Jiangnan mountain

"Ye Chen, you are crazy about money, don't you? If I give you 100000 yuan and 2000 yuan, I think I can look up to you. Why don't you rob it? As far as your poor cooking skills are concerned, don't poison me to death."

Listening to Zhao Liang's sharp and mean tone, ye Chen's heart also raised a stream of anger, simply face a horizontal, sat on the chair: "100000 yuan no, you want to take it!"

If you are unreasonable, I have nothing to say to you.

"You --"

A sullen look appeared on Zhao Liang's face. Just as he wanted to say something, there was a knock on the door.

Zhao Liang looked at Ye Chen: "open ah, is not to what relatives, just the aspect of money."

Ye Chen walked over to open the door, and a touch of unexpected color appeared on his face.

"Director Jiang, why are you here?"

It's not other people who came here. It's Jiang Nanshan who had met Ye Chen in the ward before.

The congestion in Lin Wan'er's brain was removed by a bowl of chicken soup, which caused a sensation in the whole hospital. The more Jiang Nanshan thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still. He asked Lin Wan'er Ye Chen's address, and then rushed over.

Jiang Nanshan saw Ye Chen, and a smile appeared on his face. He joked: "little brother ye, why don't you welcome me?"

Ye Chen took a look at the shop and said with regret, "doctor Jiang, there are some things to deal with in the shop now. How about going to visit director Jiang's house in person some other day?"

Jiang Nanshan has a look of disappointment on his face. He came here today to discuss the magic of dietotherapy with Ye Chen, hoping that he can realize something, but ye Chen has something to deal with.

Jiang Nanshan had no choice but to nod his head and say: "it seems that it's a coincidence. If ye wants to have a chat, go to Dongcheng hospital

Just fine. "

Zhao Liang craned his neck and looked at the figure of the guard, but he stood up and murmured: "that's not doctor Jiang. How can ye Chen know him? Director Jiang has excellent medical skills. He didn't hang up his number last time. Today he's going to show me what he's doing

Just as Jiang Nanshan turned around, Zhao Liang suddenly called out: "director Jiang, please wait for a while."

Ye Chen turns his head, and Zhao Liang walks over with a smile, which is different from the previous look.

"Ye Chen, what's the matter with you? Director Jiang is the most famous doctor in the city. How many times better than your broken diet? Why don't you come in?"

Jiang Nanshan took a look at Ye Chen, pointed to Zhao Liang and said, "who is this?"

Before ye Chen could answer, Zhao Liang said, "Dr. Jiang, I'm his landlord. This boy owes me 100000 yuan for rent. Shouldn't this boy also owe director Jiang?"

Jiang Nanshan shook his head and looked puzzled in his eyes: "it's not true. Qian Fanyu didn't give ye little brother a million yuan. Why can't he even pay 100000 yuan now?"

Zhao Liang's face changed and he grabbed Ye Chen's sleeve: "well, you boy, if you want to break the debt, you should pay back the money quickly!"

Ye Chen's face shows a wry smile. He has a fart of money. Ninety nine percent of one million has been exploited by the system. It can't be said that a system is robbing him of money, can it?

"There was an accident with that million. I can't use it now." Jiang Nanshan took a look at Ye Chen and found that the other side didn't look like a liar.

As soon as Zhao Liang's eyes turned, his face immediately filled with smiles. Looking at Jiang Nanshan, he said, "Dr. Jiang, I have some old problems. I didn't hang up your registration last time. How about helping me to have a look here?"

Jiang Nanshan took a look at Ye Chen and nodded gently.

"OK, there's nothing to do today anyway. Go in and help you."

The landlord's elder sister looked happy. Three people went in. Jiang Nanshan put his finger on the wrist of the landlord's elder sister and felt it with his eyes closed.

"The body Qi is deficient, the kidney department is deficient for a long time, the kidney function failure, I also have no good method."

Jiang Nanshan opened his eyes and sighed.

After listening to Jiang Nanshan's words, Zhao Liang was so sad that he almost knelt down to Jiang Nanshan.

"Dr. Jiang, help me."

Zhao Liang's face was beseeching, and Jiang Nanshan's face was embarrassed.

"I have nothing to do with your illness, but brother ye should have something to do with it."

Zhao Liang a Leng, pointed to the leaf Chen, on the face peeps out the facial expression that can't believe.

"How can it be with him? Just now he wanted to sell me 100000 yuan for his poor diet therapy. It's crazy. "

When Jiang Nanshan heard the food therapy, he opened his eyes and looked at Ye Chen. There was a trace of joy in his eyes.

"Brother ye, do you have a matching diet?"

Ye Chen nodded, Zhao Liang looked at Jiang Nanshan's look, some nervous said: "doctor Jiang, this boy is cheating, what diet therapy, never heard of, you can't be cheated by him."

Jiang Nanshan frowned and looked at Zhao Liang discontentedly: "you know what, ye xiaobro used a bowl of chicken soup to get rid of the congestion in the head of Miss Lin's group. The news spread. Now the outside world doesn't know how many people want ye xiaobro's bowl of chicken soup but can't get it."

Jiang Nanshan turned his head, a look of expectation appeared on his face: "little brother ye, you might as well sell this diet therapy to me, how about this 100000 yuan?"

Zhao Liang immediately silly eyes, looking at Ye Chen, and then looked at Jiang Nanshan, feeling like a dream.

One hundred thousand yuan, one dares to sell, one dares to buy?

Ye Chen is excited and sells the food therapy to Jiang Nanshan. The 100000 yuan rent problem is solved immediately.

Just as ye Chen was about to agree, the sound of the system rang out.

"Remind the host, kidney deficiency rescue, dietotherapy must kidney deficiency himself take, otherwise, it will be regarded as failure."

Ye chenmeng's inspiring spirit, as soon as he thought of the result of the failure of the task, he felt a sense of aversion to the cold.

Ye Chen looks calm and glances at Zhao Liang: "director Jiang, originally I wanted to use this diet to pay my rent, but brother Zhao doesn't want to, so this diet..."

Before ye Chen's words were finished, Zhao Liang suddenly yelled: "I want it, I want it. Ye Chen, you give me the dietotherapy. I don't want the 100000 yuan rent." Zhao Liang takes out a bank card from his pocket and hands it to Ye Chen.

"This card still has 50000 yuan. It's 100000 yuan for rent. Ye Chen, give me this dietotherapy."

According to Jiang Nanshan's words, ye Chen sold one million yuan for a portion of dietotherapy, so his 300000 yuan rent is not a loss for a portion of dietotherapy.

What's more, diet therapy is so magical. If there are any problems in the future, shangyechen is much better than going to the hospital. It's better to be a good friend.

"Brother Zhao, you can think about it. The rice I made by Ye Chen is very bad. Don't poison brother Zhao."

Zhao Liang's face turns red. He knows that ye Chen is sarcastic, but when he thinks about his kidney deficiency, he smiles and doesn't say a word.

Ye Chen went to the kitchen, a black chicken soup is steaming on the chopping board, ye Chen put chicken soup out, handed to the landlord sister.

Jiang Nanshan looked at the bowl of chicken soup, a strong medicinal flavor mixed with the aroma of chicken soup

Come on, look at the landlord elder sister a mouthful to drink down, on the face flashed the color of a flesh ache.

If this bowl of dietotherapy is brought back to him and the medicinal materials in it are studied, I don't know how many patients will benefit.

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