Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 997 Meeting Ding Yi in Zhentian Pavilion

The Dao of Heaven is fifty, the Dao of Dayan is forty-nine! The Dao of Heaven is at the extreme of forty-nine! Whenever the Dao of Heaven is about to perish, it must be the forty-ninth level of calamity! Lin Su said: The Soldier Saint saw this mystery and went far away Looking for a way to crack it in a foreign land has led to the Soldier Saint not being able to enter the third heaven for thousands of years.

Li Zexi's whole body was shaken...

Although Lin Su's words were unfathomable, they were not enough to sway him. However, if this level of judgment came from the Soldier Saint, then who would dare to take it lightly?

A great cause for a thousand years, a great cause for a thousand years... Li Zexi murmured: If this catastrophe is really the end of the way of heaven, then what can it do? The way of heaven collapses, the holy way is destroyed, even if the saint is a dust of the way of heaven, who else can Can he protect the Tao? Who is qualified to protect the Tao?

Lin Su held up the tea cup: Thousands of years ago, the Black Bone Demon Clan was raging across the world. The Cang Sect also said that the building would collapse and no one could protect it, but the Sword Sect protected it. Thousands of years later, the Black Bone Demon Clan was raging again. , Da Cang’s forty states, thirty-nine states fell, the world said, no one can protect the road, it is still the Sword Gate, the Sword Gate once again came out across the sky, protecting the Da Cang! Senior, the Sword Gate has been destroyed, and there are no bones left. ! In this world, there are only two people who still have the mark left by this sect, one is you, and the other is me!

Li Zexi's eyes sparkled like the water of the Xijiang River under his feet...

He slowly raised his head: Do you still think that I still have the brand of Jianmen on my body?

You have the heart of the sword, and so do I! What is the heart of the sword? You do it even though you know you can't do it! Seniors and juniors invite you to drink this tea together. This tea is the tea of ​​great cause for thousands of years! This tea is also about what you can do and what you can't do. Tea! This tea is also Taoist tea! Lin Su raised the tea cup in his hand: Are you willing?

The tea cup in Li Zexi's hand did not move at all in the river breeze...

His eyes slowly raised, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: Boy, the all-pervasive instinct is still there... If you drink this cup of tea, I am afraid that I will be completely tied up by you. From now on, every word and deed must be in accordance with Follow your instructions, otherwise, it will be against the great cause of protecting the Tao, right?

Lin Su's eyes widened: Senior, how can you think like this? I am very innocent...

Come on, you are pure! If I want to believe in your innocence, I might as well believe that the woman who left you just now is still a virgin! Li Zexi sneered: So, keep this tea! I'd better drink!

He held up the flask and drank in the Xijiang River on this sunny early summer day...

Lin Su looked at him blankly, seeming a little disappointed...

However, all this was within his expectation. There was a strategy called retreat to advance...

Of course, he doesn't expect this person who has always been on the sidelines to deal with the world to suddenly change. If he agrees, it means that he has other intentions. If he doesn't agree, implanting a new concept in his heart is what he wants. .

Let’s put this matter aside for now.

Of course he couldn't see Li Zexi's inner world.

Li Zexi's inner world is in turmoil...

Every wave and every peak is not enough to be compared to outsiders...


This guy pointed out Wuxinhai...

This is where he takes a step back and settles for the next best thing…

In this world of Heavenly Dao, if there is no special opportunity, if his cultivation reaches his level, he will enter the sea of ​​Wuxin.

The holy opportunity in Wuxin Sea is too slim. Li Zexi considers himself a person with bad luck. He has no confidence at all to find a slim chance in this vast land. Therefore, he is more willing to find a promising job in this vast world. The opportunity to take control is the Wordless Sky Monument.

The Wordless Sky Monument is on this kid.

He seemed to be able to touch it as soon as he raised his hand.

However, this boy's methods were a bit astonishing, and he had too many entanglements in his heart. He had to admit that the relationship between this boy and him was the most important thing in the world that he could not give up.

If he could give up the weight of the mortal world in exchange for the secret of the holy way, he would choose to give it up.

However, if you give up the weight of the mortal world in exchange for a completely unpredictable life and death battle, then you need to reconsider.

In this case, entering the Wuxin Sea seems to be an option.

And under this situation, Lin Su dropped another super exciting news. This unintentional catastrophe is most likely caused by the collapse of heaven. If it is really the collapse of heaven, what choice will he make?

Da Cang encountered the disaster of the Black Bone Demon Clan twice, but he chose to stand by and watch.

That's because one of the two parties is his mother clan, and the other is the human clan that raised him, similar to a biological mother and an adoptive mother.

However, the unintentional catastrophe is different.

The unintentional catastrophe is the destruction of this world by external forces.

He, Li Zexi, has absolutely nothing to do with outside the territory.

He has only two choices. One is to seize the fruits of heaven's way like the saints from outside the realm, and then transform into an individual practitioner in the vast universe. The other is to become a protector of the way as this little lunatic said! Let the way of heaven change destiny and continue for another era or tens of thousands of years...

This information was too complicated, and these considerations were so mind-consuming that Li Zexi himself did not realize that when he thought about this higher-level issue, he naturally ignored his original intention for Lin Su...

This is probably what Lin Su really wants.

What he wants is peace with Li Zexi.

Even if it's just peace in front of you.

As long as there is peace now, there will be real peace in the future.


He, Lin Su, is in a period of rapid rise. As long as he truly becomes the sky above Li Zexi's head, Li Zexi will truly give up. Only when he gives up will he have the opportunity to face his own life path.

The boat passed by gently, carrying Li Zexi's boundless thoughts...

There was a sound of water flowing, and the boat slid into another river. This river had a gentle terrain. When the rapids above reached this point, it suddenly lost the excitement of traveling thousands of miles and turned into a belt of the Jiangnan water town.

The wind of late spring turns thousands of miles of mountains and rivers into the most beautiful picture in this far west.

This is the literary and romantic place of Xitian Fairy Kingdom. There is a name here, called Yunmeng.

Yunmengzhou, in the dictionary of Xitian Fairy Kingdom, has the same status as Quzhou in Dacang Kingdom. They are both places of literary talent and misty rain painting workshop.

There are poems to prove it: Qi swallows the clouds and dreams of the lake, waves surge into the river.

The river branched here and turned into a thousand-mile Yunmeng Lake. The lake was a belt surrounding an ancient city, which was also called Yunmeng City.

The lake is also a chessboard. Yunmeng City is dotted with more than 30 small towns, large and small, like chess pieces.

Among them is a son, whose whole body is made of white jade. With white jade as the foundation, he built an ancient city. The ancient city had no merchants and no farmers. It only had pavilions with countless pavilions. There were scholars and practitioners. This is a famous strange pavilion in the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. It is famous as Zhentian Pavilion. .

The Zhentian Pavilion has an extremely close relationship with the royal family. Some people even say that this pavilion is directly controlled by the royal family and is used to suppress all kinds of evil spirits. If there are scholars who make trouble, they will be suppressed by the rule of law. If there are cultivators who cause trouble, they will be suppressed by the cultivators. To that.

The Xitian Immortal Kingdom is a superior kingdom, and its cultivation level is far higher than the four middle kingdoms such as Da Cang. It has super sects such as Yaochi, Tianling Sect, and Xueyuan. Theoretically, in such a country, a pavilion does not exist at all. However, this pavilion exists, and it is even a sharp sword in the hands of the royal family, which can compete with super sects.

From this we can see how profound the cultivation foundation of this pavilion is?

Today, the sky is clear and the air is crisp.

On the top of the Zhentian Pavilion, a young man in yellow was sitting on the top of the pavilion, drinking the Western Heaven Immortal Hair with the pavilion master.

The wind picked up, and his hair blew gently. Behind him, there were three guards like mountains, all of them were at the Origin Heaven Realm.

He is Xiang Yueqiu, the crown prince of Xitian Immortal Kingdom.

Yueqiu, the autumn moon, the kind that shines on mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles.

He is indeed the Moon of Autumn. At least, all the princes have felt his impressive aura, and the whole country can also feel it. In the feudal dynasty, princes must compete for the throne, and the same is naturally true for the Xitian Fairy Kingdom. However, in his Under such courage, the fight for the throne in the Xitian Fairy Kingdom was like child's play. To him, every prince who jumped out was like a firefly under the bright moon. Every time he started to fight for the throne, his light shined brighter. Once, twice, three or four times, the princes sighed sadly, forget it...

Therefore, the fight for the throne in the Xitian Immortal Kingdom is like the Yunmeng River, calm and calm.

Xiang Yueming came here to seek advice from Zhentian Pavilion on a major matter...

The master of the pavilion held the tea cup in his hand and said leisurely: His Royal Highness came here for the 'Tao Heart's Disaster', which shows that he cares about the world. However, the difficulty of this matter is unparalleled. Even though His Highness holds the Golden Dragon Order and has thousands of heroes under his banner, we still have to eliminate this A single force is still full of difficulties and dangers, and if you don't notice it, your body will die and your path will disappear.

Xiang Yueming nodded slowly: I understand what the Pavilion Master said! There are a hundred people in our Xitian Immortal Kingdom who have won the 'Tao Heart Mirror'. These hundred people are all the pillars of the spiritual path. They have been intertwined for thousands of years. Infiltrating various fields, as long as you kill one of them, everyone else will be alarmed. Once they understand Gu's intentions, they will probably direct the finger at Gu's East Palace. Even in the East Palace, they still have their power...

Not just the East Palace? The Imperial Palace is not immune! The Pavilion Master glanced downward: Even the Zhentian Pavilion is the same!

What they call the disaster left behind by the Taoist mind is one of the most taboo topics in spiritual practice these days.

It originated from this journey to heaven.

Twenty years after the opening of Tiandao Island, after the end of this trip to Tiandao, Lin Su opened a curtain that no one had ever lifted, telling the world that the most precious treasure of Tiandao, the Dao Heart Mirror, was the Dao Sect's conspiracy to control the world.

As soon as this news came out, the world was in chaos.

Because in the past thousand years, there have been eight hundred heroes who have gained the heart of the world.

These eight hundred people are the most outstanding group of spiritual geniuses in the past thousand years, and now they are almost all the top leaders on the spiritual path.

Some are the masters of a sect, some are top elders of a sect, some are the most mysterious hidden dragon guards in the palace, and some are the helmsmen of the top villas...

It can be said that as long as they do not fall, each one will be prominent for a while.

Each of them has peaches and plums all over the world, and their disciples and disciples are everywhere in the world.

When things get here, it becomes difficult to handle.

Everyone knows that these people have the brand of Dao Zong in their souls. They are Dao Zong's lackeys and are extremely dangerous to stay. However, what can you do?

Clear All?

Who will clear it?

The sect leader himself is the sect that has obtained the mirror of the sect. Do you dare to clear the sect leader?

The sect leader himself is not a sect that has won the Tao Heart Mirror, and he does not dare to move easily when facing the top elders who have already gathered together and even their hair is standing on end.

The emperor looked at the commander beside him, feeling confused.

The prince looked at the people in the East Palace and felt very confused.

In this special situation, the situation seems stable, but in fact it is already a boiling pressure cooker. As long as a small gap is opened, the situation will become unstoppable.

Because as long as any force stands up and uses the most determined attitude to eliminate the remnants of the Dao Sect, it will inevitably trigger the backlash of all those who have the Dao Heart Mirror, and their spearheads will be directed at this outstanding bird!

Which force dares to directly come into contact with a super force that has more than 800 Dingtianliang, has spawned millions of followers, and penetrated all levels?

Even the emperor dare not!

The prince doesn’t even dare!

If he is an ordinary prince, he may just get by. If he is a prince with no bottom line like Da Cang Prince and the Third Prince, he may extend an olive branch to these forces and draw them for his own use, regardless of whether he will become a Daozong's dog needs to deal with the crown prince first, but Xiang Yueming's position in the East Palace is as stable as Mount Tai, and his ambitions are bigger, so he is thinking about how to deal with these unstable factors, so he came to Zhentian Pavilion...

Recently, there is a rumor circulating around the world. I wonder if Your Highness has heard of it. The Pavilion Master took a sip of tea and slowly raised his eyes.

Xiang Yueming said: It is rumored... that the imprint of the Dao Heart in the Dao Heart Mirror is not incomprehensible. All the Dingtianliangs on the path of cultivation have actually discovered the problem with the Dao Heart Mirror a long time ago and have eliminated the Dao Heart with their supreme cultivation. The misfortunes reflected in the mirror, the so-called misfortunes in the mind of the Tao, are just false worries, aren’t they?”

Yes! said the Pavilion Master.

Xiang Yueming said: Do you believe this rumor?

The Pavilion Master said: Whether you believe it or not, Your Highness actually has no way to verify it, so why not just follow the trend?

Xiang Yueming sighed longly: Anyway, there is no solution to the problem, so we can only get off the slope. This rumor is a step on the spiritual path that is intentionally given to the royal family. How can I not understand this? However, I still feel that, This disaster cannot be forgotten! The lonely country cannot leave such a variable!

The lonely country!

Among all the princes in the world, he is probably the only one who dares to say that!

Because it is certain that he will inherit the throne!

The Pavilion Master said: His Highness has such great ambitions, so I can only fight to the death to help him! In the current situation, the best way is not to end it personally, but to bring in foreign aid!

Xiang Yueming's eyes suddenly lit up: Introducing foreign aid and using some force from outside the territory to eradicate the root cause of the Taoist disaster in the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. Regardless of success or failure, this move will not cause trouble for the royal family. How wonderful!... However, is there any force outside the region that can shoulder this important task?

The master of the pavilion did not speak, but his eyes suddenly looked downward, with a strange color in his eyes...

The prince looked down at Yueming and was slightly startled...

A figure in purple clothes came riding the waves.

This is a young and handsome man. Although he is dressed in the clothes of a cultivator, he has a temperament that is different from that of ordinary cultivators. He seems to be a scholar.

Regardless of whether you are a writer or a repairman, there is a way to enter the Zhentian Pavilion, but there is another way to enter: notify in advance, and after receiving permission, use a special boat to receive guests into the pavilion. The gentle and elegant manner reflects the style of the Zhentian Pavilion.

Coming without notice is a provocation to Zhentian Pavilion.

In other words, this man violated the taboo of Zhentian Pavilion from the first step he took into the lake.

Who is so bold?

With a swish sound, a Zhentian Pavilion disciple fell through the air and landed in front of this man. With his toes a little bit, a row of huge waves suddenly appeared like a wall, blocking the man in purple.

The green lake water is like a group of dragons circling, interpreting endless mysteries of cultivation in front of the man in purple.

The man in purple slowly raised his head and looked quietly at the person blocking the road in front of him.

Of course he is Lin Su.

The disciple of Zhentian Pavilion said in a deep voice: Who is it?

As soon as these two words came out, the wall of green water in front of Lin Su suddenly grew together, like a giant dragon that wanted to choose people and devour them.

On the square outside Zhentian Pavilion, countless disciples looked down at the lake.

Lin Su said: Lin Su from Da Cang Kingdom!

Most people are indifferent to a five-word answer because they have no idea what these five words mean.

However, in an attic, a thin middle-aged man who was standing in front of the window and looking into the deep sky suddenly turned around. His gaze was like a sharp arrow, passing through the air and landing on Lin Su's face.

Lin Su's eyes also passed through the attics and landed on his face.

His gaze was also like a sharp sword.

The disciple in front of Lin Su said in a deep voice: For a foreigner to enter Zhentian Absolute Territory without permission, you are simply audacious. Go back and kowtow nine times to Zhentian Pavilion by the lake. I will spare your life!

Lin Su smiled faintly: You are not allowed to enter the Zhentian Pavilion without permission? Then, I dare to ask your pavilion Ding Yi, why can you enter my Da Cang without permission?

How bold! How dare you call the Supreme Elder by his name... The disciple was furious.

Ding Yi is the Supreme Elder of Zhentian Pavilion. Although he is not well-known to the outside world, in the eyes of Zhentian Pavilion people, he is a god-like existence. How can ordinary people dare to call him by his first name?

However, before he could finish his sentence, Lin Su raised his hand, and a sheathed long sword suddenly appeared in his palm...

At this time, all the disciples in the square were in an uproar...

The disciple raised his thick eyebrows, raised his hands together, and a long sword appeared in his palm. As soon as the long sword came out, the area within a hundred feet around him was firmly sealed by the sword domain.

Anyone who dares to draw a sword in Zhentian Pavilion is regarded as a provocation. He must use a stronger sword and a stronger attitude to make him remember. This is an instruction engraved on the bones of all disciples of Zhentian Pavilion.

Lin Su's eyes were still in the distance, and he didn't seem to see this disciple draw his sword at all. After the disciple's sword force completely blocked him, he suddenly raised his hand, wow!

Sword drawing style!

As soon as he drew his sword, the sword force of the disciple in front of him was shattered into pieces, and a sharp long sword touched his eyebrows and penetrated half an inch.

The disciple's eyes suddenly opened wide, completely in disbelief.

What a sword! Two words came from the air.

These two words are also swords!

Words fell, swords fell, swords fell, and suddenly there was a deep chasm between Lin Su and the disciple who started to appear, and a man in white appeared in front of the disciple.

The man in white is about twenty-five or six years old, with a proud expression on his face. He has no sword in his hand, but his whole body seems to be covered with swords. He leans forward slightly, his eyes are like swords, staring at Lin Su's blood-stained sword tip. .

In the square above, the disciples were excited...

Senior Brother Wuqing has taken action!

Senior Brother Qingqing is the first disciple of Zhentian Sword Pavilion in this generation. He studies under Taishang Ding. How can he tolerate this thief who dares to go against Taishang Ding!

Guess how many swords it takes Senior Brother Wuqing to kill him?

What kind of swords? Senior Brother Qingqing is the one who has obtained the seeds of Ding Taishang's sword rules. Among the young generation in the world, who can block his sword?

Lin Su's gaze finally retracted from the distance and fell on the face of the man in white: Ding Yi's disciple? Your name is Wuqing?

The man in white said: Exactly!

Lin Su said: I am my enemy, what do you want to do?

Kill you! Qing Qing's pupils shrank slightly. His pupils were like two swords at the moment, just like Dark Night.

That's good! Lin Su's sword suddenly flashed...


The speed of this sword cannot be described in words...

The power of this sword makes Wu Qing's whole body feel cold...

He suddenly felt that he was not facing a person, but a god of the same level as his master!

His sword world has been activated, but under Lin Su's sword, his sword world has changed beyond recognition!

A sword light rose into the sky from the distant attic. With this sword light rising, the entire sky to the west seemed to have become a sword field...

However, Lin Su's sword power was already unleashed.

Once the sword comes out, no one can stop it.

With a chirp, the world of Wuqingjian was split into two, and his true body was split into two, and even the soul could not escape.

The proud expression in Wu Wu's eyes finally turned into fear...

The last fear!

His two corpses fell toward the blue waves, and at the moment they were about to touch the water, they became strangely still.

A figure seemed to reach behind the corpse across time and space. The two corpses closed together, facing away from Lin Su, facing the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

The middle-aged man raised his gaze from his face, which was separated by a ruthless red line, and stared at Lin Su.

This face has no features and is extremely ordinary.

These eyes were featureless and extremely cold.

However, the hint of murderous intent hidden in the deepest part of his eyes still caused the Baili Chang Lake to turn from early summer to deep winter in an instant. Even the fish in the water seemed to feel the crisis, and even the ripples solidified on the water surface.

Lin Su slowly raised his head: Is that Ding Yi?

The middle-aged man said slowly: Lin Su, the orphan of Da Cang Jian Sect?

In the past, I might have rejected the title of Jianmen Orphan, but today I admit it! Do you know why? Because of you!

Because I killed Duguxing!

Yes, there was a disaster in Jianmen a thousand years ago, and only Dugu Xing was left alone. If you kill him, there will be no one left in Jianmen. I told him before Dugu Xingling, Lin Su, from now on, will be a member of Jianmen. , continue the Sword Sect swordsmanship! Lin Su said.

On the top of Zhentian Pavilion, the Pavilion Master and Xiang Yueming looked at each other, and they both saw something strange in each other's eyes...

Lin Su! It's really that Lin Su! Xiang Yueming murmured.

He actually wants to challenge Ding Yi with swordsmanship! The pavilion master also lost his former calmness...

Single-handedly replacing the king of Da Cang Kingdom shows his wisdom; breaking into Tiandao Island with his cultivation and suppressing all the major alien races shows his potential in cultivation; destroying the Southwest Demonic Kingdom with a peach blossom shows his heritage behind him; The undead excluding the Black Nether Emperor shows that he has many trump cards. Pavilion Master, you and I just mentioned the extraterritorial power. Is he considered a suitable candidate?

The pavilion master was shocked when faced with the prince's question...

The prince had a long-term plan and wanted to destroy the group of people who were branded with Tao Xin.

However, this group of people is very powerful and has a wide range of connections. If one person does not work well, it will be a catastrophe. Therefore, he just gave the prince an idea to use his strength! Find an outside force to do this.

Regardless of success or failure, it is impossible for those people to target the royal family of Xitian Fairy Kingdom.

This is the safest approach.

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