Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 965: Turn around and everyone is in vain

The Book of Changes came out, and the Yuewen Palace of the Temple gave it the position of the supreme book. Many people may not accept it.

However, people on the Yin and Yang Road are not included!

All people on the Yin and Yang Road are convinced, and they even think that this evaluation is low.

This Book of Changes should not be a supreme book, but a Classic!

It's a pity that the author is not a saint!

Therefore, his works cannot become scriptures!

If he has the chance to become a saint, this supreme book will be directly upgraded to a Sutra!

Lin Su's Book of Changes was positioned as the supreme treasure book. The Yin Yang Bagua diagram in his literary world suddenly brightened up and rose into the sky, lying between his three peaks and a huge city.

His Yin and Yang Dao reached its peak!

This is the fifth and most powerful path among the nine pillars in his body!

As a person in the literary and Taoist world, if he wants to break into the quasi-sage of heaven, he must reach the pinnacle of all the literary and Tao fulcrums in the world. In Li Guihan's opinion, the difficulty is unprecedented. Lin Su also knows that this is difficult. , he is not afraid to challenge others, but this time, he wants to challenge himself!

He needed to take another seven steps toward his astonishing achievement.

This time he entered the literary ruins and took three steps in a row.

The way of painting, the way of ink, the way of yin and yang, success is achieved step by step.

This is a great event!

There is another great event on the other side of the long river of time and space. A magical inkstone is rotating beside the long river. He seems to vaguely see a ray of Yuanling. It is very weak and fragmented. It is far from being awakened and cannot even sense his call. However, , this is the best situation he can foresee.

Entering the cultural ruins, everything is done.

Lin Su came to the bottom of the cliff.

There are countless words carved on this cliff.

If the cultural ruins are tombs, this is the tombstone.

It records the origins of almost all abandoned literary achievements in the cultural ruins.

Although he did not really bury his former life, a sense of sadness was still revealed through the mottled stone wall.

He walked towards the stone wall step by step.

Almost everyone in the periphery had their hearts beating rapidly...

Lin Su's biggest test when he enters the Cultural Ruins is about to come.

In the eyes of many people, he entered Wenxu to pay homage to Hei Lao and pay homage to his old friend. The holy way does not prohibit it, and even advocates it. However, Hei Lao is not included, because Hei Lao was personally killed by the saint. You To dare to pay homage is to be disrespectful to the saint.

Even if Le Sheng didn't bother to kill him, everyone in her faction would regard him as their enemy.

Luo Wuxin was guessing whether this person would take this step. According to his analysis, this person would really take this step!

According to Yasong's analysis, so will it.

According to Ming Tianyan's analysis... Oh, no, she doesn't need to analyze it, she knows she will! Because Lin Su had clearly told her that he went to Wenxu just to pay homage to Hei Lao.

They can analyze it, and all the other bystanders in the temple can analyze it, and they are all nervous, excited, and restless...

It's such an exciting thing to challenge the saint in person. They wouldn't dare to do it even to death, but others can do it. But when it doesn't concern them, most people prefer the cooler the wind is when the wind blows...

Lin Su, under everyone's breathless and tense gaze, took three steps and came to the stone wall. He tilted his head and admired it, nodded, and said: There are so many!


He rubbed his hands, turned around, patted his butt...

People are leaving!

Everyone kicked off at the same time!

Yasong's eyes widened: No more playing, are you leaving?

Ming Tianyan looked at his retreating back, wondering what he felt in his heart...

If he dared to brave the disdain of the world and make a generous sacrifice in front of this stone wall, she would be very touched. Even if she thought he was a bit stupid, it would still not prevent her from being touched.

But, he didn’t sacrifice!

he's gone!

He entered the literary ruins and ended up having an anticlimactic end...

Although this is very consistent with the identity of a wise man, Ming Tianyan feels like he is being teased. You rushed to Wangyou Valley and fooled me into boarding your pirate ship with your impassioned words. Now, I am cowardly.

Why do I feel like I paid wrongly?

Luo Wuxin was in the middle. Luo Wuxin frowned. Lin Su turned around and walked away, seeming to catch him off guard.

Jun Yue also frowned: Sir, this step has exceeded your prediction, isn't it?


Luo Wuxin is not an ordinary person. He has already seen the essence through phenomena.

Lin Su used all his trump cards today, and in the blink of an eye, he accumulated his literary heritage into a huge platform. What most people saw was: he was making a name for himself, and he was establishing his authority.

However, what Luo Wuxin saw was two words: save your life!

He was sure that Lin Su was about to do something rebellious: pay homage to Mr. Hei!

All the previous accumulation of literary skills is to pave the way for this big event!

Let the various palaces in the temple and the people above the third heaven have some concerns when dealing with him...

So, he waited to see Lin Su perform...

However, Lin Su had done all the preparations, but turned around on the stage and called the curtain call!

No memorial service!

No memorial, no trouble!

All the crises he faced when he entered Wenxu disappeared into smoke as he turned around.

It also planted a seed of doubt in Luo Wuxin. What was his plan for this game?

What is left for others?


Full of disappointment!

Especially the five people upstairs looked at each other and sighed: This kid's cowardice has completely decoupled him.

Compared with the disappointment of other palaces, Yin Yang Palace is different. The master of Yin Yang Palace took a long breath: Good!

The master of the Nong Palace let out a long breath: Good!

The stone wall shook slightly, and Lin Su came out of the literary ruins, bowed slightly to the people guarding the ruins, jumped into the air, and broke into the sky...

It's a long way from Wenxu back to Changxing's residence, three thousand miles.

But the journey was also very close. At Lin Su's level, it was only a few steps away.

Suddenly a small boat appeared in front of him, as if emerging from the clouds and mist, as if in a dream, and a smile appeared on Lin Su's lips.

Entering the temple, he was originally as lonely as a night traveler.

Although loneliness is normal for him, he doesn't like being alone, so no matter what situation he is in, he always subconsciously looks for fellow travelers.

The world of mortals is like this. He found Ji Guang, Zhang Juzheng, Zhou Zhang, Chen Geng, Zhang Haoran, Qiu Mochi, Li Yangxin, Huo Qi, Deng Hongbo, Ren Taiyan...

Thus making his path from scratch to something, from narrow to wide.

The same is true here.

Ming Tianyan is a big fish that he focuses on seducing.

Because in such a complicated situation, only she can truly help him, and only she dares to help him.

In Wangyou Lake, he dropped a piece of explosive news, which made Ming Tianyan feel betrayed and plotted, arousing the anger in her heart, and made her, a taboo figure who was taboo in the temple eight hundred years ago, basically banned. Totally shaken.

It was fishing, but it wasn't enough to actually catch her.

Even if a person like her wants to take action, she doesn't necessarily have to go along with him.

In order for her to align with his actions, he must have enough weight.

Therefore, Lin Su acted freely in the cultural ruins and instantly increased his weight on the original basis.

Ming Tianyan must have been shocked by this mention, no, she is here!

The fact that she can come today speaks for itself.

Standing in her position, she would know that Lin Su had been deeply concerned by the top people in the temple. She would also know what kind of shock wave would be generated if she was exposed to him for a while. But, here she is!

Lin Su's feet moved and fell from the void, landing on Ming Tianyan's boat.

Ming Tianyan was sitting by the window, as graceful as poetry. Her fingertips flicked lightly on the string of bamboo wind chimes by the window. The wind chimes buzzed softly, and the surrounding fields were silent.

Lin Su glanced at the small wind chime, feeling slightly shocked.

There are countless shielding methods in the world, but who has a shielding method as elegant and magical as hers?

The jade fingers flick, the wind chime lingers.

The surrounding heavenly secrets were instantly disturbed.

No matter what kind of magical power there is, there is no place for it in the face of the completely disrupted Tianji.

Sit down! Ming Tianyan raised his hand gently.

Lin Su sat down.

Ming Tianyan flicked his fingers, and a cup of tea in front of him slipped to Lin Su's hand. The tea cup was made of green bamboo, and was extremely elegant. The tea leaves, like clouds and mist, interpreted the vastness of the sky in the cup.

Wangyou Tea on Wuyou Mountain? Lin Su held up the tea cup.

Yes! Ming Tianyan said: I have already descended from Wuyou Mountain. Logically speaking, I shouldn't drink Wangyou tea anymore, but I am a very casual person and I don't have any other tea leaves on me, so I will temporarily forget about this tea. As the name suggests, just think of this tea as a thirst-quenching tea.”

Already descended to Wangyou Mountain!

This is the point of this passage.

Lin Su held up the teacup and took a sip: Tianyan Fairy Huida Ye!

Ming Tianyan said: When you enter Wenxu, I will watch the whole process.

Lin Su smiled softly: It's not just you who is watching the whole process? Almost all the big shots in the temple are watching the whole process, right?

You know a lot about the situation in the temple. Ming Tianyan also held up the teacup.

Lin Su said: The main reason is that I, Lin, know me quite well.

what for?

Everyone says that Lin Su has a bone in the back of his head. No matter where he goes, he will always arouse some people's sensitive nerves. It must be no exception in the temple. Any big move made by a troublemaker like me will naturally be... Being deeply concerned about, even if it is a place like Wenxu that seems to be completely sealed off, it is still under the eyes of the big shots.

Ming Tianyan smiled: Smart man... so you changed your itinerary temporarily and finally canceled the worship.

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes, with a bit of mystery in his eyes: I did cancel the worship, but it was not because of the big shots watching.

What do you mean? Ming Tianyan was slightly surprised.

The so-called worship is to face the soul of the dead. If a person himself is not dead, if I worship him, doesn't it mean he is cursed to die?

Ming Tianyan's eyes suddenly opened wide. This was the biggest surprise she could express.

Lin Sudao: Hei Lao will eventually return, and the world will eventually be rewritten. If this is a starting point, I dare to ask Fairy Tianyan, how much different colors would you like to work with Su to add to this bastard world?

Ming Tianyan's eyes are like spring water, and the ripples in the spring water are slightly surging...

Lin Su's eyes were like the spring breeze blowing through the spring water. It seemed invisible and insubstantial, but it was so in tune...

After a long time, Ming Tianyan breathed out softly: Hei Lao will return eventually. This is the most taboo thing in the world!


Why do you dare to mention it to others?

You are not someone else! You are you!

The words You are you made Ming Tianyan's heart, which had been silent for a long time, surge up.

She was taboo in the Temple!

She once thought she was unparalleled in the world!

However, Tianhe's calamity gave her a blow in the head, letting her know that she was also an ordinary person who made mistakes, and that she was not that great.

At the foot of Wuyou Mountain, for eight hundred days and nights, she walked all the way in this direction, trying to tell herself that you are just an ordinary person, you are not even as good as an ordinary person, you are just a blind person, a blind person like a dog. …

However, today, the young man in front of her told her that you are not someone else, you are you!

What do you want me to do for you? Ming Tianyan said this after pondering for a long time.

This moonlit night and such a good time are just perfect for drinking tea and chatting. I hope you will accompany me to have a good chat about the current situation of each palace in the temple...

Ming Tianyan smiled softly: There are rumors that Lin Dacai is good at borrowing power. Now it seems that it is true. Even when chatting, he can choose the most accurate proposition. Well, I will chat with you...

Chatting is a university subject.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have a deep understanding of the various palaces in the temple. Even Shushan Saint Yasong and even Li Guihan are not enough to understand the secrets of each palace.

However, Ming Tianyan is a special case.

She is from the Tianming Palace, and she was once in charge of the Tianming Palace. Where is the Tianming Palace? It is the palace that handles the most secret things for the temple. Even in the outside world, very few people know that the Tianming Palace is the secret execution agency of the temple.

Such a palace, the understanding of the various palaces in the temple is by no means a paper understanding...

Sure enough, when Ming Tianyan opened his mouth, it was a big deal...

You entered the Wenxu today, and the Painting Palace is extremely unhappy, because the painting skills you have shown at this moment are already higher than those of contemporary palace owners! The Mo Palace is very contradictory. On the one hand, it feels crushed by you, and on the other hand, it is But they can’t let go of the new opportunities that your Mo Dao has brought to them, but Yin Yang Palace has no distractions in this regard. If your Book of Changes can become the supreme treasure, it clearly conveys their position...

All kinds of literary achievements in the world are judged by the Yuewen Palace.

Qingshi Qingci generally has full authority over anything that is not mentioned in the article, and there is no need to ask anyone for instructions.

However, Dian is different.

For the judgment of the code, Yue Wen Palace needs to discuss with the corresponding palace.

Your Essential Techniques for Elevating the People became a treasure book that day, and the Nong Palace expressed enough goodwill. They were willing to put your Essential Techniques for Elevating the People on top of their own Nong Dian, which is the treasure of the palace. That's why there is Essential Techniques for Elevating the People. Essential Art of Qi Min is a treasure book.

Your Law of that day failed to become a treasured book, it was just a heavy canon. The fundamental reason is also that the Dharma Palace is three points less generous than the Nong Palace. It can be seen that the Nong Palace is inclined to you, and the Dharma Palace is interested in you. There is a gap, which is completely consistent with the basic style of their second house.

But today your Book of Changes has become the supreme scripture, sending a signal, and this signal is of no small importance!

When the Book of Changes was about to be completed, Yuewen Palace entered the Yin and Yang Palace to discuss with the palace owner how this masterpiece should be positioned. I was also paying attention to how it was positioned.

In my judgment, it should be a treasure.

However, it is a supreme treasure!

The Lord of Yin Yang Palace cannot give you the word Supreme! The only person who can give this positioning is...

Her voice stopped suddenly...

Lin Su's heart was pounding wildly, and he slowly raised his eyes to the third heaven...

Things in the world can be known in one leaf!

Above the temple, this is even more true.

A Book of Changes obviously has to be a canon, but what kind of canon it is depends on the intricate relationship structure of the temple.

It can be a heavy code, if the Yin Yang Palace Master is not willing to take risks.

It can also be a treasure book, if the Yin and Yang Palace Master is open-minded.

But the master of Yin Yang Palace himself has no right to add the word supreme in front of the book. The only place in the world that can add the word supreme is in the third heaven!


And it can only be Yin Yang Sage!

In Lin Su's past history, he also vaguely felt that a saint was taking care of him.

Let’s not talk about Wen Gen. At first, he believed that Wen Gen was directly given by the Soldier Saint, but later he found out that this Wen Gen was not personally given by the Soldier Saint, because at that time, the Soldier Saint had already suffered a disaster and was not in the third heaven. The possibility of death is gone, but it is not enough to pay attention to an ordinary student in Haining.

The Wengen must have been given to him by someone in the temple on behalf of the Holy Soldier.

He suspected Hei Lao, but there was no evidence in front of him.

This is not important, after all, the culture is rooted in the temple and is not a particularly precious thing.

What is special is that when he wrote the poems handed down to the world, there were two unusual cultural treasures. When he wrote Man Jiang Hong, he was given Weiyang's pen, and when he wrote It's Hard to Say Goodbye When We Meet, he was given Han Yue.

Weiyang Bi is the weapon of the Sage of War. It is of a high level and is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

Hanyue can heal the seriously injured and dying Earth-covering Butterfly from its holy wound, and can directly swallow the moon in the Moon at Night over Snowy Mountains painted by the painting sage himself. It is obviously a holy treasure.

These two kinds of holy treasures cannot be given by the Temple Wenbao Hall. They far exceed the level of Wenbao Hall Wenbao.

It can only come from the third heaven!

Then, it is obvious that there are saints in the third heaven who have been secretly helping him!

Who is this saint?

Lin Su guessed a lot of people. At first, his biggest suspicion was Le Sheng.

Because there are only three saints’ activities in Da Cang, namely the Soldier Saint, the Music Saint and the Painting Saint.

Moreover, there are rumors that Le Sheng and Bing Sheng once fought side by side.

As the relationship between Lin Su and the Lesheng Holy Family progresses step by step, this judgment becomes stronger and stronger.

However, after entering the temple, many things overturned his imagination, and Lesheng became mysterious and unpredictable in his heart...

The possibility of Le Sheng sincerely helping him is getting smaller and smaller...

At this critical juncture, a Yin-Yang Sage suddenly appeared from the Third Heaven and gave his Book of Changes a super high treatment.

Yin Yang Sheng just walked into Lin Su's heart...

The depth of the water in the temple is unparalleled. Don't judge yourself because of one thing! Mingtian Yan Su gently raised his hand and gave Lin Su a cup of tea: After all, in the eyes of the saint, you and I are just ants, and it may not be worth placing any bets on.

Yes! Lin Su held up the tea cup: Everything depends on one's own strength!

This sentence is the correct answer! Ming Tianyan said: I was born in Tianming Palace. Before the age of thirty, I used the eyes of life to observe the way of heaven. After the age of eight hundred, I used the eye of wisdom to observe the way of humanity. The eye of wisdom combined with the Book of Changes, unexpectedly It’s really a great joy to have a successful achievement!”

Lin Su suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkling with light.

Ming Tianyan did not look at him, but looked at the distant sky: On your road, inside the temple, there is no hope. However, if you turn your sight to the sky outside, you will clearly see another cave!

Heaven beyond heaven!

This is the most important thing Ming Tianyan said when meeting him today.

She was reminding Lin Su that to break the situation, he must do it in the outer world!

Okay, I know the next step. Lin Su raised his glass.

Ming Tianyan said: Tianwaitian, you need an entrance ticket. I can get this entrance ticket for you.

Lin Su smiled softly: How to obtain it?

I will go to the Dharma Palace, as an elder of the Yin and Yang lineage, and with the power of the Supreme Treasure Book, I will take it for you!

According to the rules of the temple, those who write the scriptures will be given tickets to Tianwaitian. Lin Su has just written the Yin and Yang series of the Book of Changes, which is defined as the supreme scripture, and Ming Tianyan also has a position as the Yin and Yang Palace. As the top elder, she will come forward and argue with reason. She is sure to get this ticket.

Lin Su shook his head gently: I have written more than this book. If I didn't have excuses, they should have given me the admission ticket long ago, but they didn't. So, if you want to fight for me, I'm afraid you have to Make another article.

That's why I said...take it hard!

Take it hard!

Not just those who talk about legal principles!

It's also hard!

When it comes to this temple taboo, these two words alone are probably a scene that makes people's blood boil.

However, Lin Su shook his head: Some things in the world can only be achieved, and some need to be weighed to see whether they are worth it or not. Your toughness can be put elsewhere, don't waste it here. Here’s Zhang Xiaoxiao’s entrance ticket.”

A small entrance ticket? Do you have a better idea?

Yes! Lin Su said: I have made an appointment with someone to climb the Holy Peak!

Climbing the Holy Peak? Ming Tianyan's eyes lit up: Which palace?

There is also a Palace of Music and a Palace of Poetry!

Le Palace and Poetry Palace are really your strengths... but who do you have an appointment with? Ming Tianyan said.

Luo Wuxin!

As soon as the three words Luo Wuxin fell into Mingtianyan's ears, Mingtianyan's face suddenly turned gloomy: Do you understand Luo Wuxin?

He is not a fellow traveler! However, he is also a chess piece that can be used!

Just a question and an answer, and there was no reason for the two of them to continue talking about this topic.

Because this question means that Ming Tianyan has his own judgment on Luo Wuxin.

This answer means that Lin Su also has his own judgment about Luo Wuxin.

Ming Tianyan slowly raised his head: One more thing. I found out the person on duty at the Holy Oracle Palace that day. This person is now the master of the Holy Oracle Palace.

She was talking about the Tianhe Tribulation.

A key link in the Tianhe Tribulation was that Li Tianlei delivered a terrible news to the Holy Oracle Palace: on that day, tens of millions of people in Tianhe Mansion were all demon puppets and must be killed outside the pass.

After delivering the news, he stayed at the gate of Guancheng, waiting for a reply from the temple.

However, there was no reply!

There was no response, so Li Tianlei had to make a decisive decision, raised the butcher knife, and killed tens of millions of people, thus starting the journey of destroying the Temple Palace.

Therefore, the person on duty at the Holy Palace is a person with evil intentions and the person Ming Tianyan hates the most.

Now, she found out that this person's name is Zhou Xingdao, and he is currently the lord of the Holy Palace. Although the Holy Palace is not the 17th main palace of the temple, it is also a side palace. His status is slightly inferior to the lord of the 17th main palace. It is equivalent to the Song Palace Master of the Seventeenth Main Palace.

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