
Beauty lotus official's face extrudes a smile, looking at Wang Yi and ye Chen to say: "two gentlemen walk slowly."

Just when ye Chen and Wang Yi get up, two big men outside the casino suddenly come in and walk towards Ye Chen and Wang Yi.

"Ye Chen, what are they going to do?"

Wang Yi is a little nervous.

But the two men went up to Wang Yi and ye Chen and took a look. Then they went straight over and got into a gambling table next to Ye Chen. They grabbed the man sitting on the chair and pulled him out and knocked him over.

"Good boy, how dare you make a fortune in our casino? You don't want to live, do you?"

After that, it was another kick.

"Oh, don't fight. Two brothers, please spare my life. I don't dare to fight any more!"

Ye Chen and Wang Yi look at the past and are all slightly stunned.

"Isn't that publicity? You deserve it

Wang Yi saw Zhang Yang's wailing on the ground, and his face showed a sense of happiness.

Several students around came to see Zhang Yang beaten on the ground. He stood by and watched quietly.

"Husband, what seems to have happened over there?"

Li Niannian nestles in Xu Liang's arms and looks to the other side.

"Don't bother me, don't you see I'm losing money?"

Xu Liang's face was overcast. He stared at the cards in his hand and threw them on the table.

"I lost again. I won't play any more!"

Xu Liang suddenly stood up and looked along Li Niannian's line of sight.

"Go and have a look."

Xu Liang, Li Niannian walked past, see lying on the ground of publicity, Leng in the spot.


Li Niannian yelled. Xu Liang frowned and said, "these two guys are from the casinos. They should break the rules of the casinos."

Hearing Xu Liang's words, Li Niannian raised his head and said, "husband, do you want to help him? After all, everyone has a fight..."

Before Li Niannian finished, Xu Liang yelled: "what can I do for you? Who can I blame for your own death?"

Lying on the ground, Zhang Yang closed his eyes tightly and his face was black and blue. Hearing Zhang Yang's words, he suddenly opened his eyes, knelt down and climbed to Xu Liang's body, hugged his thigh and said, "Mr. Xu, help me, help me!"

Xu Liang looked down at Zhang Yang and said in a cold voice, "I'll let you play in the casino. If you break the rules here, I can't help you."

Two big men looked at each other, went to Xu Liang's body to have a look, one side set up a publicity.

"Mr. Xu, I'm willing to be an ox and a horse and save me once."

Zhang Yang's face shows a deep color of fear. He used to play with Zhang Zibiao. He played with Zhang Zibiao from time to time, but no one found him. Unexpectedly, he was found by people here today. He also knows the rules of the gambling house. Once he is found out

"If you bet, I'll let you take it out and chop it!"

At this time, a man in a black suit came out of the crowd and said in a voice. The two men took a look and a look of respect flashed in their eyes: "brother Lang!"

A Lang answered, went to Zhang Yang and picked up Zhang Yang's hair.

"Boy, you want to die. No one can save you today."

A long sword appeared in a wave's right hand and handed it to the big man.

"Go out and chop, don't affect the mood of other guests."

The big man took the long knife in his hand. Just as he turned around, ye Chen suddenly said, "wait a minute."

A wave's eyes flashed a fine awn, looking at Ye Chen, and a touch of playful color flashed across his face.

"Oh, I don't know if this gentleman has anything else to say."

Ye Chen frowns, he always feels in front of this call wave elder brother's words have other meaning.

"I'm his classmate. How about keeping his hands?"

A Lang took a look at Ye Chen and said faintly, "you know the rules. Someone wants to exchange his life for money, or he can exchange his life for money. How much do you plan to pay for his hands?"

Zhang Yang sees Ye Chen stand out, his eyes show a touch of pleading color.

Xu Liang cold hum a, see ye Chen stand out, can't help but voice sarcastic way: "cat cry mouse, false mercy, I want to see how you end today."

Many students heard Xu Liang's words, face suddenly changed, ye Chen at least stood up, and you even dare not stand up, what qualifications to evaluate others?

"Wang Yi, take your 200000 chips."

Although Wang Yi's face is very reluctant, he knows the right and wrong and gives the chips to Ye Chen.

"How about two hundred thousand?"

A Lang took a look at Ye Chen and said with a laugh: "you take our gambling chips to buy his life. In this way, we will win two games in three games. If you take this person away, if you lose, you will also stay for me!"

A Lang's eyes flashed a cold idea, he dare 100% sure, ye Chen absolutely used improper means to win money, but in the screen can't find Ye Chen out of thousands of evidence, only through two hands, he just know.

Ye Chen slightly pondered, then nodded: "yes."

A Lang did not speak, went to the side of the gambling table, took the color cup, toward ye Chenyang.

"This is what my husband has been playing just now. Why don't we continue to play this now?"

Many people around the audience also recognized the meaning of Arang's words.

"How can ye Chen attract the attention of the person in charge of the casino?"

"I don't know. He won't cheat, will he?"

"Maybe. Let's see first."

Ye Chen sits on the opposite side of a Lang and looks calm. A Lang smiles and shakes the color cup slowly. The dice rang a few times, and a Lang put his hand on the table.

"Bet, sir."

Ye Chen smiles, holding the chips in his hand and throwing them on the gambling table.

"Go ahead."

All the people craned their necks, looked at the color cup slowly opened, and looked at the chips in the large area. Many people looked at Ye Chen with different looks.

"I lost."

"This boy is a lengtouqing. Now, if you want to stand out for others, you can take yourself in."

"That is, I don't want to weigh my weight."

Wang Yi clenched his teeth and couldn't help walking up to Ye Chen and whispered, "Ye Chen, let's stop playing and publicize what we've done. Before that, we still humiliated you. Even if we save him, it's not your turn to save him."

Ye Chen took a look at a Lang, shook his head and said: "everyone, you can't leave him here alone. What's more, this man doesn't come for publicity at all, but for me!"

Ye Chen looks at a wave and says word by word. Wang Yi suddenly understands something and his face changes: "before we..."

"Sir, you lost the first set. Now go on?"

Before Wang Yi finished, he was interrupted by a lang. Ye Chen nodded, looked at the 150000 chips left in his hand, and took a deep breath.

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