Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 979 Saint Haotian

Feng You's voice stopped suddenly, and a huge and extremely pressure was pressed down on her head. Qi and blood surged in Feng You's body, and she fell back hundreds of feet, unable to speak anymore.

Her identity may be the only way to save her life. Seeing Qifengshan's face, the people of Luohua Sect may be able to...

But, these people are so sophisticated.

Even this road is blocked by her.

She couldn't even speak, so what could she do?

On the path of cultivation, there is one realm and one heaven. These four people are all in the second realm of Source Heaven. In front of her are four high mountains.

Just when she was in confusion, Lin Su's voice sounded: Four seniors, is the only way to kill someone?


There was only one word to answer him!

Accompanied by a huge palm, one palm covers the sky!

Then... okay! Lin Su sighed softly, and when he put his hands together, a sword light was stunning...

This sword is so beautiful.

This sword has an indescribable charm.

This sword is like a spring breeze, but it brings chaos in time and space...

The sword passed through the cover of the huge palm and was accurately positioned between the eyebrows of the old man with white beard. The old man with white beard disappeared and his eyes widened...

Feng You's eyes suddenly opened wide, completely in disbelief.

Killing people in the second realm of Yuantian with one sword?

Just one sword, so beautiful, so thrilling, but also unheard of terrifying.

Ah... Three roars sounded at the same time, and the entire Juedao Mountain was filled with sand and rocks. Even the Juedao Mountain Forest, where the power of rules was everywhere, seemed unable to withstand the anger and murderous intent of these three masters.

Lin Su swung the sword in his hand again!

This sword is not fast!

This sword did not even disturb the small trees and grass around him.

As soon as the sword came out, the sky was divided into yin and yang, completely changing its form.

An extremely delicate flower bloomed in the void, and a layer of strange waves covered the three elders with overwhelming aura. As the waves surged, the three elders suddenly turned into three white bones.

Their lives seemed to have entered reincarnation in an instant.

Damn it! Two words suddenly came out in the void...

The sword in Lin Su's hand suddenly shook, and he became confused, and his spiritual platform seemed to be shaken by these two words. The meridians all over his body were injured, and his heart suddenly sank.

He just tested the eighth form of Dugu Nine Swords, and the effect was so powerful that his heart beat faster.

But the two words that suddenly came from the air wiped away this surprise and replaced it with the premonition of death.

The three realms of Yuantian!

This is the standard three realms of Yuantian, and its terror even surpasses the king-level figures under Black Youhuang back then.

Even if the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea is here, he may not be much better than Lin Su.

Even if he uses the last sword of Dugu Nine Swords, he will still be unable to defeat such a person, only the literary world! However, the power of the sword in his palm at the moment was comparable to that of the literary and Taoist realm, and was also no match for the three realms of Yuantian.

Lin Su encountered the first real death situation since entering a foreign land.

What's even more frightening is that there is more than one wisp of such terrifying Qi.

In addition to this wisp of qi, there are several wisps of qi that are stronger than this wisp of qi, and have even reached the level of the Black Nether Emperor, the quasi-sage level!

game over!

Lin Su's whole body was boiling with energy and blood, and his brain flashed with lightning. He took a great step forward and gained the world of literature, swordsmanship, and the power of no Tao...


However, in the face of the absolute gap, these unimaginably high-end skills seem to be useless.

Perhaps there is only one way to abandon this physical body and escape as a soul, but the loss will be extraordinary.

His physical body is not an ordinary physical body. This is a physical body that has been strengthened by the Nirvana Palace. This is a physical body with a flawless foundation in spiritual practice...

A voice came from the sky: Junior brother, are you out of the mountain?

Along with this voice, four white-haired old men suddenly appeared in front of Lin Su, with smiles on their faces: Junior brother, Master said that you will go out today, and I will come to greet you.

Lin Su looked at the friendly smiling faces of the four old people, and her heart was pounding...

Junior brother!

Who is your junior brother?

Moreover, the obvious logo on their shoulders shocked him even more. It was a circle, and in the circle, there was the word Hao!

People from Haotian Sect!

Haotian Sect, the sect founded by Haotian!

And Haotian is the super saint who personally killed the Soldier Saint!

Since killing the Soldier Saint, this Haotian Saint has become the Holy Saint of this foreign sky!

The Luohua Sect Master in the air suddenly froze.

Feng You's little mouth opened wide and she was completely stunned.

Haotian Sect!

A direct disciple of Saint Haotian?

No wonder he has such a superb way of rules. He comes from the most mysterious and powerful sect.

Even though Lin Su is extremely smart and has superhuman intelligence, this moment also disturbed the inner Sanzhang Chuntan...

The four old men raised their eyes and glanced at the sky: It is not easy to survive a sect, but it only takes one thought to destroy it! The one in the sky is easy to leave!

The Luo Hua Sect Master's whole body was shaken, he rose into the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

An old man with white hair smiled softly: Junior brother, let's go, Master is waiting for you!

Okay! Lin Su took a deep breath and jumped into the air.

Feng You chased after three steps, but with a flash of light in the air, all five people disappeared...

The stream of light flew across, and in the blink of an eye it was already thousands of miles away.

Ahead, a peak rises from the ground, and a thousand-mile-long lake is rippling with blue waves.

Lin Su's steps suddenly stopped.

The four white-haired old men also stopped at the same time.

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: Should I thank you all for your help?

Junior brother, no need! A white-haired old man smiled.

Lin Sudao: There is probably no need to pretend at this moment, and seniors no longer need to address each other as 'junior brother'.

The white-haired old man still smiled: Junior brother, can you think that this is not a disguise?

Lin Su was stunned, raised his eyes, and stared at the white-haired old man.

We all follow the same path, so we are brothers. Although we meet each other for the first time, we are following the same path. How can we not be brothers?

Lin Su: The same way, but what way?

Junior brother, you will understand everything when you step through this door! The white-haired old man raised his hand gently, and a portal appeared in the void. Lin Su stepped into it, and the four white-haired old men also entered at the same time.

As soon as he passed this portal, he seemed to have stepped across a thousand miles of blue wave lake. He put his feet back and reached the giant peak. In front of him was a corridor of green bamboo. There was a faint fragrance of tea in the wind, and a strange scent of books. The four of them The white-haired old man took the lead and arrived in front of a study room. He gently opened the study door. There was no longer a bamboo corridor in front of Lin Su, only a study room.

In the antique study room, yellowed ancient books line the bookshelf in front. An old man with white hair slowly raised his head behind the case...

At the same time, outside the Haotian Sect's sky lake, a phoenix shadow disappeared in a flash, and a beautiful woman seemed to emerge from the void and appeared by the lake. She raised her eyes and watched the light in the sky disappear at the sect's main peak thousands of miles away.

She is Feng You.

She clearly saw the whole process of Lin Su entering Haotian Sect, and she followed him, but she did not enter the sect's mountain gate.

By this lake, she was infinitely confused...

Behind him was another phoenix shadow, and another beautiful woman appeared out of thin air. It was none other than Feng Yunfei, the saint of the True Phoenix Clan in Qifeng Mountain...

Sister, you're here too! Feng You said softly.

Can I not come? The elder sister reached out directly, grabbed the younger sister's hand, and lifted it suddenly. Feng Youruyu's arm was exposed, and a bright red Gonggong sand was clearly visible on it.

As soon as he saw this piece of palace sand, Feng Yunfei's heart really returned to its original position, and he let out a long sigh.

Logically speaking, a sister has come from a long way away, and the first thing she does when meeting her is to check her gugong sand. For Feng You, this should be an extremely embarrassing thing. However, Feng You's face was strangely calm. She slowly raised her gaze: Sister, did you know? The person who traveled with me is actually not the infamous young master of the Luohua Sect, Jie Yuhua.

ah? Feng Yunfei was slightly shocked: Then who is he?

A personal disciple of Saint Haotian!

All the direct disciples of Saint Haotian are over a thousand years old, and it is said that they all died in the battle with the Soldier Saint. Could it be that Saint Haotian, who has never shown himself as a saint in the world for thousands of years, actually accepted another disciple?

It must be so! Probably only such a peerless genius can enter the eyes of Saint Haotian.

The peerless genius? Where is he? Feng Yunfei himself is also the top disciple of a huge force. He is also very concerned about the true disciples of the major saints, especially the direct disciples of the Holy Saint Haotian. When he heard this Seeing that the other party was the disciple of the Holy Saint Haotian, I couldn't help but have some thoughts of competition in my heart.

This is the natural reaction of a peerless genius.

Where is Jue? I really want to know where he is, but what I can see may only be the tip of his iceberg... Feng You said: Perhaps his Jue is because he is on a small boat. Zhiding settled in Fengshan Mountain, perhaps because he stepped into hundreds of quagmires and made an understatement, perhaps because he killed three people in the second level of Yuantian with one sword with his Dharma cultivation, and perhaps there are more corners that I didn't see... …”

In just three and a half sentences, Feng Yunfei's heart skipped a beat: With Dharma cultivation, you can kill three people in the second level of Yuantian with one sword? Are you sure it was just one sword?

This sword is extremely beautiful and stunning. I can be sure that it incorporates the law of reincarnation!

She can see the law of reincarnation only because of one thing. The True Phoenix clan is a magical race that can achieve nirvana. Nirvana is originally another kind of reincarnation. The bloodline of their True Phoenix clan originally contains the mysterious gene of the law of reincarnation.

All races in the world coexist. If we only look at the law of reincarnation, the True Phoenix clan should be the king of this method. However, I cannot integrate the law of reincarnation into the way of swordsmanship, but he can actually...

Feng Yunfei raised her eyes and looked at the main peak of the Haotian Sect from afar. In her eyes, this peak was extremely mysterious at the moment.

At this moment, the main peak of the Haotian Sect was unusually quiet.

Deep in a bamboo forest, there is a quiet study.

A white-haired old man slowly raised his head behind the desk. Lin Su stared at the pen in the old man's hand and stood there blankly...

Haotian Sect, in his dictionary, has always been a rival sect.

Because Haotian, that damn saint, personally ended the life of the Soldier Saint.

When faced with the killing moves of Luo Hua Sect's top masters, the four quasi-sages of Haotian Sect saved him, and he definitely did not breathe a sigh of relief. What was swirling in his mind was always the game. This time he joined Haotian with these four Zong, it will probably be the most terrifying game in his life.

However, he saw this old man at the main peak of the Haotian Sect.

He didn't know this old man, but he was familiar with the pen in the old man's hand!

Weiyang pen!

The old man smiled softly: You probably don't know me, but you know this pen. Fortunately, this pen also knows you. When you enter a foreign land, no one can find you, but it can! It is it that finds you and takes you there. Bring it to me!

The pen in the old man's hand flew up, and the word Wei Yang rolled in the air, floating in front of Lin Su. The tip of the pen trembled slightly, as if he was quite excited.

Lin Su's fingers gently touched the pen, and his eyes slowly raised: Is it really you?

Among the tens of billions of people in the world, you are probably the only one who is still concerned about my life and death. I have wanted to see you for a long time, but I am in a foreign land and it is difficult to do so. Today you are finally here! Have a drink!

The four white-haired old men in front of them stretched out their hands together. In the study, a coffee table appeared. On the coffee table was a pot of tea. The old man gently raised his hand, and Lin Su sat down with him at the same time.

A white-haired old man held a pot and poured Lin Su a cup.

The tea is quiet and quiet, but it also seems to have endless vicissitudes of time.

A sip of tea enters the mouth, and the surroundings are completely silent.

Lin Su slowly raised his head: Should I call you Saint Master or Mr. Jiang?

Mr. Jiang, although you and I share the same military art, you did not learn from me. Instead, you reached a new peak outside my military art. If I want to be your teacher, I will erase you. I don’t want to achieve this, so you can’t call me your teacher.”

As soon as these words came out, it announced a result that no one could have imagined.

The Haotian Sect Master in front of him was not the Haotian Saint at all. He was the Soldier Saint that Lin Su was looking for.

Old man! Lin Su held a cup in greeting: This junior has something unknown!

I don't understand why the world's rumors say that the Supreme Saint of Haotian killed the Soldier Saint, but the final outcome was completely opposite? the Soldier Saint said.


The Soldier Saint held up the tea cup and blew on it gently. This blow seemed to blow away the entanglement that had been lingering in his heart for a long time: That day, I entered a foreign land, and a crowd of eighty saints rose up to attack. In terms of combat power alone, I have nothing to fear. However, in the face of dozens of saints, I am still difficult to match. I tried my best to kill eight saints. However, my sainthood has been cracked all over and is on the verge of disintegration. At this last moment, I and Haotian Meet at the foot of Juedao Mountain...

Having said this, Bing Sheng took a sip of tea and said, What would you do if you and I were in different places?

This seems to be an exam question, and it also seems to be a question.

Lin Su breathed out softly: There is a plan in my Thirty-six Strategies of War called Borrowing Corpses to Bring Back Souls!

Haha, borrowing a corpse to bring back a soul, how wonderful! There is also a strategy in my military art that is similar to yours of borrowing a corpse to bring back a soul. This strategy is called Weak guest, strong master! said the Soldier Saint.

A weak guest makes a strong host! Lin Su muttered: Show the enemy weakness, use the guest as the host, and then turn against the guest as the host? Really?

Sure enough, he is a prodigy in the art of war, and he can reveal the secrets of heaven with just one word! Bing Sheng said: That day, I faced the prosperous Haotian with my fragmented holy character. I showed it weakly, but Haotian didn't notice, and took my holy character and entered it into the holy body. , in an attempt to merge with my saint, I used my military skills to detonate the saint and kill him on the spot. The holy machine swept across the foreign land, dozens of saints arrived, I took the broken saint of Haotian into my body, disguised myself as Haotian, and showed off to the enemy By being strong, I made the saints mistakenly think that I, Haotian, have made great progress in my cultivation and dare not move lightly. From now on, I am Haotian!

The most legendary experience of that year has now been revealed.

So subversive.

Haotian's Saint of Killing Soldiers is recognized throughout the foreign land.

Haotian relied on the reputation of the Saint of Soldiers to become the best among the saints in the foreign land.

Who would have thought?

The twists and turns are far more twists and turns than anyone imagined.

It was not Haotian who killed the Soldier Saint, but the Soldier Saint who killed Haotian.

Before the Bingsheng killed Haotian, he showed the enemy that he was weak, but weakness is not really weak.

After the Soldier Saint killed Haotian, he disguised himself as Haotian to show the enemy that he was strong, but being strong was not really strong.

In fact, the Soldier Saint disguised as Haotian has incomplete saint qualifications and the lowest strength among all Saints. However, he bears the holy name of Killer Soldier Saint and no one in the entire foreign land dares to touch him.

This change of strength and weakness, this control of the situation, all have insight into people's hearts.

Lin Su sighed: The old man really performed the 'deceitful way of a soldier' ​​vividly... Juniors can probably guess what happens next.

Bingsheng said: Oh? Please tell me.

This foreign land is unusual. It believes in the law of the jungle and respects strength. Even if you hold the holy position, there are still other saints who are eyeing it. Although the old man has obtained the holy status, he is still monitored by the saints. Therefore, the old man can only borrow This square cave creates the illusion of infinite holy power, but they dare not leave the sect even half a step, and there is no way to return to the temple.

Knowing the enemy at a glance, knowing the autumn from a leaf is certainly the essence of the art of war, but the greater essence of the art of war is to observe the general trend. The most rare thing for you is to be able to judge according to the situation! The Soldier Saint praised: Yu For the world, practicing the treasures of heaven, earth, treasures, and enlightening the way of heaven are all opportunities. For saints, only the saints are opportunities. Today, in foreign lands, among the seventy-two saints, seventy-one saints come from foreign lands. Their saints, This is not consistent with the way of heaven. Asking for fate from the sky is ultimately asking for fish. Only the saintliness of other saints can prevent their origins from dying. Therefore, any saint is an opportunity in the eyes of other saints. As long as he is in trouble, he will be in trouble. To escape death, there is no distinction between good and evil, friend or foe. It is precisely under this complicated pattern that I cannot show any signs of depression. As long as I take half a step away from the peak, I will be a sheep among tigers, and return to the temple. I originally took one step, but I have been unable to do anything about this step for a thousand years.

The cave is like an isolated island, and the return trip is just one step away, but it's still so close to the end of the world! Lin Su said: So, the old man simply subdued the Haotian masters for his own use, and officially polished the golden sign of Haotian Sect in this foreign land. He He cast his eyes on the four white-haired old men next to him. They were all at the quasi-sage level and were obviously at the top of the Haotian Sect.

The Soldier Saint cast his eyes on these four people, with a mysterious smile on his face: You were finally wrong for once! They are not from the Haotian Sect, and never have been!

... Lin Su was slightly startled.

The Soldier Saint gently held up the tea cup in his hand: Have you ever heard of the old man's legend? Black hair stays up all night, and white hair becomes a dead soldier?

Lin Su was shocked...

The Soldier Saint's teacup fell gently, and the four white-haired old men in front of him suddenly turned into four white hairs, flying up and blending into the Soldier Saint's head of white hair.

Lin Su's heart was pounding, he finally truly saw the power of the saint.

These four quasi-sage-level masters went out into the world to allow a large sect leader to flee. Their combat prowess was earth-shattering. However, they turned out not to be human beings at all, but the four white hairs of the Soldier Saint.


Lin Su suddenly raised his head: These four are following the path of spiritual practice, not literature at all!

The Soldier Saint's white hair shows that he is following the path of spiritual practice rather than the path of literature. What does this mean? Does this mean that the Soldier Saint himself is also a cultivator of both literature and immortality?

Otherwise, how could the four clones practice immortality?

The so-called clones are clones of the main body. They can't kill anything that the main body doesn't know. For example, Lin Su has played with clones many times, but the skills possessed by each clone can only be mastered by his main body. skills, but cannot play skills that he is not proficient in.

Isn’t this a lot of information?

The Soldier Saint smiled softly: Don't ignore two things. First, when I played with Haotian, I took his broken sainthood! Second, it has been a thousand years since that war! In a thousand years, I These four white hairs, even if they are practicing in white, they have practiced Taoism for thousands of years.

I see.

The Soldier Saint took Haotian's broken holy grid, which contains Haotian's practice inheritance.

The Soldier Saint himself disdained cultivation, but with his white hair turned into a dead soldier and a physical body, he could still cultivate to the quasi-sage state even if he started from scratch, had a thousand years as a foundation, and the Haotian Sect's infinite resources as a foundation.

This old man’s awesomeness cannot be described in words.

The Bing Sheng breathed out softly: I practiced Taoism as a foundation for Baifa. At that time, I just did it for self-protection and had no other thoughts. However, after taking this step, I felt quite enlightened. The two Taoisms merged into one, and seemed to be the same as The way of heaven is more consistent, and my holy character of the way of military affairs has the appearance of rebirth.

The holy character of a saint is similar to the soul of a cultivator. Once the holy character is destroyed, the saint will fall down and lose the power of the saint. The holy character cannot be regenerated. However, the soldier saint has lived in a foreign land for a thousand years and his four white hairs In order to cultivate the immortal path, his already destroyed warrior saint turned out to be reborn.

This is probably the source of the rumors in the temple that the Soldier Saint is about to return - the Soldier Saint is reborn. Someone in the Temple has an insight into it.

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: The way of heaven, the way of heaven is becoming more and more mysterious... The so-called way of heaven is all-encompassing, and it itself is proficient in all ways. I think it may also hope that the saints under it can master all ways. Mastery, two paths into one, or three paths into one...

When talking about the unity of the three paths, Lin Su's voice suddenly stopped...

Three ways in one, this word is very sensitive to him...

A long time ago, he was in Yunxi Sect...

He heard from the third elder that his predecessor came to Yunxi Sect and was given a greeting by an old monk. The old monk said: The three paths merge into one, and the disaster will be broken and great prosperity will be achieved.

From then on, three ways in one became a word that he thought about frequently in his life.

The initial interpretation: Three Daos in One refers to the three sons of the Lin family, who belong to the three Daos.

Later, this interpretation was overturned, and Lin Su redefined it. The three paths merge into one, which refers to the union of the three paths in his own body, namely the literary path, the martial arts path, and the spiritual path.

In this way, he, this troublemaker, disturbed the way of literature and spiritual practice, and reached the pinnacle of each way.

The destruction of the disaster has also gone through several rounds of interpretation...

It has also been redefined several times...

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