I'm Ye Chen

Looking at Ye Chen in the mirror, Lin Wan'er couldn't help laughing, "Ye Chen, you don't look like a cook, but like an actor."

"Is there a difference?" Ye Chen touched his high nose and said, "in my eyes, there is no difference between a chef and an actor. Movies are works of art, and so are dishes. Sublimating seemingly ordinary food into emotional dishes is not the embodiment of art?"

Lin Wan'er looks at Ye Chen. The man in front of her is both familiar and strange. When ye Chen says these words, she is vaguely touched and appreciated. She can't help exclaiming, "Ye Chen, you are like a philosopher now."

Ye Chen twitched the corner of his mouth. He said with a smile, "actors, cooks and philosophers are all human occupations. In terms of abandoning these occupations, people have no categories at all. You can be actors or cooks, but in my opinion, it seems too narrow to stick all kinds of labels on your body to define someone."

"Ye Chen, farewell for three days. When I look at you with new eyes, I find that I can't see you more and more clearly now." Lin Wan'er shook her head and said with a bitter smile.

Ye Chen said with a mysterious smile, "is that right? I'm still a little excited. "

Lin Wan son white leaf Chen one eye way, "all day long don't have a proper shape."

Ye Chen smiles and doesn't speak. He says in his heart, will I tell you that I get the feeling from the God of food system?

There was a knock at the door, and they looked back and saw that it was the staff of the program group, "you two, it's time to go on."

With a relaxed smile on his face, ye Chen and Lin Wan'er looked at each other and said confidently, "let's go."

Under the spotlight, Bai Menghan, a white dress, stands in the middle of the stage with a smile. She faces tens of thousands of spectators in the stadium and shouts in an earnest voice, "next, let's use the warmest applause and cheers to invite Ye Chen, one of our leading roles today!"

Walking out of shangchangmen, ye Chen felt a little uneasy when he experienced such a big battle for the first time, but Lin Wan'er had a great general demeanor and walked out with a smile. Ye Chen didn't want to lose his share on this occasion. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he followed Lin Wan'er out.

Lin Wan'er and ye Chen are very close to each other. She can feel Ye Chen's tension. Inadvertently, she gently takes Ye Chen's arm. The whole action is natural, which makes Ye Chen's heart pressure lighten a lot.

Grateful to see Lin Wan'er one eye, ye Chen two people hand in hand to the stage.

"Listen to the spring rain all night in the small building, and sell apricot flowers in the deep lane of Ming Dynasty. This is Ye Chen, the most mysterious young chef in Wujiang City, who is famous for listening to the spring rain all over the Internet with a small building White dream cold bright Mou son swept once, Lin Wan son is holding the hand of leaf Chen arm, she Xiu eyebrow tiny Cu, but very quickly calm and self-contained smile introduction way.

"Ye Chen! Ye Chen! " With the introduction of Bai Menghan, there was a tsunami like cheer from the audience. People were waving flags

Shout, brandish the lamp card in the hand, shout the name of Ye Chen loudly.

Ye Chen rubbed his nose and said in surprise, "I don't know how popular I am."

Bai Menghan said with a smile, "master Ye is less modest. It's amazing to hear the spring rain all night in a small building. Let alone them. Even I'm a fan of master Ye."

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen scratched his head, he obviously didn't expect such a situation.

"At this time, what would master ye like to say most?" Bai Menghan timely interview. Ye Chen thought about it, but said dryly, "Hello everyone, I'm Ye Chen."

Although it was just a simple hello, there was still a surge of voices under the stage. People were screaming, and even some female audience were shouting, "yechen, yechen, I want to give you a monkey!"

Ye Chen is scared by such a warm scene. Under the attention of all the people, he has a sense of seeing Jay Chou's concert.

"It seems that everyone highly praises master Ye's cooking skills. Although many of our friends didn't go to the small building to listen to the spring rain all night, they have heard of its magic power? But don't worry, friends who haven't eaten a small building to listen to the spring rain all night. As long as you take out your hands and scan the QR code on the tickets, you can participate in the lucky draw. We will randomly select 100 lucky viewers to taste the small building provided by Ye's fast food for free to listen to the spring rain all night. "

As soon as Bai Menghan said this, there was a lot of excitement under the stage. The audience rushed to take out their mobile phones and tickets, and eagerly scanned the QR code for fear that they would be late and the prize would be snatched by others.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Bai Menghan estimated that it was almost over. As soon as she made a gesture, the music in the meeting hall became loud again. She yelled in a stylized voice, "let's welcome the representatives of Qian's restaurant to the stage with warm applause."

"Mr. Zhang Baichuan used to be a famous chef in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and also a national special chef. He is especially good at Huaiyang cuisine and Zhejiang cuisine. He is a top chef with excellent cooking skills! And this time, in order to meet our rising star master Ye Chen, Mr. Liang is also fully prepared to come. "

With the introduction of Bai Menghan, Zhang Baichuan, who was dressed as a cook, and Qian Fanyu, who was wearing a suit, went on the stage side by side. Zhang Baichuan waved his hand with a smile at the corner of his mouth. He cried out to the audience, "Hello, friends! I'm Zhang Baichuan. Thank you for coming here to support my competition. "

He spoke in a powerful voice, but the audience did not shout as he imagined. Instead, they all looked at each other and shook their heads back and forth, whispering, "who is this?"

"I don't know. It seems that he is a super chef and his opponent in Ye Chen's competition."

"Oh, it's him. I haven't heard that he has any beef B? How can he fight with ye Chendou? I ate a small building two days before school and listened to the spring rain all night. Now I think of that smell, and my face is still full of tears. This kind of magical cooking skill is gone

It's out of the ordinary level. "

"Yes, yes, ye Chen has a title on the Internet now. It's called the secret kitchen. It's a power that can evoke other people's emotions. It's magical and terrible, but it makes people eager to have a try."

People on the stage whispered to each other. At last, the sound became louder and louder. The huge gymnasium was buzzing. Everyone just talked and even forgot to clap. There was no enthusiasm in the sparse applause, just like the sound of barefoot trampling on the concrete floor, crackling, crackling, as hard as you want to hear.

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