pride oneself on being out of the ordinary

A simple joke proves that ye Chen has adapted to the stage pressure.

Bai Meng breathes a sigh of relief. He is most afraid that young Ye Chen can't bear the atmosphere of so many onlookers, thus leaving a bad impression on his reputation. After all, what he has to face is the mouthpiece of public opinion.

However, Bai Menghan, who has been paying close attention to Ye Chen, doesn't see it. Just when ye Chen interacts with Bai Menghan, Lin Wan'er, standing by, suddenly flashes a trace of loneliness and anger in the corner of her eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ye Chen. I'm very happy to stand here and meet you today. Of course, I also hope that your questions will not be so sharp. Otherwise, I'm really overwhelmed." Facing the reporters, ye Chen holds a microphone and says leisurely.

Bai Menghan timely said, "OK, then the next time will be handed over to you, please make good use of it and ask some key questions."

Wearing a proper suit, ye Chen's figure is as tall and straight as a pine. Maybe it's because he has eaten Hercules pill. Ye Chen's whole figure has changed a lot. Just standing there, there is a kind of lofty and steady air.

The reporters raised their hands and enthusiastically wanted to ask questions.

Bai Menghan, as the host, randomly pointed to a female reporter in her 30s and said with a smile, "ladies first, let's start with this lady first."

The reporter stood up gracefully. She pushed the gold glasses on the bridge of her nose and said with a smile, "Hello Master Zhang, I'm a reporter from Dongcheng TV station. I want to ask you this question."

Zhang Baichuan was overwhelmed by this sudden question. He thought that ye Chen should be asked this question. After all, since half a month ago, ye Chen has become the center of public opinion. By listening to the spring rain all night in a small building, he can be regarded as a hot spot. But Zhang Baichuan didn't expect that someone would ask himself the first question.

However, the veteran Zhang Baichuan did not hesitate at all. He nodded and said, "Hello, comrade reporter, if you have any questions, just ask."

The female reporter said, "Master Zhang, I heard that you knew master ye before, and the owner of your restaurant had gone to Ye's fast food for dinner. Have you ever found his excellence before?"

Zhang Baichuan was slightly stunned. He shook his head and said, "what's the difference with this guy? His Ye's fast food is almost closed. At that time, he couldn't even cut a potato well. What's the difference? What a joke. "

Now that he has torn his face against Ye Chen, Zhang Baichuan said these words with no mercy or sarcasm.

Ye Chen shrugs his shoulders. He turns his mouth. He is not surprised by Zhang Baichuan's answer, but he has nothing to say. After all, before he got the God of food system, he was really just a handyman who could do nothing. He was not only good at cooking, but also had no sense of taste.

However, ye Chen's expression fell into the eyes of other reporters, which obviously contained too many meanings. The female reporter who had not sat down quickly asked, "Hello, master Ye. From your expression, it seems that you don't agree with Master Zhang's statement?"

Ye Chen gently shook his head and said, "I can't say I don't agree. Zhang Baichuan's words only represent his subjective view. He doesn't really know how I am. Besides, if you call me by my name, don't call me by the master. I'm just a cook, not a master. If it doesn't work, You can call me master Ye. "

Ye Chen said this is a bit puzzling, because he still did not give a precise word, did not accurately say whether he has any outstanding points, which made the reporters who are good at finding out the truth very dissatisfied, and then asked, "well, can I take you as a negative teacher Zhang's view, that he has outstanding points?" Ye Chen has no temper at all. He has to nod his head and say, "you can think so, but we just need to ask ourselves, who is there who doesn't think he is superior? Who thought he was the same as other people? Human beings always have the trait of conceit, don't they? "

"Well, if you want to say that, it's not unreasonable." The female reporter nodded. She opened her mouth and thought

When asking questions, Bai Menghan waved his hand and said with a smile, "this elder sister sits down first. After everyone stands up, there are only three opportunities to ask questions. Next, it's the next one's turn."

The rest of the reporters saw the opportunity and raised their hands one after another.

Bai Menghan picked a tall and thin male reporter and said with a smile, "then the power to ask questions will fall on this big brother."

The tall and thin man was obviously ready to speak. He stood up and said quickly, "Hello everyone, I'm a reporter from the provincial capital TV station. From the conversation just now, master Ye is a man with high EQ, and now he is also a promising young man because of listening to the spring rain all night. I wonder if you have a girlfriend now?"

As soon as this kind of problem is solved, some entertainment reporters will stare at it in an instant. The answers to such sensitive questions can obviously attract a lot of traffic, and if they dig deep, they can also make a big deal.

Ye Chen full head of black line, he opened mouth, don't know how to reply just good.

One side of Lin Wan'er saw Ye Chen's dilemma, for this wooden pimple like man, Lin Wan'er has deep experience, in the face of such emotional problems about men and women, is the most let Ye Chen feel headache category.

She quickly stepped forward and said with a warm smile, "this kind of privacy problem should not have much to do with our topic today, right?"

The reporter of provincial TV station was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Wan'er to come out to block the knife, but it didn't prevent him from playing his brain hole. With a turn of his eyes, he said with a smile, "Miss Lin is too careful. In fact, the question I want to ask is very close to our topic today. As we all know, listening to spring rain all night in Xiaolou is teacher Ye Chen's masterpiece, Its biggest feature is that it can touch the emotions of diners and make people feel sad. In my opinion, maybe it's because of teacher Ye's feelings that he created it

"This..." Lin Wan'er stopped for a moment.

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