Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 983 Two taboos disrupting the temple

The process of absorption was extremely secretive, and Lin Su was not aware of it at all. It was not until this round of Han Yue was sent into the long river of time and space, and was firmly blocked by the laws of time and space, that Lin Su could feel that the quasi-sacred power that had been stolen by it was his own. Silk flows back, and at the same time as this holy power flows back, there is also the origin of the Earth-covering Butterfly...

How can it be absorbed and how can it be spit out!


Not only is it returned, but the holy power it possesses must also be used as interest.

When Lin Su's eyes slowly opened, Ming Tianyan's eyes were full of concern: Is it solved?

Lin Su smiled softly: Absorbing holy power is really insidious, but don't worry, how did it suck it? I'll make it spit out twice as much!

Will this move alarm that person?

No! Only when the high-level holy treasure is cut off from its original owner can it become truly unpredictable. Just as the late Soldier Saint didn't understand Weiyang's pen, he didn't understand Han Yue either. If I killed Han Yue directly, the original owner would be alarmed. , I just imprisoned Han Yue, he will not be alarmed.

Ming Tianyan let out a long breath: You didn't expect it, did you? I found out this information and was completely shocked. Who would have thought that a dignified saint would have a premonition when you were only in the Wenlu realm? Until you can break into the quasi-sage! And a cold moon specially born for the holy power will be implanted in you in advance.

Yes, I am very interested in a saint who can have such vision and plan ahead. This time in the lower realm, I have to check carefully. Where does this person come from? I have a bad premonition. , I have a hunch that this person is not a simple literary saint.

Not a simple literary saint? Ming Tianyan was slightly surprised.

Every saint rises to the top after passing through the worldly world. Based on this person's behavior, I don't believe that she is purely playing in the literary world! And as long as she is playing in the alien world, there must be her in the world. The root of the foot, and this foot must be extraordinary!

If this person is a demon or a foreign race, then she would be happy to see the temple fight and tear the temple apart. She may be the biggest black hand behind the temple's thousand-year crisis! Ming Tianyan said: How to kill it?

The situation at hand is very delicate. The Soldier Saint has returned, chaotic clouds are flying across the third level of the sky, and the two camps have met on a narrow road! They are detecting the reality of our side, and we need to show our strength to lead them astray!

To show strength to the enemy and lead astray, how to lead him astray?

You were a taboo in the temple eight hundred years ago, and I am probably the biggest taboo in the temple today. If we two taboos don't do something taboo, wouldn't we be worthy of the name of taboo?

Ming Tianyan’s eyes are bright...

The next day!

The weather is fine!

The Palace of Holy Oracles is solemn and solemn!

This palace is not the main palace of the temple, but only a side palace of the temple. However, in the secular world, its status is unparalleled, because every instruction coming out of this palace is an oracle. What is an oracle? Temple instructions! That is an imperial edict that overrides secular imperial power!

Under normal circumstances, there are no idle people waiting to visit a palace like this.

Nor does it receive any idlers.

However, today, two people crossed over in vain and landed in front of the Holy Oracle Palace, named Tianyan and Lin Su!

A token in Ming Tianyan's hand flashed, and a strange holy light shot through the sky!

The entire temple was shocked.

The decree of destiny!

The Heavenly Mandate Edict is a very special kind of edict. It is not a triple Heavenly Holy Order, but it is very different. It originates from the most mysterious palace in the temple: the Heavenly Mandate Palace.

The Palace of Destiny is not among the seventeen palaces, or even among the side palaces of the temple. It has almost no real power. However, it has a kind of transcendent power, that is, it can be consulted by anyone involved in the destiny!

In other words, as long as the decree of destiny is revealed, no matter who is the master of the first palace of the temple, he must accept its consultation.

Of course, this is just a consultation.

It is a bit similar to a job that Lin Su once did: inspector.

Yes, this is the supervisor in the temple - the Tianming Palace is famous all over the world for observing the destiny. If it feels that someone will become the enemy of the world, it has the power to inspect.

If Ming Tianyan's edict is similar to Lin Su's previous supervisory orders, her actions today are also similar to Lin Su's past when she faced certain prefects.

That’s quite high-profile!

In the past, the decrees of destiny were often kept secret and no one knew about them, but today, as soon as she made her move, everyone in the temple heard about it.

All the palaces were shocked at the same time!

The master of the Painting Palace looked gloomy: Ming Tianyan! She has been quiet for eight hundred years, and she is getting mixed up with this person today?

The elder below him was speechless.

However, the face of the Palace Master of Le Palace was changed: This son is immortal in a foreign land. Why did he come to the Holy Oracle Palace the day after returning to the palace?

The elder below her was equally speechless.

In the Bai Pavilion, Lao Bai picked up the white chess piece, and Shen Ning did not make a move: Wuxin, what do you think the purpose of this kid is to find the Holy Oracle Palace today?

Opposite him, there was a person holding a sunspot, it was Luo Wuxin.

In the past, Luo Wuxin was definitely not qualified to sit across from Bai Lao and play chess, but today he is, because he is already a quasi-sage, and he and Bai Lao are at the same level in terms of literary status.

Luo Wuxin smiled: Teacher's test is the most difficult test in the world. Wuxin can only make a few guesses.

He still called Bai Lao his teacher, and he was extremely humble in his words. However, his attitude of talking to his peers was also obvious, because there was no humility in his smile.

Just tell me!

Come here for the past 'Tianhe Tribulation'! Luo Wuxin said.

Holy Palace, the door is open.

Ming Tianyan and Lin Su strode into the Holy Oracle Palace. In a flash of light and shadow, they appeared directly in the palace lord's palace. The palace lord Zhou Xingdao led all the elders to stand at the entrance of the palace and bowed slightly: Elder Ming personally As an envoy, it is really hard to see and find, and it is even more unbelievable that Lin Changxing is also traveling with the Tianming Palace. Could it be that Lin Changxing has also entered the Tianming Palace?

Although the first words of the meeting were somewhat respectful under the decree of destiny, the degree of respect was definitely not deep.

And he attacked Lin Su as soon as they met, which showed that he didn't take this decree of destiny seriously.

Lin Su smiled faintly: As one of the forty palace masters of the Temple, Palace Master Zhou doesn't understand the Golden Medal of the Temple? He asked such a question without common sense!

Zhou Xingdao frowned...

Lin Su added: The fourth paragraph of Article 39 of the Golden Seal of the Temple clearly stipulates that if you go without a number, you can monitor each palace in the temple. Have you never learned this clause? Or have you ignored this? Facts? No matter which one, what happened to you is wrong!

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Zhou Xingdao's back.

He really ignored Lin Su's standing orders.

This is a common practice in the temple, and everyone has their own responsibilities. However, Lin Su's routine is different. He always goes without a number, without a number, and is not affiliated with a certain palace. He exists independently, similar to a dynasty. The censor really has the power to supervise each palace.

It was really embarrassing for him to ask such a common sense question in front of the decree of destiny.

Because he knew that if the decree of Mingtianyan was announced in such a high-profile manner, his every word and deed would be seen by the senior officials of the palaces, and even the third level of heaven would pay attention.

He really wanted to make a good appearance in front of these senior officials and step on Lin, a person that everyone disliked, but he never thought that he would step on a barb with his first step.

Zhou Xingdao forced a smile: Lin Changxing really has some power, but he wants to maximize it. Come today, may I ask what kind of destiny you two want to ask?

He was a little afraid that Lin Su would continue to fight back, so after insulting Lin Su, he quickly changed the topic and got to the point.

Ming Tianyan said coldly: I want to ask you about the inside story of the Tianhe Tribulation eight hundred years ago!

As soon as these words came out, all the palaces were shocked...

Tianhe calamity!

These three words are taboo in the temple!

The Tianhe Tribulation was triggered by Li Tianlei, the most proud genius of the Military Palace and the direct disciple of the Military Saint, and finally overthrew the Temple Military Palace!

During the Tianhe Tribulation, dust rose up again just now, overturning the Mo Pavilion of the Transcendent Pavilion of the Temple. A legendary black man of a generation was beheaded by the saint himself, and his bones were scattered in the cultural ruins.

The Tianhe Tribulation caused Tianyan, who was taboo in the temple eight hundred years ago, to change his name to Wuyan, destroying the Eye of Destiny and imprisoning himself in Wuyou Mountain.

It can be seen how taboo the Tianhe Tribulation is.

But today, Ming Tianyan mentioned it directly!

Zhou Xingdao raised his eyes: Elder Ming's question is very strange. Aren't you the one who knows the most about the Tianhe Tribulation in the world? Do you still need to consult others?

Ming Tianyan looked up to the sky and sighed: A few months ago, I also thought that the inside story of the Tianhe Tribulation was known to me. However, a piece of news changed everything. This news said... Tens of millions of people in Tianhe Mansion died that day. They are no longer human beings. They have all been succumbed to the demon Akashi's eggs. They are all demons to the letter. If the demons enter the pass, all the nine countries and thirteen states in the pass will be infiltrated by the demons. Therefore, Li Tianlei took the Pick up the butcher's knife and destroy the demon outside the pass!

As soon as these words came out, all the palaces shook!

The real cause of the Tianhe Tribulation was that the direct descendant of the Military Palace and the future Master of the Military Palace raised the butcher knife and killed tens of millions of human beings!

But now, Ming Tianyan told the world in public that what Li Tianlei killed was not a human at all, but a demon!

Murder is a serious sin, but killing demons is not sinful?

At that time, the military palace assisted the human race in resisting the invasion of the demonic army. It was originally the consensus of the temple that killing demons was a meritorious service!

If this is the case, the Tianhe Tribulation will fundamentally change!

Zhou Xingdao frowned: Elder Ming's words are truly shocking. It's a pity that what you said is: rumor! How can the world's rumors be trusted?

Exactly! said an elder behind Zhou Xingdao: If this is really the case, Li Tianlei should immediately write to the temple to explain the harm. How can he deal with it on his own?

Yes, it is still a serious crime to act without permission! said an elder next to him: It is far-fetched to order an elder to use a rumor to overturn the ironclad case of the day.

Ming Tianyan said coldly: What these two elders said is true! If Li Tianlei had not asked the temple for instructions and dealt with it on his own, he would have been equally guilty. However, he had asked for instructions! But his request was concealed by the Holy Edict Palace with ulterior motives. This caused the temple to know nothing about the matter and forced Li Tianlei to raise the butcher's knife!

How is that possible? Zhou Xingdao rejected it directly.

Impossible! The files of the Holy Edict Palace are all in the palace, and Li Tianlei has never asked for instructions!

You are questioning our Holy Oracle Palace. Although you adhere to the decree of destiny, you still need to give our Holy Oracle Palace an explanation...

Suddenly, all the elders in the Holy Palace were furious.

Faced with the dirty water that was suddenly thrown on their heads, everyone rebounded...

Ming Tianyan raised his hand gently, a leaf flew up out of the air, and a shadow appeared. It was Li Tianlei that day. Li Tianlei pointed angrily at the sky, and every word, the sound shook all the palaces in the temple:

The military situation is urgent, time is not waiting for me, and the oracle will not come down!! Today, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? I am responsible for thousands of sins, and God is above to bear witness!

The desolate and helpless voice passed through this leaf, and after eight hundred years, it once again unfolded in front of the palace masters of the temple.

The palaces were instantly as quiet as night...

Almost everyone captured something extremely terrifying through this leaf.

The Tianhe Tribulation was the opportunity for the Temple's military palace to be destroyed.

The Tianhe Tribulation was also the beginning of the temple's transformation from two contending factions to one dominating one.

Many people know that there is an inside story.

But who dares to lift it?

And today, what is Ming Tianyan going to do?

On the day after the Soldier Saint returned, this veil was lifted.

Who is behind her?

It can only be the Soldier Saint who is closely related to the Tianhe Tribulation!

Today's move is the second move after the strong return of the Soldier Saint!

Yesterday, he erased the word stop left by the Confucian sage with one stroke. If it was a sword, today's sword pointed at the Holy Palace and faced the Tianhe Tribulation, it was his sword that was unsheathed!

Facing the destruction of his military palace, he wants to take revenge!

The saint takes revenge!

How terrifying?

Not to mention that all the palaces are tightening their hearts, even on the third level of heaven, the hearts of all the saints are pounding...

Zhou Xingdao's back was really sweating, but his expression was still extremely calm: It's just a leaf, who knows whether it is true or false? Even if it is true, how can the words of Li Tianlei, a thief, be trusted? This thief has millions The common people can be massacred, which shows that there is no bottom line in the holy way, and it is also true that he left a message about troubled times before he died!

Ming Tianyan said coldly: His words are not credible, but someone's words are obviously credible!


You! Ming Tianyan said: I will cleanse my heart with the holy way and interrogate you in public!

How dare you! Zhou Xingdao said coldly: I am the master of the first palace. Who dares to interrogate me without the instructions of the third heaven?

Don't you know? This is a taboo from eight hundred years ago? It doesn't matter who you are if you do taboos! Ming Tianyan raised her eyes. In her eyes, there was a lake of autumn water, and the autumn sky was completely dust-free. …

As soon as her eyes opened, the Holy Dao Qi machine covered the whole place!

She is a quasi-saint!

And he is also a high-level quasi-sage!

Zhou Xingdao is also a quasi-sage, but he is only in the middle level!

The top elder of the Holy Oracle Palace behind Zhou Xingdao, but a low-level quasi-sage, ordered Tianyan Holy Dao to cleanse his heart, and no one in the audience could stop him.

However, the heartbeats of the masters of each palace accelerated at the same time.

They looked at the third heaven from afar...

Do you really let her be interrogated?

How can it be?

Once Zhou Xingdao says something that is not conducive to the third heaven, how will the saint's face be saved?

Only a saint can stop the actions of a high-level quasi-sage. It only takes a ray of holy power to break the holy way of Ming Tianyan, a taboo in the temple.

There are indeed waves on the third level of the sky that are unknown to outsiders.

However, a pen suddenly rose out of thin air, rising in the military capital!

Together with this pen, it carries the peerless murderous intention of killing hundreds of battles in the eternal battlefield!

Above the third heaven, it was suddenly as quiet as night!

Lin Su also looked at Sanzhongtian quietly!

His eyes are extremely calm...

The interrogation of Ming Tianyan is officially underway...

Zhou Xingdao, did Li Tianlei submit a letter to the Holy Palace that day?


As soon as the word came out, there was an uproar in all the palaces of the temple, but the uproar was instantly quiet...

What did he say?

Zhou Xingdao replied dully: He said that he had verified that all the tens of millions of people in Tianhe Mansion were invaded by the demons. They were no longer civilians, but demons. He also attached images of the demons' interrogation...

The people behind Zhou Xingdao were stunned.

All the palaces were completely petrified.

Zhou Xingdao not only admitted that Li Tianlei had asked for instructions in advance, but he also believed that the request was true because Li Tianlei actually provided irrefutable evidence.

However, all of this was swallowed up by Zhou Xingdao, who was on duty at the time.

The Tianhe disaster was not Li Tianlei's fault.

From Li Tianlei's perspective, it was necessary to raise the butcher's knife at that time!

The real culprit is Zhou Xingdao!

Ming Tianyan said slowly: Why do you do this?

Zhou Xingdao said: Because I want to destroy the military palace!

Simple question, simple answer!

Ming Tianyan slowly raised his eyes and looked at the third level of the sky: Section 3 of Article 321 of the Temple's Iron Rules: Conspiracy to harm fellow disciples of the Temple. In the light case, they will destroy their literary integrity and be expelled from the Temple. In the serious case, they will be expelled from the Temple. He destroyed his nine tribes and imprisoned his gods in the cultural ruins. I dare to ask the temple and Dharma Palace, what advice do they have in the face of such a straightforward case?

The problem was suddenly thrown to the Temple Dharma Palace.

Everyone in the Dharma Palace suddenly felt their hearts clenched.

A guillotine appeared in the sky, and eight old men gathered together, all of them with gloomy faces: The iron rules of the temple, what room for judgment? The master of the Holy Palace, Zhou Xingdao, enforces the law!

With a click, the sky split open!

The Dharma guillotine flew across the sky, and with one guillotine, it reached the middle level of Wen Dao Quasi-sage and the master of the Holy Edict Palace, Zhou Xingdao, whose body was in a different place.

The guillotine seemed to cut off all the tense atmosphere in the temple.

Because Zhou Xingdao only said so much, he did not explain who was behind him and did not touch the most sensitive area.

Once Ming Tianyan asked the messenger behind him, he would undoubtedly have touched the most sensitive red line.

That was the harbinger of the beginning of the holy war.

But she didn't ask!

Her target seemed to be only Zhou Xingdao.

During the whole process, Lin Su kept looking up at the sky, seeming to be an outsider. However, the eyes of the palace masters were all attracted to him at this moment.

The palace masters all know something about Ming Tianyan.

Ming Tianyan is a person who hates evil as much as she hates enemies. She can never rub sand in her eyes. She fell from the clouds to dust due to the Tianhe Tribulation and lost her life pupils. This was the biggest setback in her life.

In this case, this taboo character is completely unpredictable and can jump up at any time and poke a big hole in the sky.

Today, the situation has undoubtedly reached the point where Zhou Xingdao destroyed the military palace. It can be said that he single-handedly planned the Tianhe catastrophe and also destroyed her destiny. She should find out the person behind Zhou Xingdao no matter what.

The reason why everyone's hearts are tightening is because they predict that Ming Tianyan will pull the strings.

However, to everyone's surprise, Ming Tianyan terminated the interrogation of Zhou Xingdao.

Zhou Xingdao, the only insider, was allowed to die under the guillotine of the law.

This is completely inconsistent with the taboo style of Mingtianyan Temple.

But it fits Lin Su's style.

Lin Su acted with a certain degree of relaxation and advance and retreat.

Therefore, through Ming Tianyan's actions today, the big bosses sensitively targeted Lin Su.

If Lin Su is in charge of this situation, who will he target next?

Everyone knows Lin Su very well.

When he was at a disadvantage, his defense was watertight, putting himself within the law and making it impossible for others to kill him, or that it was not worth killing him.

But as long as he has some kind of trump card, you can see how he behaves!

Now, the Soldier Saint returns!

He is full of confidence, he is obviously going to fly today...

Zhou Xingdao didn't have any trouble with him, but there must be one place he wanted to make trouble with...

So the question is, where will he go next?

This issue caused several major palaces to become nervous at the same time...

Paint the palace!

Le Palace!

Poetry Palace!

Dharma Palace!

These are all palaces that have old grudges with Lin Su. Their palace masters summoned the top elders at the same time to discuss a topic together, that is, whether Lin has anything that can challenge this palace...

Originally, the various palaces in the temple could not care about a small Chang Xing, but the situation in front of them was so special that the big shots in the third heaven did not want to fall out with the Soldier Saint directly, and the Soldier Saint seemed to be bent on falling out with them face to face. It is no wonder that the Soldier Saint When he returned, he knew that the Soldier Palace had been destroyed, the Soldier Saint Family had been destroyed, and his former subordinates had been destroyed. He had become an extremely terrifying powder keg. Under such circumstances, no one dared to turn against him. reasons.

But Lin Su, the troublemaker, saw this clearly and went to great lengths to do it.

No matter who you put it to, your skin will be rotten or your flesh will be rotten.

As the edict of Ming Tianyan was put away, the palaces lost their whereabouts.

However, just because I can't see it, I am even more nervous.

Those palaces that had conflicts with Lin Su in the past were all searching themselves, looking for any loopholes that would fall into his hands...

In the Wenbao Palace, there was one person who was completely eclipsed. He was the newly appointed Chang Xing Mei Qilang...

The other palaces were all searching to see if there was a possibility that they would be targeted by someone Lin. If so, where would Lin Su start? Only he knew clearly that there was no need to guess why Lin Su would take action against him. And he clearly understands the angle of attack...

That day, he teamed up with the three holy sons and devised a conspiracy to let Lin Su hide in the adventure group and escape, and then use foreign masters to kill him.

If successful, it means that he, Mei Qilang, has taken the right path on the path he has been exploring for many years.

In the past few months, he has been secretly glad that he is on the right track.

Because he actually got the permanent position in Wenbao Palace.

He successfully hooked up with the Third Heaven.

However, Lin Su is back!

He's not dead!

And as soon as he came back, he killed Zhou Xingdao, the master of the Holy Palace.

After Zhou Xingdao died, Mei Qilang didn't know whether others understood it, but he understood it himself. On the third level of the sky, he was strongly suppressed by the Soldier Saint. No one dared to control Lin Su when he let the birds fly. Everyone was afraid. Getting angry.

In this case, if Lin Su came in front of him and interrogated him using the Holy Way's Heart-Cleaning Law, he, Mei Qilang, would undoubtedly die - conspiring to murder fellow members of the temple was also a crime of beheading!

Will the three holy sons care about him?


Because Zhou Xingdao was killed by him, and no one cared about it!

In terms of his connection with the Third Heaven, can he, Mei Qilang, compare to Zhou Xingdao? (End of chapter)

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