Classic reappearance

"Regret?" Ye Chen scratched some hot itchy earlobe and asked doubtfully, "who is it?"

"You cook first, and I'll let you know when you're done." The division rain ballad left and right looked, discovered that the people all around were looking at her curiously, immediately closed the mouth, did not reveal any news.

Ye Chen is pulled back to the kitchen by Wang Yi with a lot of doubts. As soon as he leaves, Qin Kun secretly raises his eyes and stares at Ye Chen's back. He clenches his fist silently and swears in his heart, "Ye Chen, you've made me lose so much face. I'll never let you go."

Chen Sen is a veteran of hospitality. He has long known that ye Chen has a good relationship with Si Yuyao, so he immediately sent someone out to respectfully invite Si Yuyao to the VIP box. In fact, it's a small elegant room. The infrastructure of Ye's fast food is too poor. It's good to have a room.

As for Qin Kun, who knows what he is for? Everyone is busy. He is thrown aside and ignored. What's more, the staff of Ye's fast food are whispering to each other and looking at him with disdain. They don't know what to say behind his back, which makes Qin Kun blush and uncomfortable.

"Damn it Qin Kun is gnashing his teeth. He has never been looked down upon like this. He is biting his teeth. Ye Chen's figure comes to his mind. If it wasn't for this guy, how could he lose his face in such a place.

"Damned guy, I will never let you go..." Qin Kun's eyes were as dark as frost, and he had no face to stay here more. He turned his head and stomped away.

Si Yuyao pulls Zhang Manman, begging for nothing but to follow Ye Chen. According to her words, she wants to supervise Ye Chen, so as not to cut corners and work hard when he is cooking.

When ye Chen really stood in front of the wok in the back kitchen, the cynicism in his eyes was deeply restrained. Taking a deep breath, his eyes became calm.

Wang Yi put two clean potatoes on the chopping board. He looked at Ye Chen and said carefully, "boss, do you think it's OK to wash potatoes like this?"

Ye Chen glanced casually, nodded carelessly and said, "OK, although washing vegetables is a very important step, there's no need to put all your thoughts on it. The main play is still behind."

"Why, what are you doing?" Si Yuyao takes a look at the others in the back kitchen and finds that all the kitchen staff take out a small book from their pocket and take notes on it in a hurry. They all look serious.

"Shh." In charge of cutting and matching in the back kitchen, Lin's aunt who asked for help shook her head, patted Si Yuyao's shoulder nervously and said, "these young people are specially here to observe and learn master Ye's cooking techniques. Don't disturb them."

The division rain ballad a burst of speechless touched to touch a nose, she sees to leaf Chen, feel this man seems to change of complicated rise, complex

It's too complicated to see through.

"Drink!" Ye Chen low roars a, his hand holds kitchen knife, a knife cuts in front of potato.

As expected by Ye Chen, his God of food saber can't make a peach blossom blossom every time. Fortunately, he had already prepared. His wrist turned over, and the slender and bright kitchen knife in his hand seemed to be endowed with a soul, which was extremely flexible.

Blade flashing, ye Chen a moment out of a dozen knives, the bright knife light shake people can't open their eyes, more can't see ye Chen hand action.

However, in the blink of an eye, the potatoes on the chopping board disintegrated and scattered like pieces of peach blossoms. The peach blossoms carved from these potatoes are delicate and delicate, even the texture on the petals is faintly visible“ Hiss

All the onlookers took a cold breath and blinked in disbelief.

"So... So strong!" A chef's cutting and matching worker glared at him and said slowly.

"It's worthy of being able to beat the famous chefs in the food competition. This incredible knife work is terrible." In the crowd, someone dry swallow a mouthful of saliva, from the heart of the praise.

Wang Yi is just fine. On the day ye Chen competed with the crowd, he was also there and enjoyed Ye Chen's performance very clearly. However, when he saw this magical knife work again, he still felt very excited and his eyes lit up.

"Shut up Wang Yi roared, "if it affects master Ye's performance, I'll let you all go."

After listening to Wang Yi's words, all of them dare not talk aloud. They calm down and observe Ye Chen's technique carefully. They try their best to open their eyes wide for fear of missing any detail.

"I didn't expect that the kitchen knife could be used like this?" Division rain rumor is no scruple, she looked at Ye Chen, can't help but to the heart of this little rascal.

"Kitchenware has its own soul, whether it's a kitchen knife or a frying pan, they all have the desire to pursue excellence. When your hand touches the kitchenware, you should feel their soul with your heart, listen to their breath with your soul, and then release their desire, just like this!"

Ye Chen murmurs. He tells his understanding of cooking, which is his understanding of the God of food system and what he thinks in his heart.

As soon as his voice fell, the kitchen knife in his hand flashed again. Just like just now, another potato was cut into peach blossoms.

Without a stop, Wang Yi's washed red pepper was cut into even shredded pepper.

With the gas stove, the blue flame rises, reflecting Ye Chen's determined face. He looks at the food in front of him, slightly adjusting his breath, as if he is perceiving something.

Suddenly, he moved.

Put the frying pan on the gas stove, turn your wrist, and pour the clear oil in the oil bottle into the frying pan. As the temperature in the frying pan rises, the clear oil begins to get hot gradually and rolls slightly.

"Green onion." Ye Chen drinks a low voice.

Wang Yi quickly hands over a clean green onion. Ye Chen grabs it in his hand. The kitchen knife flies in his hand, and the light is as cold as snow.

After a few rubs, the scallion is cut into pieces of uniform thickness. The pieces fly into the oil pan and roll up and down in the clear oil, blooming with a refreshing fragrance.

The people around all involuntarily stirred their noses, their eyes were slightly blurred, and their faces were intoxicated.

"Hey Ye Chen shakes his hand and puts the shredded chili into the frying pan. Then, with both hands, he picks up the frying spoon and turns the shredded chili into the frying pan twice. After that, the potato carving is directly poured into the frying pan.

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