Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 986 Two women become quasi-sages

After dinner, Lin Su returned to the west courtyard.

In the west courtyard, Sister Chen is in the middle, the dark night is on the side, Green Yi and Cui Ying are together, above the moon tower, the shadow of the moon is long, the moonlight is like water. If the moonlight is really like water, then the water is probably the passion of autumn water painting the screen smoothly.

When there are more daughters-in-law, the night will be lively.

If you have many daughters-in-law, keep others away from you in the west courtyard at night.

When Xiaoyao heard that her brother was back, she immediately ran over and asked him to taste the thirty-six ways to eat hot pot that she had recently studied. However, Xing'er got in the way, and Xing'er blocked the move with a blushing face. The strange girl who pointed out her appearance said: Young Master hasn't come back for half a year!

Xiaoyao stared: It's just because I haven't replied for such a long time. I have studied more than 30 ways to eat hot pot, so I came to him.

Oh my God, you are seventeen years old! You are an adult! You should know something about that, right? Xing'er put her mouth to Xiaoyao's ear.

Xiaoyao's face turned red, and she moved her mouth to Liu Xing'er's ear: Sister Xing'er, he is so addicted, do you have the same...

Myolie Liu's face turned completely red and she glared at her fiercely.

In the west courtyard, it is already indescribable...

As the night passed, spring flowers bloomed in every corner, including the moon on the moon tower, which brought a bit of confusion...

In the early morning, Sister Chen woke up in Lin Su's arms, looking at her husband-in-law with endless fascination...

Baby, if you look at me with such touching eyes, do you still want to have some breakfast? Lin Su circled her hand around her slender waist and pulled her to him.

Sister Chen rolled her eyes at him: You moved around four or five rooms in one night, aren't you tired? Don't you want to know what happened during the time you left Da Cang?

Go ahead, just lie down and talk...

Sister Chen adjusted her body position, using the most comfortable posture in the world, and talked about the earth-shattering changes that had taken place in the entire world after Lin Su left...

The Southwest Demonic Kingdom has been Da Cang’s sworn enemy for thousands of years.

In the Southwest Bloody Rain Pass, every word that enters the ears of Da Cang people is the coexistence of iron blood and tragedy, the coexistence of legend and greatness.

But now, this iron-blooded pass is completely gone!

In the Southwest Demonic Kingdom, Lin Su and the Peach Demon entered side by side, leaving behind an eternal legend.

There is a poem to prove it: Half a peach branch flattens the devil's country, and from the southwest it enters the vast sky!

Yes, the Four Thousand Miles Southwest Demon Kingdom has been incorporated into Da Cang's territory and has become the largest state in Da Cang. This state is named Nanzhou. Bordering Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom also sent a large army to pacify the Demon Kingdom. When His Majesty negotiated with Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, he originally planned to give him one-third, but Nanyang Ancient Kingdom refused and only took one-tenth.

Everyone said that this was a situation that had never happened before during the land distribution.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips.

He and the peach demon were harvesting in the front, and someone was cleaning the battlefield behind them. The affairs of the Southwest Demonic Kingdom were successfully concluded.

Sister Chen smiled softly: Since ancient times, the earth can be split to make a king, and the land of four thousand miles can be merged into the sky. The matter of the eldest son making the king is legal and legal. You don't have to worry about what others think or say.

Lin Su was suddenly shocked: My eldest brother has been crowned king?

Sister Chen was also shocked: You don't know?

really do not know!

Sister Chen sighed with emotion: It's true, the old lady, that she even stayed with you for dinner, and didn't even tell you about such a big thing. It seems that you are so outstanding, Mr. What's the big deal about the king...

What kind of king was made?

King Dingguan! His fiefdom is the four thousand miles of the Southwest Demonic Kingdom, which is now called 'Nanzhou'. The affairs of Nanzhou must be decided by King Dingguan himself.

All the four thousand miles of the Demon Kingdom’s old land were given to my eldest brother.

And everything is decided by the eldest brother.

Lin Su sighed: Your Majesty is really completely defenseless against my brother.

Sister Chen chuckled: This is not surprising at all. Your Majesty, this catastrophe depends entirely on your husband's efforts to turn the tide. What can you do to prevent your husband? I even heard that when he faced a crisis, he once An imperial edict, in case he is unlucky... If your husband succeeds to the throne, all the mountains and rivers in the world can be handed over to him. Does he still care about a piece of foreign land that you have conquered with your own hands? Everyone said that the way of a monarch and his ministers, and the emperor's mind, are in his hands. With Xianggong, it’s completely subverted.”

Lin Su smiled softly: When the third prince died that day, he once said that he would be buried on the top of the mountain of Bishui Sect and that he would watch with his own eyes the dispute between me and His Majesty. He would not believe it until his death that the monarch and his ministers had such a relationship. It's a completely different way of getting along with each other, but the development of the situation has subverted his common sense.

Sister Chen said: Throughout my career, my husband, subversion has always been the mainstream. Even today's Haining University is completely different...

Haining University has truly been transformed.

It was created by Lin Su himself.

It contains five poems to encourage learning inscribed by Lin Su himself.

Lin Su was the main advocate of Haining Shu Class.

The arithmetic in the arithmetic class is the direct descendant of Lin Su's arithmetic system. It has been passed down to the world and caused a stir in the world.

When Lin Su had not yet risen to prominence, this school was a low-end school. When Lin Suwen was fighting against White Deer Academy, he gave Haining Academy a small mention, saying, White Deer Academy is a department, and it's a little bit like looking at the sky from the bottom of a well. Masters, if you have time, , you might as well go to the Haining Academy Arithmetic Class, maybe your arithmetic can be improved to a higher level.

This sentence came after he defeated White Deer Academy with arithmetic.

In the eyes of everyone at the time, this sentence was the pinch of salt that was poured into the wounds of the White Deer Academy.

Bailu Academy regarded it as a great shame and humiliation.

However, as time passed, Lin Su Zhiwen climbed up step by step, reaching the top of the temple. When everyone said these words again, they had completely different feelings.

Haining University has also become a mysterious literary site.

Some students from the capital came to this school with a curious mind, as if they had stepped into a new world. New Chinese language, new arithmetic, and the unheard-of Physics comprehensively broadened their literary paths and gave them a glimpse of the past. They had never had a glimpse of this holy land of literature, and as soon as they arrived, they were reluctant to leave. They put aside all their previous literary names and started enlightenment teaching with the children of farmers...

As soon as the news spread, countless top students came.

If this is called active seeking of truth, then Black Bone Holocaust is a passive display...

During that catastrophe, only four or three places in the entire country were spared. Haining was one of them. Countless people rushed to Haining out of necessity to save their lives. Almost every corner of the Haining river beach was crowded with people. Don’t you pay attention to Haining University? Attention is inevitable.

Once you pay attention, you will inevitably be attracted by this new style of teaching.

As soon as the Black Bone Catastrophe was over, these people left Haining and spread everything in Haining to the various states.

Haining University has truly become a magical place in the hearts of literati across the country.

In the past six months, countless scholars have come to Haining, and countless students have come to Haining. The reputation of Haining University is comparable to that of Bailu Academy in the capital. Bailu Academy is famous for its heritage, and Haining University is famous for its new and wonderful famous.

I don’t know who said something that made the world’s literati go crazy.

This sentence is: King Wen Linsu was trained according to the teaching model of the art class.

As a result, the Haining Shu Class became a hall where almost all literati crazily crowded in, making the great scholars in the class unable to sit still. Mr. Baoshan always sighed: Fortune has a way with people!

Even Sister Chen heard him sigh several times.

Lin Su laughed.

Sister Chen gently hugged him: There is someone in the surgery class. Are you still concerned about my husband?

She didn't say who it was, but her expression clearly pointed out who it was.

Lin Su looked at her strange expression: If you don't want to say more, I will answer you, I am worried.

Sister Chen chuckled: Saint Mo is also concerned about you. The last time she saw me, she asked, when will you come back? If you come back, be sure to go and sit with her.

Let's go! Lin Su sat up.

Sister Chen helped him get dressed and followed him out. The two of them took off in the air. In the air, Sister Chen smiled softly: The green clothes may have to criticize me again, saying that I am helping my husband seduce women again... In fact, this is really an injustice. Why does my husband need to seduce women? There are a lot of women waiting in line to seduce my husband. Generally speaking, my husband is quite well-behaved. Several beauties have untied their belts by themselves. My husband insists on not doing it. Do you think so? Bar?

Baby, you are so virtuous, virtuous and reasonable, and you are getting more and more cute. Lin Su held Sister Chen's face and murmured affectionately.

Sister Chen's whole body went limp: Mr., please stop teasing me, I really don't need your teasing...

Haining University is completely different.

Lin Su sensed the auras of countless great scholars.

I also felt the aroma of books that I didn’t have in the past.

On Zhehua Peak, many new cabins were built, and each cabin contained a great scholar.

It stands to reason that even a drop of dew would attract the attention of others on the top of Zhehua Peak where great scholars gather.

But Lin Su landed next to one of the wooden houses, and the scholar next to him still didn't know anything.

He stretched out his hand gently, pushed the door of the wooden house open, and Lin Su saw Mo Qing.

Inside the Mo Qing wooden house, everyone was surprised.

There is no elegant study here, no bookshelves, no elegant literati style, it is just... a workshop!

Yes, workshop!

Mo Qing was recording data in front of a strange steel machine. When he turned around, he saw Lin Su and Sister Chen...

Mo Qing's eyes suddenly brightened: You are finally back!

I heard that Saint Mo was summoned, so I returned at starry night.

Come on! The summons you hear is also Sister Chen's summons. How many times has it been my turn to be an exiled person? Mo Qing said.


Mo Qing sighed softly: I exiled myself from traditional literature and art, isolated myself from the traditional secular world, and stayed anonymous for two and a half years. Isn't that just exile?

Lin Su smiled: Even if it is really an exile, it is a meaningful exile, isn't it?

Did you see it? Mo Qing's eyes glowed.

Your steam engine has taken shape!

Yes, I developed this steam engine based on your Physics theory and figured out the principle of impact when water is heated, but I don't know if there are any errors, and I don't know how to verify it. Mo Qing said .

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked over. The internal structure of the steam engine in front of him was deciphered layer by layer.

This is probably another new realm of Thousand Degrees of Eyes, a new realm he reached after breaking through to the Quasi-Sage of Heavenly Dao, where he can explore the inside through all things.

With just one glance, all the precision components were reflected in his brain, and a smile appeared on Lin Su's lips: The way of the Holy Maiden's Mohist family is really exquisite. The precision of this steam engine has reached practical standards, and there is no error at all.

Mo Qing was overjoyed: Then how to verify it?

Lin Sudao: You have solved the most critical power problem. What is left is the energy conversion problem. You can find a way. Believe in yourself, this is not difficult for you!

Lin Su turned around and walked out with Sister Chen.

Mo Qing slowly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

From the sun rising in the morning until the sun sets!

Suddenly, Mo Qing's eyes opened suddenly, and they were filled with light...

With a cry, she stood up and walked out of Zhehua Peak in one step. In the next step, she landed on the Yangtze River in Haining. With her hands together, a sky ruler in her palm pointed directly at the sky. The blue light transformed into various shapes, and a steel A huge boat appeared out of thin air on the Yangtze River.

Mo Qing stretched out the ruler in his hand, and a beam of fire shot towards a boiler. With a bang, the coal inside ignited.

There was a roar of machinery!

The big boat goes upstream!

Everyone on the Yangtze River was stunned!

It is a miracle that a large steel ship can enter the water without sinking. It is even more strange that it can sail against the current without sails!

This... what kind of monster is this?

What kind of earth-shattering method is this?

The Lin family listened to Jiangting and Lin Su smiled: She really succeeded!

Sister Chen jumped up: Is this the steam engine that my husband said? It can actually push the giant steel boat! She is from the Thousand Machines Sect, and is naturally sensitive to the art of mechanism. Generally, the art of mechanism cannot shake her at all. However, The giant steel boat is propelled by a steam engine. Is it normal?

Lu Yi looked at Sister Chen and then at Lin Su, a little confused: Sister Chen, is this really that big of a deal? Your face is turning red...

Sister Chen breathed out softly: Lu Yi, you have probably seen too many of my husband's magical methods, so you think that a giant steel boat traveling against the current is nothing. In fact, this steam engine is far more magical than what you see. !”

All the girls were shocked, weren't they?

Lin Su nodded: Sister Chen is right! In this world, all kinds of great forces coexist. It is not surprising that a sword can move mountains, and it is not surprising that a giant steel boat can be sent to the sky with literary power. However, these are all great powers. The role of this giant steel boat does not have any great power. It relies on secular power. Precisely because it breaks out of the framework of great power, it is the Tao! It is the technological power that can be infinitely copied in the secular world! It can be said that , this steam engine has opened a new era!

The evolution from the handmade era to the steam engine era is a big leap!

The steam engine is a milestone of the times!

Most people may not be able to tell, but Sister Chen can because she is from Qianji Sect.

Lin Su could tell because he was the person who felt most deeply about the revolution of the times.

So, can’t you see the temple?

There was a soft sound, and green lotuses rolled in the sky.

Turn into a long river.

This long river seems to plunge into the sky, connected with the Yangtze River thousands of miles away.

The holy sound curled up, and the sky of the nine countries and thirteen states lit up at the same time.

An old holy voice sounded: Mo Qing of the Mohist family understood the Tao of Mohism and reached its ultimate perfection. He transformed the Tao of Mohism and benefited all people. He made a steam engine and opened a new chapter of the Tao of Mohism. His contribution will last for thousands of years and will benefit future generations. He is nominated by the Holy Mo Palace. After being appointed by the Mo Dao Saint, Mo Qing breaks through the realm and becomes a quasi-sage!

As soon as the holy voice fell, the giant steel boat on the Yangtze River suddenly emitted soft holy light all over its body, and galloped straight towards the Qinglian Tianhe. The green ink on the bow of the boat, and the holy green lotus blooming all over the body, rode the wind and went straight to the sky. .

Sister Mo! Green Yi shouted.

Mo Qing's gaze fell on Tingjiangting's green face, smiled slightly, turned around, and blended into the depths of Qinglian Tianhe.

Sister Mo, are you coming back yet...

The giant boat turned into a small boat, getting further and further away. Green Yi's body softened, he sat down, and raised his mouth: I don't even know for sure, are you going to do it for me...

With a whoosh, two slaps fell on Lu Yi's mouth at the same time. One slap was Sister Chen, and the other slap was the autumn water painting screen on the attic.

Qiushui Huaping was originally in the attic. At this moment, she appeared and glared at Lu Yi fiercely: Don't talk nonsense, she is already a quasi-sage!

Yes, quasi-sage!

Although you are a quasi-sage, you still have the word saint attached to it. You, green clothes, are so open-minded. If you dare to ask Mo Qing whether he will be your husband's wife, that would be a blasphemy against a saint, and it would really kill someone...

The entire Haining River Beach was on their knees.

The entire Haining City also knelt down.

The quasi-sage broke through the realm from here, ascended to heaven in a giant steel boat, and attained enlightenment, which is worthy of everyone's tribute.

The only exception is the Lin family.

Lin Su did not kneel, and the expression on his face did not even change much. He smiled and watched Mo Qing break through the realm and become a quasi-sage, attain enlightenment and ascend to heaven.

Until the green lotus slowly disappeared in the sky, the giant steel boat, accompanied by Mo Qing's eternal legend, set off a long-lasting literary legend in the magical field of Haining.

Ms. sir, can you think of it? She really broke through the world and became a saint! Sister Chen exhaled softly.

It's worth living in Haining for three years to get such a harvest! Lin Su smiled.

You speak so softly, quasi-sage, not to mention three years, even thirty years of seclusion is worth it! Green Yi came over and lay on Lin Su's knees: Ms. Ying'er asked me to ask Let me ask you, can you become a quasi-sage?

Ying'er rolled her eyes and looked at her. The problem she was pretending to be was obviously not hers, but Lu Yi's usual method. Everyone knew it.

Lin Su held up Lu Yi's chin: Baby, are you very concerned about this?

Luyi blinked his eyes: It's not that I care, it's mainly An Ye and Sister Huaping. One of them is in the painting world and the other is in the sword world. My husband may not be able to suppress them. If my husband becomes a quasi-sage, their passion will flow sideways... …”


Green clothes was picked up by Qiushui Huaping, played a trapeze, and prepared to take him to the attic for a lesson in etiquette.

When flying up, Luyi got a slap on the butt from An Ye.

People in green clothes were shouting, and the west courtyard was in a commotion.

This liveliness is somewhat incompatible with the humility faced by the Quasi-Sage in the city.

In the midst of the commotion, Lin Su suddenly looked up.

The green light appeared again in the sky, almost the same light as before...

With this blue light, the autumn water painting screen on the attic was shaken all over: What's going on?

The person in green next to her shouted: Sister Mo...oh, no, is Mo Zhunsheng back?

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Su's face, and Lin Su frowned: Someone has broken through to the Quasi-Saint again, thousands of miles away!

The holy voice from the sky came: Fengji of the Le family has broken through the realm and become a quasi-sage. The temple congratulates her!

Immortal sounds are rising from the sky and coming to the earth. All the literati in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States are excited...

Within one day, two women became quasi-sages!

Le Saint-Saint-Jia Le is crazy.

Mo Shengjiale went crazy.

The other major holy families looked at the sky and had different thoughts...

No matter how many Holy Family members are inspired, the painting of the Holy Holy Family is a different one. The new Holy Master of the painter stands in the ancestral pavilion with undulating faces: The Holy Girl of the Mohist Family and the Holy Aunt of the Le Family broke through the realm and became saints on the same day. What’s the mystery?”

An old man took a step from behind him: There is some mystery, but I don't know if it is true.

This is the great elder of the Holy Family of Painting Saints.

The Holy Lord slowly turned around: Here comes the Tao!

The great elder said: The man above the third level of heaven has returned. When the storm is about to rise, it is necessary to replenish the strength of the second echelon, so the Quasi-Saints will appear in batches.

The Holy Lord's heart was filled with waves...

What the Great Elder said was not stated clearly, but as the Painter Holy Master, how could he not understand it?

When the Soldier Saint returns, all the saints feel the pressure and are trying their best to expand the power of their faction. Quasi-sage, a realm that countless literary circles dream of, will appear together! Every time a quasi-sage is added, a new backbone is added to their faction.

Le Sheng took this step.

Mo Sheng took this step.

Where is the Painting Saint?

Is it possible for me to fight for this quasi-holy opportunity?

His heart went wild.

Heroes emerge from troubled times, and miracles emerge from troubled times...

Not everyone thinks so.

The Holy Family of Nongsheng is not.

There was a strange palace on the mountain behind the farmhouse. The Holy Lord of the farmhouse came to the palace. The palace door opened slowly, and he saw Yaogu leaning on the railing and looking into the sky. Her side face was cold.

Yao'er! The Holy Lord came behind her.

Yao Gu's body trembled slightly and she slowly turned around: Daddy!

Your true world has finally come true! The Holy Master gently touched the white jade railing: I never thought that this absolute legend in literature and art, the true world of literature and art, would really be born under my son's hands.

Suddenly, there was a click, and the white jade railing cracked.

With a bang, the entire palace cracked.

The Holy Master suddenly lowered his head and saw the tears on Yaogu's face. One drop of tear fell on the white jade floor. The floor was full of cracks. Another drop made the whole palace crumbling.

The Holy Master opened his arms and hugged Yao Gu: Yao'er, what's wrong with you?

Yao'er threw herself into her father's arms: Dad...Dad hopes that his daughter will break through this realm, but do you know what her daughter hopes for? I hope that my true realm will never come true! Forever and ever!

Because the news of his death in a foreign land makes you despair, it really touches the saying that 'people have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes', allowing you to break into your true world. But you cannot accept that he has really never been here again. The path of death has disappeared! Is that so? the Holy Lord said.

Yao Gu choked up and couldn't speak.

of course!

The news of Lin Su's death reached the farmhouse through the temple. Yaogu stood by the stream, looking at herself in the stream, motionless. For a whole month, she spurted out a mouthful of blood, and she cut Lin Su with the holy scissors. She cut herself, and used the blood to cut a bright red wedding dress. The cut Lin Su turned into smoke and clouds, and she turned into smoke and clouds. Only the wedding dress turned virtual into reality. She wore this wedding dress. The clothes were walking up the foot of the mountain, chanting Shui Tiao Ge Tou...

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, she cut every meeting she had with Lin Su. Under her scissors, she copied all the journey, all the happiness, and all the sorrow...

For two full months, she completed the short-lived intersection between her and him, and finally reached the top of the mountain. She took off her red wedding dress and turned it into clouds in the sky. Based on the clouds, she stepped out on the journey she had spent half her life on. That step of pursuit.

However, she was not happy at all when she took this step.

She has only endless sadness. (End of chapter)

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