Stingy system

"Little brother, what happened just now should not have happened. I'm willing to make personal compensation for the reputation loss caused to my little brother."

Zhang Guangping went to Ye Chen's side and said in a low voice, his eyes showing the color of supplication.

According to what he said just now, Zhang Guangping's old face will be lost. Compared with the Zhou family, he is more reluctant to offend the Qian family.

"I don't want any compensation for this. Just let this woman apologize to me."

Ye Chen pointed to Zhou Fang and said word by word.


Zhang Guangping's face shows the color of embarrassment. Ye Chen takes a look and says faintly: "if she doesn't apologize, get out of here today!"

Zhang Guangping gritted his teeth and walked to Zhou Fang with a wry smile on his face: "miss Tuesday, how about apologizing to that little brother and helping me Zhang Guangping?"

Zhou Fang took a look at Ye Chen's look, his face was gloomy, as if he was about to drip water.

"If you want me to bow down, don't even think about it."

Zhou Fang walked to Ye Chen and said with a cold smile: "boy, don't think that if you take Qian's check, no one dares to move you. You have provoked me, Zhou Fang. I want you to regret coming to this world."

Zhou fangmeng stamped his foot, a color of resentment flashed in his eyes, and walked out of the bank.

"I won't take the money today!"

Zhou Fang sat in a BMW parked outside the bank and drove away.

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Guangping with a smile on his face and said, "manager Zhang, Miss Zhou has gone now. I can't wait for this apology today. How about fulfilling what you just said?"

Ye Chen's voice a meal, pointed to the bank gate: "get out of here!"

Zhang Guangping looked at the door of the bank, the window was full of light, fell in his eyes at this time, it was so dazzling.

"Get out of here!"

I don't know who said it first. The whole hall of the bank rang out one after another. Zhang Guangping's fat face was no longer as ruddy and pale as before.

All the people watched Zhang Guangping squat down slowly, along the red carpet, like a round rolling meatball, rolling to the bank gate.

In full view of the public, Zhang Guangping stood up. His suit was covered with dust. He looked as embarrassed as he looked.

"Little brother, are you satisfied with that?"

Zhang Guangping's face showed a standardized smile, but in the eyes of the public, it looked far fetched and false.

In the face of dignity and work, Zhang Guangping chose the latter.

After the transfer, of course, the wind is smooth, ye Chen will check the one million into his own card, caidun feel at ease a lot.

"It's so much to withdraw money."

Ye Chen shakes his head and walks out of the bank gate. Zhang Guangping watches Ye Chen walk away with a smile on his face. The smile on his face disappears little by little, and is replaced by a cruel color. Zhang Guangping's fists were clenched tightly. The bank service staff next to him touched the corner of his coat, just like angering a mad lion.

"Get out of here!"

The bank staff was startled, and Zhang Guangping's face was shaking.

"Boy, you wait for me. I, Zhang Guangping, will get back the insult I received today one day."

Ye Chen walked into the restaurant and looked at the old tables and chairs in the shop. He turned his lips and said, "I'm a rich man now. I'll change the things here sometime later."

Ding Dong~

The voice of the system sounded: "this system and Yeji restaurant are bound by system rules. Without the permission of this system, the host is not allowed to change anything in the restaurant."

Ye Chen can't help but be speechless for a while. Your sister, this restaurant is passed on to him by his father. It has a dime relationship with the system?!!

"The final interpretation right belongs to the system, and the host has no right to refute."

"Can I change it now?"


"All right."

A trace of helpless color flashed across Ye Chen's face.

"Ding Dong ~ because the host gets a million yuan reward for the food work done by using this system, in order to prevent the host from forming the habit of spending money lavishly, we hereby charge 99.9% of them to be kept by the host."

Ye Chen turned over from the bed, and NIMA took 99.9% out of a million yuan. So he only got 1000 yuan after working hard?

"System, you are robbing money, I want to protest!"

Ye Chen a face indignation, looked at the simple bedroom, want to cry without tears.

"The protest is invalid, rejected."

As soon as the sound of the system fell, the voice of SMS prompt came from ye Chen's mobile phone.

Ye Chen quickly opened a look, bang when a sound again lying in the spread, a face of life can't love looking at the ceiling.

A line of messages appears on the screen of the next mobile phone: ××× Bank, you have transferred 999000 RMB to Ye's restaurant, and the remaining balance is 1000 RMB.

Early the next morning, ye Chen opened the door early, looked at the 1000 yuan of the card, sighed. It felt like a man became a millionaire in the daytime, and then the money flew away one by one in the evening. Looking at the money flying away from the air, you just couldn't help it.

This huge sense of psychological gap made Ye Chen crazy for a time.

"Forget it, the turnover of the store is not even 100 yuan a month. Even 1000 yuan can last for a period of time."

Ye Chen rubs the table and suddenly feels a pain on the left side of his stomach. Ye Chen sits on the bench and rubs it gently: "even my kidney has protested. You are a vampire."

Voice just fell, Ding Dong A, the sound of the system rings out in Ye Chen's mind.

"Release mission: rescue of kidney deficiency."“ As a chef, he should also have the same benevolence as a doctor, and ask the host to find a person with kidney deficiency. The system will provide free dietotherapy for treatment, providing certain fame support for the rise of the restaurant again. "

"Mission time limit is two days, mission reward: a Hercules pill, mission failure punishment: the host does not lift for three years."


Ye Chen a black line, three years don't lift, afraid is when ye Chen even his little brother long what kind of forget.

"System, you're tough!"

"Please complete the task as soon as possible."

When the system finished, it was silent.

Ye Chen a face of helplessness, the shop cleaning, anyway, there is nothing to sell in the shop, ye Chen simply closed the door, ran to the street.

Now it's more than seven o'clock, and it's the peak time for work. Ye Chen stands on the street, staring at the road tightly

Everyone who has passed the exam is saying: "this one is not."

"Neither is this."

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