Xiong Han

In the courtyard, ye Chen frowned. He came to Tongji clinic half an hour ago and learned his plan of becoming stronger from Jia Jiansheng's mouth. According to Jia Jiansheng's arrangement, he should start from actual combat and accelerate his speed of becoming stronger through frequent and incalculable combat experience.

For these battles, Jia Jiansheng has arranged the place to provide. The arena is a subordinate unit of the new world. Generally speaking, it is a ground fight similar to the underground fight. However, compared with the underground fight, the pattern and danger here are very different. First of all, the most important thing is that weapons can be used in any kind of fight in the arena.

After ye Chen is surprised, he stares at Jia Jiansheng's eyes and asks, "did you buy insurance?"

Although he agreed to Jia Jiansheng's arrangement, ye Chen is still very bottomless. After all, he only got half a month after he got the God of food system. Although he got 400 comprehensive combat power, his actual combat experience is still relatively weak. However, ye Chen, who is not willing to be mediocre and wants to enter the new world and pursue the eternal dream, chooses to trust Jia Jiansheng.

Ye Chen can only really join the arena after completing the rookie test. From Jia Jiansheng's words, many strong people in the new world evolve slowly through the arena before they enter the new world. Therefore, this strengthens Ye Chen's belief.

Besides, ye Chen doesn't think he is a weak chicken in battle. The guy standing in front of him is wearing perforated jeans, with short hair on his head. He has a cold smile on the corner of his mouth. He looks at Ye Chen contemptuously, just like looking at scum.

Ye Chen takes a deep breath. He calms himself down as soon as possible. Although he doesn't have rich combat experience, ye Chen still understands that in combat, calm eyes are more useful than angry emotions. Staring at his opponent, he asks in his heart, "Dabao, what's the combat effectiveness of this guy?"

Soon, Dabao's voice came to Ye Chen's mind, "Sir, according to the preliminary detection and analysis, this man's comprehensive combat power is about 350."

"350?" Murmuring, ye Chen nods slightly. If you don't need to accurately explore the mental strength value, the accuracy of the combat strength value is very vague. Therefore, ye Chen doesn't want to overturn his boat in the gutter. He gets a box lunch in the first battle.

"Now, the rookie test begins." With Yang Song's order, the two people in the field all opened the posture, the two people look at each other, eyes more sharp.

Ye Chen raised his hand and clenched his fist to protect his chin. He faced his opponent and didn't dare to slack off.

The young man in jeans sneered, shook his head and said, "Western boxing? It's so mean and ugly. "

Jia Jiansheng, who was sitting on one side to watch the game, said, "who is that young man? I don't think his moves look familiar to me. "

Yang Song nodded slightly and said, "this man's name is Xiong Han. He is a disciple of master fan Yuefeng. His martial arts is Kaiyuan boxing Sutra. I've read your information. When you take part in the rookie test in the arena, you have a competition with master fan Yuefeng, so you are very happy

It's not a surprise that you will feel familiar. "

"Oh, that's interesting." Jia Jiansheng's thoughts seemed to fly to his youth. He flashed a trace of memory in his eyes and said with a low smile, "fan Yuefeng lost to me 20 years ago, and his disciples lost to my students 20 years later. I really want to ask him, are you angry?"

"Er..." Yang Song frowned and said, "Sir, now that the competition has just started, it's too early for you to assert the result, isn't it?"

Jia Jiansheng shook his head and said, "morning? Hehe, fan Yuefeng is a fool in my eyes. Although he finally entered the new world, a fool who entered the new world is still a fool, and his apprentice is even more stupid. "“ This... "Yang Song naturally did not dare to answer Jia Jiansheng's merciless words. Fan Yuefeng's reputation in the new world is not weak now. If he offended him, I'm afraid he might not be able to live.

Convergence mind, Yang Song put his attention on the game in the small courtyard.

Xiong Han, who is wearing torn jeans, stares at Ye Chen. He sneers and says, "I'll give you a chance. If you kneel down in front of me now and beg for mercy, I may spare your life, but if you don't know what's right and what's wrong, I'll probably kill you by mistake."

Ye Chen curled his mouth and said, "if this competition is better than who can boast B, I have lost now. You bastard, if you have the ability, come and fight with me. If you don't have the ability, just call me dad three times. Maybe I can be merciful in bed

Your mother. "

On the ability of the mouth gun, ye Chen really didn't convince anyone, he stem neck, skin smile meat don't smile of stare at Xiong Han.

Xiong Han was furious. He stepped forward, rushed forward and roared, "damn you, I've ruined you!"

Ye Chen's eyes shrink, but in a flash, Xiong Han rushes in front of him. Ye Chen is surprised by his terrible moving speed, but he understands that it's not the time to hesitate. He moves his feet, makes a small butterfly slide, and uses his unique move to avoid the chance of contacting Xiong Han.

However, Xiong Han uses his own speed to get close to Ye Chen. He is good at personal attack. How can he let go of such an opportunity? He blows with wind and smashes Ye Chen's head. Ye Chen takes a deep breath. He slides backward and raises his arm to block Xiong Han's blow.


With the hit of this fist, ye Chen only feels a burst of numbness and tingling in his arm, which is still his fast sliding, avoiding at least half of the impact force, otherwise, I'm afraid his arm is useless.

"What's the matter? Dabao! Isn't he 350 combat power? " Ye Chen is surprised and angry in the heart big shout a way.

The voice of Dabao machinery came, "sir. In the last punch, at least 500 combat power index was floating. According to my analysis, he should have a way to burst out power in an instant, so that he can attack for a short time

"We need to break through our own limitations."

"What? And this kind of operation? " Ye Chen is shocked and angry. He retreats three or four steps in succession, trying to open the fighting distance with Xiong Han. However, Xiong Han is like a maggot with bones. He pesters Ye Chen with his fists like raindrops, and smashes them fiercely. Ye Chen is hard to fight for a moment, and immediately loses the upper hand.

On the chair outside the court, Jia Jiansheng said with deep eyes, "I didn't expect that this boy had reached the peak of the first training of Kaiyuan boxing. He had mastered the rudiment of Kaiyuan boxing. I'm afraid Ye Chen would suffer a lot."

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