temple? Xun Lei's expression changed: Is that possible?

Of course he will! Li Xiaoyao said: When he entered the Wenxu this time, we were not the only ones observing. Almost all the senior officials of the Seventeenth Palace were observing. Maybe there were people above the Seventeenth Palace observing, so he In the first session, he clearly told all the viewers why he came to the literary ruins! Books are as affectionate as old friends, this sentence is very charming, it seems that he loves books and literature, but the word old friend, But it also conveyed the meaning of memorial. 'There is not a speck of dust in the chest', what he said was that the purpose of his trip was simple and without distracting thoughts, and he had no intention of targeting others.

Xun Lei's eyes widened. He is a person who practices the law. He is a person who practices the law, and his mind is very meticulous. However, most of them study the fixed terms directly without much deviation. After Li Xiaoyao's interpretation, he suddenly found that it seemed that every day Everyone is more complicated than they think.

Li Qingquan breathed out softly: Brother Li is very sophisticated in his thinking. He is really the wise man in our small circle! It seems that we have to discuss all important matters with Brother Li... What this guy does is extremely precise. This On the one hand, the poem embodies his character, and on the other hand, it embodies his basic attitude of not being an enemy to anyone. It’s really good!”

Li Xiaoyao smiled softly: There is another purpose, which is truly subtle! Did Brother Li see it?

Li Qingquan was slightly startled, what else was he trying to do?

Li Xiaoyao said: His key to entry also tells those things in the cultural ruins that he has no malicious intentions!

Li Qingquan stared at this poem, his eyes slowly brightening...

There are eight lines in the poem, and once interpreted, they are truly of infinite use.

In addition to the character and attitude of Li Xiaoyao's interpretation, he also expressed goodwill towards the things in the cultural ruins.

The love is like an old friend, the sorrow and joy are close to each other, the living water flows, the flowers and willows are always new, the guests are looking for fragrance, there is no spring...

These are all words of intimacy.

Who doesn’t like those things in the Ci Erwen Market?

At least, there won't be much ill will towards him.

This kid is really a monster...

Just a poem can be the key, release the attitude, show the strength of character, and protect oneself to the maximum extent...

This city is invincible!

Among the five geniuses present, only Li Xiaoyao could interpret it.

With this interpretation, a very strange change occurred in the core circle of five people.

In the past, Li Xiaoyao was not close to them, but starting from Lin Su's initiation, they became close. The five genius-level people were all dissatisfied with each other. However, Li Xiaoyao showed his wisdom at the critical moment and became the backbone of the five.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at the faces of the four people, and he felt a faint sense of pleasure in his heart. The situation in the temple was a mess. Some people were suitable to charge forward, and some were suitable to hide in the enemy's heart...

Besides, Lin Su has entered the literary ruins.

In front of him was a sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and I don’t know the sky, the objects underground, or even what is hidden deep in the sea of ​​clouds.

The only thing he could know was that these clouds were not real clouds, but paintings!

The clouds left on the painting path are all clouds that wandered off the painting path.

At least it is a cloud drawn by a quasi-sage level!

Every cloud is extremely ethereal, and every cloud possesses endless magical powers.

Either it’s about killing, it’s about being obsessed, or it’s about being trapped!

The sea of ​​clouds has no return. Now that you are here, stay! Stay forever! Deep in the clouds, a voice came back thousands of times, like a ghost or a fairy...

Lin Su raised his eyes: Paint the clouds of Tao?


Since I am painting the Tao, I will also paint the Tao to break it! Lin Su said.

Haha, an ignorant boy is worthy of speaking out?

Whether he is worthy or not, you will know in one try! Lin Su raised his hand, and a piece of gold paper appeared in front of him, with a precious pen in his hand.

What do you want to draw?

The clouds are everywhere and blown by the wind! Lin Su said: I want to paint the style!

Wind? The voice from the clouds in the sky seemed to startle, and all the bystanders were startled.

Wind is invisible and has no quality, and it is the most difficult to paint. Anyone who can paint wind is a master!

Lin Su laughed out loud: The history of painting has never been about painting style. I have mastered the craftsmanship in difficult situations. Please look at the size of the Xiaoxiang bamboo, and the ears are filled with jingdong and thousands of jade in the sky!

As soon as he put down his pen, a picture of Xiaoxiang bamboo appeared on the paper.

This picture is completely different from today's paintings, it is extremely realistic!

The five bamboos are all fine and dusty. Every line on them is extremely realistic. The bamboo powder is extremely realistic. The small fluff on the bamboo is extremely realistic. The light and shadow are hazy, just like what you can see with the naked eye.

The most important thing is that these five bamboos are lying low and their branches and leaves are swaying. Each branch and leaf shows the strong wind they encountered.

This painting is all about wind!

Everyone can tell at a glance that this is a strong wind!

Although the wind is invisible and has no quality, through the gesture of this bamboo, the wind is clearly displayed in front of the world.

As soon as the painting was completed, there was a roar, and a strong wind blew out of the gold paper. The various clouds that had surrounded Lin Su were blown away at the same time, and everything within a ten-foot radius of him was clear.

I named this painting 'Realistic'!

As soon as Lin Su's voice fell, a ray of green light fell from the nine heavens, accompanied by the old holy voice: On top of the painting path, a new path will be opened, called 'realism', the founder, Lin Su will always visit the temple!

Open the way? The temple and the palace were shocked...

Excerpt from the sentence upstairs, Wu Feng jumped eight feet high: Can you create a new path by painting everything with the most realistic brushwork? This... how...

Li Xiaoyao quickly stopped: Brother Wu, be careful what you say!

Wu Feng's expression changed slightly. Yue Wen Palace had just defined this new painting path with the sacred sound. If he jumped out to object, wouldn't he be directly opposing Yue Wen Palace?

However, Lin Su, a disciple of the painting palace, was dissatisfied with Lin Su's approach to painting.

The so-called painting requires artistic conception and creation. It is no different from capturing images of nature. How can it be considered a painting?

Li Xiaoyao said: Brother Wu, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. Although my painting today is in two directions from Brother Wu's painting, I have to say that this is also a new way, a painting with endless artistic conception. Why? Can’t we have paintings that seek truth and truth?”

Wu Feng was speechless.

On top of literature, what you understand is what you gain. Over the years, Hua Gong has been innovating in the genre of painting. However, it has also gone further and further in terms of artistry and artistic conception. However, no one has ever gone in the opposite direction and reached the ultimate level. Seeking truth and seeking truth.

Lin Su's mind was concentrated in his body, and his heartbeat accelerated...

Because he felt that his painting peak in the literary world had grown three feet taller!

Because he opened up a new path for painting!

The ethereal voice came from the clouds: It's really amazing to open a painting path when entering the literary ruins. However, this painting path alone can only clear a hundred feet around you, but it is not enough to break out of the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Then what if I add another one? Lin Su said with a smile: This painting is called a three-dimensional painting!

The second piece of gold paper came out, Lin Subao's pen moved, and a strange painting was born.

Still Xiaoxiang bamboo, still five trees, still the same bamboo garden, still realistic, however, the painting is no longer flat, but three-dimensional.

At this time, even the master of the painting palace was shocked.

The three-dimensional surface is obviously flat on the paper, but it looks like it is standing up. This... what kind of technique is this?

Light and shadow! Painting is the art of light and shadow! A top elder next to him sighed: This kid uses the art of light and shadow to deceive the human eye. This painting should be a new path!

Sure enough, there was another blue light in the sky, and the old holy voice sounded, announcing that Lin Su would open another painting path!

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