With me or not?

"Asshole!" Under the pain, Song Yang is stimulated to lose his mind. He uses all his strength to get rid of Ye Chen's ride and get up from the ground. His infinite anger seems to make him stronger. He bites his teeth. At this moment, he uses 15% of his strength!

"Ah Roaring, Song Yang sits up stiffly. He holds Ye Chen's arm tightly and seems to want to break it.

Ye Chen is also surprised by this kind of potential explosive power. However, he is not willing to give Song Yang a chance, even if it's just a chance. After all, as long as Song Yang stands up, ye Chen is likely to fall down.

"You'd better be honest with me!" Ye Chen low roars a, this time of stir fight let him hit red eyes.

He swings his arm hard, trying to shake off Song Yang's hand, but he doesn't succeed for several times. Ye Chen doesn't care so much, holding the dagger inserted on Song Yang's shoulder and twisting it.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Song Yang screams and struggles wildly. His face is as pale as paper, and his eyes are almost staring out in pain.

Ye Chen stares at Song Yang's eyes and says with the most cruel voice in his life, "you should thank the law. If you don't commit murder, maybe you don't have the right to scream now."

"What are you howling about? If you can solve the problem by grinning and using your voice, why do I burn you? " Ye Chen casually puts out the cigarette end aside and says as if nothing happened.

"You, you son of a bitch!" Song Yang's breathing sound is more and more urgent, he is tortured to grin, the pain wants to die.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I don't want to let you speak in such a vulgar way, but it's a pity that I make you obedient, but you won't."

"Hoo." Song Yang breathed out a long breath. He seemed to have made up his mind. He bit his teeth and said, "I can tell you everything, but you must promise to let me go, and never torture me again."

Ye Chen grinned. He jokingly said, "of course I will let you go. It's also a very troublesome thing to leave you in my home for the new year. After all, I don't want to make dumplings for you."

"I hope you keep your word." Song Yang took a deep breath and said slowly, "Feng Tao asked me to come."

"Oh." Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully, and the expression on his face was not as surprised as Song Yang imagined.

In fact, ye Chen's enemies are only a few. Feng Tao is the most likely one who has the real ability to send a ruthless person like Song Yang. Therefore, ye Chen's heart has already guessed, and he is not surprised.

"Mr. Song, I am very curious about Feng Tao. If you can talk to me about him, I think I will be very happy." Ye Chen takes a pair of people and animals harmless appearance, gentle smile way.

Although Ye Chen smiles brightly in spring, Song Yang is inexplicably cold in his heart. No one knows better than him how ferocious faces are hidden under this seemingly gentle smile.

Song Yang sighed and said, "I don't know much about Feng Tao. In fact, he and I are only employed."

"What do you mean? Aren't you his man? " Ye Chen frowned.

Song Yang shook his head slightly and said in a negative way, "of course not. I'm just a killer. I'll mix with anyone who gives me money. I don't have a fixed boss."

"Oh?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip one pick, the corners of the mouth tiny sneer way, "I thought that all killers are like in the movie, death will not reveal the employer's information."“ You... "Song Yang's face turned red when he was stimulated by this sentence. He quickly yelled," I don't allow you to insult the profession of killer. I've been expelled by the organization, so it's OK not to abide by the iron law of the organization. "

At this point, Song Yang's expression had some desolation and desolation, but soon, his face changed greatly, and he suddenly found his own faux pas.

"What organization? What iron rule? What do you mean by that? " Ye Chen is very interested in the information Song Yang said. He stares at Song Yang and asks slightly.

Song Yang regretted that his intestines were blue. He clenched his lips and shook his head firmly. "No, I didn't say anything."

"Oh?" Ye Chen mouth corner a lie, sneer a way, "how? Mr. song would like to have a taste of the obedient set meal I have carefully prepared for you? "

However, this time, regardless of Ye Chen's coercion, Song Yang just closed his eyes and looked at death as if he were going home.

Ye Chen frowns tightly, he can see, Song Yang this is Wang Ba eat weight iron heart don't want to say.

“OK。” Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you really don't want to tell me, I don't want to ask. You say you are a killer, so... I should be able to hire you, too?"

Say, in the eye son of leaf Chen Jing Guang twinkles, seem to be preparing a big plan that can't.

Song Yang suddenly opens his eyes, looks at Ye Chen with unbelievable eyes, and asks, "do you want to hire me?"

"Why?" Ye Chen wiped the blood from the wound on his forehead with toilet paper, and said with a smile, "do you want to see the eight characters of birth as your customer? If the zodiac doesn't agree, you can't play happily? "

Song Yang shook his head slightly, silent, for a long time slowly said, "you don't understand, I'm a homeless killer, no organization, no guarantee, I can even swallow your money to run, and no one will take care of you, even can kill you, in short, I'm not worthy to be a killer, let alone to be employed."

Ye Chen can feel the heaviness and depression in Song Yang's tone. He doesn't know what this guy has experienced before, so

It's hard for him to understand why this bully is like a seedless pupil now.

"I don't care whether you deserve to be a killer or not, no matter what others think of you, or even I don't care what you think of yourself, killer or trash. I just think that when you punch, you are a man." Ye Chen looks at the starry sky outside the window and says indifferently.

"When you hit me in the face with your fists, why don't you talk so much nonsense, what broken organization, what broken killer identity, what do you care about these messy things? First of all, you are a man, man, you should stand up and do whatever you want!" With that, ye Chen reaches out his hand to Song Yang and shouts, "I'll ask you, do you want to do it with me?"

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