Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 973 This Holy Son is not that Holy Son (Thanks to 149314 rich people for the reward, more th

There is a person on the left, with light gold and dark patterns on his shoulders. Inside is a Yao Qin. As he moves forward, the Yao Qin seems to be emitting pleasant sounds.

The person on the right has a pale gold dark grid on his shoulder, but inside is a suspended scroll, which seems to be floating and sinking in the dark grid, with light and shadow flowing every time it rises and falls, which is extremely unique.

The three of them went upstairs at the same time. The shop assistant bent over deeply and didn't even ask such nonsense as What did the three gentlemen use to pay the bill? He almost fell down.

However, when the three people went upstairs, their backs were invisible, and the waiter became arrogant again...

Lin Su owns the Tongtian Card, but there are currently no contribution points in the Tongtian Card. It may be that it is not time for the monthly salary payment, so he is not qualified to go to the second floor at all, and can only spend hundreds of taels of silver in the hall below. , ate a big bowl of rice.

One hundred taels of silver, in the lower realm, is equivalent to the prime minister's monthly salary, and can buy twenty yellow-flowered girls. Even in the temple, it has the same strong purchasing power, enough for Lin Su's regular residence to feed dozens of people a month. expenditure.

But here, it’s just a bowl of rice!

And there’s no food yet!

On top of the rice, there is a piece of meat of unknown type and three green vegetable leaves to make it a vegetable!

Lin Su was not an inexperienced person. He had seen the dirty businessmen in Yao City who did not open for ten years, but stayed open for ten years when the Yaochi Meeting was held. However, he still had to admit that the blackness of merchants in the world was not the same as that of others. Compared with Zhicheng in the outer world, it pales into insignificance.

This was the first feeling, but soon, through the chatter in the restaurant, Lin Su seemed to sense the true intention of the temple.

The temple is stratified!

They are intentionally strengthening the hierarchy!

In the temple, there is a consensus that everyone agrees on, that is, the Tongtian Tablet is the only certificate to enter Tianwaitian.

But in fact, as soon as Lin Su arrived in Zhicheng, he discovered that the real situation was not like this.

Ninety-nine percent of the people on the street don't have a Tongtian card.

Those practitioners who are responsible for guarding the border, service staff in restaurants, and practitioners in brothels are even less likely to possess the Tongtian Pai.

Aren't they human?

The answer is cruel. In the eyes of the temple's senior officials, they really are not!

They are just tools to serve the people in the temple. They are just dust in this city. Therefore, in the minds of the temple experts, these people are automatically filtered out.

This is class stratification that exists everywhere in the world.

This is clearly reflected here.

Those who possess the Tongtian Card have made military exploits, offered suggestions, and obtained heavenly materials and earthly treasures from outside the territory...

All can be exchanged for contribution points.

Without the Tongtian Card, you are just a black man without an ID card. No matter how great your military exploits are, you will only be rewarded with silver tickets, and it is impossible to reward contribution points.

What can I do with contribution points? Buying food, buying drinks, buying land, buying natural materials and treasures, buying yellow-flowered girls, you can even get rid of sins.

To put it clearly in one sentence: whatever money can do, contribution can do everything.

However, the converse is not true. Contributing a little bit of money may not be enough to do the work you can do.

For example, the treasures of heaven and earth in the Wenbao Hall of the Temple, such as the punishment of sins, these cannot be done with money.

Silver is for servants, contribution points are for masters - this is what the temple emphasizes to all kinds of people all the time.

In this way, the temple hierarchy is strengthened and the dominance of literature and Taoism is demonstrated.

Even just having a meal in a restaurant is promoting this.

Those who have contribution points are considered human beings and have the qualification to go up to the second floor and order food. Those without contribution points lose the qualification to order food and can only eat standing in the hall. A customized dish costs a hundred taels of silver. , you don't think it's enough? I'll just spend another hundred taels of silver to give you another bowl...

After dinner, Lin Su came out of the restaurant. In front of him was a small lake. The small lake in the border town still had long water and had a Jiangnan flavor.

The weeping willows were gently fluttering and the blue waves were rippling. Lin Su strolled by, and a voice came directly into his sea of ​​​​consciousness: Are you feeling a little sad that you can't move forward in Zhicheng without any contribution?

The sound came from a Supa.

The Supa that Ming Tianyan gave him was the communication talisman between him and her.

Did you see the embarrassment just now? Lin Su's voice came back.

Ming Tianyan smiled softly: I can actually put tens of thousands of contribution points into your Tongtian card and let you go to the second floor in glory, but I think you might prefer to experience the world at the bottom.

You're wrong. The bottom class understands the world. That's what the top leaders who have been in high positions for a long time and don't eat the fireworks of the world advertise. And I come from the bottom. My creed has always been to enjoy without hardship. In the end, The most important thing is that I really can’t swallow that bowl of rice. I think the chef in this restaurant probably quit the pig farm, and there is a high probability that the pigs had to quit due to collective protest...

Ming Tianyan probably had a sour expression on his face: You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. I have already learned that. Don't waste your breath on such a trivial matter... Let's talk about something important. The three saints are arriving at the same time. City, what do you think?

Three holy sons! Lin Su said: Who are they?

The one on the left is Feng Yang, the saint son of the Le family, and the one on the right is the painter saint Wu Liben. The one in the middle deserves special attention. He is the Confucian saint Kong Shengyan! Ming Tianyan said: These saints, These are not the Holy Sons you see in the secular world, they are the real Holy Sons!

The true holy sons, their the true saint?

There are also mothers who are saints! For example, take Lejia Fengyang, he is the seventh son of the Lejia saint!

The seventh son...there are many saints and saints, right?

Many! Ming Tianyan said: Twenty-seven saints and saints from the Confucian family, thirteen saints and saints from the Le family, there are only a few saints and saints from the painter, only nine...

There are only nine…


Lin Su sighed with emotion: I admire you!

What does admiration mean?

Admiration means sincere admiration. The saint is not young anymore, but in order to have a successor for the saintly way, each and every one of them works hard regardless of old age and weakness. This dedication and dedication makes me and other future generations feel embarrassed.

Ming Tianyan was a little surprised. She seriously suspected that Lin was telling the truth, but she had no evidence.

Of course what Lin Su said was ironic!

As soon as he stepped into the temple, he was aware of the temple's biggest shortcoming.

The temple may appear to be a harmonious place, but the divisions are more severe than anywhere else.

The biggest division lies in the division of Tao.

A family with one surname has the same power.

Confucian orthodoxy, everyone from top to bottom has the surname Kong.

Taoism is orthodox, and everyone from top to bottom is surnamed Li.

The Mohist family is orthodox, and everyone from top to bottom is surnamed Mo.

Legalist orthodoxy, everyone from top to bottom is surnamed Xun...

If you don't have this surname, you can't become orthodox. For example, Luo Wuxin, who was originally a poet, could not stay in the Palace of Poetry just because his surname was not Li. Therefore, he was full of resentment towards the Palace of Poetry and turned to Bai. Pavilion, later on, no matter whether there was any reason or not, he had to step on the Poetry Palace.

There are many people like him.

The Holy Path was originally a great avenue, but in this case, it became a small circle of interests composed of surnames.

The Tao is not Tao!

Saints, who are high in the third heaven, knew this shortcoming better than anyone else. They should have changed this dead situation, but how did they do it? Going further and further down the road to division.

For the palaces under their banner, the palace owner needs to have the same surname as them, and the key departments in the palace need to have the same surname as them. This is especially true for the Holy Family below. A surname is a country.

Now one step further.

They probably feel that just having a surname is not enough to keep their line pure, so they might as well plant the seeds themselves, so that their own seeds are reliable, right? Therefore, the sage began to compare the birth of sons, the painter had nine, the Lejia had thirteen, the Confucian had twenty-seven...

What are you doing?

Holy saint, where is this saint?

Of course, these are not things they can question right now. There is only one problem they are facing: three direct saints who would not easily set foot in the border town suddenly came to Zhicheng. Why did they come?

In response to this, Lin Su smiled faintly: They came in person, and they probably only had one mission, to take me out of the customs!

Ming Tianyan also smiled softly: No matter what the final result is, at least your first difficulty will be easily solved!

What's the first hurdle?


It’s not easy to get out of the customs!


This starts with the city Zhicheng...

Zhicheng was not originally called Zhicheng, it was called Bingcheng.

Yes, the city of the Soldier Saint.

Thousands of years ago, there were a total of eighteen border cities outside the temple, one for each city, to fight against the evil spirits outside the territory.

It was originally very stable, but a thousand years ago, the Bingsheng broke the balance and he came out of seclusion. The reason for his release is a mystery. Some people say that the fighting gene in the Bingsheng's bones is too strong and he is unwilling to stick to it and seeks a way to break through. People say that he was framed and led outside the territory.

The cause is no longer important, what matters is the result.

As soon as he came out of seclusion, he was trapped outside the territory.

There is no saint in the military city, and it has become a place for evil spirits from outside the territory to attack and plunder. Millions of demons rushed through the gate with all their strength. The old troops of the military palace were wiped out. The military city was lost. The demons invaded. They were about to break through the temple defense line and reach the holy temple. In the hinterland of the palace, at this moment, the Confucian sage arrived and wrote the word stop in the sky to prevent the demon from entering.

From then on, this military city was changed to Zhicheng.

Confucianism took over this border town.

Some people say that this is a landmark event in the struggle between the great ways, because it marks the failure of military strategists and the strength of Confucianism.

Next, Zhicheng was renovated according to Confucian ideas.

This transformation has made Confucianism deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Because the two have completely different ideas. Military strategists talk about confrontation. Bingcheng has always been the city with the most combat atmosphere among the eighteen border cities of the temple. Objectively speaking, in such a city, the people live a very hard life and are in a tense atmosphere every day. , and after Confucianism took over, the tense life completely changed, and the border town turned into misty Jiangnan. Who doesn't like those literati?

Some people say that it is precisely because of this contrast that Confucianism has completely surpassed the military strategists in the minds of everyone. This transformation is actually part of the struggle between the great ways.

The topic returns to the exit!

Precisely because the purpose of Confucianism is: Build a city to stop it, so the border protection is still very tight.

On the one hand, demons are prohibited from entering the customs; on the other hand, people here are also prohibited from leaving the customs.

However, some things are never absolute, and you can’t help them even if you want to. Why?

There are some supplies in the foreign land that the temple cannot do without.

For example, exotic treasures of nature, materials, and earth are needed by the Temple Palace, the Palace of Instruments, and even the Palace of Cultural Treasures and the Palace of Medicine. They are irreplaceable. Once completely blocked, many high-end cultural treasures in these palaces will have no source of materials.

Things in this world are like this. Where there is demand, there must be supply.

The supply is low, things become more expensive when they are scarce, and the price goes up to the sky.

Once the price is high, the stimulation to people cannot be blocked by a ban.

Those practitioners will also take desperate risks in the hope of huge profits.

The urgent need for materials in the palaces of the temple will also put pressure on the temple's senior officials.

In the end, going out to hunt for dangers and seizing treasures became an industry chain. After a period of overt investigation and covert investigation, and turning a blind eye, the temple simply took the bright road and established a customs clearance system. Secretary, those who plan to leave the customs must report in advance, and everyone is responsible for their own life and death. After returning, all the proceeds will be taken out of the clear way, and the customs clearance department will be responsible for the purchase, so as to prevent these materials from flowing into the Black Saint Temple and disturbing the normal order.

Therefore, there is a way for Lin Su to come out of seclusion today.

Of course, judging from the relationship between Lin and the senior officials of the temple, if the senior officials of the temple deliberately obstruct it, it will be difficult for Lin to do anything he wants to do, including reporting for departure. There is still something to be done. It is not necessary to pass his report.

However, things are afraid of failure...

If the three saints from the third heaven originally wanted to send Lin to the outside world to kill him, no matter how big the obstacle was, they would help Lin Suqing.

Therefore, Mingtian Yancai said that at least the first difficulty Lin Su faced was not a difficulty!

Two people, no! One person and one Supa set foot on the street to the customs clearance department.

The Customs Clearance Department is very lively, completely different from other places in Zhicheng.

If Zhicheng is like the misty Jiangnan, the Customs Clearance Department is like a dock.

Because this is the place for customs clearance and the return journey. Clearance represents struggle, and the return journey represents harvest.

There are all kinds of people coming in and out, including people with supernatural powers and practitioners. Of course, the main body is still practitioners. Outside the territory is the territory outside the coverage of the literati. If a literati goes out, it is basically courting death. As a high-end literati, who is it? idiot? Therefore, few literati will come out of seclusion.

Precisely because the people coming in and out are people who are not regarded as human beings by the senior officials of the temple, the attitude of the customs clearance department is also surprisingly bad.

When Lin Su arrived, he heard the roar of the scholar from the customs clearance department...

Damn it, are you a pig-headed person? Is it so difficult for you to fill out a form?

Damn it, do you have ears? What I said is, you fill in what you are going to do, and you come to me to 'find an opportunity'. What kind of opportunity is it? Red blood grass, dream soul beads, or devil You should fill in the human inner elixir! Rewrite it! A piece of paper was thrown directly to the cultivator in front of him. It floated on the ground and was stepped on by someone next to him. The cultivator bent down and picked it up again, tilting his buttocks. He continued to fill in, and looking at the way he held the pen, it was clear that he had never held a pen before. He was really holding a pen like a gun...

You cultivators are really as stupid as pigs. I, a member of the literary world, are almost driven crazy by you. Come on, come on. I will teach you how to fill in the return date. Just write down a rough date. You can give me a rough date. I'm going to say 'I'll come back when I've finished my work', no nonsense? Even pigs know that they have to come back after their work is done and fill it in again!!

The shouts and scolds were mixed with vulgarity that would never be heard in the literati world, and the scene was like a vegetable market...

Just as Lin Su approached, a ray of holy light suddenly came from above.

The holy light connected with his Tongtian Pai, and along with the mighty power of the holy way, there was no longer a customs clearance scene like a vegetable market in front of Lin Su, but an elegant house. In the elegant house, stood a young scholar with an elegant appearance. , smiled slightly at Lin Su: Brother, come to the Customs Clearance Department, what do you want?

Lin Su bowed slightly: Report for departure!

Leave seclusion? The young man was slightly surprised: Why did you come out of seclusion?

Look for some opportunities! Lin Su said.

Looking for an opportunity, this would be scolded at the customs clearance site below, but the scholar in front of me was very friendly: Brother, can you show me the Tongtian card?

When Lin Su's Tongtian card was revealed, the young man was shocked: Lin Su Lin Changxing! It's you! My younger brother Mei Qilang, I have heard about Brother Lin's name for a long time, but I didn't expect that we would meet here.

Mei Qilang? Lin Su was also slightly surprised: But Mei Zhongzhou, a generation of prodigies who was born in Dayu and is famous for his poetry and painting?

How dare you! Mei Qilang said: In front of Xiongtai, a talented literary genius, my poems and paintings are not worth mentioning. How dare you insult Qing Ting?

Sure enough it was him!

A piece of information came to Lin Su's mind, no, two pieces of information poured in at the same time...

Lin Su has heard of this name...

On the mountain of books in the temple, he saw this name in a book for the first time. It was just a short paragraph. He entered the temple six years ago and was a master of both poetry and painting.

Although the record about him is less than twenty words, it is absolutely extraordinary. You need to know that the Temple Book Mountain is extremely high-end. Any name that appears on the book mountain represents an amazing person. Who can wait for others? Are you eligible to be included in Shushan's Who's Who?

What's more, this person came up from the lower world and entered the temple from the lower world. He is a top scholar!

Even if they are number one, not everyone is qualified to enter the temple, and not everyone is qualified to be included in the Who's Who.

If he can enter, and be crowned a master of poetry and painting, then he is definitely a master of poetry and painting.

In another message, Lin Su saw another side of him...

That is the Jingxian Pavilion of Wenxin Pavilion.

Jingxian Pavilion is the welcoming venue where Wenxin Pavilion faces celebrities from all over the world. Every celebrity who comes will leave a calligraphy treasure. Lin Su also left two poems in the name of Zhuge Qingfeng that day. Before him, There are countless celebrities who have left calligraphy works, including poems and paintings, but there is one word that stands above all others. There is only one word in that painting: Road!

This word 路 has endless mysteries and profound cultural background. Lin Su's judgment on that day was: this word is the best among all the literary works in the pavilion!

This word comes from Mei Qilang!

Mei Qilang is famous all over the world not for his calligraphy, but for his poems and paintings, but what he left in Wenxin Pavilion was not for his poems and paintings, but for his calligraphy. Even though he was not good at calligraphy, he still captured the grace of all the heroes in the audience.

To meet such a character here?

Just an ordinary customs clearance officer from the customs clearance department?

Mei Qilang came over from behind the table and said gently: Brother Lin, please sit down! The tea for me comes from my hometown. I just want to drink it with my brother.

At this point, his expression has changed. It used to be business-like, but now, it seems to be a little turbulent.

Lin Su sat down, and Mei Qilang poured him tea himself, put the pekoe into the cup, and slowly swirled it in the water...

Mei Qilang held up the tea cup: Brother Lin, I'd like to give you a cup of tea instead of wine!

I also respect Brother Mei! Lin Su also held the cup to each other and took a sip.

Mei Qilang gently put down the tea cup and placed it on the coffee table. The water in the mouth of the tea cup was like waves, and the waves rippled gently, covering him and Lin Su.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, the Wen Dao blockade was blocked, and it was a Wen Dao blockade that showed extremely powerful skills.

What do you want?

Mei Qilang slowly raised his head: Now that I know that Brother Lin wants to leave the prison, I will understand why Brother Lin left the prison. Brother Lin, listen to my advice, give up this thought, and don't want to leave the prison!

The last eight characters are very low.

Lin Su said: Why?

Because there are three people who have just arrived in Zhicheng. They want Brother Lin to come out of seclusion. What they want you to do is forbidden for you!

As soon as these words came out, Lin Su was shocked...

Mei Qilang raised his eyes and looked at him quietly, with sincerity in his eyes...

Brother Mei...Brother Mei, why...

Mei Qilang raised his hand gently: It is recorded in the temple information that my younger brother is from Dayu, but does Brother Lin know where my younger brother's exact birthplace is?




Although it is Dayu, it is also the hometown of the old Lu. Zhou Yi, a great scholar of the generation, established a righteous village here to take in the orphans of the old officials of the old Lu. He and Lin Sumeishan discussed the meaning and shared the same interests.

Mei Qilang said slowly: My little brother has been greatly favored by his adoptive father. He was supposed to be named Zhou, but his old man insisted not to allow it. The adoptive father said that when we were young, he shouldered the wind and rain for us. When we become adults, we must To restore the ancestral surname and continue the wishes of our ancestors, we must not accept his shackles. Therefore, on the day when I bid farewell to my adoptive father, I restored the ancestral surname to Mei.

Zhou Yi! Sure enough, he is Zhou Yi’s adopted son!

Zhou Yi had thousands of children of court officials, and his adopted sons and daughters were spread across the world from all walks of life.

Mei Qilang said: Just after the Shangyuan Dynasty, I received a letter from my adoptive father. This book is the only letter from my adoptive father after I left home. I carry it with me. Please take a look at it today, Brother Lin!

He moved his hand and handed a piece of gold paper to Lin Su...

Qi Lang: Today, Lin Su, the number one scholar in Da Cang, came to Yizhuang and had a very pleasant talk with his father. This is the son's road, the road to success. My father and he met him in hardships, and his road to the temple is also the road to success. In times of hardship, my son should stand side by side with him and live up to his father's trust! Foster father: Zhou Yi.

Lin Su stood up, folded the gold paper respectfully, faced the southwest, and bowed slightly.

Mei Qilang also stood up: Brother Lin's trip outside the territory, can it be changed because of my younger brother?

Lin Sudao: I'm sorry, Brother Mei, this trip is still inevitable!

Mei Qilang said: Is it imperative?

It is imperative!

Mei Qilang pondered for a long time: Well, Brother Lin must not take an ordinary way out of seclusion. I will arrange an unusual way for my brother...

Lin Su left the customs clearance department and returned to the city.

A restaurant is inferior, but it is better than being quiet.

As soon as the door was closed, there was a wave of movement on the Supa in Lin Su's arms... (End of this chapter)

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