Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 988 The battle to destroy the country

When Du Yuting turned around, he was also shocked: His Royal Highness King Wen!

Li Xiaotian stepped forward: You...were you really in your hometown just now?

You have seen my west courtyard once or twice. You still can't recognize such an elegant and unique landscape? Lin Su said with a smile.

Li Xiaotian said: Because I recognize you, I can't believe it. In only one hour, you have actually traveled thousands of miles away!

An hour? ! There is also time for me to say goodbye to my wives! ! I have a lot of daughters-in-law, and they are very clingy. Do you know how long it takes to say goodbye? Oh, by the way, I also added the time I spent with Ming Tianyan Mushroom on the river...

Lin Su didn't want to provoke him too much: There's no need to study the matters I'm on my way. Let's talk about the military situation.

Let's move to another place to talk about military information. Li Xiaotian looked at a manor outside the city.

Lin Su followed his gaze and heard Li Xiaotian's addition: It's not just about your thoughts. The most important thing is that Princess Xuanji is the person in charge of intelligence in Osumi. I know about military intelligence. Maybe not as much as her.”

Lin Su glanced at him: Just say you understand me?

Li Xiaotian laughed loudly: Although Xiaotian is dull, he has a little understanding of the feelings of Lin's great talent. There is a saying: But when a beautiful woman looks back, her charm will be endless towards Xiaoyuan.

Get lost! Lin Su kicked him and Li Xiaotian rolled away.

Fly directly to Lingding Villa.

In Lingding Courtyard, the maid who looked after the door was shocked when she saw Li Xiaotian and bowed: Li Shuai!

Another maid next to her looked at Lin Su, stunned, and suddenly knelt down: His Royal Highness King Wen!

In the small garden inside, the tea cup in Bi Xuanji's hand, who was sitting in front of the window, suddenly slipped from her hand. Just as a cup of tea was about to splash on her instep, the tea suddenly emptied out and fell into her hand again.

Bi Xuanji took a deep breath, which seemed to be the smell of alcohol. Suddenly, there was a blush on her face...

Lin Su and Li Xiaotian entered side by side.

Bi Xuanji stood up and bowed slightly: Li Shuai!

However, he straightened up and looked at Lin Su: When did you come?

Just arrived.

Li Xiaotian added: It is true that he has just arrived. He didn't even drink a cup of tea. He kicked me here. Princess, this Third Young Master Lin kicked the commander-in-chief of the border. It's really unreasonable. You and His Highness Prince Jin Please read one.

Bi Xuanji smiled: He is of higher rank than my brother Wang. How dare I join him? So, Li Shuai's kick was in vain! Fortunately, I understand what you mean. You just want to drink tea. Come on. , serve tea made by me!

Two maids came in.

Once the tea is served, the room is filled with fragrance.

Bi Xuanji waved her hand and asked the two maids to leave the room. She raised her hand gently: You guys come here. I know it's for the military situation in Osumi. The situation in Osumi has been quite wrong recently...

Tell me, what's wrong? Lin Su also held up the tea cup.

Osumi's political scene has changed dramatically, and the confrontation between the north and the south has intensified. It has played a completely different trick...

What is the North-South confrontation?

The so-called south refers to the former three kingdoms of Old Chu, Old Han, and Old Lu. These three kingdoms were to the south of Dayu, while the north was the original team before Dayu annexed the four kingdoms of Han, Chu, Lu, and Jin. The core strength of these teams, The northern prairie is the orthodox one - the Li Dynasty, which was born out of the White Wolf lineage on the prairie. Therefore, the nineteen tribes on the prairie were the original dynasty team.

After Osumi annexed the four countries, he attracted scholars from the four countries to serve as officials in the court, and the southern faction began to have power in the court.

Osumi also presents a vibrant ecology because of its openness to all rivers.

However, after the return of the Jin Dynasty, Dayu suffered heavy setbacks and lost troops and generals. Emperor Li Chi's authority was dwindling day by day. Especially after the Yuan Dynasty last year, Lin Su entered Dayu, disrupting the people's hearts, ruining military parades, and destroying the country's culture. The Li Dynasty was in turmoil under this series of heavy blows.

Most of the remnants of the Northern King in the northern prairie were wiped out, but the remaining seventeen tribes have also been affected, forming another crisis for Li Chi's rule.

In the three southern countries, people's sentiments were fluctuating, and Li Chi had a premonition of the end of the road.

In this case, the court began a general purge.

Many court officials with southern marks on their bodies were cleared out of the court, and a new group of direct descendants of Li Chi came in. It was these direct descendants that made Bi Xuanji feel that something was unusual...


Because these newly appointed officials have all kinds of strange backgrounds.

Some were just petty bureaucrats at the beginning, some were not even natives of the country, and some started on the path of spiritual practice. Suddenly, these people who were not originally in the official system of the court became high-ranking officials in the court.

Moreover, everyone is very extraordinary and has extraordinary skills when they take office.

Not a fool!

Bi Xuanji's secret investigation launched a comprehensive investigation on these people...

Some clues are floating on the water...

Many of these people have more or less the shadow of the two taboo forces, Wenxin Pavilion and Yanyu Tower!

One of them needs special attention. This man is named Qu Feili. He is the brother of Qu Feiyan, the former dean of White Deer Academy. He was once the elder of Zhizhi Hall of Bailu Academy. After Qu Feiyan died, he left White Deer Academy and traveled around. In the world, it was during that time that he met the master of Wenxin Pavilion and became the top guest elder of Wenxin Pavilion.

Qu Feili? Qu Feiyan's brother? He actually has an affair with Wenxin Pavilion? Lin Su was slightly surprised.

Li Xiaotian was also shocked. This was information he did not grasp.

Bi Xuanji said: Now it seems that people still have blood inheritance. Qu Feiyan and his family are not on the right path to begin with! No matter how subtle the disguise is, the flaw will always be revealed at the critical moment. This Qu Feiyan is better than Zhi Qu Feiyan is even better. Do you know what is the thing that touches people’s bottom line the most? It’s the Black Bone Tribulation! The Da Cang literati can avoid the Black Bone Tribulation if they can, and few high-level literati act as their lackeys. However, Qu Feili But he was an exception. He took the initiative to get close to the Black Bone Demon Clan and became a rare high-level scholar in the Black Bone Demon Clan. He formulated a large number of sinister strategies against Da Cang. At least a hundred cities were robbed because of him. The Black Bone Demon Clan After being defeated by you, he escaped from Da Cang and sneaked into Da Yu. He was favored by Li Chi and appointed as the emperor's master. The first national policy he gave Li Chi was to target the people of Da Cang and strengthen the walls and clear the country!

Aiming at Da Cang, the strong wall will clear the country! Anyone who belongs to Da Cang will be killed without mercy, right? Lin Su said.

Exactly! Bi Xuanji said: So, at present, people from Da Cang can hardly enter Da Yu. Even normal businessmen cannot enter Da Yu. There are even those who left Da Cang and entered Da Yu many years ago. People, too, have turned into ghosts in foreign lands under his national policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness.

Li Xiaotian said in a deep voice: I have also heard about the new changes in Da Yu's national policy. Brother Lin's strategy of using tariffs to support the army has also ceased to exist in name only under this absolutely sinister national policy. It turned out to be the work of this old thief. .”

The so-called tariffs to support the army was the tone set by Lin Su that day, allowing Da Cang's luxury goods to enter Da Yu, and allowing Da Yu's useful materials related to the national economy and people's livelihood to enter Da Cang. On the one hand, tariffs are used to support the army, and on the other hand, it is also an economic war. Part of it uses commerce as a tool to exacerbate the contradictions in people's livelihood in Osumi.

Bi Xuanji nodded: Don't underestimate this national policy. Although this national policy is decisive, it is extremely effective. Its effect is reflected in at least four aspects. One, it destroys Da Cang's economic war; It will create the effect of being revolted whenever Cang is encountered; thirdly, it will frighten those literary families who want to leave Dayu and enter Dacang; fourthly, it will cut off the soil for Dacang's ideological trend to survive.

Lin Su nodded: Tell me about other unusual things!

Bi Xuanji said: The other one is unusual, truly unusual! I suspect... the dividing line between the human sea has been breached!

Li Xiaotian was shocked.

Even Lin Su was surprised...

You are surprised, I am also surprised! Bi Xuanji said: There is news from Anxiang. Li Chi is suspected to have reached a deal with the Beihai Dragon Palace to allow the Beihai Dragon Clan to land. This landing is the first for the Dragon Clan in thousands of years. Come back! During this landing, it’s not only the North Sea Dragon Clan who entered Ohumi? There are also a large number of other sea tribes! We even have reason to suspect that there are even demons among these sea tribes!”

Li Xiaotian stood up and said: That's it! Let me tell you why the army of Dayu that just attacked across the sea is like a dragon. Maybe they are not the same, they are not at all! But... Brother Lin! This matter is right. With the breakthrough of the Holy Way, do they really dare to do such a disobedient thing?

Bi Xuanji moved his eyes to Lin Su: I feel surprised and unbelievable. Right here, Li Chi, as a generation king, should know that there is a bottom line in everything. I can accept his hooking up with Tian Jueyuan, but as a human emperor, breaking through the saint The red line drawn is a real taboo. I never told Shuai Li this news because I couldn't believe it myself.

Lin Su slowly held up the tea cup: You can't believe it because you don't know the real mystery! Breaking the red line drawn by the saint is of course disobedient, but disobedience does not mean death! Disobedience to a certain saint Of course, this saint doesn’t want to see it, but what if more saints are willing to see it? This is not a way to die, but to show his loyalty to more saints! He may also get additional benefits from the temple. reward.

Li Xiaotian's whole body was shaken.

Lin Su's words were very cryptic, but as a high-level scholar, he understood.

The dividing line between the sea of ​​people is a red line drawn by the Soldier Sage in the human world, and it is also the greatest support of the people for the Soldier Sage.

This is his trump card to challenge the saints of the temple.

In the eyes of the human race of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, this line is the line of life and the line of protection.

But what does that line look like to other saints?

It is the basis of the public opinion of the Bingsheng.

If someone destroys this line, or makes this line exist in name only, the saints are very happy.

No one dares to destroy this line openly, and the higher up the temple, the less they dare.

However, they are actually looking forward to someone in the world making a breakthrough!

Li Chi did something that all the saints wanted the emperors of the world to do!

Even if the Soldier Saint doesn't like him, there must be a bunch of saints who like him.

In this way, even though he committed the biggest taboo, he still found his support in the third heaven through winding paths. You can say that things in the world are wonderful or not...

People, depending on their position, the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction are different.

In the eyes of the saints, there is no distinction between humans, monsters, and demons.

There is no big difference between Da Cang and Da Yu.

The deaths of millions of people in the world are as light as smoke to them.

Only the struggle for the great road is their lifeline.

Based on the dispute between the avenues, what's so great about a thread?

Regarding higher-level rules between heaven and earth, Li Xiaotian and Bi Xuanji were both silent.

Lin Su put down the teacup gently: Brother Li, be prepared!

Li Xiaotian stood up suddenly: Brother Lin, please give me orders!

The Flying Dragon Legion is ready to cross the Lingding Ocean at any time and completely end the Li Dynasty!

Li Xiaotian was shocked: Destroy the country?

Since this country has closed its door to the world, and since this country has completely embarked on the path of deviation from the holy way, there is no need to exist! Lin Su said: In this battle, I want the name of the country, Dayu. Turn it into a mark in history, I want the light of the sky to shine all the way to the North Sea!

Yes! Li Xiaotian responded in a deep voice.

In a battle to destroy a country, you also need to be knowledgeable in operations. This is the basic strategy of this battle. Follow this! Lin Su waved his hand and threw a brochure bag to Li Xiaotian. Inside was a piece of paper. Li Xiaotian unfolded it with a face. Things are changing...


Okay! Li Xiaotian took a step through the air and disappeared.

Bi Xuanji looked at the sunset outside the window: The battle to destroy the country started inadvertently like this?

Lin Su nodded: Your Majesty, I have already said, and he agrees, that the choice of fighter planes and the time to start the war are up to me.

Are you sure now is the best time?

You don't think so?

Bi Xuanji said: At the threshold of the struggle between the avenues, if you take one wrong step, you may cause great disaster. If you take this step, you may also be involved in the dispute between the avenues for no reason...

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Su's face...

What? You have another strange move. Whose idea is it this time? Bi Xuanji looked into his eyes, somewhat excited. She was very familiar with him. Seeing this mysterious smile, She still got excited after reading it...

Tonight the stars are as bright as water. Tonight is unparalleled beauty. Tonight you and I... enter the underworld! Lin Su suddenly reached out and hugged Bi Xuanji. In the next step, he landed on the Lingding Ocean and crossed the Lingding Ocean with his toes.

Thousands of miles and an ocean are just a step away from him.

He had just left, and there was a slight splash of water on Lingding Ocean. A small boat still came from the void. An old fisherman on the boat stared at the light of literature in Lingding Villa that seemed to have no time to dissipate, with a bit of novelty in his eyes.

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat without any warning...

It was the first time in her life that she was held by him like this...

Her fullness pressed against his chest...

She just had a question: Whose idea were you trying to trick when you smiled so maliciously?

Now the answer seems to be out, he is... trying to trick her!

In this moonlit night, under this starlight, he stretched out his hand directly, hugged her, and swept across the Lingding Ocean like this.

Such a thing would never have happened three years ago.

If anyone dared to do such a thing, Bi Xuanji would chop him into tiny pieces.

But he was the one who did such a bad thing!

A torrent suddenly surged in Bi Xuanji's heart, shattering her heart into pieces in an instant.

Last year during the Lantern Festival, she and he smelled the fireworks of the demon tribe. The moment she smelled it, she was distraught, but at the last moment, she jumped into the Lingding Ocean, holding on to the last glimmer of clarity in the cold lake.

Afterwards, she regretted it for a whole year!

If time went back, she would definitely not dive!

It’s a pity that the past time cannot be returned after all!

But today, he has enlightened himself, he has become evil, God, my spring is coming in this late spring season, when spring is almost over, suddenly, without any warning, is it coming?

Bi Xuanji's whole body felt hot, as if he could smell the fireworks again...

Lin Su gently let go of his hand, and Bi Xuanji left his embrace. His feet went soft and he almost lost his balance, but finally he stood firm. His blurred eyes slowly opened, and he saw a sky full of stars and rivers, and there were even solitary stars in the sky. The lake beside the ocean is, however, not the Lingding Ocean on the other side of Dajin, but the Lingding Ocean on the other side of Dasu.

Did you just cross the Lingding Ocean in a daze?

Why did he let go?

Do you want to go more in-depth here?

Bi Xuanji had just regained consciousness, but with this shameful thought, he fell into confusion again.

Don't get me wrong, I was just avoiding someone! Lin Su said.

Avoiding someone? Bi Xuanji was suddenly startled.

Lin Su nodded lightly: Someone is here, and I don't want to meet him at this time.

Bi Xuanji was even more shocked...

She didn't sense someone coming, but he did. This wasn't too surprising.

But the implications of his words shocked her.

With his dignity as King Wen, if he doesn't want to meet someone, there are a hundred ways to avoid it, but he won't run away in despair.


Li Zexi! Lin Su spit out these three words.

Bi Xuanji's eyes slowly opened wide: I don't understand why you don't want to see him! He is, in theory, the person you most want to see!

Because the paths between me and him have bifurcated, and I also know that his intentions are not good.

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat: He will have bad intentions for you. This... how is this possible? Bi Xuanji was once the actual leader of the predecessor Anxiang, and is even the actual leader of Beidi Anxiang now. Li Zexi, under her In his mind, he has always been Lin Su's backing behind the scenes, and can even be said to be the strongest support point on Lin Su's spiritual path.

But today, this strong support point suddenly became someone Lin Su said had bad intentions.

this is too scary.

Nothing is impossible in the world! Lin Su said: If I meet him under such circumstances, all his trump cards will be revealed.

But, with his level of cultivation, you can't avoid him. Bi Xuanji said.

Yes, sooner or later, he will come to me, but I need to send him a signal first, telling him that with his current cultivation, there is nothing I can do! Only this recognition Only by knowing can you give us the necessary dignity.”

Bi Xuanji lost his voice.

She looked at Lin Su quietly, as if she didn't recognize him at all.

Lin Su smiled softly: It's a bit complicated, isn't it? Don't worry, after this trip, he will probably understand that the next time we meet, our meeting will be a more normal one.

No... Bi Xuanji said softly: Do you really think that with your current level of cultivation, he can't do anything to you?

It's not about cultivation, it's about literature! Lin Su said: Let's go to Youdu!

Enter the Nether City... Enter the Nether City again! Bi Xuanji breathed out softly: You need to know that the current Da Yu has no bottom line when it comes to people from Da Cang, and you are the one that everyone hates the most. The people, including Li Chi, the Wen Dao of the capital, and even the new nobles of Osumi who are gradually beginning to take control of the Osumi court, once we enter the Youdu, we will be surrounded by sworn enemies from all directions! They may use all possible means.

Lin Su smiled softly: Because the people of Da Cang feel like they are entering the gate of hell when they enter the underworld, I came to see what they would do when faced with me, an authentic Da Cang person! Let's go...

Lin Su stretched out his hand and picked up Bi Xuanji again.

Take one step forward!

Just as he left, a small boat appeared on the lake again. Li Zexi looked at the horizon in front of him, his eyes becoming solemn.

One step in Dayan! He has actually cultivated to such a state! He came close and moved away twice, intentionally or unintentionally?

Lin Su took three steps and arrived at Jeju.

The fourth step is to reach Meishan.

The fifth step is to reach Dongzhou.

The sixth step is to arrive at Youdu.

After six steps, the stars in the sky seemed to be still in place, and he had arrived at Youdu City. When he stepped into Youdu City, Duan Shiqi, the watchman above the Confucian Temple, suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt an authentic literary aura coming to the city.

Wen Dao's wise eyes took a look, and he came into contact with a pair of eyes as bright as autumn water.

There was a bit of sarcasm in these eyes, and even a bit of provocation.

Duan Shiqi felt as if his whole body had been struck by lightning, and his breathing stopped completely...

It's him!

He arrived in Youdu again!

Last year during the Shangyuan Festival, he came to Youdu and turned his hands into clouds and rain, ending with the destruction of his Confucian Temple.

One year and three months later, he came to Youdu again.

And the moment he entered the city, his provocative eyes met his literary and artistic eyes.

What is this for?

Duan Shiqi contacted Li Chi immediately.

Li Chi's originally peaceful eyes suddenly turned murderous: How dare this thief come again! He doesn't take Osumi into consideration at all!

Lin Su did not seem to put anyone in his eyes. He hugged Bi Xuanji's slim waist and came to Zuihua Pavilion in a very intimate manner. After entering the pavilion door, he glanced around and suddenly smiled: Second brother, are you still there?

The waiter at the shop was surprised: The guest officer is...

Little brother, have you forgotten? I came to you during the Lantern Festival last year. I am Lin Su from Da Cang Kingdom! The turmoil in your Osumi capital is not a small one, but you don't remember...

This sound is really loud.

Everyone around heard it.

Several windows upstairs were open.

The waiter's expression changed, and he obviously remembered it.

Bi Xuanji put his hand on his forehead, feeling a bit toothache...

Oh my God, when other Da Cang people came to Youdu, they would never dare to reveal the identity of a Da Cang person, for fear of suffering unreasonable disasters, but it was better for him to reveal his identity directly when he came, and everyone in the restaurant knew about it, and he also Take out what happened last year and rub it in the most painful and sensitive place.

Fortunately, this man is not his own man yet, otherwise, as his wife, he would probably have headaches every day.

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