Here comes Lin Wan'er

Besides, according to Fang yekou, Yan Xiren's father seems to be the one who hired him. Although Yan Xiren didn't finish speaking just now, from the meaning of that half sentence, Yan Xiren's father is obviously a big man in the army, and is very likely to be a powerful figure in the 38th Army of the Imperial military region.

Fang Ye clearly knows how strong Li Muchen is at present. The short man who worked with Fang Ye died under Li Muchen's hands. He was not afraid of pain and death. Even bullets could not hurt li Muchen seriously. He could jump from the eighth floor unharmed. According to Fang Ye's idea, the Lin family could deal with this kind of enemies easily.


When ye Chen thinks of this, he can't help thinking. Fang ye and the short man are able to get here quickly because they have followed him. The person who instructs them is probably Lin Wan'er, because just now the person Fang Ye wants to report to is not Mr. Lin, but to the first lady.

Although this is just some details in the language, ye Chen can still analyze a lot of useful information. For ye Chen, who has no one to rely on since childhood, thinking with his brain and beating people with his fists are the simplest survival rules.

Quietly, ye Chen said with a smile, "from now on, it seems that Li Mu Chen himself is looking for death."

Fang Ye smiles a little, he says to Ye Chen, "that depends on how you think, Li Mu Chen is now what ghost appearance, I think we all know, he now die, have no meaning, that kind of living, is not

Living, after returning to his ancestors, he has lost his soul as a human being. It's not too much for him to call him a walking corpse. It's better to die than to live like that. "

Ye Chen gently nodded, he said with a smile, "what you said is very reasonable, but, he is dead or alive, has no meaning to himself, but for us, it has a great influence, she is alive, we are all very dangerous, especially attacking people, so, for everyone to live happily, let him die happily."

When ye Chen said these words, his tone was as cool as water. It seemed that he was just talking about what to eat in the evening, what brand of sports shoes and so on. His understatement was not like discussing a person's life or death.

The captain of the special police team frowned. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "although I don't know what you are saying, you have to be clear that you have the right to keep silent now, but everything you say may become evidence in court."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "if I am sent to the court, what I say will become evidence in court. However, if no one sends me to the court, what I say now is nonsense and meaningless."

Said, he no longer pay attention to the team leader, but took out the mobile phone from his pocket, selected a person's number, directly dialed out.

The Swat who was in charge of body search just wanted to stop, but the team leader shook his head and stopped the Swat.

Ye Chen is not a suspect now. He has the right to use a mobile phone, and the authority of the special police on-site law enforcement is not very high. Compared with the criminal police, they are subject to more restrictions.

After all, the criminal police are the ears and eyes of the public security department, while the special police are the fists of the public security organs. No one will use their fists to investigate cases. Let the criminal police have a headache.

Thinking of this, the team leader paid more attention to all kinds of marks in the room. On the walls and floors, there are all kinds of lines and cracks that have been forcibly damaged. What kind of powerful force is this? This degree of destructive power is almost comparable to the gasoline burning machine.

Thinking of the scene that ye Chen knocked down the special police, the team leader took a cold breath. A strange thought suddenly appeared in his mind: did he say that the man in front of him had fought fiercely in this room with the criminal who jumped from the eighth floor? They broke the walls and tiles with their fists and bodies?? Impossible? This needs how powerful power to be able to do ah, although clearly know that this idea is very naive and absurd, but in the team leader's mind, in front of these fighting traces and their own ideas are how consistent, it seems that it is.

At this time, in the parking lot of the people's Hospital, a Volvo CX90 stopped directly. After the Volvo stopped, two deep black Audi Q5 quickly followed.

From the car door of Volvo, a woman in a black dress jumps out. She is graceful and charming. A perfect face like an angel shows a trace of sadness.

And she, this is the first female criminal police in Dongcheng City, known as the Pearl of the police station.

"Miss." After the two Audi Q5 stopped, eight big men came down from them. Among them, the shortest one was 1.8 meters, and each one was as strong as a wolf.

But in front of Lin Wan'er, the eight men are like kittens, and they dare not breathe.

Lin Wan'er's driving skills are very good. She has participated in many world-class car rallies, so even if Audi Q5 tries to catch up with Volvo, she keeps a long distance from Volvo.

After arriving at the hospital at the moment, Lin Wan'er suddenly had an ominous premonition. She asked a man beside her, "where's Zhang Zhen? What about fangye? Where did they go? "

The man looked a little flustered, but he said cautiously, "Miss, what I'm going to say next may make you dissatisfied, but don't worry."

"Cut the crap." Lin Wan'er said coldly, "report the situation to me as soon as possible, and I want to make sure Ye Chen is OK."

"Yes." "Fang ye, who is in charge of protecting Mr. Ye secretly, has lost contact for the time being. According to Zhang Zhen's report, Mr. Ye is likely to go to the inpatient department. Soon after, many policemen came and surrounded the inpatient department. Zhang Zhen can't reach Fang Ye. Now he has arrived at the entrance of the inpatient department and is waiting for an opportunity to sneak into the inpatient department, What is the situation under investigation. "

"What?" Lin Wan'er was shocked. She turned pale and asked impatiently, "why don't you go on the road

tell me? What about ye Chen? What's the matter with Ye Chen? "

The man was in a cold sweat. He quickly replied, "you are driving too fast. I'm afraid you will be worried if I tell you this. If there is an accident, how can we explain to Mr. Lin?"

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