I'm sorry

Ye Chen laughs and points to the No.1 judge and says, "you, what did you think at the beginning? Yes? If I don't give it to you, do you really want to smash the food market every day? "

No.1 judge said with a dry smile, "how can I, dare not, ha ha, that's... This... The lesson... This..."

The rest of the judges also looked at Ye Chen with keen eyes. Apart from the talents in the catering industry, they were all food experts. In other words, they were a group of foodies. In these people's eyes, no matter what the purpose was, they wanted to curry favor with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was seen by this group of people all over straight goose bumps, he touched the red ears, helpless smile way, "OK, OK, I can keep in touch with you, but you have nothing to do, don't disturb me."

"Of course, of course." A group of people are overjoyed to take out the mobile phone, one by one to Ye Chen's side.

At this time, Bai Menghan's light voice came, "with the end of our song and dance performance, let's welcome the inspection experts of Wujiang food safety bureau to enter."

The music slowly died down, and a team of inspectors in neat white coats came on from backstage.

Under the introduction of Bai Menghan one by one, they stood in place to accept the applause.

The leading inspector is a white faced middle-aged man. Bai Menghan introduced him emphatically, "this is a famous inspection expert in Wujiang City, a technical pacesetter of the General Administration of food quality supervision, who has cracked many major food safety cases. Let's welcome him with the warmest applause, let's call his name - sun Ming."

"Hoo Hoo!"

There are people cheering and clapping under the stage, and the atmosphere is very warm. Many people know his name. In this era of information explosion, anything unusual can always be blown up on the Internet and become the conversation of others.

Sun Ming gave a reserved smile. He waved his hand and said, "thank you, thank you."

Bai Menghan said with a smile, "Mr. Sun Ming, there is a problem. I want to ask you something."

Sun Ming said with a smile, "if it's not a very complicated question, I think I can answer it all."

"All right." Bai Menghan nodded and said, "do you think there are any drugs that can make people hallucinate? And it's very serious. It's like having a very real dream. "

Sun Ming frowned and said, "Miss Meng Han, what you said is too general. If it's a hallucinogenic drug, for example, this bareheaded alkaloid or tetrahydropalmatol are some common or famous hallucinogenic drugs."

After a pause, Sun Ming continued, "it can make people neurotoxic or blood toxic, and make people have a lot of hallucinations, but if it's like you

It's like having a real dream. It's impossible. After all, no matter how powerful these drugs are, they can only create hallucinations. Hallucinations, as the name suggests, are just some psychedelic images. To put it bluntly, they are dizzy, nauseous and vomiting. They are either excited or calm. Their big heads are buzzing and they can't sleep. What else can they dream about? "

Sun Ming Bara's speech lasted for a long time. In order to make the audience and Bai Menghan understand, he deliberately used a lot of vernacular, which made him more humorous and humorous.

"Hee hee." Covering his red lips, Bai Menghan said with a smile, "thank you for your humorous interpretation. Now let's give the stage to Mr. Sun Ming and his elite team. Mr. Sun Ming, are you ready?" Sun Ming nodded and said, "I'm always ready. My task today is to test the specific ingredients of this egg fried rice, right?"

Bai Menghan said with a smile, "yes, Mr. Sun Ming, it's related to today's another bet, but there can't be anything wrong."

"Don't worry, we are professional in this." Sun Ming said confidently.

The staff began to arrange the professional instruments, and under the command of Sun Ming, the inspection work was carried out in an orderly way.

Qian Fanyu's palms are full of sweat. After hearing sun Minggang's introduction of hallucinogenic drugs, he felt a little more upset. With the progress of the inspection work, he felt more and more uneasy.

Ye Chen is sitting leisurely on the judging table. He is cross legged. He doesn't pay attention to food inspection at all. He is chatting with the catering experts around him. Bored, he takes out his mobile phone and brushes his circle of friends absently.

Generally speaking, the results of food inspection will not come out immediately, but the special case is special. The energy of daily food is great. Under the repeated urging of Sun Ming, the staff in charge of the inspection quickly printed the inspection results on A4 paper.

Tens of thousands of spectators were sitting on the stadium, watching the staff busy. They couldn't help but feel nervous. All of them were eager to know the results. After Sun Ming got the test results, he couldn't help but be stunned, scratched his head and said, "strange."

Bai Menghan noticed Sun Ming's wording. She quickly asked, "teacher sun, what's the problem?"

Sun Ming shrugged and said, "there's a big problem..."

Everyone's heart was raised to his throat. Qian Fanyu's mouth turned up and he almost laughed.

Ye Chen eyebrows a pick, doubt of toward Sun Ming see.

Sun Ming was numb with tens of thousands of eyes, and said repeatedly, "ha ha, I'm just joking. The problem is that there is a problem, and the biggest problem is that there is no problem. This is very strange, because this egg fried rice has no additives except seasonings like oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. I can't imagine how it can have such a magical effect."

Hearing Sun Ming's answer, most people were relieved. Only a small part of the audience remained skeptical. Qian Fanyu's just rising smile just froze.

"What..." Qian Fanyu's face was livid and growled, "it's impossible. How can there be such fried rice with eggs in the world? It's impossible... "

Ye Chen chuckles, "ha ha, boss Qian, don't you think it's a very stupid behavior to show off your ignorance blindly?"

Qian Fanyu's face changed again and again. It was as black as the bottom of a pot. He was different from Zhang Baichuan. He was able to climb to this position step by step. He relied on the deep enough city government to calm down the resentment in his heart. Although he didn't like his face, he still said coldly, "OK, this time I've recognized Qian's restaurant."

As soon as his words came out, the whole audience burst into warm applause. They were not celebrating Ye Chen's winning the competition, they were cheering for the lively and wonderful competition.

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