Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 976: The romantic figure Jie Yuhua (it’s time to ask for votes again at the beginning of the

Jie Yuhua also practiced kendo, but swords didn't quite match the temperament of this slut, so he used eighteen swords as sword bones to make a sword fan.

His swordsmanship can be regarded as extraordinary, at least among the young people of the same generation, it is not too bad. Of course, compared with someone like Lin, it pales in comparison.

What's a bit surprising is that this man has really worked hard to be polite. There are actually books in his luggage, and there are quite a few. Although Lin Su can't decipher any cultural heritage from his consciousness, he Carrying dozens of books with me is an indisputable fact.

Lin Su touched these books with his fingers for the first time, which surprised him.

Some of these books were written by practitioners, and some were written by scholars. The literary foundations of these books were actually... not bad at all!

There are several books that tell the truth of the world, which are similar to the second echelon of the temple: the classics.

Sure enough, the knowledge in the world is interlinked.

In Lin Su's original Dharma-ending world, the principles of the holy scriptures were similar to the world of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, and the principles of learning from foreign lands were also similar to this.

The path of human evolution and the evolution of all worlds are inseparable from the guidance of books, and the principles in the books are also consistent.

Suddenly, on the water in front, a beautiful figure in red appeared out of thin air.

Lin Su's eyes fell and he came into contact with a face. This face was covered with tulle. It seemed that the tulle was moving with the wind. In theory, it couldn't cover anything. However, he couldn't see the woman's face clearly. .

Even his thousand-degree pupil can't see through it, so awesome!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that by killing this sect disciple, I was acting as an accomplice?

This senior brother, is he a disciple of the Luohua Sect? The voice of the woman in front of the river was clear and elegant, like the voice of heaven.

Exactly! Lin Su was determined, knowing the slightest thing was his basic skill. This woman did not see him kill the young master of the Luohua Sect, she just came to say hello to the disciples of the sect.

The little girl saw from a distance that Senior Brother Sword World was born from water. It is very mysterious. So I took the liberty to see it, but I wonder if I can tell you your name?

It's common in the world for people to know what they mean. The first time I hear the flower that explains the language is by the riverside! Lin Su smiled: Xiaosheng is the flower that understands the language.

It's common in the world for people to know what they mean, and for the first time I hear the Flower of Interpretation by the River... Young Master, or a scholar? The woman seemed indifferent to this very speechless name, but she was quite interested in this poem.

I have read three or two good books, that's all! Lin Su said.

Having only read three or two excellent works, do you dare to be called a flower of interpreting language? the woman chuckled.

Lin Sudao: Young lady understood it wrong. Jie Yuhua is not a flower. The surname is Jie, and the name is Yuhua. The surname is given by parents, and the name is given by parents. Although it seems to be pretentious and elegant, it is actually It’s not Xiaosheng’s fault.”

Every word and deed of the young master shows the wonderful interpretation of words. Now the little girl believes it. The young master is really a scholar! The woman said: Can you board the blue boat?

Lin Su bowed slightly: Girl, please!

The river water beneath the woman's feet stirred, and she rose into the air and landed in front of Lin Su. As she stepped forward, every bit of the river water beneath her feet was full of mystery, as if she had the power of a phoenix soaring to the sky.

This kind of mystery is invisible to ordinary people, but when it falls into Lin Su's thousand-degree pupils, it is greatly shocked.

If nothing unexpected happens, this woman's cultivation level should be that of Yuantian.

The foreign realm is really awesome, it’s just the Origin Heaven Realm.

What's even more incredible is that as soon as she got on the boat, Lin Su clearly felt a very close aura. Why did she feel this way?

Suddenly, Lin Su felt something moving inside her body.

What's this?

A bone!

That bone from the Eye of the East China Sea!

That day, Lin Su, Long Wentian, Long Ying, and Long Yueliang entered the night sea together. They saw the evil phoenix nest in the eyes of the sea, and also experienced the four levels of music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The most terrifying thing about that painting was that it was made of black bones. At the center was a distinctive black bone. Later, the black color was removed from this black bone and turned into a white jade-like color, exuding an incomparable holiness. The qi machine.

Only then did he realize that this bone was a real phoenix bone.

The evil phoenix has always been dissatisfied with the real phoenix, but he worships the real phoenix from the bottom of his heart. The relationship between the two is so tangled.

This true phoenix bone, Lin Su has been keeping in the inner space, and the true phoenix bone is also emitting energy bit by bit, quietly neutralizing the dragon energy in his body, pushing his body step by step to the high level of Dragon God Transformation... …

Now, this woman is on the boat. Every drop of the river water has the shape of a phoenix. The real phoenix bone in her body actually seems to have some sense, and it is a very close sense...

Lin Su raised his hand and handed a cup of tea to the woman's hand. This was tea he brought from another world, Nanshan tea roasted by the baby in green.

The woman took the tea cup, blew it gently, and tasted it. She didn't even lift the gauze on her face, just drank the tea like this, and the gauze was not wet.

This is another spectacle.

The woman drank the tea and slowly raised her wonderful eyes: There is something very mysterious.

Meeting by chance is a mystery. It doesn't matter if the girl has any mysterious insights. Lin Su also held up the teacup.

You and I have never met alone in the past, but I still have a feeling that I am a little familiar with you. You have a Qi that I am familiar with. The woman said: Perhaps the young master can recall whether you and I have met each other. Fate?

What a coincidence!

I'm feeling it too!

But I have an answer: It’s not that I’m familiar with you, but the real phoenix bone in my body means that I have a connection with you.

Of course, Lin Su didn't say this answer out loud. What he said was: The young man travels around the world quite frequently, and the heroes he has seen are like crucian carp across the river. If the girl is willing to tell you your origin, maybe I can recall it.

The True Phoenix clan is not used to being secretive. The little girl Feng You comes from Qihuang Mountain. She has never left the mountain in the past ten years. She did attend a Yunhu meeting ten years ago.

That's right! Lin Su interpreted the word Yunhuhui from the fragments of the soul in his brain: You and I should have had a relationship at the Yunhuhui, but at that time you were from an ancient alien race. Representative, sitting high on the cloud platform has not ended, and the young man has not been among the 'Forty-nine Talents of Yunhu', so how dare he look at the top geniuses? Therefore, I have not left an impression on the girl's beautiful face, which is really shameful.

Feng You smiled softly: Young Master is too modest. Of the forty-nine heroes of Yunhu that day, only thirteen of them broke through to the Sword World. And in my opinion, the level of the Sword World of these thirteen people is far inferior to yours! The middle-aged and old people say that from generation to generation, heroes are born, but the wind and clouds may not reveal their true appearance, and I will never deceive you if I am honest.

Both of them are talented people, both of them are elegant and elegant. For a moment, talking to Jiang and drinking tea, there is a feeling that they have met each other too late...

After talking about the sunset, Lin Su asked a question: Where does Miss Feng want to go?

When this topic was mentioned, Feng You's expression was obviously a little solemn: The little girl is going to Xiaoyue City for this trip. Please invite a reclusive elder of my clan to return to the clan to relieve our clan's crisis.

The nobles are in danger? Lin Su expressed surprise at the right time.

In fact, I was really a little surprised.

Because he decoded some information from the eight souls, Qifeng Mountain is a big force that dominates the southwest, and the leader of the clan is Feng Sheng, who ranks high among the saints. Such a force, in these troubled times, , it can be said to be a fixed-star-level existence. What force can still threaten it?

Feng You sighed: A single force is not enough to threaten the survival of our clan, but if nine forces gather together, it will be a different matter...

Maybe he and Lin Su felt like old friends at first sight.

Maybe it was because the two of them had been chatting happily for several hours.

Maybe it's because Lin Su has a natural affinity.

Perhaps Lin Su's Luohua Sect is far away in the northeast and has no connection with the forces in the southwest...

Feng You said a lot...

Qifeng Mountain covers an area of ​​three thousand miles and has the best cultivation resources in the southwest. There are nine forces surrounding it.

These nine forces are Yunling Sect, White Water Sect, Black Mountain Sect, Yin Valley, Worm Valley...

These forces can be found in Lin Su's brain...

The topography can also be roughly connected...

Nine sects are surrounded by Qifeng Mountain and have been competing for second- and third-class resources for thousands of years. Who would not be tempted by the first-class Tongtian resources?

However, the strength of one sect alone is definitely not enough to compete with Qifeng Mountain, so the nine sects are now uniting.

Qifengshan noticed this bad sign and suppressed it with an iron fist. However, it was this operation that intensified the contradictions in an all-round way, and the nine sects became more closely connected, creating a sense of crisis.

The real hostility towards Qifengshan began.

Qifengshan also felt the pressure, so it sent various disciples to travel around the world to find the senior elders of Qifengshan who had lived in seclusion in various places to discuss the big plan.

Feng You is one of these disciples.

After she finished saying this, Lin Su held up the teacup and thought habitually...

This habit may have been developed by him over a long period of time...

When he heard the problem, he had this reaction and completely forgot about one thing. This should have nothing to do with him at this moment...


When faced with complex situations, sometimes something that comes out of nowhere will have unexpected effects.

He entered Juedao Mountain this time. After entering Juedao Mountain, he was disrupting the foreign chess game. In this chess game, there must be chess pieces. Can Qifeng Mountain, which suddenly appeared, be used as a chess piece?

Master Xie... seems to be thinking about something? Feng You said.

Lin Su slowly moved his eyes away from the tea cup: When encountering a strong enemy, gathering one's own strength to fight against the strong enemy is the right path. However, this right path is also a path with an unknown ending. There are masters who live in seclusion in Qifeng Mountain. Why? Do you know that there are no such nine sects? If they do this together, the balance of power between the two sides is still unknown.

Yes! The elders of the clan have been worried about this matter.

There is a method, or another way. I wonder if Miss Feng would like to hear it? Lin Su said.

Master, please speak! Feng You said.

As far as I know, these nine major sects are different and have their own needs. Yunling Sect is the strongest, followed by Baishan and Heishui. Yunling Sect originally occupied the Yunshan Holy Land, which was only stronger than Qifeng Mountain. It is a second-level holy land for spiritual practice, but the spiritual resources occupied by Baishan and Blackwater Sects are much different. They are truly barren and remote. Therefore, the biggest promoter of the plan to unite the nine sects and carve up Qifeng Mountain is the biggest promoter. It’s white mountains and black waters!”

Feng You's eyes widened: I didn't expect that Young Master, who is in the Northeast, would know so much about the situation in the Southwest. It is exactly what Young Master said.

Lin Su said with a smile: I have traveled around the world and know a lot about the world, so I don't want to get caught up in the game. Therefore, I should know more about it.

Understanding the affairs of the world is not a chess game! Feng You said: Just by these words, the young master is already a rare hero in the world. May I ask what the young master just said about finding a new way, but what kind of method is it?

Lin Sudao: What the world wants, what you need, weigh the pros and cons, it's okay! My method is just one sentence, tell the Baishan and Heishui Sects that Qifeng Mountain can help them capture the Yunling Sect. Once they capture it, , the Holy Land of Cultivation in Yunshan Thousand Miles, belongs to White Mountain and Black Water!

Feng You's heart skipped a beat: Instigating rebellion?

Of course this is instigating rebellion, but it is by no means a simple instigation of rebellion! Lin Su said: Listen to me in detail...

Since ancient times, the struggle between forces has involved great learning.

Several major forces unite to compete with the top forces, which is common throughout history.

There are several solutions.

The orthodox solution is to fight hard.

The unconventional solution is determined by wisdom.

The most mysterious method is to instigate rebellion, and instigating rebellion also requires knowledge. It depends on what these forces need and what their minimum needs are. For example, the Yunling Sect has the best resources besides Qifeng Mountain. They need The things they have are very wild, even Qifeng Mountain, Qifeng Mountain cannot give them, so there is no need to use your brains on them.

And what about the second-ranked force?

Baishan and Heishui, what they want is not Qifeng Mountain!

Qifeng Mountain is the territory that Yunling Sect wants, and they can't take it!

They simply wanted to get a piece of the pie, capture Qifeng Mountain, and eat the leftovers.

In this case, change your thinking and help the two sects of Baishan and Heishui, take down Yunling sect, and give the territory of Yunling sect to Baishan and Heishui. Do you think the two sects of Baishan and Heishui are not happy? Satisfied or not?

They are naturally happy and satisfied!

The most amazing thing is that the two of them alone are not enough to compete with the Yunling Sect. In the past, they only coveted the Yunling Sect's training resources. It’s so easy to pick up something!

This strategy is exactly the same as the one Lin Su gave to Wu Dao Dragon Lord in Wu Dao Abyss.

There are three strong men fighting each other. If the second and third oldest ones join forces, they may not be able to kill the boss.

But if the boss and the third child join forces, they can definitely kill the second child.

In the southwest game field, Qifengshan is the boss, Yunling Sect is the second, and Baishan and Heishui are the third.

The Yunling Sect, together with the third, fourth and ninth lao, have a combined strength equal to that of the eldest brother. Even if they really fight, they may not be able to win.

And Feng Qishan turned his attention to win over the third brother, kill the second one, and solve the big problem of the nine sects joining forces with a single move. As long as the second one is gone, these nine major forces will lose their backbone, and they will not be in the palm of the boss?

What did Qifengshan pay?

Nothing was given!

Even the thousands of miles of land that is used as a prize is not its own, but only belongs to the ambitious second son's family!

As a disciple sent by Qifengshan to travel around the world, Feng You is naturally not a fool.

As soon as she heard Lin Su's clever plan, she started to have an incredible feeling, but the more she listened, the more confused she became. After Lin Su finished speaking, Feng You was stunned: The young master's plan is simply unparalleled. The little girl immediately and Contact the clan leader...

When his feet moved, he was like a phoenix flying high and floating away.

Once she was ten miles away, she raised her hand, and a phoenix feather shimmered in the wind...

In the distant Qifeng Mountain, the clan leader suddenly received a message from his daughter thousands of miles away. Hearing his daughter's excited tone and her imaginative strategy, the clan leader was completely shocked by this strategy for a moment...

Mom, my daughter thinks this plan is completely feasible, what do you think?

The clan leader let out a long breath: What do you think?

In front of her, there were more than ten high-level elders, each of whom had a strong aura, and they were all figures from the end of the source world. In other words, they were all at the quasi-sage level. There was a lack in this world and they could not become saints. If they were in the original world, they will all be saints.

The Great Elder let out a long breath: I feel that this plan is unique, but it also has insight into people's hearts!

The most subtle part of this plan is that what Baishan and Heishui want is actually never Qifeng Mountain. They dare not think of top-level resources. What they want is originally the high-level resources of Yunling Sect.

Yes, if the nine sects join forces, even if they really defeat this clan, they will have to pay a heavy price. Now with such a switch, they can get the resources they dream of without paying a heavy price. I feel that Baishan and Heishui cannot refuse !”

The elders expressed their stance one by one...

All agreed.

Finally, the clan leader let out a long sigh: The True Phoenix Clan has been suppressing an era for thousands of years with its strong cultivation. Now the situation is different from the past. We need to adjust some strategies! You'er accepted this plan!

All the elders cheered together.

The clan leader slowly moved his eyes towards Feng You: You'er, how can you come up with such a clever idea? But there is an expert to give you guidance?

Feng You said: I don't dare to deceive my mother. The child met a person on the road. This person came up with this plan.

Oh? But who is it?

The young master of the Luohua Sect, Jie Yuhua.

Luohua Sect, a sect without a saint, is only a second-class sect, but its young sect leader has such knowledge, it's extraordinary! The clan leader nodded.

In the back room, a girl writing was suddenly startled, and a drop of ink fell from the tip of her pen...

Feng You ended the call with the clan leader and looked at the boat going down the river. She was about to jump up and share the good news with Lin Su. His suggestion was accepted by the clan!

At this moment, her phoenix feather suddenly shook, and a girl appeared in the void. It was her sister, the saint Feng Qingtian.

elder sister……

Feng Qingtian said directly: Have you met Luohua Sect's Jie Yuhua?

Sister, you also know... Feng You said: Look, he is over there!

Feng Qingtian looked at the ship that had just left: Do you know who this person is? How did you get involved with him?

Feng You's eyes widened and she didn't understand her sister's words. Isn't it the clan's clever plan that should be the most concerned about right now?

Why put aside the strategy itself and talk about the person who proposed it?

This is unreasonable.

Feng Qingtian was very excited: Luohua Sect is one of the most promiscuous sects, and its young sect leader Jie Yuhua is the most promiscuous among them. There is no need to do more! This person sleeps with at least ten women every time he goes down the mountain. He has a disgusting and polite manner. There are hookers, there are those who are drugged, there are even more powerful ones, they really do everything they can, they are pervasive, they are shameless!

Feng You was confused: Isn't that true? I think he is very gentle...and his swordsmanship is the world of swordsmanship!

Sven? Didn't you listen to what I just said? He used being polite as a means to seduce! As for swordsmanship, of course a shameless person like this must have some skills, otherwise, wouldn't he have been cut into pieces long ago? Wan Duan? Sister, come back quickly. Any time you meet him will be a shame! If you are taken advantage of by him, the entire Qifeng Mountain will become a laughing stock!

The sister's projection disappeared.

Feng You was in a daze.

The elegant young man seen on the boat, the talented man praised by his mother and elders, the heinous and shameless person described by his sister...

Can they really overlap?


Feng You shook her head gently, impossible! As the old people have said, one generation has great success and the other has great power, but the wind and clouds may not reveal the true face.

Ten years ago at the Yunhu Conference, everyone's eyes were focused on the Forty-nine Elites of Yunhu. Who had seen Jie Yuhua who couldn't even enter the Forty-nine Elites?

But isn’t today’s Jieyuhua also a world of swords with an extraordinary realm?

The most important thing is that he can see the current situation!

He has the vision of wisdom without being a pawn.

He...he drifted away after leaving such a clever plan for himself!

This drifting away completely changed the image painted by my sister. If he really came for me, why did he leave?

If he leaves, won't his plan come to nothing?

Since he doesn't have that meaning, then he is not the kind of person that my sister said at all. My sister, a saint who grew up in a boudoir and has never even seen a few men, what does she know about men and women?

After some thinking, some interpretation, some doubt, and some relief, Feng You followed.

Watching Lin Su crossing the Qianli Gorge ahead under the setting sun, watching the stars rising, Lin Su holding the tea cup on the boat, Feng You suddenly felt a little sorry for him, he was so troubled to help the clan solve problems, and What about her? To think about him with such dirty thoughts is really to judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Seeing the elegance under the moonlight, Feng You felt that she should go over and sit with him.

Lin Su was originally feeling the passionate rush of the river below her body in the night. Suddenly, the flow of the river slowed down. Lin Su smiled softly: Miss Feng, you didn't leave?

Feng You stepped onto his boat: I have a pot of fine wine, which is worthy of drinking on a moonlit night!

She raised her hand, and in her palm was a silver wine flask. When the flask was opened, the aroma of wine filled the air.

She had a glass, and Lin Su had a glass. Lin Su looked at the starry wine swirling in the jade cup and was curious: What's the name of this wine?

Hometown Galaxy!

My hometown, Xinghe, has such a strange name. The stars are in the sky, and my hometown is on the ground. I have only heard of using the stars to see my hometown, but I have never heard that the stars are also divided into the hometown and the local area.

Feng You slowly raised her eyes: This wine was brewed by my mother herself. She once said the same thing as you. It is said in the world that the galaxy has no hometown, but this galaxy is not her hometown. !”

Lin Su's heart moved...

Her mother comes from a foreign land!

He has searched the souls of a lot of people in this area and has a deep understanding of this world. However, he has never been able to touch the higher level, which is the real foreigner who first entered this foreign land!

Her mother looks at the stars here and feels nostalgic for her homeland. So, her mother is a foreigner!

There is a timeline for foreigners to enter this world.

The Heavenly Dao was killed three thousand years ago.

In other words, only those who have stepped through the portal three thousand years ago are qualified to express this emotion. What is so special about those who crossed the portal three thousand years ago? As long as you don't die, you can become a saint! (End of chapter)

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